Single Mom for the Billionaire (Alpha Billionaire Romance Book)

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Single Mom for the Billionaire (Alpha Billionaire Romance Book) Page 43

by Davis, Alexa

  “Almost done!” he replied, sounding happier than I’d heard him for a very long time. “I wasn’t expecting you so early. What a nice surprise.”

  I pulled out the picnic basket and waved it at him. “I guessed that you wouldn’t have eaten yet…and I missed you.”

  He chuckled and smiled at me before dropping what he was doing and hopping in the car with me. “Come on, drive along to the other side of the fence. There’s still a part of it that isn’t fixed up yet, and there’s something that I want to show you.”

  “Uh oh… It isn’t going to be another nasty surprise, is it?” I half joked, trying to work out what was going on. He was acting strange, which made me a little anxious.

  “Of course not, come on!”

  I followed his instructions and parked where he showed me to, all the while trying to figure him out. I knew that Roy had a lot of land, but I didn’t realize that it was quite this much! It seemed to go on forever. I only had one small apartment to my name, that I rented and would be kicked out of soon enough when I couldn’t afford it anymore, and he had all of this – it was crazy.

  He led me along to a beautiful lake with a small fishing boat on it. “This isn’t yours, too, is it?” I exclaimed in disbelief. “You cannot be serious.”

  “It is,” he chuckled brightly. “It’s where I go fishing. Sure, there isn’t always a lot of fish, but it’s relaxing all the same.”

  “So…you’re taking me fishing?” I asked curiously, almost laughing aloud at the ludicrous idea. I was actually excited at the thought of doing something that I’d never thought I would like before, realizing how much I’d already changed…and for the better, too.

  “Well, I thought that we could have lunch out on the pond,” he answered, unhooking the boat. “Then I might teach you how to use the tractor – if you’re lucky.”

  “Oh, I see, you’re training me up to work on the ranch with you…and here I am thinking that we’re just having a nice relaxing day of hanging out.”

  “You’ll love it!” he exclaimed, holding out his hand to help me onto the boat. “Just trust me. Then, with you helping me, I’ll be able to get the fence finished in no time.”

  As we sat opposite each other, chewing slowly on our sandwiches, I had to admit that the idea was an awesome one. It was so peaceful out on the lake, and the view across Roy’s land was amazing. It was like something from a painting. “Thank you for bringing me out here,” I smiled at him. “It’s wonderful.”

  The fishing lines were dangling in the water, but as expected, we weren’t catching anything. I guessed that part was just for show.

  “You’re welcome,” Roy smiled at me with love in his eyes. “I knew that you’d like it.”

  “But we better get back soon. Tank must be going crazy over there waiting for you. He adores you, that dog.”

  “We’ve been through a lot together; he’s helped me through everything,” he told me honestly. “He was there through most of the trauma that I’ve been through, and he’s helped me when things have been tough. I honestly don’t know what I would do without him.” He mused thoughtfully for a second, before grinning at me. “You’re lucky he loves you. I might have had to throw you off.”

  “Come on,” I chuckled at him, before packing everything away. “Let’s get back. You can show me how to drive this tractor so we can get this fence done once and for all.”


  “I am absolutely exhausted,” I laughed, flopping onto Roy’s couch. “I might just fall asleep right here.”

  “You might be tired, but after a few bumps along the road, we managed to get there. The fence is done.”

  “By bumps do you mean me knocking down five of the fence posts you’d already put up?” I laughed. It was safe to say that tractor driving didn’t come easy to me, but we had managed to get the fence finished, so at least I wouldn’t have to do it again anytime soon. “I’m glad I could help you, though; that was fun. Maybe in my next job, I should be a farm girl.”

  “Now, let’s not get ahead ourselves,” he said as he sat beside me, wrapping his arm around me and handing me a beer. “One day doesn’t make you good enough to be a farm girl. Maybe you should come and work at my company.”

  I considered that for a second, thinking that maybe I could go and work for Roy’s company; it would give me something to focus on, it would earn me money…but then my boyfriend would be my boss, and that would be too weird for words. “No, I will figure something out,” I told him honestly. “But thank you for the offer. How are things with the company?”

  “Getting there slowly but surely. I mean, we have had some people walking out, but that doesn’t matter because I think the place could use some fresh blood, anyway. Some new ideas can’t hurt.”

  “Yeah, I think you’ll be fine. Actually, I know you will. I have total faith in you making things much better again. If anyone can do it, it’s you.”

  The television flickered in front of me, but I wasn’t really watching. My eyes were growing heavier with every passing second, and I knew that I would be asleep soon enough. I really was exhausted after my day of hard labor, and I didn’t think that I would last much longer.

  “Thank you for your help,” Roy continued, oblivious to my exhaustion. “I do appreciate it. I know you really didn’t have to do that.”

  “You’re welcome,” I said quietly, almost to myself. “You know that I’ll do anything for you.”

  “I love you,” he replied, kissing the top of my forehead.. He truly did adore me, and that felt amazing. And, the fact that Roy had really let me in and showed me some of his world was even better. This was a man who found it really hard to be open with anyone, yet he was making that change for me, after all those years. If that didn’t make me important to him, then I didn’t know what would.

