Contract to Pleasure

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Contract to Pleasure Page 1

by Beverly Havlir

  Bandar: Contract to Pleasure

  Beverly Havlir

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2005 Beverly Havlir

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  ISBN: 1-59596-199-2

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  Changeling Press LLC

  PO Box 1561

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  Editor: Chrissie Henderson

  Cover Artist: Fabiano Fabris

  This e-book file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience. Changeling Press E-Books are for sale to adults, only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  Chapter One

  Planet Demeter

  “This dress is too short.”

  Lara rolled her eyes. “It’s a beautiful Maravian dress, Tamara. It’s the latest fashion in the whole galaxy.”

  Tamara frowned. “On you, I’m sure it looks great, Lara. I feel stupid.” She stopped short of the entrance to The Rendezvous and moved off to the side, tugging at the hem in frustration. Lara had declared tonight “get laid” night. Rendezvous was a meat market known throughout the galaxy for one-night stands with people from different worlds. “I’d feel better if I was with Father. The peace talks with the Xerexians are extremely important to the Federation. I shouldn’t be here enjoying myself. He needs me.”

  “Father was the one who told you to take a couple of days off,” her sister reminded her.

  “I still don’t like it,” Tamara grumbled. “I’m his security detail. I should be there. What if something happens?”

  “I doubt the Xerexians would be stupid enough to make trouble in the neutral sector. They still have to follow galaxy laws. Now stop tugging on that dress. You look fine.”

  “I don’t feel comfortable.”

  “Listen, you can’t wear your regulation Special Services black uniform everywhere you go,” Lara countered with exasperation. “You’re not on the job tonight. This is a party. We came here to socialize, to mingle with the opposite sex.” Her voice lowered. “This place is frequented by men from Antabbe Prime, Pacifica and of course, Demeter locals. I even heard rumors Bandarians are here. That means there will be great pickings tonight.”

  “Bandarians? We studied briefly about them at the Academy. They have exceptional fighting skills.”

  Lara grinned. “All I’ve heard from a friend of a friend is that their prince is like a bull in bed. Insatiable. Unstoppable. His reputation as a lover almost equals his reputation as a warrior.” She glanced around. “Just relax and leave it up to me. I plan on finding you a man tonight. I promise.”

  “This is so humiliating. My younger sister is trying to get me a man. What’s wrong with me going to Lustor and picking up a pleasure-bot?” Tamara bolstered her point by counting her reasons. “One. They don’t cheat on you. Two. They don’t tell you what to do. Three. They perform on demand. Fourth and best of all, a pleasure-bot will make sure I come.”

  “Sometimes I don’t know why I even bother.” Her sister’s sigh was a long-suffering one. “Tamara, the day you pick up a pleasure-bot to take care of your sexual needs instead of a real, live man is the day I officially give up on you.”

  She brightened up. “Really?”

  Lara’s beautiful blue eyes narrowed. “No.”

  Deflated, Tamara bit back a retort. Lara was an actress, glamorous and beautiful. Part of her job, her lifestyle really, was going to parties like this. She was used to wearing skimpy little nothings that flaunted her body. On the other hand, Tamara was more at home with a plasma gun strapped to her thigh and another one hidden in her boot. The only reason she’d agreed to come tonight was to get her sister off her back.

  “Demeter is the biggest playground in the galaxy. People come here expecting to have sex. What don’t you like about it?”

  There was nothing wrong with Demeter. From the ruins brought about by a series of cataclysmic natural disasters, the enterprising Demeterians built an underwater pleasure resort. The result was a veritable sin city, set on the ocean floor, covered by a huge dome bubble. Two towers served as docking bays for arriving and departing ships. The ride down was swift and dizzying, a rapid descent into the dark depths of the water. Tamara wasn’t looking forward to the ride back up. She’d bet it would be no less hair-raising.

  “Well? What’s your objection to Demeter?” Lara persisted.

  “I’m not interested in men who hang out in places like this.”

  “Not all men can outshoot you in the shooting range, Tamara,” Lara quipped in frustration. “You’re looking for a man who can wrestle you in the exercise mat, outshoot you and generally hold his own against you. That narrows down the field to boring law enforcement types.”

  Exactly. “I’m looking for a strong man. What’s wrong with that?”

  “While you haven’t found this paragon of manhood,” Lara continued dryly, “you need some serious eye candy to please you in bed.” She tugged at Tamara’s arm. “We’re in Demeter for goodness’ sake. Let’s have some fun.”

  “I have a job to do,” she still insisted, reluctant to accept Lara’s logic.

  “You’re off duty, Tamara. Come on. Let’s enjoy tonight before you bury yourself in work again, hmm?”

  “Fine.” Tamara gave in with little grace. “Let’s get this over with.”

  Walking directly to the bar, she accepted a glass full of some red concoction from Lara. Tamara took a small sip, grimacing at the strong alcohol taste. What she wouldn’t give for a strong cup of Lower Colombia’s much touted coffee.

