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Confessions 2

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by Miranda Forbes

  Published by Accent Press Ltd – 2009

  ISBN 9781907726729

  Copyright © Accent Press Ltd 2009

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers: Xcite Books, Suite 11769, 2nd Floor, 145-157 St John Street, London EC1V 4PY

  Cover design by Red Dot Design


  The Knack

  Blitz Bums

  The Erotic Ethics of Spanking Girls

  Strawberry Girl

  LOUIS - Guernsey

  The Knack

  In my opinion, there’s a knack to getting two girls into bed at the same time. It’s got nothing to do with tricks or chat-up lines or anything like that. It hasn’t even got that much to do with who you are, and if it’s not good to look like Quasimodo, then it’s not good to look like Adonis either. It’s all down to how they see you.

  Not that it’s going to work every time. Most of the time, it won’t, but some of the time it will and that’s what matters. To get it right as often as it’s going to go right, I reckon it boils down to just three rules and having the guts to say what you want.

  Rule One: don’t be the special guy. Most women want a man, and they want the best man they can get. Some men stand out, and girls talk – a lot – so in any group, there’s usually one guy who’s rated above all the others. If that’s you, good on you, but I reckon I can do better. OK, so he gets lots of girlfriends, or more likely he gets picked up by the queen bee and has to spend half his time dealing with her jealousy. Maybe he plays around, but that’s going to cause him a lot of stress. I don’t want that. I want sex, and the dirtier the better. That’s why I don’t want to be the main man, the one all the girls are after. I want to be their friend.

  Lots of guys complain that girls want to be friends but don’t want to go out with them. That’s fine by me. Who wants all that aggro? If you’re her boyfriend, you have to take her out, and worry about other guys, and handle all that emotional stuff. But, if you’re her friend, then there are all sort of interesting possibilities. Let me give you an example.

  This was my first time, shortly after I’d qualified as a solicitor, and I had no idea it was going to happen. I certainly hadn’t worked on it, and beforehand I’d always bought into the one guy/one girl myth. This was what made me realise there’s a lot more to life. I used to go to a holiday resort on the south coast, a small place where everybody knew everybody else, pretty much. There were locals and there were summer visitors, most of who were regular. That meant there was a pecking order among the men, with the most attractive ones at the top. I wasn’t exactly at the bottom, but I wasn’t too far off it, and I used to be the one girls came to for male advice, because I was easygoing and friendly. I used to hate it before I knew how to take advantage.

  Nikki was the daughter of a local hotelier, and she was gorgeous; medium height, very pretty, lots of thick, soft brown hair, a lovely, feminine figure, and tits like footballs. She was a contender for the cutest girl around. Sam was her best friend, small, pretty in a sort of freckly, mousy way, a nice bum and pert little titties, but not rated especially hot. Both of them were well out of my league.

  Which was why I was walking both of them back to Nikki’s Dad’s hotel at the end of one slow evening, not one, but both. If I’d been the top dog, or even close, Nikki would have wanted me to herself, or let Sam go with me. With me, they both came, because nothing was going to happen, right? That’s what they thought, and so did I.

  We got to the hotel, around two o’clock in the morning. We’d already had a few drinks, and we’d been talking on the road. They wanted to grill me on what all the boys thought, and there was a lot to tell. So, we opened up the hotel bar and Nikki poured out Martinis. They went back to grilling me, and, after a bit, it started to get spicy. They wanted to know who’d done what with who, especially if there was any juicy stuff their friends had been up to but were too embarrassed to pass on. There was.

  That’s how we got talking about oral sex, not so much cock-sucking, but licking pussy. Neither of them had done it, and they were fascinated. I hadn’t either, but that’s one more thing, sometimes you need to be a liar, but no more so than the next guy trying to get into a girl’s knickers. I told them I had, and that my imaginary girlfriend back home thought it was the most amazing thing in the world.

