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The Sinner’s Tribe Motorcycle Club, Books 1-3

Page 63

by Sarah Castille

  “You went to Viper on your own? That’s treason.”

  “I got my supporters. Brothers who were tired of Wolf taking the teeth out of this club. And my pal Matchstick, up in Demon Spawn, he hated the Sinners. Fucking Sinners forced his club to be a support club. I recruited them for Viper and in return he helped me steal the weapons Wolf had hidden up in Whitefish, and put me in touch with a buyer. Viper told me to use what I needed to pay off Wolf’s supporters first. I hid the money at Shelly-Ann’s place in case any of the brothers started asking questions, and then she got her greedy paws on it. Viper almost killed me. Told me to find it. Shelly-Ann sent me after you.” He reached for his belt buckle and Dawn tensed. Jimmy’s belt had many uses aside from holding up his jeans, and all of them involved pain.

  “Viper came through in a big way.” Jimmy yanked the belt through his belt loops with a sharp crack. “Even got me outta jail. He’s got connections everywhere. The Jacks got puppet members in clubs all over the state. They got cops, senators, judges, lawyers, and government officials in their pocket. Those Sinners are going down, not just in the state but nationwide.”

  He doubled the belt and slapped his palm. Dawn steeled herself not to flinch. Confusion flickered across his face, and then he narrowed his eyes.

  “When I said no one is coming to save you, love, I meant it. No Cade, no Sinners, no deputy. You’re on your own. It’s you and me and a clubhouse full of Brethren just waiting for a share of what I’m gonna use and throw away. So don’t pretend you’re not scared, when we both know you are.”

  Dawn drew in a ragged breath when he closed the distance between them, the belt dangling from his hand. “Can’t you see how he’s used you? How he’s going to use you? Wolf saw it. That’s why he came to the Sinners when Viper started sniffing around. Once Viper does you a favor, he owns you forever.”

  “Shut the fuck up.” He grabbed her hair with his free hand and pulled her forward. “We’re gonna have some fun with my belt. Just like old times. Then you’ll remember to keep your mouth shut. No one gives a damn what you think. You’re a fucking woman. You don’t know dick about club business.”

  Dawn fell to her knees, desperate to keep him talking so she could think her way out. There had to be a way. “Why kill Wolf? If the Jacks were backing you, and Wolf’s loyalty was called into question when you were arrested at the party, you were guaranteed to win the election. You didn’t need to kill him.”

  “You’re as stupid now as you were before.” Yanking her hair, he forced her to turn to the bed. “Because of fucking Shelly-Ann, I didn’t have enough money to pay off all the senior patch. And then the Sinners threw that damn party, and won over most of the brothers who had been on the fence. Even some of the brothers I’d paid off started talking about how a patch-over to the Sinners would be a good thing. I told Viper what was going on. He didn’t want to take any chances. He told me what to do and I did it.”

  “Oh God, Jimmy.”

  He pushed her over the bed. “God’s not gonna help you now.”

  * * *

  Cade didn’t knock before he entered Jagger’s office. Instead, he slammed open the door.

  Jagger looked from his desk. “Did you find her?”

  His chest constricted and it took a moment before he could speak. “She’s at the Brethren clubhouse. I’ve spent the night doing all the recon I can do. I have a plan to go in. I’ll need at least twenty, maybe thirty brothers with me.”

  Jagger rubbed his forehead, and in that moment Cade knew something was very wrong.

  “What’s up?”

  “Mad Dog just called. He wants to meet. Says he’s interested in hearing the details of the deal I offered to Wolf.”

  “He’s only doing that ’cause he knows I’m coming after him. It’s a trap. If he made a deal with Viper and goes back on it, Viper will hunt him until he’s dead.” Which is exactly what I should be doing right now. Cade clenched his hands by his sides. Every minute he wasted was a minute Dawn might be suffering.

  “I agree it doesn’t feel right, but we can’t just kill the president of another MC, especially if he’s making overtures to the club.” Jagger scrubbed his hands over his face. “Our future is at stake. The lives of all the club members are at stake. He offered to bring Dawn and the shipment of AKs Wolf promised us as a gesture of good faith if I agree to meet with him.”

