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Chasing Bad Boys: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Chasing Bad Boys Book 5)

Page 10

by Kylie Parker

  “Oh, yes Maestro, please. I have wanted you all night. I need you. I…” Selena had murmured before he cut her off.

  “Oh yes, you have been asking for it all night. We really gave them a show didn’t we, my naughty girl.” Only moaning in reply she tugged at his belt buckle, untucked his shirt and found his rock hard stomach.

  He sat up, and she crawled to her knees, slowly undressing him. He leaned back and let her do the work, relishing her gentle touch as she undid his shirt buttons and slowly caressed his chest. Next, she pulled at his pants, tugging and enjoying each inch of skin she uncovered.

  The limo was slowly moving through the backed up traffic, and they could see people on every side of the limo. Fortunately, the windows were tinted so no one could see in but it gave off the distinct feeling of being watched.

  Pushing Selena back onto the bench, more forcefully, Lawrence pressed his naked body on top of hers. Kissing him, she touched his bare skin from his neck, down his shoulders, lower back, and bum. She felt his firm round cheeks and tried to pull him closer to her. Then she squirmed a little so she could grab his hard length and put it inside her. She needed to feel him, to move with him so she could feel the way only he could make her feel. He kissed her lips and then moved his attention to her breasts. He was fascinated with her breasts and licked and sucked them, urging her to the edge of pleasure. Pushing his mouth further onto her breast she locked into him as he licked and suckled her breast, and then moved to the other one. Rocking in passionate rhythm, they came crashing together, needfully.

  Panting and dizzy, Lawrence lay down on top of her as she tried to catch her breath. It was the first time Selena had ever had a simultaneous orgasm before, and it was incredible. Never has she felt so close to someone. She held him tight and bit her lip to keep from saying I love you. Rubbing his shoulders and back, she could see the tension that had been building in him for the last few days melting away. She couldn’t wait to get him back to his house so she could take this further. Lawrence, her boyfriend (she hadn’t said this out loud yet but was starting to like the way it sounded in her head), was beginning to be a craving that she needed.

  Back at the house, the vehicle stopped. The driver didn’t open the door right away. Lawrence pulled on his pants and shirt and then wrapped Selena in his jacket, and then he opened the door. Selena stepped out, bare legs and bum barely covered. Lawrence laughed and scooped her up into his arms, carrying her into the house.

  Hurriedly they showed, groping, touching kissing and then fell into bed. Selena stroked his hair, his chest, his body until he was hard again.

  “You naughty girl getting me all riled up again.” He growled and straddled her. Pushing into her eager wetness he rode her fast and hard, making her cry out.

  “Maestro, yes. Harder!” She pleaded.

  He flipped her over, pushing her face into the bed, “Quiet or I will gag you, you naughty girl.” He spanked her lightly and then flipped her over again, ready to finish her, and himself off. She moaned quietly loving how easily he threw her body around, silently begging him to spank her harder.

  Finally exhausted from their passion, they fell asleep. In the morning, Lawrence picked up where they had left off the night before, ravishing her body. But first, he restrained her wrists and ankles to the bed, leaving her sprawled out, vulnerable to anything he might choose to do. She shuddered in enjoyment as he took his time, switching between pleasure and pain. Taking her to the edge and then stopping.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Just as they were about ready for round two, the phone rang. Lawrence ignored it. It rang again; kissing Selena up and down her body he ignored it again. Then another phone rang a different sounding one that Selena could not see. Lawrence swore in frustration before getting up to answer it.

  When he got off the phone, he had troubling news. There was a family emergency, and he had to leave immediately. Rushing and panicked, which was not like Lawrence at all, he searched for the first clothes he could find; a crumpled shirt and dress pants, scrunched on the floor from the night before. He did not even have enough time to untie her and hold her like her always did. Instead, he undid one arm, kissed her, apologized and ran out the door, pulling his pants on as he went.