  Her eyes carefully ran over the guests, all dressed to the nines, gyrating to the heavy beat of the music. Blue-skinned women from Maravia wore similar outfits to hers, except theirs were skimpier and more revealing. Maravian women were noted for their large, melon sized breasts and tonight they were hanging out for all to see. Their white blonde hair made a stunning contrast against the deep hue of their skin. They were also renowned for creating the most divine dresses that were softer than silk and made to faithfully cling to the female form.

  Tamara’s wardrobe consisted mainly of clothes designed for comfort and utility. What she had on tonight was unlike any she’d ever worn before. The strapless top, made from gorgeous Maravian hand woven shimmering material, molded her chest much too closely for comfort. She had no idea how it stayed in place, but it did. She was afraid her breasts would pop out any minute.

  The rest of the dress fell in soft folds to her thighs, fluttering gently with the slightest movement. Cleverly hidden slits in the skirt afforded everybody a much too generous view of her limbs. It was already short, for heaven’s sake. She might as well have gone naked for all the concealment it provided. According to Lara it was the current rage. Hence, her sister had browbeaten her into wearing it tonight.

  Lara squeezed her arm. “You’re in Special Services mode again. Stop scanning the crowd as if you’re on the lookout for an assassin, for God’s sake.” She pasted a smile on her face and tilted her head. “Check out the men.”

  Dutifully, Tamara glanced over at a group of men congregating on the other side of the long, green glass bar. They were of average height and extraordinarily good looking.

  “Pacificans,” Lara informed her softly. “Noted for their class
ic good looks and very little else. They’re perfect for a one-night stand.”

  “Great. Just what I need. All brawn and no brain,” she retorted with mild sarcasm before turning away. It wasn’t long before a young man, dressed in a form-fitting suit that outlined his impressive muscles, came up and asked her sister to dance. Lara was about to refuse when Tamara nudged her forward. “Go ahead, Lara, dance with him.”

  “You’ll be fine?”

  The genuine concern so obvious in her sister’s voice was touching. Tamara felt her irritation drain away. “Of course. Don’t worry about me.” The man led Lara to the dance floor and the pair started dancing.

  Left alone, she idly surveyed the large room. Her gaze was drawn to a nearly seven foot tall, deeply tanned, muscular behemoth a few feet away whose eyes were locked on her.

  Even with the crowd of people separating them and the headache-inducing flashing lights, she was hit by the impact of his stare. His eyes swept over her, traveling slowly from her toes up her body, lingering on her chest before traveling past her lips and finally meeting her eyes once more.

  Who did he think he was? Tamara lifted her chin, annoyed at the man’s daring. The slow, sensuous beat of the music underscored the eerie feeling she had of being claimed. Her nipples tightened at the stranger’s frank sexual look. He wasn’t even making any effort to hide it!

  Lara came back to her side. “Well, well. I guess you don’t need my help after all,” she observed with a delighted chuckle.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The tall animal with gorgeous dark skin and delicious muscles over there,” she described with an admiring sigh. “You two are liable to start a fire.”

  Arrogant beast. “If he’s looking for sex, this is certainly the place to find it,” Tamara quipped, trying to quell her body’s response to the stranger’s hot glance. “Just not with me.” She sipped her drink and smiled at the first male she saw. It turned out to be one of the Pacificans who stood on the other end of the bar.

  Just as the handsome young man started to make his way over to her, the muscular behemoth who’d been staring suddenly blocked his path and simply shook his head. Wide-eyed with disbelief, Tamara watched the Pacifican shrug and head back in the other direction. Of all the nerve! She stroked the small, glittering evening purse that rested against her hip. It was so miniscule that instead of makeup or some other frilly feminine item she could have brought, she opted to slip her palm sized laser gun in there. It would serve him right if she took it out and shot the arrogance out of him.

  “Well, well,” Lara murmured in approval. “It seems he’s staked out his territory.”

  Tamara bristled. “That’s it. I’m leaving. I’ll see you later.” Ignoring her sister’s spluttered protests, Tamara plunked her drink on the bar and made her way through the throng of people to the exit. When she emerged in the cool night air, she breathed deeply. A leisurely walk back to the hotel would do her some good. Taking off the ridiculous shoes Lara had forced her to wear, she decided to take the scenic way through the park.

  With every step that took her further from the club, Tamara could feel the tension slowly seeping from her. She even wiggled her toes against the cool, damp turf. The artificial moon was a pale orb against the backdrop of the glass dome. The Demeterians had even created heavy clouds to float in the atmosphere, adding a more realistic look to their world. Demeter was a popular destination for humans and other species alike. It offered hedonistic pleasures that could not be found anywhere else.

  The hairs on the back of her neck suddenly stood on end. For a second, she had the oddest sensation of being followed.

  Tamara stopped, glanced behind her and saw nothing. Yet the eerie feeling persisted.

  As a Special Services agent, she’d long ago learned to trust her instincts. Her eyes narrowed and she quickly darted through a thick clump of bushes and ducked down. She pulled the plasma gun from her purse and waited.

