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Where Shadows Linger (Intertwined Souls Series Book 2)

Page 41

by Mary D. Brooks

  The door opened and David walked in with files under his arm. “Oh, are the flowers for me? I’m touched.” He planted a kiss on the top of Friedrich’s head, which earned him a slap on the leg. “Hey, that’s no way to court me!”

  “You are such a heathen. Go away,” Friedrich said.

  “Why, Freddy, don’t you love me anymore?” David put his elbows on the desk in front of Friedrich, batted his blond eyelashes, and put on a flirtatious smile that was more than a little mocking.

  Friedrich groaned. “I wouldn’t go out with you if you dressed up in a frock and heels. You’d make an ugly woman.”

  “You mean I’m not a good looking sheila?”

  “You’re an ugly sheila, all right.”

  “Oh, I dunno. I made a pretty good Juliet in high school.”

  “You played Juliet?”

  “Sure did. I was told I was the best Juliet ever in our all-boys high school. We didn’t include the kissing, but the dying part was fun.” David struck a pose as if he was on a balcony and opened his arms in search for Romeo. “‘Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?’” he called in a falsetto voice.

  “Probably ran far away from you, since you’re so ugly.” Friedrich grinned and flinched when he was cuffed across the head.

  “Drama critic!” David huffed.

  “What are those files in your hands, Juliet?”

  “Immigration sent the passport photos, so it looks like we’re working tomorrow,” David said happily.

  Friedrich realized his weekend off was going to be spoiled once again. “I thought my request was so late in the day that they wouldn’t be here until Monday. I was planning on spending the weekend with Elena,” he whined. The complaint got a chuckle from David.

  “My heart goes out to you, my friend.” He picked up the box of chocolates. “Hey, chocolates too. Not bad. You actually listened to all my pep talks. Good boy.”

  “Yeah, pep talks on how to get a woman to fall for me in one easy lesson. I think I did okay without your help.”

  “Excuse me? Let me remind you, old boy, that if it wasn’t for me, you would still be standing there um-ming and ah-ing all over the place. When you marry the lovely Elena, I want you to name your first-born after me.” David shook the chocolate box. Friedrich continued to write but cast a dirty look in his direction. Not at all deterred, David went on, “You never know we might end up having a double wedding.”

  “Double wedding?”

  “Yes, I’m going to ask the gorgeous and delightful Deborah to marry me tonight.”

  “Good for you, about time.” Friedrich patted him on the shoulder. He accepted the folders and put them in his briefcase. “I ordered the new safe. They will be bringing it on Monday.”

  “Hopefully that will keep our secret files secret.”

  Friedrich sealed the letter and put it in his shirt pocket before putting on his jacket and retrieving his hat from the hat rack.

  “So, Casanova, are you going to snuggle and cuddle with Elena?” David asked.


  “Well, snuggling and cuddling lead to ‘you know,’ or so they tell me,” David said. “I could probably learn a few things from you, eh?” He slapped Friedrich on the back as they left the office.


  The full moon lit up the pavement while Friedrich walked towards the block of apartments, muttering to himself. He held the flowers in one hand, his briefcase in the other, and the box of chocolates under his arm. He hoped he was not going to drop the chocolates, since they had been banged around enough by David’s shenanigans.

  Friedrich stopped walking and looking at the heavens for a sign. Naturally, none was forthcoming. “Will you marry want to marry you,” he mumbled, trying to find the right words to propose to Elena. He turned when he heard footsteps. Father Haralambos was walking slowly towards him on the path. Friedrich sighed and took a good grasp on the bouquet. He was nervous. He probably did not need to be, but he had never asked anyone to marry him before. He was sweating a bit, so he tucked the flowers under his arm, took out his handkerchief, and dabbed his brow.

  “Good evening, Friedrich.” Father Haralambos put an arm around his shoulders. “How are you tonight? Sit down for a moment.”

  “Oh, Father. I-I-I’m...good,” Friedrich stammered.