  “Like she’s a piece of property.” If he’d listened to his instincts and taken care of Mad Dog in the beginning, Dawn wouldn’t be in that clubhouse, and the club wouldn’t be at risk. He loved the club. He loved his brothers. But he loved Dawn, too. Weeks ago, he’d made a sacrifice for his club. Now he would make a sacrifice for her. He had wasted enough of his life bearing a heavy burden of guilt over things he couldn’t control. This time, there was something he could do and nothing was going to stand in his way.

  He slid the cut off his shoulders and threw it on Jagger’s desk.

  “I’m done.”


  I will never abandon my brother.


  Cade pushed himself away from the wall outside the police station and walked under the glow from the overhead streetlight, making himself visible to the cop crossing the parking lot.


  Benson turned and frowned, then looked back over his shoulder at the police station as if assessing how close he was to safety. “Cade? You looking for me?”

  Hands held high so Benson could see he wasn’t armed, at least not visibly, Cade walked toward him. “It’s about Dawn. I need a favor. Didn’t want any brothers to see me talking to the cops. You know someplace private we can talk?”


  “I’m not in a joking mood.”

  “I wasn’t joking. When we renovated the station, we built nice new comfy jail cells, so no one is using the old cellblock. The cameras are offline. It’s as private as you’re gonna get, and to be honest, I’m not keen on going anywhere you might stab me in the back.”

  “No honor in stabbing someone in the back, but fine, let’s go.” As long as he had his weapon, he didn’t care where they talked and with the clock ticking he wasn’t prepared to dick around.

  Benson led him through a back door and down a dingy flight of concrete stairs. He keyed a number code into a panel beside a thick steel door. Fluorescent lights went on when the door opened and they walked along the corridor to a small, windowless room filled with monitors and a few chairs. The cellblock smelled of mold and sweat, and faintly of piss.

  “Guard station.” Benson waved Cade over to a metal chair. “Or maybe you’re familiar with it.”

  “Never been incarcerated. I like to keep my nose clean.”

  “Sure.” Benson took a seat near the door. “That’s why you’re in an outlaw biker gang that runs guns, shakes down small-business owners, and protects drug dealers as they transport their goods through our fine state. Oh, and I’m sure you had nothing to do with the body that was found outside Dawn’s house.”

  Cade bristled. “We run legitimate businesses in and around Conundrum.”

  “To launder your money.”

  “To provide services to the good citizens,” Cade countered. Damn. He didn’t want to like Benson, but he had to admit the dude was sharp as whip. He knew the score with the Sinners. No doubt he had some plan in mind to take them down in the future.

  “So what favor could you possibly need from me?” Benson folded his arms, his chair squeaking as he settled back.

  “I might need you to get Dawn and her girls out of town.” He leaned his forearms on his thighs and dropped his hands between his legs. “Shit is going down between the clubs. Could get ugly. I got something I have to do and if something happens to me, she’ll have no one to watch out for her. If that happens, I want you to put them in the witness protection program so they can live a safe life.”

  He had Benson’s attention now. The chair squeaked again as Benson leaned forward, mimicking C
ade’s position. “What do you mean by ‘shit is going down’?”

  “Nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about.” Fuck. He just wanted to get Benson’s agreement and get out. Biker business wasn’t cop business and he didn’t want to give the game away. Plus, it grated on him something fierce to have to come to Benson for help. But without Cade, Dawn had no connection to the Sinners, and the safest place for her was out of town.

  Benson’s mouth opened and closed and Cade prayed he didn’t say something that would piss him off. He was wound too tight, a coil ready to spring. Never could he have imagined having to go to the police for help.

  “You’re not wearing your cut.”

  “Very observant,” he said drily.

  “So you’re not a biker anymore?”

  “I’m a man who’s gotta protect the people he cares about whatever the cost.”

