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Return of the Cartier Cartel (Part 2)

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by Santiago, Nisa

  Cartier laughed so hard, she almost couldn’t stop.

  “Wait. Imagine the camera catching the day you came to visit me in jail to tell me that you and Jason were fucking around and you were pregnant. I know the look on my face had to be priceless.” She doubled over in laughter. “Wasn’t that some shit? I know I must have looked like Boo Boo the Fool.”

  After about five minutes of silence with Cartier just staring at her friend with anticipation and a longing in her eyes, she got serious. “Monya, I know you’re going to wake up soon. I know that in my heart, but I think Janet is losing her faith. You gotta do something to help her, Monya . . . open your eyes, squeeze her hand, do something ’cause she’s starting to talk like you’re already gone, and if something doesn’t happen to change her outlook, then I’m afraid that she’s gonna take matters into her own hands and try to kill Ryan herself. You know she has it in her, Monya—as do I, but I would prefer if she just let me and Jason handle this. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to Janet, or my moms, ’cause we both know where there’s one there’s the other.”

  Cartier fidgeted in her chair and then continued. “And I really hate to keep asking Janet to be patient, but that’s what she has to do for right now.” Cartier shook her head. “And forget about me and Jason keeping on the low. It took all of seventy-two hours for the whole world to know we were back but fuck it . . . what can you do?”

  A few hours later Cartier was packed and ready to go. She leaned in and kissed Monya’s forehead. “As soon as you walk out of here, I’ma whip your ass for all the stress you’ve put me through. But I’ll let you get your weight up first. Love you, bitch.”

  Chapter 6

  Brush Your Shoulders Off

  Cartier awoke to an empty living room. The Christmas toys that were under the tree last night were no more. Her heart plummeted as her mind tried to focus on the obvious. Not wanting to wake up the kids only to have them distraught, she went and shook Jason awake.

  “Jay, get up. I can’t find the kids’ toys.”

  Jason turned over with a huge grin on his face, and immediately Cartier was relieved. She didn’t know what her husband had done with the toys, but by his reaction, she knew it was all good.

  “Are the kids up yet?”

  “No. I didn’t wake them, but you know when they come out to see what Santa brought them and don’t see shit, they’re gonna flip.”

  “Go get everyone up and get dressed and—”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Don’t ask me any questions. Just do it. I promise you it’s all good.” Jason gave Cartier a soft kiss on the lips. “And Merry Christmas, wifey.”

  “Merry Christmas, hubby.”


  The five-bedroom, three-thousand-square foot beachfront house on Long Beach, Long Island nearly stopped Cartier’s heart. The whole ride to their final destination, the kids couldn’t stop asking where they were going, and where was Santa?

  “Jason, what are we doing here?” Trina asked, perplexed.

  Jason shut off his ignition, pausing for theatrics. “We’re home.”

  Cartier’s grin stretched as long as a football field. Was Jason telling the truth? Were they really going to live in this exclusive community? Had they really moved from the hood into this mini-mansion?

  “Ma, what’s wrong? Why you just sitting there?” Jason asked, suddenly second-guessing his decision to get the house and surprise his family.

  “Wrong? No, baby, it’s all right. I cannot believe you did this for us. I’m sitting here stuck on stupid but in a good way. Now this is how I want to be treated.”

  “Well, I know when you say ‘we’re home,’ you mean, me too, right?” Trina already envisioned herself living in the lap of luxury.

  “Yeah, Trina, there’s enough room in here for all of us. We got five bedrooms up in this mutha!”

  After everyone got out of the car, Jason escorted them into the house. The first thing the kids saw was their presents under the Christmas tree. In the middle of the night, Jason had carefully moved all the toys from Brooklyn into their new house. As the kids went crazy ripping into their presents, Jason showed Trina her new bedroom on the main floor.

  Trina couldn’t believe the opulence. She actually had a bathroom in her bedroom along with a walk-in closet.