  She quickly untied the rest of the restraints and slipped her dress on over her naked body. Her bouncing breasts rubbing up and down the material tried to catch her arousal, but she was intent on finding Lawrence before he left, so she could kiss him, find a way to reach him, and tell him it was going to be ok.

  Leaving in a hurry she was barefoot and ran to the parking lot where he usually exited. His limo was waiting, but he was nowhere to be found. A large trunk, half full of blankets sat open in front of the trunk. She closed the lid and sat down waiting. Her intuition told her this was where he would be leaving from. Fortunately, she had remembered her phone and shot him a quick message asking if he left yet, or needed anything. Where was he? Selena heard voices coming from the office on the other side of the limo. The yelling escalated as Selena peeked up and saw two men shouting. One of them pulled a gun. Not again! She heard footsteps and a crash and panicked. Looking around for somewhere to hide, at the last minute, she climbed into the trunk. Only half full, she had plenty of room and the blankets below her cushioned her and muffled any movement.

  The footsteps came closer, and more yelling started. A gun went off, and everyone yelled at once. Selena shrunk down and tried to cover herself with a blanket. The yelling was right outside the limo now, and she didn’t recognize any of the voices. Maybe she had made a terrible mistake. She held perfectly still, the voices quieted. She heard a mumbling but could not make out what was said. Soon the trunk she was hiding in was being lifted. Selena wanted to call out but didn’t know who, or what she would be facing. She cringed thinking about confronting anyone with a gun. Swaying from side to side the trunk was eventually set down with a thunk, then another thunk and she couldn’t hear anything. Where were she and what had she gotten herself into?

  Taking a breath, she slowed her thinking and reminded herself not to panic. She was about to consider her options when the box she was in started moving again. She must have been put in a vehicle. But that could mean she would end up anywhere. Wracking her brain she remembered her phone and wiggled around trying to find it. Finally, she found it beside her pocket where it must have fallen.

  The lid of the trunk pushed open when she shifted positions, and she saw she was in the trunk, probably of the limo. She held it open with one of the blankets to give herself more air and struggled to listen to any other sound.

  Maneuvering the phone up to her chest, she picked it up and tried to get reception. Nothing. So much for that plan. Selena was wracking her brain, trying to think positively about all incidences. When Lawrence returned to his room and saw she was gone, he would find her and quick. Or at least she hoped she would. She had no idea where she was being taken.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Selena started to feel panic rising in her throat. It was hot, humid and stuffy in the trunk and she debated kicking her way out. With no idea of who was driving or who would open the door, Selena could be in a lot of trouble. And she knew it. As her mind processed what was happening, she wondered how any of this could be connected to Scriva industries. Something wasn’t right, and she may have gotten herself into more trouble than she could handle. Where was Lawrence? Would anyone even know she was gone?

  The vehicle slowed to a stop, and Selena’s heart raced as she listened for any possible sound. Footsteps around the vehicle could be heard. Holding her breath, she strained to hear. There were mumbled voices, an argument maybe. After what felt like an eternity the doors opened and closed and the car rumbled away. Racking her brain, Selena kept trying to get reception on her phone while the car roared on and on. Eventually, the engine sound lulled her to sleep, worrying about her escape and diminishing oxygen.

  She was startled awake by the screech of tires and her body being slammed
into the wall of the trunk. They had come to an abrupt halt. There was loud shouting now and then gunshots. She could hear bullets hitting the car, and she tucked herself tightly under the blankets in the trunk. After a few more moments of silence new voices spoke, then got into the vehicle and drove away. It sounded like a carjacking which meant trouble for Selena, double trouble.

  In the dark, it was hard to tell how much time had passed. Her phone died, and the light coming through the cracks of the trunk were dimming. Could it be evening already? She had no idea how long she had slept and no sense of direction regarding where she was. To say the least, Selena was petrified. When the car finally slowed, then turned, then slowed some more, her heart was pounding. The car made a series of sharp turns before coming to a complete stop.

  More footsteps, joined by additional voices and this time they were coming right to the trunk. Selena shrank down into the blankets, hiding. As the hatch was released, two men lifted the trunk out of the back, not realizing Selena was inside. She was terrified and uncertain but eager to get out and stretch her legs. Even if it was the last thing, she did.