  “I love you, too,” I whispered…or at least, I hoped that I did. I wasn’t quite sure if I was dreaming or not by that point.

  After a few moments, I felt Roy lift my body up off the couch, as if I weighed nothing, which allowed me to drift off much more peacefully.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Roy – Sunday

  “Morning,” June smiled at me as she turned to face my resting body. As always, I’d been up early, but once I’d sorted Tank out, I climbed back in next to her, just watching her sleep. I loved watching her slowly breathing in and out, whilst looking so serene. It made my heart flutter excitedly. “I can’t believe you’re still in bed; that isn’t like you at all.”

  “Well, I have a plan for today,” I admitted to her, kissing her lightly on the forehead. “So, I thought it would be better to let you sleep in before I told you.” I knew that she wasn’t the morning person I was, and I didn’t want her to turn down my idea before I could even tell her what it was.

  “I don’t think that 8 a.m. is sleeping in, but I’ll hear you out,” she teased, causing me to grin. “I can’t wait to hear what you have in mind.”

  “I want you to come to church with me,” I stunned her by replying. It was something that I’d been considering for a while, but I hadn't felt ready to discuss it until now.

  “But…but I’m not necessarily religious…” she trailed off, looking really uncomfortable, which wasn’t what I wanted at all. I knew she didn’t necessarily share the depth of faith that I had, but I wanted her to see another side of me. I wanted her to understand everything. I just wanted to share church with her.

  “I’m not asking you to go every week; just come with me once.” I stood up and held my hand out to her, but she still seemed reluctant to take it. I understood her reservations, but they were unnecessary.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to go with you, I want to see every side of your life…but what if everyone stares at me.”

  I recalled that worry well. When Shelley died, I hated being anywhere for fear of everyone staring at me, but now I could see that I was wrong to be so afraid. People were only looking because they were concerned for me, because th
ey wanted to help me they just didn’t know how. People might glance at June, but they wouldn’t be judging her, of that I could be certain.

  “Don’t worry about it; people aren’t there to gossip.” With that, I grabbed her and pulled her from the bed. “Come on, get dressed. Trust me, will you?”

  “It seems like I’ve been doing a lot of trusting you,” she grumbled playfully, clearly referring to yesterday and everything I’d gotten her involved in. It had worked out for the best then, and it would do so again now, I was sure of it.

  “Yeah? And look where it’s gotten you – who would have thought that you’d ever drive a tractor?”

  She shot me a look, but didn’t reply, which I could only assume meant that I was right. If June Powell was silent, it was because she had literally nothing left to say. She would see that I was right in the end, anyway, she would soon lose her reservations, and that would make her trust me even more.


  “This is how God showed His love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”

  I watched June’s intense face as she listened to the preacher read out a Bible passage, taking in every word carefully. She’d been undeniably nervous when we’d arrived, scared of what was going to happen, but as we took the pew in the back and let everyone wander past us, none of them giving us even a second glance, she started to become more herself.

  As she listened, I found myself wanting to reach out and hold her hand. The only reason that I resisted was because I didn’t want to break her concentration, not when she was actually looking positive. This would always be a place that I shared with Shelley, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t share it with June, too. I could open up my heart and have both of them in there – I could finally see that now.

  I will always love you, Shelley, I thought in my mind, hoping that she could hear me, wherever she was. But I believe you have sent June to me to help me move on with my life, and that is exactly what I shall do. I felt positive about it, happy that I could finally do what she wanted for me, however hard it had been to get there. It was worth it now, all that heartache and suffering, just to be where I was today.

  As the sermon came to an end and June stood up to go, I noticed a peaceful expression crossing her face, one that I’d never seen there before. I wasn’t trying to convert her or affect her beliefs or anything. I just knew how relaxing and uplifting church could be, no matter what you believed, and that was what I wanted for her. I wanted her to understand why church was important to me, and I thought that she might get it now.

  “Shall we…” I started, but before I got a chance, the preacher was by my side, gripping onto my shoulder, grabbing my attention.

  “Hello again, Roy; how are you today?” he asked, only sideways looking at June once.

  “I’m good, thank you,” I grinned at him, grateful for his discretion. “That was a wonderful sermon, as always. Thank you for that. I would love to introduce you to my new friend, June Powell.”

  “It’s lovely to meet you.” He shook her hand happily, and she smiled right back at him. “Now, I’m holding a luncheon in the church cottage, if you two would like to come along?”

  I was just about to turn him down, not wanting to put June in an awkward situation that made her uncomfortable, but before I could come up with any excuses, June was happily signing us up to go. “That sounds great; we would love to.”

  “Erm, yeah, sure…” How could I disagree now? Plus, it was likely to be very fun with June by my side, anyway. I never went to the luncheons with Shelley because she always had something else planned, so maybe it was time to try something else new. “Now?”

  “Yes, I’ll see you over there.”

