Contract to Pleasure

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Contract to Pleasure Page 2

by Beverly Havlir

  “I’ve never had to resort to force.”

  “Good. You’ve had your kiss. Now let me go.” Why did she sound so breathless? Damn it. She’d never felt this weak before, never felt this syrupy heaviness invade her body.

  He cupped her breast, kneading the soft flesh. Tonguing the crest, he pulled it deep into his mouth and sucked. She bucked and struggled, although not as pronounced as before. He nuzzled the valley between the mounds of her breasts. Tamara bit back a moan. Oh. My. God. How is it possible to feel this hot, this fast, for a total stranger?

  “What happened to all the hissing and kicking?” he asked right before he took possession of her mouth. He swallowed her whimper of protest. The outrage that flared briefly once more at his words died a sudden death. Tamara responded instantly. It was like lighting a fuse. He angled his head and plunged deeper, engaging her in a mind-blowing, erotic kiss.

  Little by little, his hold on her hands slackened until he finally let her go. All thoughts of resisting were now gone from her head. Her senses spun and she wrapped her arms around his neck and hung on.

  When their lips parted, he was breathing as heavily as she was. He laid his forehead against hers. “I want to fuck you.”

  His frank words didn’t shock as much as add to her arousal. The magnitude of her response was a surprise. Should she forget a lifetime of caution and give in to this stranger?

  “I was right to pick you tonight. You became mine the moment I saw you.” He licked the corner of her lips. “I leave tomorrow. Come to my ship with me. I’ll have my people take you to wherever you want to go afterwards.”

  Tamara went still, his remarks penetrating her lust fogged mind. He picked her to spend the night with him? He’ll have his people take her wherever she wants to go? What’s next? Offer her money in exchange for fucking him? Resentment welled up inside her. “And do you always get what you want?”

  He frowned. “Of course.”

  She pushed him off, taking him by surprise. He grunted, landing on his back. Tamara got lithely to her feet and glared at him. “Your arrogance disgusts me.”

  His lips thinning, he stood up. “I’m tired of this game. I will only ask you once more. Come with me to my ship.”

  Now free, Tamara backed away from him, putting some distance between them. “My answer’s the same.”

  “You want me too. I don’t see what the problem is.”

  Her face reddened. “Your attitude amazes me. Do you think so much of yourself that you believe I will fall at your feet immediately? Does every woman you proposition say yes?”

  “Very few say no.”

  “Well, this one is.”

  “I find human females difficult to understand. You seem to prefer going through some kind of ritual before mating with a man.”

  She snorted. “It’s not a ritual. It’s called getting to know one another before having sex.”

  “Do you deny you responded to me? I can make you respond again.”

  The intent in his voice raised alarms in her head. Silence fell as they stared at each other, separated by a short distance.

  Heavy footsteps thundered in the distance. He turned, automatically pushing her behind him. Her hackles rose at the instinctive protective gesture. I can take care of myself, thank you very much. Where the hell is my gun? It was a short distance away, the metallic finish glinting in the pale moonlight.

  At the same time, Tamara realized this was her chance to get away. Wrenching her arm from his hold, she dived for her gun, executing a perfect roll and ending on her knees. Without once looking back or slowing down, she ran as fast as she could until she reached the safety of the hotel. What had possessed her to let him do what he did? She had been so close to losing control, to giving in to a total stranger, for heaven’s sake.

  After a night spent tossing and turning, she was never more relieved than when she boarded the shuttle bound for Earth. Lara was full of questions and wouldn’t believe her declaration that nothing happened after she left the club. Bleary eyed and exhausted, Tamara settled in to take a nap, wanting nothing more than to forget all about her encounter with the stranger last night. A damn pleasure-bot was looking better and better by the minute.

  Chapter Two

  The first inkling Tamara had of trouble was her father’s tense expression. “What’s wrong?”

  “The Xerexians have broken off peace talks with the Earth Federation. They’re not willing to come back to the negotiating table,” Joseph Conway stated with deceptive calm.