  Both of them admitted they’d like to try it, and, well, we were all drunk, we’d been talking sex for hours, and I had nothing to lose. So, I offered to show them what it was like. With almost any other guy, he’d either have ended up with one of them or been turned down because they didn’t want to look cheap in front of each other and an attractive bloke. Not with me. I wasn’t special, and that meant they went for it – both of them.

  We did it in Nikki’s bedroom. She was the leader, and the bolder, so she went first. I remember watching her squeeze out of those skin-tight jeans like it was yesterday, the shape of her hips, how soft her flesh looked, and, best of all, the way her pussy pouted out between her thighs. Sam was looking too, and I swear she was as mesmerised by her friend as I was, even if it was envy instead of lust, and who knows? Nobody said a word. I didn’t dare, for fear of breaking the moment, and they were giggling plenty but didn’t speak.

  Nikki sat there, on the edge of her bed, jeans and knickers around her ankles, thighs apart to show off the sweetest little cunt. Down I went, and, if I’d never done it before, I’d read plenty. It worked anyway. She was in heaven from the moment my tongue touched her clit. There were no complaints when I slipped my hands under her bum, and when one of her hands went to her tits, I suggested she get them out, telling her I wouldn’t mind, of all things! Out they came, so lovely, big and round and firm. She was holding them while I licked her, playing with her stiff nipples and giggling at Sam, at least until the pleasure got too much for her. Then she lay back on the bed, her thighs wide open, playing with her tits as I licked her out and felt her bum. I had to have those perfect titties in my hands, and took a risk, but by then she didn’t care. She let me feel, and she put a hand on the back of my head to make sure I didn’t stop until she’d come. When it happened, her whole body went tense and she was grinding her pussy in my face and panting like anything. When she’d finished, she was saying, “It’s lovely, it’s lovely,” over and over again.

  Sam was a bit shy about it, but she wasn’t going to miss out – not after she’d seen what had happened to Nikki. She put her hands up her skirt and pulled her knickers off underneath, then let me put my head up it while she sat on the bed. I gave her the same treatment, licking as best I could and not pushing my luck until she was well turned on. Like Nikki, I took her bum in my hands, but I’ve always had a thing about girl’s bumholes, so when she was just about to come I put my little finger in hers. She called me dirty, but that didn’t stop her coming.

  I’d done them both and they were giggling and happy, Nikki still with her jeans and knickers around her ankles, although she’d put her tits away, Sam still knickerless. I told them what they’d done to me and took my cock out to prove it. They told me to put it away, but I begged them for a titty show to help me come. Sam called me dirty again, and a pervert, but they did it, sitting side by side on the bed with their tops pulled up to show off their titties while I tossed myself off on the floor. It only took a couple of touches.

  Looking back, I wondered if maybe I could have pushed it further, maybe got a blowjob out of them, even fucked them both. It never occurred to me at the time. I just had to come, and I was very aware of how we stood socially. It never happened again either, or
anything close, and they barely even referred to what had happened, except as “that night”. They never told their friends, either, and of course, they didn’t tell their boyfriends, which was just as well.

  Rule Two: don’t be a threat. Another thing about Nikki and Sam was that they both knew I wouldn’t push them further than they were willing to go, and that’s another important thing about getting two girls together. You mustn’t be a threat, in any way. A lot of girls fancy hard men, dangerous men, men who make them feel scared as well as horny, and maybe guys like that sometimes can get two girls into bed, just by being such bastards. If that’s your line, good for you, but for most guys, it’s not going to happen. It’s much better if you’re seen as safe, maybe even a bit gay. Not too gay, mind you, because I knew one guy who played this trick and ended up having to go down on a gay friend’s cock in order to watch two female friends get it on together. He did it, and he reckoned it was worth it, but I wouldn’t.

