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Aetheran Child

Page 14

by Antonin Januska

  “Oh.....lemme halep youuuuuu...” the droid said, motioning toward another hall away from the classrom. Lexan nodded and followed. At the end of the hall, they entered the main level of the sphere which connected all the areas around. Some hallways reached out beyond the Sphere’s limits, attached to the bridges for transports of various other Orbs and Sphere stations.

  As they stopped at a booth, already familiar to Lexan from other Spheres, the robot motioned for Lexan to take off his helmet. A blue-white shield immediately enveloped him as he did so. The helmet easily slid off, the cables connecting to his brain slid into his head seamlessly. Without saying a word, the PD gave Lexan a face mask that enveloped his lower jaw, a re-breather.

  Lexan put the headphone part in, no cables attached the re-breather to his cranium.

  “Now, tell me, what is the problem?” The Droid asked as politely as before.

  “My computer, the main personality interface, crashed. The translator stopped working and it does not detect any problems when self-checked.” Lexan explained quickly, and with surprising knowledge.

  “I will boot a new personality on your system, a temporary one, it does not have many of the original functions. But do not despair, you can get your old MPI fixed at the Tronics District, a Sphere cluster that hosts shops and service-provider that concern electronics, computers, and such.” The Droid said simply, “Or you can buy a new one there if you wish to.”

  The robot pulled a cable out of its wrist and manually connected to Lexan's NCC and helmet.

  “Running Diagnostics....done.” The Protocol Droid said, “It is a software error, a slight miscalculation looks like it. Hold on....done. You have a new temporary MPI uploaded. I marked the Tronics District for you. Now you can go.” The Droid turned and started roaming through the Sphere once again until he exited to the adjacent halls.

  Lexan stood there for a second. He checked his NCC and booted the computer. He put his helmet on just to catch the new MPI talking.

  “Hello Lexan. My language vocabulary isn't as extensive as the previous computer's. I will not be able to translate some words for you. Regardless, here is my report, “ the computer sounded male in Lexan's ears. “The vocabulary translation is down to sixty-five percent. Your computer currently supports up to 3rd degree vision. Everything else seems to be working well. I must warn you, I cannot be re-programmed as I am public property. My name is Tiber and I am a male-oriented, Shun-based, Main Personality Interface.”

  Lexan tapped the NCC's screen and viewed the current information in detail. He concluded that he will have to up his studies of Universal. A language known to people across the galaxy, the “Universal” standard.

  A galaxy-wide spread of language seemed to be a logical next step in the rise of a civilization and culture such as this one. However wide-spread the population, separated by billions of kilometers, the people were unified by DomeStem and other communication devices. As a medley of nations banded together, their languages started to merge until a simplified evolved version arose and became familiar to everyone. As the language acquired more prestige in the inter-travel and trade world, it grew to be spoken freely by people in tourist destinations, by tourists themselves, traders and travelers, and then businessmen. The language then grew in popularity among ordinary people then the professionals until it became second nature to the original mix of nations. Thousands of years later, the whole galaxy uses one unified, simplified tongue of their ancestors.

  Lexan turned off the display and laid back on his bed. Thoughts rambled loudly through his mind. He got up again, unsure of what to do, and read a bit of another book. Lexan skimmed through the books he acquired that day and crossed his legs. So much to read, so much to learn, he thought.

  “Please turn off all unneeded external output.” Lexan started as he put his hands on his knees.

  “All turned off.” Tiber sounded loudly and clearly in his helmet. Lexan turned and used one of his hands to manually adjust the volume of his voice.

  “Turn on music and visual in accordance to energy-saving meditation profile,” He found a sample meditation profile in one of his textbooks, and at the extensive DomeStem discussion groups. Soothing music turned on and a dim blue light covered the screen. The blues swirled and waved with the music pattern. Every time a bell rang, a droplet of liquid fell into the light-blue pond and waved. Lexan brought himself into an utter state of trance.

  He relaxed and launched his mind into darkness where only the true under-lying thoughts resided.



  The school work did not turn to be as over-whelming as Lexan initially thought. It mainly consisted of constant reading and excessive physical activity. The knowledge about this world satisfied Lexan, therefore he did not have any trouble reading, endlessly through his relaxation times. He also did not have any social events to attend to so that brought about endless boredom, despite the occasional party on the 9th day of the week and what has become dates with Bloo. She was literally his whole social life. But Lexan could not complain, Bloo made him look forward to class and such.

  The new world that Lexan has fallen into did not seem so strange and alien anymore. The boy enjoyed some of the new cultural aspects but mainly he distracted himself by absorbing as much information as possible. The surrealness of the situation, and the memory of his parents were pushed back in wake of the new opportunity to learn and become more than he ever dreamed. On some days, while sitting in contemplation, he would realize the expectations he had places on himself, but then he would shun them again and again, just like many other thoughts. The constant interruption of thoughts led him to learn a new self-control that he did not know he had.On some days, he would be an efficient machine, on others he would be spiritually insightful, but always, he was in control of his thoughts, it seemed.