  “You don’t look good to me. Come over here and have a sit down before you fall down.” Father Haralambos led him to a small park bench just outside the grounds of the apartment block.

  “Ah, thank you.”

  “Are those for Elena?” Father Haralambos asked, grinning when Friedrich nodded.

  “So...” Friedrich sighed. “Oh, God, I am so terrified.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Um...Elena likes you. She told me she talks to you.”

  “I like Elena. She’s a good girl,” Father Haralambos said. “We have long chats together.”

  Friedrich knew what those chats were about. Elena had confided in him that she found Father Haralambos easy to talk to even though he was not a rabbi but a trained Greek Orthodox priest. He would listen while Elena told him about her experiences at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. It was difficult for Elena to tell Friedrich—she had tried, but would burst into tears, making him feel helpless at the pain she still suffered, and angry at those who had hurt her in the past. Elena needed someone to help her deal with the horrendous memories. Father Haralambos clearly had earned Elena’s trust in the short time she had known him, and that was good enough for Friedrich.

  “Thank you for being there for my Elena.” Friedrich nodded. “I want to ask her to marry me.” He looked up over the top of his black-framed glasses, brushing away a mosquito that was buzzing him.

  Father Haralambos squeezed his shoulder. “That’s excellent news.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t know if she wants to.”

  “Hmm. So how would you know, if you don’t ask her?”

  “I wrote a letter, but it got lost.”

  “You were going to propose marriage to her by letter?” Father Haralambos’ bushy eyebrows went up, and it was apparent that he was resisting the urge to chuckle.

  “Yes,” Friedrich replied. “But this time I got her some flowers, chocolates, and I’ve written what I want to say—”

  “Throw it away.”

  “The card?”

  Father Haralambos nodded and put his free hand on Friedrich’s chest. “Say what’s in your heart.”


  “Elena deserves it, my boy. Be yourself. Now go and propose to her.” He got up, pulled Friedrich up with him, and pushed him towards the apartments.

  Friedrich looked towards Elena’s building and grinned, then turned back and gave Father Haralambos the card from his shirt pocket before he started up the walkway to the entrance.

  “Another happy customer,” Father Haralambos said loud enough for Friedrich to hear.

  Friedrich turned and waved at him before he went up the stairs and out of sight.

  After arriving at Elena’s door, he closed his eyes and said a quick prayer before knocking. He waited a few moments until the door opened. He could not stop the smile that spread across his face at the sight of the woman he wanted to marry.

  Elena ushered him in and closed the door. “Oh, flowers!” she gushed. “And chocolates! What a treat!”

  Friedrich grinned. He made a mental note to himself to thank David for his suggestion. Elena gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek. He looked around the lounge and noticed candles on the decorated table.

  “I’m sorry I was so,” Friedrich stammered.

  “That’s okay. I figured you had been delayed,” Elena replied. She went to the kitchen. Friedrich heard water running, and supposed Elena must be putting the flowers in a vase. Sure enough, she returned after a few moments and put a vase full of flowers on the table. She tilted her head down and sniffed, clearly admiring the blooms while Friedrich fidgeted.

  I should
have asked David how to do this! He berated himself, regretting having given the card to Father Haralambos. “Elena, need to talk to you.”

  “Is something wrong?” Elena asked as she sat down. She was frowning, which did nothing to reduce Friedrich’s apprehension.

  He turned his back on her for a moment, thinking furiously. When he finally turned around, he gave her a half-hearted smile and sat down on the sofa.

  “What’s wrong?” Elena persisted, beginning to look worried.

  “Well, you know I sent you a letter, but it turned out to be the wrong piece of paper. It would have said everything I wanted to say. Then I wrote a card, but when I came over here, Father Haralambos took it from me and said to say things from my heart, but now I can’t find the words to ask whether you want to marry me or not.” Friedrich took a breath and continued. “And it would have been nice...umm...”

  “Yes,” Elena said, smiling broadly.

  “It would have been really nice if I did it the old fashioned way, you know, and—”

  “Friedrich,” Elena interrupted, “I said yes.”

