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Where Shadows Linger (Intertwined Souls Series Book 2)

Page 21

by Mary D. Brooks

  “Hey, let’s go terrorize that saleslady again!” Zoe got up and pulled Elena out of the booth.

  “I don’t know if she’ll serve you now,” Elena said. She paused as another thought crossed her mind. “I’ve never been on a date before.”

  Zoe sighed. “Don’t ask me. I’ve never been on a date with a boy either. This will be my first one as well.”

  “Eva is going with Mrs. Jenkins’ nephew?”

  “No.” Zoe shook her head. “She’s going with Earl. The nephew is taking another girl—he forgot to mention that to his aunt. Henry is also going with a girl he met at work. Seems everyone now has a date!”

  Elena looked at Zoe and they started laughing. They paid for their tea and left the small teashop to search for a dress.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Eva got out of the car, careful to shut the door quietly. Earl had winced every time she had banged the car door shut in the past. The white Holden sparkled in the afternoon sunlight; it was Earl’s pride and joy. Though the Holden cars were a beautiful design —something Earl had mentioned well over a dozen times— Eva still could not understand his love affair with what was, after all, just a vehicle. However, she had heard enough about it from Earl to have an idea of just how much he adored the automobile.

  She grinned when Earl gave his car a pat on the hood. “I heard on the radio that driving a good car is like being with a good woman,” she said, and then leaned around Earl and patted the car’s hood herself.

  “You know, you are funny when you don’t get any sleep.” Earl took off his jacket and threw it through the open car window. “It’s much better than any woman.”

  “Is that so? The car doesn’t do anything for me.” Eva shrugged. “How would you know if it was better than a woman, anyway?”

  “Ever been with a man?”

  Eva looked at him, startled by the unexpected question. “Yes I was married to one for two years and engaged to another. Um, why are you asking?”

  “Being with a man is different from being with a woman.”

  “I don’t believe we are having this conversation,” she said and looked away.

  Earl smiled. “Well, isn’t it true?”

  “I would say so, yes.”

  “So, I would know if driving a good car is better than being with a good woman.”

  “I’m sorry I said anything now.” Eva laughed, her blush deepening.

  Earl put his arm around Eva. “It’s much, much better than being with a good woman,” he whispered in her ear. “Now if you said it was better than being with a bloke, I would say no.”

  “Now I’m really sorry I mentioned it.” Eva chuckled. They went together up the walkway. “Vroom, vroom,” he added, making Eva laugh as they went up the stairs.

  “Hey, is Zoe cooking tonight?” Earl asked.

  “She cooks every night.”

  “Oh, yeah, I forgot, you even burn water!” Earl ducked a swat, still laughing.

  Eva gave him a dirty look and bolted up the stairs to find the apartment door wide open, blaring music spilling out into the corridor. She entered and spotted Zoe sprawled on the floor, listening to a new record. She froze in place and stared at Zoe.

  Earl followed Eva in. He also halted, staring at Zoe in surprise. “Whooee!” he cried after a moment.

  At his exclamation, Zoe rolled over and saw Eva. Her mouth stretched in a cheeky grin. “Looks like yours, doesn’t it?”

  Eva swallowed. “You cu..cut your hair.”

  “It was a spur-of-the-moment decision,” Zoe said and ran her hand through her shortened hair. “Elena was surprised too. Do you like it?”

  Eva was stunned and quite speechless. She had loved Zoe’s long, curly, red hair but the more she looked at Zoe, the more she started to like the shortened version. “Wow,” was all she could manage. She let her bag fall on the floor. “Wow.”

  Zoe laughed. “I think she likes it, Wiggy.”

  “I love it.” Eva bent over and tangled her fingers in Zoe’s cropped locks. The hair waved around Zoe’s finely boned face, lending an elfin aspect to her appearance that Eva found very appealing.

  “You look beautiful.” Eva tilted Zoe’s face up and kissed her.

  “Hey, now...take that to the bedroom, you two!” Earl shielded his eyes in mock horror.

  Ignoring him, Eva and Zoe ended the kiss and looked at each other. Eva offered a hand, which Zoe took, and she helped her to her feet. Zoe turned to Earl.