  The voices were still muffled, but she heard a man yell “Get the shit and let’s get going.”

  The lid to the trunk was opened. Selena held still, realizing she had no idea what was in the trunk, under the layer of blankets. A man pulled the blanket back and shrieked when he saw her. The rest of the men, nearly a dozen all carrying guns leaned forward, guns first to look into the trunk.

  “What the fuck is that?” Another man asked. “Get her out of there.”

  The man that saw her first lifted her out of the trunk by her arm and set her on the ground. Her legs, shaky from being cramped for hours and terrified betrayed her and she fell to the ground. Not one to cower, she stood, swirling to face the guns pointed at her. Her mind whirled with her swirled body. She couldn’t comprehend how she had come from Lawrence’s lush suite at Scriva Industries to be surrounded by gunmen. Briefly, her mind flashed back to the day with Lawrence when she saw him shoot a man. She had believed his story then, or wanted to, but now it seemed there was definitely something missing. Should she say something, why were they all staring at her?

  “Sorry,” She stammered. “I, ah, wasn’t meant to be here.”

  The man who seemed to be the leader sneered at her. “Sexiest spy we have ever had to kill.”

  The other man laughing agreed and looked Selena up and down, focusing on her abundant cleavage. Selena looked down at her rumpled dress and blushed. She was barefoot and naked under her dress, vulnerable to these men and she had no idea where she was. Remembering her brief training in college about foreign correspondents and kidnapping possibilities she decided against admitting she was a reporter. These men looked like they wanted to keep a low profile.

  “No, definitely not. I don’t know any of you, and I don’t know where I am. Please…” She trailed off as she met the eye of the man who pulled her out. Seeing the look in his and the other men’s eyes, she pulled her dress to cover herself better, shivering at the thought that there were options worse than death.

  “I saw her first, so I get to have the first go on her.” He stepped forward and grabbed her arm, pulling it towards him. Selena resisted, and he pulled at her dress, ripping it, so there was a hole in the side.

  “Wait.” The man in charge spoke, not lowering his gun. “We need to find out who she is first. Five and Six, you guys bring her and follow me. Before walking away, he checked the trunk, pulled back a blanket and smiled. “The rest of you, check that it is all there and then report it to me immediately. You know how to do the rest.”

  “Yes, Captain.” Everyone spoke simultaneously.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Two men grabbed Selena under each arm and walked her along behind the Captain. Following for a short distance, they arrived at a door and entered into an office of sorts. There was a sitting room with a coffee table and chairs and then a couple computer desks and other office equipment. The two men sat her down in one of the chairs, and she crossed her legs. Feeling self-conscious she also crossed her arms. The Captain regarded her for a few moments before slamming his fist into the desk.

  “Where did you come from sweet cheeks?” He insisted, trying to sound kind.

  “The trunk,” she started.

  Cutting her off, he didn’t let her finish. “Don’t play smart with me. My nice side has its limits.”

  “Though those limits are much higher with someone as hot as you.” The man called five said, moving toward her.

  “Knock it off.” The Captain ordered and he looked back to Selena, who was shaking with cold and fear. “Want to try that again?”

  “I…I…I heard gunfire, and I climbed into the trunk to hide. While I was hiding some men loaded it into a vehicle and…and…I ended up here.” Selena wracked her brain not knowing what to say or not to say. As always, keeping it simple and saying as little as possible was the best options.

  The Captain scratched his beard and looked at her for a minute. “What is your name?”

  “Selena…Selena Grier.” Lying was not a viable option, in this case, she was who she was.

  Immediately Six sat down at one of the computers and started typing. Seconds later his face creased into a frown. He looked from the computer screen to Selena, to the Captain and down.

  “Spit it out,” the Captain said. “Who is she?”

  “Oh shit, she’s Lawrence Scriva’s woman.” As he spoke the words, the other two men’s mouths dropped open.