  The lessons in classes now included lectures along with practical uses. Already, a few weeks into the school year. In combat class, Tr. Agre decided to allow short sword use. They trained in both Galant and Brutal styles, hacking and slashing at the nano-bots. Lexan excelled at both styles equally, so did everyone else. Some students have already decided what they wished to do, mostly because of their physical build. A couple of muscular boys have started to ignore the Galant style lessons, and ended up spending hours upon hours practicing the Brutal style at their dormitory's practice simulation rinks. The same went for the Galant-style users.

  In crafts, many of Lexan’s classmates finally mastered the one basic ability needed to do anything in the class, the ability to start a spark of energy to ignite wood fire. They had made the short-swords for the Combat class. Lexan thought it hard at first but apparently, weapon-making was easier than he thought. The structure of the metal could easily be altered using Aetheric energy, and with the help of nano-bots, creating metal alloy short swords was quick and painless. “Wood fire” was not actually permitted but it was always reffered to, the students used high-energy heat ovens. The “spark” ability, as the teacher stated, was a basic survival skill and when caught outside of the civilization, without a suit, one had to employ it.

  Lexan was surprised to see the “Sports” reminded him of the usual “running, playing, and teaming up” physical education classes on Earth. They tried to shoot a ball through a hoop, a post, or get it to touch a rectangle on the wall. One day, they had the chance to go into one of the Practice Simulation Rinks, and experienced a sport named Bouncer Brawl. Four players on each side bounced from wall to wall in a twenty or so meter wide cylinder with minimal gravity. The point of the game was to bounce as fast up the walls to the top and score with a ball by hitting the ceiling with at least the required forced. The trick was to hang onto the ball to the very end, or to snatch the ball up at the last second and score. After that, came the runs. The run have become increasingly prolonged and it became axiomatic that the whole class would follow this pattern. Lexan would only sigh over the matter and continue
to the recess.

  Two hours, now regularly, spent with Bloo, exploring the wonders of Aether School, that is what recess became. The various places thoroughly explored included the Grand Hall where they spent such a long time listening to GrandMaster Kosig on the first day of school. Lexan visited the Tron District, as well as the NightLife district. It became evident that the whole facility did not serve as only a school but also as a large trading market place, entertainment center, and much more. The caves became their usual hang-out spot when no other activity seemed inviting. They talked by the stalactites and stalagmites endlessly, discussing a variety of subjects. Lexan finally experienced the DomeStem where Bloo showed him the largest known “Domes”. The DomeStem was an interplanetary, galactic interconnecting communication world created by linking most, if not all, computers in the galaxy. They played a few games, Lexan took the opportunity to see what it would really feel like to fight in an integalactic war as a soldier, a rather grim but exciting experience. And what it would feel like being a trans-system trader. Quickly he realized, though, that he could spend large amounts of time trapped in the DomeStem, even lose himself completely.

  Lexan shook his head whenever he left. He did not wish to go to class, he simply wanted to stay and keep exploring.

  In History class, the teacher kept talking about fables and stories of the old world that seemed to bore everyone. Everyone but Lexan, who enjoyed the stories and history from some two hundred thousand odd years ago. It took them all those weeks only to finish the first Elder and his work in the universe. He was the Elder of Knowledge who recorded the galaxy's history and taught the people about the world. He enlightened shadowed individuals and brought peace and prosperity to numerous societies.

  In Biology, doctor Phaceutic taught about the various life forms on sand planets, or on any other planets that contained large volumes of isolated sand. It was rather un-interesting especially since the chapter deal with species of spiders and other small such creatures. The impact of different sands on the creatures' adaption also prevailed as a major study.

  Transformation, Lexan’s last subject, in fact, became Lexan's favorite subject. The exercises allowed him to easily transform and Master Trance finally started with more aggressive lessons.


  One day of the ten day week, for example, the teacher announced the week's challenge. The challenge that week was to introduce a new ability the “all-seeing eye” as it was called. It had to be taught by one of the students.

  “It is the ability to see more than there is to the world. To see things that are supposed to be hidden or just lost, or things that are out of place. The ability will let you see without opening your eye. Strange isn't it? Let me explain it in scientific terms,” one of the students started, the octid shifted his weight and changed his translator to take his words as they are, not a summary, “Everyone remembers what their possessions look like. You are able to recognize it as yours because of a special mark it has, an odor perhaps, or the sound it makes when it performs its function. If you focus on those 'signatures', you are bound to find the object no matter what. You wouldn't look for an object in a place where it doesn't fit. For example, if you heard the sound an object makes, you would not go looking for it in the opposite direction, would you? If you search for a hidden object, look for things out of place.”

  The student continued from that, when Mt. Trance beckoned him to do so, “Aetheric powers allow you to enhance these senses and see with closed eyelids, if you train enough. Not only that, but each object, and everything around you emits energy visible in different dimensions that will help you find what you are looking for,” The student moved to the front of the class and told everyone to get in the meditation pose. Lexan expected the usual calming music but instead, an up-beat sound pulsed through the room anomalously. Its bizarre structure of beats included different kinds of tones and pitches, ranging from the lowest frequencies to the highest that even the Master octid could not sense.