  “Hey, Wiggy!” She gave him a hug.

  “Hi there, Stretch. What’s for dinner?” Earl replied, picking up Zoe easily and engulfing her in a bear hug.

  “I need to breathe!” Zoe laughed and tried to extricate herself from the embrace. Earl ruffled her short hair as he gently set her back on the floor.

  “Love the new look,” he whispered in her ear, just loud enough for Eva to overhear.

  Eva had turned down the volume of the gramophone, still marveling at Zoe’s haircut. She went into the kitchen and looked into the oven, where a roast with potatoes and vegetables was cooking. “Hey, Earl, you staying for dinner?”

  “Nope, can’t. I’m meeting my folks tonight,” Earl said from the kitchen door. “It sure smells nice, though.”

  “Of course it does,” Zoe said. She brushed past him, giving him a slap on the behind.

  Earl complained loudly. “Hey, now! Eva! Zoe slapped me on the bum.”

  “Lucky boy,” Eva said. She passed him, heading to the bedroom to change, and saw Earl stick his tongue out at her in reply.

  “Hey, Eva,” he called out. “I gotta go and pick up the folks from Central. Spending the week with them is going to be lots of fun.”

  Eva returned to the kitchen after she had changed her outfit. Earl was about to leave. “Thanks for the ride home,” she said. She escorted Earl to the door, held it open, and slapped him on the bum as he passed.

  “Watch it, woman!” Earl growled and gave her a wink.

  “You rode in The Beast?” Zoe asked Eva, who nodded. Zoe had nicknamed Earl’s car as soon as she had seen it, when he had first brought it over to show off to them. Zoe loved cars and Eva knew she could not wait until she was ready to get her license.

  They said their goodbyes to Earl, who waved jauntily as he disappeared down the corridor. As soon as Eva closed the door, Zoe pounced and wrapped herself around Eva in an embrace. “Hi,” she said.

  Eva smiled. “Hi. The food smells nice.”

  “So do you.” Zoe grinned. “I made some galaktoburiko for dessert.”

  They moved to the sofa and sat down together, Zoe snuggled up against Eva. “So, you really like my hair?” Zoe asked, glancing up at Eva from beneath her eyelashes.

  “Yes, I do. You look gorgeous,” Eva replied. “It’s going to take time to adjust to you with short hair, but yeah, I like it.”

  “I was passing this hairdresser and they had a special on, so I did it.”

  Eva laughed. This was just like the impulsive Zoe that she loved so much. “Well, it suits you.”

  “Thank you,” Zoe said. She stole a kiss, which Eva did not mind at all. “Guess who we met up with at the shops?”

  “Mrs. Jenkins?”

  “No, our friend Friedrich Jacobs.”

  “Oh, great. I wouldn’t describe him as our friend. What did he want?”

  “Nothing. He was having tea with his keystone cop friend. El and I were shopping and we stopped off to get a cup of tea, and he saw us when they were leaving.”

  “That’s nice,” Eva said, relaxing back as Zoe settled against her.

  “Hmm. You know that dance Mrs. Jenkins is organizing?”

  “Yep, how can I forget?” Eva grimaced. “She wants me to go with her nephew.”

  “Elena is going with Friedrich Jacobs. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head when they met. She wasn’t going to accept without some help, so I’m going with this David fellow.”

  “Elena and Jacobs?” Eva asked. “Really?”

. He stammered and hem’d and ah’d. El went all shy and demure.”

  The kettle began to whistle. Zoe got up to make some tea. Eva followed her into the kitchen. She put her arms around Zoe’s waist, her chin propped on Zoe’s head while Zoe put the teapot on the stove.

  “Didn’t that Harrison ask you out?” Eva asked.

  “Yes, but I don’t like him and I wanted to go out with Earl,” Zoe said. She turned around in Eva’s embrace to face her. “Are you jealous?”

  Eva smiled shyly and nodded. “A little bit. I’m going to be stuck with going with Mrs. Jenkins’ nephew.”

  “So I’m stuck with the keystone cop. You can get out of it if you say you already have a date.”

  “I don’t have one.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  “I do?”

  “Yes, you are going with Earl.”