  “Hell.” Benson stood and walked over to the wall beside the door. “You’re going after Mad Dog.”

  Was there any reason not to tell him? Benson and Dawn were friends. She trusted him. Hell, Benson wanted her in his bed. And he’d tried to help her get out already. “He’s got Dawn at his clubhouse. If I don’t get to him, he’s gonna kill her and destroy my club.”

  “The only reason he got Dawn is because of you.” Benson’s upper lip curled in disgust. “I called her when Mad Dog was released. I told her to get out of the house. I told her I’d meet her at the station and take her away. But would she listen? No. She said she was waiting for you. She said she loved you.”

  Cade’s heart skipped a beat. She loved him. He’d never heard sweeter words. Too bad they had to come from Benson’s damn mouth.

  “Sorry, Benson.”

  “You’re not sorry,” Benson spat out. “You don’t care for her the way I do. She’s a victim of your world and she needs to be protected. You twisted her into something she’s not. You dragged her back into the cesspool she tried so hard to escape.”

  Cade sat up in his chair, his skin prickling in warning at Benson’s flushed face and trembling hands. Seriously, the dude was out of control. He couldn’t figure out if the Benson was obsessed with Dawn or if something else was driving him.

  “She’s a strong woman who knows her own mind and who can look after herself. She owns her past and she’s living a life she wants to live. You need to respect her choices.” He stood and crossed the floor. “You’re a good cop, but you’re way outta line with the fucking disrespect. Stand aside. I’m gonna go get my girl and after I do, I don’t want you anywhere near her.”

  “I’m afraid I can’t let you do that.” Benson pushed a button on the wall and raced into the hallway moments before a huge metal door dropped from the ceiling and slammed into place.

  “What the fuck?” Cade drew his weapon and only just managed to stop himself from shooting. The bullet could very well rebound around the room and kill him.

  “Benson? What the hell is going on?”

  “If anyone is going to rescue her, it’s going to be me.” Benson’s muffled voice was barely audible through the safety door. “I’ll protect her and keep her safe. I’ll take her away into the witness protection program and she’ll live a happy life away from you and Mad Dog and every other damn biker in the state.”

  “You fucking bastard. Let me outta here. He’ll kill her before you get to him. You know he will.”

  “Sorry, Cade.”

  “The minute I get outta here you are fucking toast. You will never breathe another breath…”

  “You won’t be getting out of there,” Benson shouted. “That’s a three-inch steel safety door to protect the guards in case of a riot. It can only be opened from inside the station. And if you think you can call for help, there’s no phone signal down here. But I guess since you’re not a Sinner anymore, there’s no one for you to call.”

  “Benson.” He roared his frustration when he heard Benson’s footsteps in the hallway. “Benson!”

  * * *

  “Ow. Jimmy. Let go. I’ll come with you.”

  Dawn clasped her hands to her head to soften the pull on her hair as Jimmy dragged her from the room. He’d only managed to hit her a few times with the belt before he’d been interrupted, and since she was wearing her clothes the pain had been manageable. But now, dressed in a tight red two-piece outfit, held together with Velcro strips for easy removal, she had a lot more skin at risk if she didn’t obey.

  By way of response, Jimmy tugged harder. “Crazy bitch like you needs a firm hand. You don’t please me up there, you’ll be feeling that hand tonight. Hell, you’re gonna feel it anyway for all the shit you pulled on me.” Jimmy led her up to a small stage against the wall with a pole in the center, and threw her to the floor. “We made some modifications since you left. Had a pole installed so we didn’t have to waste our money at titty bars. Now we bring the girls here.”

  Dawn grabbed the pole and pulled herself to her feet. She counted forty-three bikers spread across the open space, some leaning against the corrugated metal walls, others against the wooden support pillars, and a few in metal fold-up chairs scattered around the stage.

  Jimmy settled himself on a huge leather chair in front of the stage and snapped his fingers. Gail swanned over to sit on his lap, making no effort to hide her smirk from Dawn.