  “Trina, this is called an on-suite, where you have a bathroom and walk-in closet in your bedroom. This the new shit that’s out now.” Jason couldn’t wipe the cocky smile off his face if he was paid to. He felt like a real man taking care of his family in the right way.

  Trina, being a bit overdramatic for Cartier’s taste, dropped down to her knees, tears streaking down her face, and kissed the imported Carrara marble floor. “I didn’t think I’d ever live in anything like this in my lifetime. Jason, you’re the best son-in-law I could ask for, and if Cartier gives you any trouble, just call me and I’ll straighten her right out.”

  Embarrassed by her mother’s antics, Cartier quickly snapped her mother out of her foolish behavior.

  “Ma, stop actin’ like you ain’t used to shit!”

  “Look, I don’t got to put on airs for no muthafuckin’ body. I’m keepin’ it real. I ain’t used to shit like this here, and neither are you. So kiss my ass!” Trina grinned.

  As Trina got settled, Jason took Cartier upstairs to their master bedroom suite, which had all the amenities as Trina’s but much more. There was a granite wet bar and French doors that led to a deck overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. The butter-colored sand below blew Cartier’s mind. She’d never heard of Long Beach, though it was located right under her nose.

  “How did you find this place?”

  “This realtor put me on. Yo, I’ve been thinking a lot about what you had to say, and as a man, and your husband, I’ll be the first to admit, you were right. I was thinking, if I’ma get at these niggas, I can’t have my family at the front line. That was my first thought. My second thought was about that Mari shit.”

  Cartier rolled her eyes, her stomach churning. She didn’t want to think about her. Especially at Christmas. But if there was one thing she knew about her husband, he would always try to right the wrong. And she was sure this was his apology.

  Jason continued, “You had every right to leave me, but you didn’t. And I know I keep fucking up. But what I’m trying to say is, here I was, like a stupid muthafucka, paying five large for this bitch rent, dropping a few pennies on a couple shopping sprees, when I got you and my kids living in a dump—”

  “I hate when you try to come clean and confess to shit that’s late. Nigga, I know you was tricking on that bitch. What makes you think I wanna hear about it now, on Christmas? You think I want that bitch to steal my joy?”

  “See, you not getting me. That’s my point. I’m trying to tell you I see the error of my ways, and that you and the kids, and Trina, y’all my family, and from here on out y’all come first.”

  Cartier wanted to argue some more, but what was the point? What do you say to your husband who speaks so casually about cheating, and then has the nerve to say in your face not only did he cheat, but that he’d dropped coin on his mistress? She decided to live in the now and enjoy the beautiful home she and her family deserved.

  “So you’re finally ready to get at those niggas?”

  “I been ready.” Jason scratched the side of his unshaven beard. “Now that we got this hideaway, my mind will be at ease about the kids. But I still want Trina to keep her crib as a decoy. I want the hood to think we’re still there.”

  “That’s a good look,” Cartier said. “But for now let’s not talk about murders and mistresses and just enjoy Christmas.”

  “Of course, we gonna enjoy our Christmas, but we got to agree on one thing. And drink it in before you comment. As I just said, I’m maturing and so should you.”

  “What is it?”

  “No one, I mean no one, can know where we live. Not your little girlfriends, and none of my peeps. The on
ly person who gets a pass is Janet. She literally our blood. But other than that, we can’t put our lives or our kids’ lives in jeopardy. And I know you trust your girls with your life, but females talk too much, and they might say something around the wrong person. So, please, obey me on this rule.”

  Cartier thought about his request. “Well, what will I tell them?”

  “Tell them the truth . . . that your husband said they’re not welcome.”

  “I won’t say that, but I will tell them something.”

  A few minutes later everyone got a present they weren’t expecting.

  “Merry Christmas,” Cartier sang into the telephone.

  “Get to the hospital now. She’s awake . . .”

  You could hear the excitement through the telephone when Janet called.

  “Ma!” Cartier screamed. “Monya’s awake. We gotta go!”