  I’ve played the harmless male friend card quite a few times, and got a lot out of it, but my best shot was with Daisy and Anna. I met them through a friend who was going out with Anna. They were very close and wanted me to come along and make up a double date. I obliged, even though it was a holiday romance and they were in Bournemouth, seventy miles away from my office at that time. We had a good time though and I even went out with Daisy for a few weeks, but it didn’t work because we were just too far apart. My friend and Anna got quite serious, but eventually they broke up as well, and that was when I got lucky.

  Anna wanted to know why she’d been dumped and got Daisy to ring me. I came down to Bournemouth for what I thought was going to be an emotional day with maybe a snog and a cuddle from Daisy at the end. By the time we’d left the third pub, Anna was past the crying stage and was cursing my friend with every word she knew. I was the good guy, the friend who’d come down to comfort her, and I was getting on well with Daisy too, even though she had a new boyfriend. That made me equal between them, and no threat.

  Before long, I had my arms around both of them and that was fine. When I let my hand slip to Anna’s bum there was no resistance, and when Daisy saw she complained that I was giving her friend all the attention. That’s when I knew I was in, walking along the seafront with a nicely curved female bum in each hand. They were up for kisses too, and then snogging, first taking it in turns and then with our mouths pressed together, all three.

  I never did work out if the two of them used to get dirty together. They never admitted it, but then I never asked. They were eager enough to snog, that’s for sure, because when I tried for a suck of their tits, their mouths stayed together, and once I’d got their tops up, they stayed together, tit to tit at one side with my face between them as I took turns sucking their nipples. They were both quite big up top, but Anna more so, and I do love big, round breasts, ever since getting off over Nikki’s, really. I had their nipples in my mouth and their bums in my hands, and it was getting seriously hot. They were both in jeans and I started to rub them, feeling the heat and wet through the denim, and if we hadn’t been among some bushes on the Undercliff, I swear I’d have had them both then and there.

  I got it further along, where the town finishes and there’s no promenade, just dunes. It was clumsy, messy and urgent, all three of us groping in the dark. They soon had my cock out, holding it together and trying to wank me off while I played with their tits. Their jeans came down too, both of them, bare bums and pussies all mine and nobody knowing whose fingers were where. I’m not even sure who was the first one to take me in her mouth, Anna, I think, but it might just as well have been Daisy. They both sucked me though, and I put it in both of them, with me flat on my back in the sand and the girls taking turns to ride on top. They’d got a condom on by then, and I could hardly feel a thing, but sometimes that’s for the best. I just couldn’t come. I wanted to, but I couldn’t get the friction, which is why I got ridden so long, and why, in the end, Anna got on my cock and Daisy sat on my face. She knew I liked her bum in my face, and she’d told Anna, so they were both giggling like crazy, in between gasps and sighs.

  Of course, I couldn’t see, but I’m sure they were playing with each other’s tits as they rode me, which made me even harder and more desperate, but Anna had started to wriggle around on my cock instead of bouncing up and down. She was trying to make herself come, and she got there, but it wasn’t helping me, not without good, deep thrusts. That’s why I got mine tossed off in her hand once she’d finished, with Daisy still on my face. The way things had gone made me feel like it was them having me, not me having them, but I didn’t mind one bit, and when I felt myself start to come I stuck my tongue right in up Daisy’s bottom. Both of them said I was a dirty bastard, and I am, which brings me to the next rule.

  Rule Three: be a dirty bastard and make sure everyone knows it. There’s nothing girls hate more than guys who look down on them for getting their rocks off. I can see why too. A guy has six different girls in a month and everybody reckons he’s the man. Let a girl do the same and she’s a slut, a slag, slapper and a dozen other nasty things, especially if she’s done anything dirty. For boys, he can have as many as he likes, so long as it’s all macho stuff, but let it get out that he’s into anything weird or a bit gay and there goes his reputation as a stud.