  As we headed over to the preacher’s cottage, I noticed a few other people there, too, wanting to extend their Sunday church time. They were all people that I vaguely recognized, but not anyone I knew directly, which left me in the same boat as June. Only this time she seemed totally at ease with herself… I was the one experiencing nerves! It was an unexpected turnaround, that was for sure.

  “Hi there,” a friendly-looking couple came up to us almost right away. “I’m Tom,” the man told us. “And, this is my wife, Kate.”

  “Hi, we’re Roy and June.”

  We both shook their hands, and made a little small talk with them before the subject of their wedding anniversary came up. As they told us that they’d been married for six years, I got a funny feeling deep inside. Almost as if I knew what Tom was going to ask before he even asked it. “So, how long have you two been married?”

  “Oh no, we aren’t…” June started, looking really embarrassed. She looked so cute when she blushed, but I knew that she must be dying inside so I took the lead and took over the conversation for her. She was probably too afraid to admit that we weren’t married in case we were judged.

  “We aren’t married. Actually, we have only been dating for a short while.” I pulled her close and grinned at her. “But we’re really very happy.” I was certain that we probably would end up married one day, but I didn’t want to freak June out by admitting that revelation aloud. She gave me a grateful grin and held me nearer to her, showing me her gratitude. Not only had I dealt with the question well, but I’d let her know how happy she made me.

  “Well, isn’t that just lovely,” Kate grinned. “You know what? We should exchange numbers and go out on a double date sometime.”

  That sounded wonderful; it was such a normal thing to hang out with other couples, but something that we hadn't done just yet. As we exchanged numbers with Kate and Tom, I was even more grateful that we’d followed my plan today and come to the church. It had led to things I hadn't even slightly expected.


  “I had a lot more fun than I expected today,” June told me as she climbed into bed besides me. “And, Kate and Tom were really nice. I wasn’t expecting to meet such an awesome couple. I hope we end up friends with them.”

  “Yeah, it should be good to have dinner with them sometime; they were good people.”

  She snuggled in next to me, pressing her warm body up against mine, and I felt a familiar stirring. This woman was incredible, taking me all the way from zero to one hundred in just a few moments. Already, my mind was filled with all the crazy things that I wanted to do to her body and it became difficult for me to control myself.

  “Well, I think I’ve proven that I trust you,” she announced, ignoring the clear signs from my body as she turned to face me. “So tomorrow, I want to take you somewhere.”

  “You do, do you,” I smiled, before lightly brushing my lips against hers. As I ran my fingers through her hair and down her soft cheek, I felt my heart beat faster. I loved this woman with everything that I had, and I knew that I would do absolutely anything for her.

  Of course, I had to tease her for a bit first though. “Well I think you’re going to have to tell me what you have planned, or I might not agree to do it.”

  “No way,” she insisted, whilst pushing me away playfully. “You didn’t tell me anything. I’m not telling you. It’s a surprise.”

  “Hmmm…okay,” I wiggled my eyebrows at her. “I suppose. I might not be happy about it, though.”

  “You’ll just have to suck it up and like it,” she replied, before kissing me a little more passionately, giving me what I so desperately needed. I pulled her in closer, wrapping my arms around her, and the kiss deepened. As she swung her body over mine and she took total control of the situation, I felt so happy that I could scream. A lot of people didn’t get one shot at love in their lives, yet somehow, I’d been lucky enough to have two. Somehow, I must have done something right, even if it didn’t always feel like it.

  “Oh my God, I love you,” I said as June moved her mouth down to my neck. “You really are am

  “I love you too,” she muttered, making my heart swell with happiness. I didn’t think that I would ever tire of hearing those words, however long I lived.

  June was the one, the one that I needed to spend the rest of my life with. I just needed to wait until the time was right to tell her as much.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  June – Monday

  This had to be a first. I was up and wide awake before Roy. I’d never thought that I would see the day. Yet the thought of what I had planned was far too exciting for me to rest any longer.

  “Come on, Tank,” I whispered to the gorgeous dog who had well and truly worked his way into my heart. “I’ll get you something to eat.”

  As we snuck into the kitchen, not wanting to disturb Roy who was having the first decent sleep that I’d ever seen him have, I felt my heart fluttering with excitement. I’d been taken out of my comfort zone yesterday, and the day before, too. I’d really enjoyed myself, much more than I expected to, and I assumed that today would go the same way.

  I set about cooking breakfast with the radio playing on low, and soon the excitement gripped me tightly and I felt my body starting to sway to the music. Gently and slowly at first, but before long I was jumping around and acting like a fool…just because I could.

  A few short weeks ago, losing my career would have been the worst possible thing that could happen to me, yet here I was having experienced just that, and I was dancing like a crazy person.

  “Come on, Tank, come and dance with me.” I grabbed onto his paws and twirled him around, all the while giggling like a crazy schoolgirl.

  “What’s going on here,” Roy announced in mock annoyance, as he appeared at the door. “I’m trying to sleep and you two are making a racket in here.” As I grabbed hold of him and I tried to pull him in to join us, he rolled his eyes and moved straight over to the coffee pot. “You two are very excitable, aren’t you?”


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