  “Close your eyes, everyone.” He directed and forty-eight or so eye lids closed at the command. Master Trance took over the lesson, “Listen attentively to where the sound is coming from in the relation where you hear it. Feel the beats and the background sounds of breath and pulse.”

  Lexan concentrated.

  He disabused himself of error. When he tried to see, he could see. Perfectly! How could I? He thought. His brain computed the information at high, unexpected speeds. He could see where the teacher stood. He heard the small movements around him. He felt the hearts beat inside of his classmates’ chests and their lungs filling with air. He sensed the different reflections and refractions the sound had to make to reach his ear. The sound wave moved carelessly through the room, breaking and bonding when it hit an object. Lexan sensed everything about. The question was how? How could an untrained Aether know all this?

  He has read the lesson on the “all-seeing eye”, to see like he saw right now, everything to its fullest detail, takes a normal student about two or three years WITH music. Lexan turned his head, without turning it, he shifted his view and browsed through the classroom. His invisible hands touched the ridges on the walls and his invisible feet stood upon the hard floor. A little beyond the room, he could see the other rooms, not too much, the sound could not vibrate its way through the walls.

  Indeed, he saw everything.

  “Now, I have an object in the palm of my hand. Can anyone 'sense' what shape it is?” The student teaching asked, Lexan could visibly see Mt. Trance shaking his tentacle, telling him that this was too much of an advanced task for the first lesson. Lexan clearly saw the cube, he could not see the color, everything around had a black and white feel to it. He concentrated more upon the cube. Now, he could see the ridges and marks on the cube. Every single scratch rose to Lexan's awareness. He saw where the nails had scratched it, he saw the marks that have been etched upon it by a writing utensil of sorts. Lexan could not believe in such precise detail.

  Suddenly, Lexan had an excellent idea to take off his helmet, to see even more detail. The Helmet's speakers could accurately imitate the real world sounds but somehow, Lexan preferred to hear the world without any delay or intrusion.

  “Joshua, activate the shield. I want to take off my helmet.” He said to his newly modified computer. It responded accordingly and Lexan took off his helmet slowly. The blue-white shield shimmered into view.

  He closed his eyes once more, after he set his helmet down. He heard even more sounds, the highs and lows most likely ignored by the helmet. Lexan could 'see' better but what did he see? He saw waves as if exploding, rotating around objects. Like an ocean crashing upon the rocks on the shore. Little strings intertwined in darkness. Every time a wave went through the object, it enveloped it and moved away, deflected. Lexan stared in wonder and awe. The little strings in the object loosened and traveled to other objects. Lexan saw millions of them. Maybe billions and trillions, all deflecting the patterned waves.

  Lexan felt overwhelmed. Mt. Trance started talking again, it pained Lexan's ears. His voice etched into the boy’s ear drums and screeched its way along his neural endings. The objects moved fast ignoring the rhythm they had. This castigated Lexan for his curiosity.

  He finally opened his eyes. The objects weren't there, that further confused Lexan. His brain had miscalculated. The sight was heinous, the sight and feelings transmuted vigorously until Lexan stared wide-eyed into pure darkness.

  A searing pain shot through his torso and head. He could move, his body paralyzed. He was fettered to a stone wall. Or was it just a feeling? Lexan moved his head but only a white blankness stood in front of him. He heard a scream, louder than the blast from a grenade. His ears felt like bursting.

  But alas! He could see a few seconds later. A person walked up to him, dressed in black. It was a woman, no, it was a girl, very familiar to Lexan. Alary! He tried to speak but no words came out. He tried to move but the fetter only rattled.

She glided toward him. Her serene face smiled. She brushed her black, curly hair away by her soft hands. Her dress waved as if a fluffy breeze passed by. She, still smiling, raised her finger to her lips and to Lexan's lips afterward when Lexan tried to say something again. She felt his face, her skin smoother than a diamond, and kissed him with her luscious red lips. Her wet lips remained immutable on his lips until as if by a spell, he fell down.

  The invisible shackles loosened. The pains subsided. The whiteness turned into darkness. Alary moved away from him and merged into the general nothingness.


  Later, Lexan woke up in a nurse station and lied about the event. He told the teacher and the nurse droid that he could not see well with the power and so he took off his helmet. Then he faltered. Master Trance did not elicit any more information and he let Lexan go, looking utterly unconvinced. Lexan left promptly, with Alary’s image fresh in his mind.


  Mt. Trance did not mention the event again, but Lexan was sure he told Master Raki about it. He felt an uncertainty in regard to the Master. His affiliations seemed lurid at best and that's only when they were at the ship. Fleeting thoughts similar to these bothered Lexan's mind. He had trouble concentrating and meditating but in the end, he was able to push the thoughts back far enough not to come up again.

  Lexan headed to Tr. Psudala’s class where they performed “spells” using “magic”. The terminology troubled the boy slightly. They learned to change the temperature of the air by pulling or adding energy to the system. They learned to reach out and move simple objects, Tr. Psudala did not offer an explanation how that was possible, but no one bothered to ask further about their powers. Lexan felt it excruciating to do such tedious tasks as moving a single credit from one place to another.

  The night assuaged his mind and Lexan even slept at times, though such an activity was not allowed.


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