  Kendrick cursed softly from where he knelt behind a large tree. He’d been following the human female, intending to talk to her, when he heard the rustle of dry leaves on the ground. Crouched in battle ready position, he swiftly scanned the darkness behind him, his senses on high alert. He gripped the lethal Tandura knife his grandfather gave him, ready to strike, when a small animal darted across his feet. No one would dare attack him, but he was always careful. He slowly relaxed and sheathed the weapon.

  When he turned, however, the female was no longer there. Disappointment twisted inside him. She’d managed to elude him.

  He’d gone to The Rendezvous tonight on impulse, hoping to have a drink and relax before the journey back to Bandar. He was about to leave, deciding it was a waste of time, when he saw her walk in wearing that short, shimmering dress that gave tantalizing glimpses of smooth, tanned limbs. His body’s instant hardening reminded him it had been a while since he’d lain with a woman. Still, the force of the lust that hit him came as a surprise. He’d already staked her out for his own when another man approached her. It had been easy enough to dissuade him. The young man didn’t even put up an argument. Tracking the human female’s swift exit from the club, he decided to follow her, driven by a compulsion he didn’t understand or question.

  “Why are you following me?”

  At the sound of the husky, feminine voice, Kendrick grinned. He swiveled slowly, his eyebrows rising at the weapon she held in her small hands. The computer controlled clouds parted at that moment, giving him a clear view of her face. The soft glow of the moon illuminated her smooth skin. “Do you know how to use that weapon? Or is it just for show?” he drawled.

  Her blue eyes flashed. “You don’t want to find out, trust me. Why are you following me?”

  Kendrick crossed his arms. “You left so suddenly.”

  She flicked a switch on the plasma gun and a red light came on, signaling a full charge. “You’re very arrogant.”

  “And you’re very brave,” he countered softly. “Human females don’t normally appeal to me. You’re different.”

  “I’m not interested.”

  He took in her generous breasts pushing against the sheer material of the dress she wore. They were high and round, tipped by stiff crests. “No?”

  “You can leave now.” When he didn’t move, she pointed the gun at his crotch. “I don’t think you want me to shoot you there.”

  In a lightning fast move, Kendrick slapped the plasma gun away from her hand. The weapon landed a few feet away. One second was all he needed and he swooped in. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her close, her back against his front, and wrapped his arm around her. The maneuver was executed with flawless precision. With an outraged shriek, she struggled against his hold.

  Kendrick held her close to him and buried his face in her fragrant hair.

  She flailed and kicked in a vain attempt to dislodge his arm. “Let me go,” she bit out furiously.

  He grinned. “Why would I want to do that?”

  “I’m giving you one last chance to let me go.”

  He chuckled, amused by her audacity. “Or else what?”

  “Or else I’ll kick your ass,” she snapped.

  “I’d like to see you do that.” Her wiggling backside rubbed against his cock, the friction further arousing his flesh.

  She made one last admirable effort to extricate herself, struggling with surprising strength. Bracing her feet on the ground and managing to take him by surprise, she pushed back and knocked them both to the ground. Kendrick fell, pulling her on top of him, absorbing the impact. Without giving her a chance to react, he rolled over and pinned her underneath. He quickly clamped a leg over hers and held her arms above her head.

  Her angry eyes locked onto his, her breaths coming in pants. She bucked and kicked angrily. “Let me go.”

  The human female was strong and knew how to defend herself, but she was no match for him. He was bigger, wider and heavier. With her hands held securely by one of his, he was safe for the moment. He didn
’t dare take anything for granted. The moment she was loose, she’d attack without a doubt.

  Kendrick marveled once more at her beauty. Her full lips were currently pulled in a thin, angry line but didn’t detract from her loveliness.

  “You’re going to regret this,” she warned.

  “Tell me that again when you’re not horizontal beneath me. In the meantime…” He trailed his fingers from her cheek to the side of her neck before pushing the fragile bodice of the dress down to her waist. Her sharp intake of breath didn’t escape his notice. He grinned in delight and cupped the soft flesh in his palm.

  The look she threw him was scathing. “You’re nothing but an animal.”

  Brushing against the soft swell of her breasts, Kendrick kept his touch unhurried and deliberate. He flexed his fingers, gently kneading the generous bounty he held. Leaning down, he tongued her nipple, giving her one long, slow lick. Her strangled moan broke the silence of the night.

  “Stop,” she choked.

  He looked into her eyes, the deep blue pools shimmering in the night. “Kiss me and I’ll let you go.”


  Kendrick lowered his head in slow degrees, giving her time to protest and stop him. She remained mute as he drew closer. When he closed the distance between their lips, her eyes fluttered closed.

  The soft contact only lasted a moment. The kiss soon turned rapacious, devouring. The instant response he wrung from her was a shock to her system. So was the fire that gathered in her lower belly. Tamara was helpless in the wake of her reaction to him. When their lips parted, she felt deprived and wanting more.

  “Come with me to my ship.”

  She licked her lips, savoring his spicy taste. His kiss made her hot and weak but she still didn’t like his high-handed ways. “No.” The whispered refusal lacked strength and conviction.

  “Yes.” He nipped at her lips, his tongue teasing hers with quick licks and dips.

  “You… you… can’t force me.”


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