  “It was so romantic and everything, and now I don’t know how to say it—” He stopped when he realized what Elena had just said. “Huh?”

  Elena shook her head at him and grinned. “I said yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Friedrich dropped to his knees in front of the young woman who would soon become Mrs. Friedrich Jacobs. “You mean you want to marry me?”

  “I don’t see anyone else asking me,” Elena joked.

  “You sure you mean you want to marry me?” Friedrich pointed at himself in total disbelief. She wants to marry me. He hardly believed it. He had prayed so hard for this moment to occur, and hoped he would have the right words to convince her that he was the one. Nowhere in his plans did it occur to him that Elena would not need convincing.

  “Yes, I want to marry you.” Elena pointed at him. Friedrich stood and scooped her up in his arms and whirled around the room.

  “Whoo-hoo!” he yelled. He put Elena down and fished around in his pocket. “Um, I hope you like this. It was my mother’s...” He smiled as he placed a diamond ring on her finger.

  Elena looked down at the single diamond sparkling in the light and put her arms around his neck. “Oh, Friedrich, this is so beautiful!” She kissed him tenderly.

  After a moment, they sat down on the sofa together, Friedrich watching as Elena continued to admire the ring. “I’m sure my mother would be proud to see you wear that ring—a beautiful ring for a beautiful woman,” he said shyly and gave her a quick kiss.

  “Mutti would be so happy.” Elena sniffed back the tears.

  “I want you to do something for me.” Friedrich got off the sofa and went down on his knees.

  “I thought I said yes already?” Elena teased.

  “I want you to finish college.”

  Elena sat back and gazed at her new fiancé. “You do?”

  “Yes, it’s important to you and I want you to be happy,” Friedrich replied and took Elena’s hand. “We can get married, if you want, after you finish. What do you think?”

  Elena put her arms around his neck and kissed him in answer.

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  Eva woke with a start. She looked down at Zoe, who was sleeping through the storm, and marveled at how she could do it. Zoe wore a very happy smile on her face, which made Eva grin in reaction.

  Eva snuggled down and scooped her still-sleeping partner closer to her. She could feel Zoe’s breath on her chest and it tickled a little. She ran her hand lightly through Zoe’s red locks, remembering their lovemaking after her bath, and remembering later as they cuddled and talked. I will have to do something to stop my wife from painting me naked. She smiled. She had threatened revenge, but she did not think Zoe took her seriously, since the conversation had descended into a tickle fest.

  Talking to Zoe was like a soothing massage—it relaxed her. She shook her head at the analogy that she had conjured up, but that was how she felt.

  Zoe loved to talk. And she talked about everything from little things like the day’s events, to quirky, sometimes profound things that came to her mind. She also told terrible jokes, something Greta had never done during their time together. It was just one of the many differences between the two women. There was one thing Zoe did not talk about to her last night, and that was what Greta had said to get her upset.

  Eva frowned. She did not want Greta to upset Zoe, and Greta had somehow managed to find Zoe’s weakness and exploit it. Eva was sure that was the reason Zoe had been quiet and had not wanted to talk about what had happened at the office. She looked down at Zoe, who began to stir and open her sleep-blurred eyes.

  “You’re frowning. You’re going to get worry lines,” Zoe gently scolded, tracing the lines on Eva’s brow with a fingertip. “What were you thinking about?”

  “I’ve made a decision,” Eva said quietly.


  “I’m not going to see Greta again.”

  Zoe hitched herself up on an elbow. “Not that I don’t like that idea, but why not?”

  “She hurt you, and I don’t like it when you hurt,” Eva replied, stroking Zoe’s cheek with the back of her hand. “You’re too precious to me.”

  Zoe swallowed while Eva continued to caress her cheek. “I love you,” she whispered and let her head rest on Eva’s chest. Eva leaned down and kissed her.

  Zoe’s hand fell across Eva’s stomach as they held each other. Eva was certain she had made the right decision. She looked at the rain-splattered window and sighed. “I don’t think we can go riding today.”