  “I am?”

  “You are. Earl doesn’t know that he’s going with you, but that shouldn’t be a problem,” Zoe said with a mischievous look in her eye. “Don’t you want to go with Earl?”

  “Of course! And it would get me out of the dating thing with Mrs. Jenkins’ nephew.” Eva laughed lightly. “You are a genius.” She kissed Zoe on the lips.

  Zoe gave her a smile, and then turned to take the kettle off the stove. While she was doing that, Eva watched absently, her thoughts shifting from the dance to her stepfather. Zoe glanced back at Eva and put the kettle down before she poured the water.

  “What’s on your mind?” Zoe asked.

  “Who says anything is on my mind?” Eva replied.

  “You’ve got your worried face on,” Zoe quipped. She gently smoothed the furrow between Eva’s eyebrows. “It scrunches up when you worry.”

  Eva gazed at Zoe for a moment. “The usual. Muller,” she confessed.

  “He’s going to be on our minds until Henry catches him.”

  “Henry and the other two.”

  “I don’t have much faith in the keystone cops.”

  “They made a mistake; it’s easy enough to make.”

  “Hm, I’m not so sure. I think that Harrison fellow likes you.”

  “Likes me?”

  Zoe sat beside her on the edge of the couch and grinned. “Yes, I saw the way he was looking at you. What’s not to like? You’re gorgeous, you’re intelligent, and you’re talented. Did I mention gorgeous?”

  “You’re biased,” Eva said, settling back on the cushions after putting her cup of tea on the coffee table in front of the couch.

  “Hmm. Yes, I am. Wouldn’t you be in a pickle if I didn’t think you were gorgeous, intelligent, talented, and, let’s not forget, a fantastic lover?” Zoe settled herself on Eva’s lap, fluttering her eyelashes flirtatiously.

  Eva laughed. “Have I told you today how much I love you?”

  “Yes, this morning,” Zoe replied. “Have I told you lately how much you mean to me?”

  “Yes, this morning.”

  Zoe slipped her hands around Eva’s neck and hitched herself even closer, pressing her body against Eva’s.

  “You’re going to wear me out before my time,” Eva whispered, using her lips and her tongue to weave a sensual path of pleasure along Zoe’s neck.

  A small whimper escaped Zoe’s lips. She tangled her fingers in Eva’s hair. “Mmm...that feels so, so good.”

  “You’re right, love, it does,” Eva whispered against Zoe’s skin. She kissed Zoe’s ear, lightly running the tip of her tongue along the edge. She loved the feel of the beautiful young woman in her arms. She closed her eyes as pleasure ran through her body, delicious sensations that made her desire grow more demanding. She wanted to stay this way forever. Knowing that could never be, she decided to take her time and explore Zoe’s body, choosing a slow seduction guaranteed to drive Zoe to the brink of pleasure-glutted madness.

  “Relax, my love,” she whispered, feeling Zoe’s muscles twitch in anticipation of her touch.

  “I’m relaxed. Boy, am I relaxed! Stop talking,” Zoe responded impatiently.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Eva replied. She knew her breath was warm against Zoe’s ear, doing much more to Zoe than she could anticipate. Goosebumps rippled along Zoe’s skin when Eva chuckled, and Zoe let out a low moan that caused intense warmth to circle out from Eva’s belly, settling between her legs. Eva felt Zoe’s nipples harden, and she sighed, “Oh, yes.” Zoe’s eager response made the tide of desire swell within her.

  “Oh, stop.” Zoe breathlessly whimpered, clearly despite her better judgment.

  Eva stopped her ministrations. Frustration cut through the pleasurable fog. “What?”

  “Bedroom, now,” Zoe ordered but remained on Eva’s lap. Eva continued kissing her. “Please, Evy,” Zoe cried out, sliding off Eva’s legs and heading for their bedroom.

  Eva let out a wicked chuckle and followed Zoe into the bedroom.


  Friedrich leaned back in his chair. A smile played about his lips as he looked up at the ceiling. He replayed the scene from the teahouse in his mind. Elena had caught his attention even though he had been too tongue-tied to give her any indication of his interest. At least David had been there to help him out and get him a date. “Oh, damn!” he muttered, realizing something about the dance that had not occurred to him before.