  Her stomach sank. “Surely there’s something you can do?”

  He shook his head grimly, his eyes troubled. “I have tried everything in my power, Tamara. I’m afraid Mal’nar ruined whatever fragile peace existed between our two worlds.”

  “Mal’nar has burned a lot of bridges.”

  Joseph raked his hand through his hair. “He made some mistakes during his time.”

  “Some?” Tamara scoffed. “Father, the man was not fit to be premier. You and I know that.”

  He gave her a reproving glance. “Now is not the time to look back on what’s happened. I am the premier now. I have to find a way to stop the Xerexians from turning this into a full blown war.”

  Tamara bit back a retort. Her father was right. Former Premier Mal’nar had made a mess of things, alienating kingdoms and planets that used to be friends with the Federation. Now there was a more urgent problem. Earth was vulnerable due to Mal’nar’s stupidity and the war-mongering Xerexians were poised to pounce and take advantage of the Federation’s current weakness.

  “The latest intelligence report is very alarming. Xerex is preparing to mount an assault on us.”

  “What are you planning to do?”

  “At the moment, there are very few options left to me.”

  Tamara seethed with frustration as she watched her father pace back and forth. The door opened and a tall, uniformed man strode in. Dax Morrison was a trusted commander in the Federation fleet of warship cruisers, as well as a close family friend.

  “Premier Conway,” he greeted respectfully. “Tamara.”

  She returned his smile. Dax was a good friend and she often lamented the fact that he would have been the perfect man for her -- if he wasn’t so much like a brother.

  “Dax,” her father responded. “What’s the news?”

  “Not good, sir. The Xerexians have attacked a Federation outpost located in Nebula Ten.”


  “One hundred percent.”

  Tamara stifled a gasp. The outpost in Nebula Ten was populated by about fifty scientists and their families, sent there to conduct studies and experiments. “Oh, God.”

  “Damn them,” her father shouted out in fury. “They’ve rejected every offer I have presented! What more do they want?”

  “With all due respect, Premier, I don’t think the Xerexians were interested in peace to begin with.”

  “Dax is right, Father,” Tamara added softly. “It’s not your fault.”

  Joseph paced back and forth, his countenance stiff and angry. Silence fell in the room. “What if we fight back?”

  “We can mount a limited offensive but we can’t sustain it for long,” Dax replied. “Our ships are scattered throughout twelve galaxies. You know as well as I do that Earth cannot survive a protracted war with Xerex.”

  Tamara clenched her fists. The Federation was weakened right now and would never win a war against Xerex. “What would dissuade the Xerexians from turning this into a full fledged war?”

  “The only thing that would stop them in their tracks is if we have an alliance with one who is more powerful than them.”

  “You’re right. And I know of only one.” Joseph paused, looking out the window. “The only thing that would prevent Xerex from declaring war against us is if we secure an alliance with Bandar. The Xerexians would never provoke Kendrick. Like the rest of us, they are very much aware of Bandar’s power.”

  “Do you think that will work?”
Tamara asked.

  “It is our only hope.” Joseph sat down on a chair and rubbed his face. “It is unfortunate that Mal’nar has made a mess of things with Bandar, too. Our relationship with them has gone from friendly to distant. I only hope that Kendrick will listen to my plea and agree to help.”

  “And if he doesn’t?” she prompted softly.

  “I’m not even going to contemplate that. I met Kendrick years before, when his father was still alive. He struck me as a very reasonable young man. I’m hoping that still holds true today.” Joseph looked at Tamara. “We’re going to Bandar. There’s no time to waste. We have to leave tonight.”

  Dax nodded. “Even with jump technology, your trip will probably take two days at least. I’ll make sure your ship is ready to leave within the hour.” He opened the door and left.

  Tamara gave her father a reassuring smile. “If anybody can persuade Kendrick to agree to an alliance with Earth, it would be you, Father.”

  “I hope you’re right.” The worry in her father’s voice twisted her heart. “Would Kendrick want to embroil his kingdom in a possible war against Xerex? I don’t know. I’ll need all the help I can get in convincing the prince to agree to my proposition.”