  I never had a reputation anyway, except for being dirty, and while that’s got me plenty of sneers and even a few threats, it’s also got me a lot of very good sex. The thing is, girls are often dirty too, but they don’t like to admit it, so if there’s a guy around with a reputation as a bit of perve, but safe and friendly, and they want to explore their kink, then he’s the one they go to.

  Most of the time, it’s just one girl and all very private and hush hush, a few quiet words to sound me out, a suggestion and back to her place or mine for a spot of what she fancies, maybe a bit of spanking or bondage, but I had one girl who wanted to piss on me. It can work with two as well, because if they know I’m a dirty bastard, they don’t have to worry about their own behaviour. That was the way it was with Katie and Jane. They loved to show off, both of them, and to get men going but not actually put out. To do that, their favourite thing was to go to a car park where they knew there’d be men watching and get off together in the back. That meant they needed a driver, because neither of them drove and it would have been difficult anyway if they needed to make a quick getaway and they were in the back with their knickers around their ankles. That’s where I came in. I had a car. I was friendly and wouldn’t try to take anything too far. And I was a dirty bastard.

  Of course, it also meant I got a ringside seat, and that would have been worth it on its own. They used to be dirty for the sake of it, not so much playing with each other to get off, as playing with each other to turn men on, because that was what gave them their big thrill. They’d pull up their tops and play with each other’s titties, right by the window, or bend over the back seat with their bums on show, anything to tease the men, only you can imagine the view I was getting like that.

  The first couple of times I kept my hands to myself, because that was the deal, front seat at the girly show in return for being driver and making them feel safe. Of course, they knew they got to me, just like they did to the men watching from the bushes, so the third time I said I was too horny to drive and I’d have to wank off before taking them home. They let me do it, both giggling like crazy as I tugged at myself and told them how gorgeous they were, and both of them still with their tops pulled up over their tits.

  After that, it got to be regular. They’d put on their show and I could wank off if I wanted to as long as I didn’t touch, or do it afterwards while they gave me a private viewing. It was Katie who first touched my cock, telling me what a dirty bastard I was and to hurry up as she leant forward from the back seat. She was topless, with one tit rubbing against my cheek as she took hold of me, pulling up and down like she was trying to get a boring but necessary job over with as quickly as possible. I came all over
her hand, and I swear the disgust in her voice was for real as she mopped it up with Jane’s knickers. The disgust in Jane’s voice definitely was.

  The next time, I asked Katie if she’d do it for me. She said no, but that it was Jane’s turn. They had a little mock row over that, so I ended up sitting between them in the back, snuggled up close as they took it in turns to wank me and tell me what a dirty bastard I was for the way I was ogling their tits. From then on, it gradually got better, with all three rules in place, especially the one about being dirty. They knew I liked it like that, and they enjoyed seeing just what I’d do for my kicks. One time, they spanked me for being so dirty, and another time made me put on a pair of Katie’s panties to drive back in.

  When I admitted that I’d enjoyed being wiped down with Jane’s panties she made me put them in my mouth while they wanked me off, waited until I’d come, mopped up and stuck them back in to punish me. Once they found they could make me eat my spunk, there was no stopping them, and it was after that it got really good. They’d put it on their tits and make me lick it off, giggling with disgust as they watched me lap it up bit by bit and swallow it. It was hard to get horny again right after I’d come, but the memory was always good for later, especially when they were now wanking me over their tits. The best, and one of the last, was when Katie bent Jane over the back seat and tossed me off over her friend’s bum, then made me lick it all up out of her slit. I ate the lot and just kept licking, Jane’s bumhole and pussy too, until she got there. Katie wasn’t one to miss out and made me do her too, so at the end I had both of them bent over, their bums bare as I took turns to lick them from behind and played with my limp cock. For me, that was just heaven.

  So there it is. You don’t have to be Mr Macho, you don’t need to learn any fancy lines or sneaky tricks, you just have to be friendly, safe and dirty and you’ll get stuff other men can only dream about.


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