  Well, Dawn was more than happy to step aside. She would be even happier if she could get out of the building. Aside from the front entrance there were two more exits from the clubhouse. One directly across from her and one at the back. Both guarded from the inside. Her chances weren’t looking so good.

  “Put on the music.” Jimmy waved his .38 around like it was a Fourth of July flag. “Everyone join us. My ex is gonna dance the last fuckin’ dance of her life. She’s gonna show us the moves she used in the bar, but she’s gonna be doing them for me and without her fucking clothes.”

  The bikers cheered. Dawn’s stomach heaved. But Jimmy wasn’t finished. He held up a hand to quiet the crowd.

  “When she’s finished dancing, she’s yours for the taking. I’m done with her, and that bitch’s disrespect to me and to our club has gotta be addressed. Everyone can have a taste of what I threw away. No limits.”

  This time only a few bikers cheered. The rest frowned or shifted in the seats. Were they Wolf’s supporters? Given their number it looked like Wolf might have won the election if Jimmy hadn’t killed him. Would they help her? She recognized some of their faces, but when she tried to make eye contact they looked away.

  “Get to it, Dee-licious, or I’ll start the gang bang now.”

  “Hey, Mad Dog…” An old biker, potbellied, grizzled and balding, stood and pointed at Dawn. “I got no problem with her dancin’. Used to watch her at the strip joints long time ago and she was damn good. But what you’re wanting to do to her next, that ain’t us. We’re not into raping and trading and slaving the girls no more, especially not the mother of your kids.”

  She remembered Old Mick now, although he’d aged considerably since she’d last seen him. One of the quiet ones, and a good friend of Wolf.

  Jimmy whispered to Gail and she giggled. Then he put his arm around her waist, aimed his. 38, and casually shot the biker in the leg. Old Mick howled and staggered back, falling heavily on the ground. Dawn’s hand flew to her mouth. No one moved, and the shock on their faces suggested they were as stunned by Jimmy’s arbitrary ruthlessness as she.

  “Anyone else got a problem with the new regime?” Jimmy waved his gun back and forth, pointing it randomly at his brothers. “Old Mick was right. This ain’t how Wolf would run the club. But I’m not Wolf. And he made pussies out of all of you. Viper and the Jacks can help us bring back the Brethren’s legacy. They’re gonna help us take our revenge on the Sinners and wipe them off the face of this fucking earth. Anyone got a problem with that, you know where to find the door. But I’ll tell you now, I got no hesitation about shooting a coward in the back.”

  Old Mick groaned and clutched his leg. Another s
easoned biker whipped off his bandanna and wrapped it around Mick’s thigh, while a third used this shirt to put pressure on the wound. Dawn fought back wave after wave of nausea. Bloated with power, Jimmy had finally gone off the rails. Did he not realize Viper had no intention of “helping” the Brethren? He needed their numbers and Jimmy’s blind anger to help defeat the Sinners, simply because no other club would stand against them. And when Viper got what he wanted, he would destroy them. Jimmy was a pawn in the game.

  Jimmy grinned into the silence. “Excellent. Everyone is on board.” He pointed his weapon at the two bikers helping Old Mick. “Leave him be. He can suffer through the show and think about the meaning of loyalty.”

  One of the bikers knelt beside Old Mick and whispered something in his ear, while the other patted him on the shoulder. Then they took some seats.

  “Now let’s have some entertainment.”

  Dawn stared at Jimmy. There was nothing left of the man who had saved her from the streets. Totally and utterly corrupted in his pursuit of power, he had become the monster she’d always known he could be.

  “Dance, love,” he said. “Like your life depends on it. You can finish with a scream.”

  * * *

  Cade’s anger was so deep, so fierce, he battered his knuckles bloody on the door. He’d had a bad feeling about Benson, but he’d chalked it up to pure jealousy, blinding himself to the wolf in fucking cop clothing.

  He checked his phone again. No signal. No way of getting through the sheet of steel in front of him. Yet. But when he did, he would rain down a terror on the Jacks and Brethren the likes of which had never been seen in the biker world. And the fucking cop would pay in blood.


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