  The future of Earth was at stake.

  * * *

  Tamara marveled at the obvious affluence and natural beauty of Bandar. The spaceport was extremely busy. Ships from different planets arrived and left every few minutes. While waiting to board the cruiser with her father, she observed the native Bandarians. They were impressively tall, most of them well over six feet. She’d yet to see one, even a female, shorter than that. At five foot seven, she felt positively short.

  The city was on a par with any modern metropolis on Earth. Soaring skyscrapers pointed toward the sky, glinting brightly under the yellow sun. Hover cruisers were the common mode of transportation, such as the one that had been sent to take them to the palace.

  Strapping herself in her seat, Tamara took in the view. Bandar was much like Earth, with pale blue skies and lush green grass. It was almost a mirror image of her home except for one big difference. The kingdom had a formidable military force known to many galaxies.

  She fiddled with the safety belt, her only outward sign of tension. As they sped out of the city and into the beautiful, rolling countryside, the butterflies fluttering in her stomach grew in intensity. Calm down. Take deep breaths. Be unobtrusive. Stay under the radar. Tamara repeated these over and over again in her mind. This mission was of the utmost importance, and as her father’s head of security, it was her job to blend in the background while discharging her duties.

  “Look over there.” Her father’s words snapped her back to the present. Her breath caught at her first look at the beautiful palace. It glistened warmly in the daylight, the gold hued stone glinting like a jewel set against a backdrop of deep blue ocean water. “It’s called Kasel an Sangit, Fortress in the Sky.”

  Fortress in the Sky, she repeated silently. It was aptly named. The palace was built on a massive island connected to the mainland by a long rock formation wide enough for a hovercraft to pass through. The palatial structure was sprawling, made up of several wings spreading out in different directions. There were two tall turrets in opposite corners. Awed by the sight, Tamara was captivated by the beauty of the marble that gave the palace a welcoming, weathered look. “It’s breathtaking.”

  Joseph nodded. “Bandarian stone only gets more beautiful with age. It’s very strong and can withstand the test of time and nature. In all the centuries it’s been built, no enemy has been able to penetrate Kasel an Sangit. There’s only one way in and out. The island is protected even under the water with sensitive high frequency sensors.”

  Tamara could well believe it. Bandar rulers were traditionally warriors. Their people believed that if the king couldn’t lead his men into battle, then he was not fit to rule. The transport cruiser flew low on the pathway leading to the palace after passing a security checkpoint at the entrance. She well understood the name of the place, for it seemed strong and impenetrable.

  They pulled up to the imposing entrance to the palace. A middle-aged, thin Bandarian man came down the wide steps to greet them. “Premier Conway. I am Orrin, senior advisor to the prince.”

  Joseph clasped the other man’s hand. “Orrin.”

  “I’m afraid Prince Kendrick is unavoidably delayed. However, he is due to come back within the hour. I’ve been instructed to show you inside and see to your needs.”

  Joseph dipped his head in a slight bow. “My needs are very few. I just need to talk to Prince Kendrick about a very important matter.” Seeing the other man’s eyes shift to Tamara, he performed the necessary introduction. “This is my daughter, Tamara, head of my security.”

  Orrin directed a courteous greeting her way. “Welcome to Bandar. Come, let me show you inside.”

  There was a brief glint in the man’s eyes, which gave rise to an uneasy feeling. Why was he looking at her like that? Had she seen him somewhere before? Unable to come up with a name or a place, Tamara dismissed the thought. The stress and anxiety she felt for her father were probably getting to her. Orrin led them through the enormous double doors carved with the royal family crest. Wide eyed, Tamara took in the elegance of the great foyer as they proceeded to the receiving room.

  The interior of the palace was just as stunning. It was painted in softer cream and gold tones, with life-like murals depicted on the walls. Tall pillars lined both sides of the receiving room. Retractable doors enabled visitors to enjoy the dazzling view of the glittering ocean surrounding the island, and beyond that, the sprawling city.