  “Bitch strip.” Five shouted and pointed the gun right at her head.

  She put her hands up and froze.

  “You have no choice. We have to see if you are wired. In case you are carrying.” The Captain picked his gun up and looked around.

  Selena saw the nervous look in all of the men’s eyes as their gaze shifted from her to each other to the doors at the front and back of the room. She knew she would have to do what they said to avoid being shot by a nervous trigger finger. Still, she spoke slowly before moving, changing her words as she spoke them.

  “Ok…I understand. Now, I am just going to pull my dress off, I am naked underneath, I have nothing to hide. Ok?” With soft words, she lowered her hands slowly and pulled her dress off squeezing her eyes shut as she did so. Without looking, she held her dress at arm’s length and dropped it. Standing frozen, the air in the room cooling her exposed body; she forced herself to take slow, quiet breaths. Finally, she forced her eyes open.

  All three men were leaning in to get a better look, the lust dripping off them. Five made a step towards her, and she squeezed her eyes shut again, remaining frozen in place. Peeking through squinted eyes, she saw the Captain push Five back a few steps.

  “Selena. Hold your arms above your head and turn so we can see you’re all clean.” He spoke to her, his voice slow and deliberate. Then he looked at Five. “And you pick up the dress and check it. As much as I hate to say it, no one touches her. She is very valuable.”

  After Five checked the dress thoroughly, seeming to caress every inch of it, he gave it the all clear. The Captain nodded and gestured for him to give it back to Selena. He threw it at her and she caught it, pulling it on to cover herself quickly. Sitting down and rubbing his temples. The Captain became quiet for a few moments and then ran his hands over his face once again. He looked at Five and Six and spoke sternly.

  “You two stay here and watch her. I have to look into a few things. Don’t touch her. Just make sure she stays in this room. Got it?”

  “Yes, Captain.” They replied in unison. The Captain walked out the door, and Five and Six looked at each other.

  “Can I sit?” Selena asked, after a few minutes of standing and being ogled.

  “I have a few places you can sit,” Five said lewdly gesticulating to himself while he leaned back in a chair.

  “Hey!” Six warned Five. And then to Selena, he said, “Yes sit.”

  “Oh come on, you want it as much as
I do. “

  “Well, I still haven’t ruled it out. But we have more pressing matters.” He said, looking pointedly at his partner. Then he gestured to Selena, “sit; we might be here a while.”

  For a long while, they sat, Selena looking at the floor, the two men looking at her. A man walked in with a pizza, some beer, and a message.

  “Her story checks out, looks like she is here by accident. Now we just are talking about what to do with her.” He said and then walked back out.

  “Poor little rich girl got lost.” Five mocked her.

  “Give it a rest; she’s not even rich. According to this article, she is just an intern, working towards a career in journalism. No one goes into that field if they have money.” Six argued back, talking about her like she wasn’t even in the room.

  Selena sighed and took a piece of pizza, declining the beer that was offered. She needed all her wits to get out of this one, and even then, she was pushing her luck. She was starting to feel pretty stupid for going chasing after Lawrence, and now she was caught up in…well whatever it was, it wasn’t good.

  “This is bullshit I am not going to sit here and play babysitter.” Five walked out the door leaving Six baffled and furious.

  “Don’t get any ideas.” He said, pointing the gun at her with intent. “You don’t move, and I don’t move. Got it?”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Selena had heard the sound of the motors before he did. She listened intently trying to hear something vaguely familiar, to wake her up from this nightmare. As the vehicle got closer, Six heard it and nodded.

  “Yep, that is probably everyone out ready to party. And I am stuck here babysitting the rich pricks woman.” Six lowered his gun a little and slumped down in his chair.

  Selena sighed and rubbed her eyes. Not having any way of know what she was doing here or how this might end. There were voices in the other room and music started to play loudly. A party made Selena nervous as she wondered if and when she would be forced to participate. The thought made her shudder and long for Lawrence’s safe arms or even sleeping in her tiny apartment. Anywhere but here.


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