  The door opened and David walked in, carrying some files. He set them down on Friedrich’s desk. “What’s the matter, Freddy, old boy?” he asked.

  “Um, I can’t dance,” Friedrich said, feeling rather dejected.

  “Can you kiss?” David asked as he removed a file from the filing cabinet. Friedrich did not reply. “Oh, don’t tell me you haven’t kissed a girl yet!”

  Friedrich frowned. “Of course I have but, um...”

  “But what?” David asked. He opened the file and began scribbling notes, which he inserted among the pages in the folder.

  Forgetting David’s question for the moment, Friedrich asked, “What are you doing?”

  “I’m working on this file.”

  “I can see that. Why are you adding notes to my file?”

  “For our friend,” David replied.

  Friedrich sighed, annoyed by David’s short, uninformative answers. “Which friend?”

  “Our janitor.”

  “David, did you have too many beers at dinner?”

  David laughed. He brushed back his sandy blond hair and returned to writing. “I found out our janitor has ties with the Nazis. I thought it was a brilliant strategy for him to work for the government agency that dealt with Nazi criminals. He knows our every move, Freddy. That’s why every time we find out where these rodents are, they leave before we get there. I didn’t know who it was before, but I suspected that we had an informer inside the office.”

  “How did you find out?”

  “Remember a couple of nights ago when Daniel told us where one of the houses was?” David glanced up from his work. Friedrich nodded.

  “Well, the next day when the Feds went to the house — nothing. The landlady told them that her tenants had left town. We have been working for months with those rats knowing our every move. I’ve suspected the janitor for some time, but I didn’t have any evidence linking it to him conclusively.”

  “How can we use that to our advantage?”

  “I’m not only a good-looking bloke, but a smart one. Behold what I’m doing.”

  “You’re writing in my files.” Friedrich was puzzled.

  David handed him one of the papers he had written on. It detailed Eva’s testimony against Rhimes and Muller.

  “Do you think they’ll buy it?” Friedrich asked, impressed by the ruse.

  “Of course. They already know Eva is alive. Our friend told them. I let it slip in the corridor with Daniel when Janitor Man—”

  “Marko,” Friedrich supplied. “‘Janitor Man’ makes him sound like a comic book hero.”

  “All right, then, Marko. When Marko finished work, I followed him. I couldn’t see who he was talking to, but it must hav
e been about Eva.”

  “Why Eva?”

  “Wouldn’t you pass on such a juicy piece of information as soon as possible?” David grinned. “Of course you would.”

  “So you’re going to give him the file?”

  “No, I’m going to give him what I want them to see.” He pulled out a file that had been sitting in the pile he had brought with him. “I’ve taken out information about Miss Lambros and certain other details.”

  Friedrich watched David continue to alter the file. When he finished, he slipped the folder with the altered information into the filing cabinet drawer and buried the real file in the pile of paperwork on his desk.

  “Come on, I want to get out of here,” David urged, picking up the rest of the files. “I’ll teach you to dance as well.”

  They turned off the light and David waited while Friedrich locked the office door. They walked down the corridor, a single light on the ceiling creating shadows down the narrow hallway. They stopped near the fire exit, and waited in the shadows for a few moments.

  “Maybe he isn’t...” Friedrich closed his mouth when he saw Marko stop in front of their office door. He was carrying a mop and bucket. He looked down the darkened hallway for a moment before choosing a key from the key ring attached to his belt, and the he unlocked the door and went inside.

  “Okay, let’s go, Freddy, my boy. Are you sure you’ve kissed a girl before?” David ushered an embarrassed Friedrich down the stairs and shut the front door behind them.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Erik Rhimes was not in a good mood. He had spent the morning trying to get in touch with his contact at the War Crimes Unit, although he had been told not to communicate with the man unless it was extremely urgent. Regardless, he thought that his current concern was pressing enough. Having had no luck in locating his contact, Rhimes decided to go to the train station and return home. He watched dourly as several trains sped past the platform. He had just missed his train and there would be a long wait until he could get another. Resigned, he sat down on a hard bench and lit a cigarette.


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