  “I will instruct the staff to bring in some refreshments.” Orrin bowed, leaving them alone in the room.

  Her father nodded, distracted and oblivious to the magnificent view. Tamara could tell his agitation had only intensified upon finding out Kendrick would not be available immediately. Time was the enemy. The sooner they secured an alliance with Bandar, the sooner they could ward off any more attacks by the Xerexians. She sighed. I wish there was something I could do. Politics were delicate at best, and great matters of importance take time. Like her father, she could only hope Kendrick would agree to lend a helping hand.

  Unable to stand the tension any longer, she shifted closer to him. “Father, I’m sure everything will be fine. Don’t worry so much.”

  “It’s hard not to. Have you heard from Dax?”

  “He’s on his way to Nebula Ten to investigate. He’ll let us know as soon as there are any new developments. He’s also going to check on the other outpost in the Fifth Quadrant.” Tamara offered her father a reassuring, though feeble, smile. From the faraway look on his face, his mind was already on other matters. Feeling at a loss, she wandered over to the open doors, looking down the wide stone steps to the serenity of the garden beyond.

  A few of the palace staff milled outside. Most of the staff she spied were women, bare at the top and dressed in sheer, revealing skirts. Their outfits, or lack thereof, raised her eyebrows. She’d heard somewhere that Bandarians were very open with regard to sexual matters. It certainly looked that way from where she was standing.

  Tamara swept the thought aside. Her father’s mission was paramount. Whatever else she might think of Bandar and its customs, she would be wise to keep it to herself. Since she wasn’t going to be here for long, it was none of her business.

  * * *

  Kendrick strode inside the palace, followed closely by his trusted advisor.

  “I sense urgency in Premier Conway,” Orrin informed him. “I’m willing to hazard a guess this has something to do with their dispute with the Xerexians.”

  After flying back from Demeter last week, Kendrick had immediately headed to the southern sector of Bandar. He wanted to keep busy. Anything to keep his mind off the sexy human female who’d spurned his offer. “Damn Xerexians never did anything but make trouble.”

  “You’ve been distracted all week. Might this have
anything to do with the human female you met on Demeter?”

  “I should have you thrown in the dungeon for your impudence, Orrin,” Kendrick groused, albeit in a half-hearted way.

  “Undoubtedly, you would have already,” Orrin replied dryly. “Since the palace doesn’t have one, I’m confident that will never happen.”

  “I’ll have one built, just for you. Let’s get this over with.”

  Orrin gave him an enigmatic smile. “I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at what you’ll find in there.”

  Kendrick threw him a frown. What the hell was Orrin talking about? As he walked into the receiving room, his gaze swept the room. He instantly zeroed in on the lone female standing by the panoramic windows and froze in his tracks.

  It was her. The woman he met that night in Demeter.

  He almost didn’t recognize her, dressed in a black, close-fitting uniform with a weapon strapped to her thigh. He wasn’t mistaken. It was the same cool blue eyes and fiery shade of thick, curly, red hair that haunted his dreams.

  She was here. In his palace.

  Sending silent thanks to the gods of Bandar for this fortunate turn of events, he barely resisted rubbing his hands in anticipation. You’re here now, within my reach. He wasn’t one to let an opportunity go to waste.

  As the Prince of Bandar walked into the room, Tamara froze in shock. Stunned, she could only stare. She would never forget the brawny musculature, the wide shoulders and the short, black hair with a distinctive thin, white stripe on the side. She swallowed. It was the man she’d tussled with that night in Demeter! Her stomach sank in dismay as she immediately thought of what repercussion, if any, her actions would have on her father’s dealings with this man. Please let the floor open up and swallow me now.

  She turned away in a frantic effort to compose herself. Her father must never know. Fear twisted around her heart. Taking several slow, deep breaths to try to ward off the panic threatening to overwhelm her, she repeated the words it will be all right over and over again until she felt reasonably calm. He probably won’t even recognize me.


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