  “Oh, I don’t know...” Zoe rolled on top of Eva, causing her to chuckle and then reverse their positions.

  “You are insatiable, you know that?” Eva stared into Zoe’s mischievous emerald eyes. “You are so addictive.”

  “I have one addiction,” Zoe replied a little breathlessly as she moved so that she was lying on top of Eva again.


  Zoe nodded. “One very tall, blue-eyed, dark-haired, absolutely captivating, drop dead gorgeous wife.”

  “Really?” Eva teased.

  “Oh, yes. My favorite sport is climbing.” Zoe ran her hand down Eva’s hip. “Over hills and down into valleys.” She moved to the Eva’s thigh, which drew a little gasp from her and made Zoe grin. Then she brought her hand up Eva’s belly again. She ran her hand over Eva’s breast as she continued the tour. “And over peaks.” She smiled impishly. “Climbing up your body is one of my favorite sports.” She leaned over and blew a raspberry in between Eva’s breasts, making her giggle.

  “Do you plan on going climbing today?” Eva asked.

  “Oh, yes!” As she was about to launch an assault, they heard a knock on the door, which made Zoe groan loudly and collapse on top of Eva. “I’m going to kill whoever is on the other side of that door,” she muttered. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  “I’m not moving a muscle,” Eva responded, watching as Zoe grumpily got out of bed and put on a robe.

  Zoe admired Eva for a few seconds and waggled her eyebrows at her. “You will remember where we were?”

  “Over hills and down into valleys,” Eva replied with mock solemnity, earning a wicked chuckle from Zoe as she left the bedroom.


  Zoe ran her hands through her hair and did a little happy skip on her way to the front door. She opened it to find Elena standing in the corridor with what seemed like a mile-wide grin on her face.

  “It’s eight a.m., and it’s Saturday. Please, tell me we don’t have any classes today.” Zoe ushered her inside.

  “Look.” Elena stuck her hand under Zoe’s nose.

  Zoe looked down and saw the ring. They looked at each other and then screamed at the same time, shrill with excitement. Zoe embraced Elena and danced around the room, hollering and yelping. All the hollering brought Eva out to check on the cause of the commotion. She leaned against the bedroom door, watc
hing the two women dancing about.

  Zoe ran towards her and stood on the tips of her toes to kiss her. “Elena is getting married!”

  “To whom?” Eva asked, her eyes twinkling.

  Elena gave her a grin. “He asked me last night!”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Zoe cried out, then remembered what she had been doing last night, and gave Eva a quick glance.

  “Well, it was late, so I didn’t think you would be up,” Elena said. “He was so cute last night, not at all what I expected.”

  “You didn’t...”

  Elena looked blankly at Zoe, who arched a brow at her. “No!” she cried. “We’re going to wait until we’re married.”

  “I’m happy for you, Elena.” Eva came over and gave her a hug. Elena seemed very surprised and awkwardly hugged her back. “I’ll just go and put on some clothes,” Eva continued, releasing Elena.

  Zoe gave Eva a playful slap on the behind as she passed, and blew her a kiss when Eva waggled her eyebrows at her before disappearing into the bedroom.

  “Wow, I wasn’t expecting that,” Elena whispered. “She gives good hugs.”

  Zoe nodded. “Oh, yeah, she does,” she said. And Evy’s a great kisser and a great lover, she silently added to herself. “So, how did he do it? Was he romantic and everything?” she asked, taking another look at the ring.

  “How did Eva propose?” Elena asked.

  “Oh, God, Eva is the most romantic woman. Sick with the flu and nearly ready to pass out, she still went down on her knees,” Zoe replied, almost swooning with the remembrance.

  “Oh, she beats Friedrich in the romance stakes,” Elena said. “Do you remember that letter he sent that wasn’t a letter?”

  “The blank piece of paper?”

  “Well, that was supposed to be his proposal.”

  “No! Oh, God, that’s funny.”

  “Yeah, but last night he brought flowers and chocolates. He was so sweet.” Elena sighed. “I want to thank you.”

  “What for?”


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