  The whole family piled up into Jason’s Benz and rushed to the hospital. Janet, Li’l Momma, and Bam were already there. Cartier’s face was flushed with happy tears because she knew in her heart that Monya was coming back. She was a fighter!

  As Cartier rushed to her bedside, disappointment quickly sank in as Cartier looked down only to see that Monya wasn’t awake.

  “What happened?” Cartier asked, searching for answers in Janet’s eyes.

  “Cartier, she woke up for me. My baby spoke.” Janet tried to choke back tears but was unsuccessful. A mother’s love came pouring out. “She tried to speak, but all she could say was ‘Momma . . .’”

  “She really spoke?”

  “Yes, she did . . . she wanted her momma.”

  “But,” Cartier looked down at Monya. “Is she just asleep?”

  Janet shook her head as the tears came flowing back down. “She slipped back in a coma—”

  Li’l Momma interjected. “But she’ll wake back up again. The doctors said that things like this can happen.”

  “Of course she will,” Trina chimed in. “We all know she’s a fighter and she has too much to live for. And she’s already proved that she misses us by giving us this Christmas present. Janet, don’t give up. Monya will be back with us soon enough.”

  Everyone stayed at Monya’s bedside, kissing her face, rubbing her head, and updating her on their Christmas. Jason went out and brought back takeout from the diner and they all made an evening thanking God for the miracle.

  Chapter 7

  The Cartel

  Mink weather rolled around again, and Cartier, Bam, and Li’l Momma didn’t disappoint. All three women were bundled up snugly in their luxurious garments as they hopped inside the deluxe CLS63 AMG Mercedes with the sleepy eyes. Cartier thought the windows were so small, it looked like a person with their eyelids hung low. The cookies-and-cream-colored car was Jason’s latest toy, but for the moment Cartier and her crew were riding on 22’s on their way to the Dominican beauty parlor, Sophie’s, for a quick wash and set. Jason’s vanity plates, h8ter, spoke volumes.

  Tonight anyone in New York City who was well known would be going to Club Roxy for a New Year’s Eve party given by Don Poo, a local promoter who always threw the best parties.

  Cartier pulled up in front of the salon, so all the nosy bitches could see her ride. Then she told Bam and Li’l Momma that she’d go and park. It was no longer a secret that she and Jason were back, so Cartier felt that if people were going to run their mouths, she’d give them something to say, like how she pulled up in the latest whip.

  Moments later she joined her friends. As Cartier came strutting through the doors, all eyes were fixated on her. She noticed a few familiar faces and exchanged head nods.

  To her amazement, she saw a face from the past. Jynx from East New York, Brooklyn was in there getting her hair done. She no longer sported the crazy blond Mohawk style; it appeared as if she’d let her hair grow out and had darkened it slightly. The last Cartier had heard, Jynx had gone to live down South after all the drama that went down. Her best friend Breezy had tried to kill her by stabbing her repeatedly, trying to collect on some insurance scam. After that no one heard from her.

  Cartier wondered what made her come back. She wanted to walk over and get the gossip, but Jynx was giving off the I-don’t-want-to-be-bothered energy, so Cartier just kept it moving.

  “What’s up, Cartier?”

  Cartier spun around to see a girl that reminded her of herself. The eldest of three girls, she was making quite a name for herself throughout the boroughs. She was the head of her own crew and hustling to keep money in her pockets.

  “Whaddup, Apple? How you be?”

  “I be good.” Apple stood up, so Cartier could admire her latest gear. “Just tryna maintain.”

  “Maintain? You’re all of seventeen years old. You better maintain your grades,” Cartier joked. “How are your sisters?”

  “It’s all good.”

  “And your twin?”

  “She still tryna be me,” Apple joked about her twin sister, Kola.

  “A’ight, take care of yourself and tell your fam I said whaddup.”

  “No doubt.”

  Bam was already at the bowl, and Li’l Momma was waiting around like everyone else. The salon was packed, and unless you did like Bam and chose an inexperienced beautician to do your hair, the wait was going to be long. Cartier told the owner, Sophie, that she’d wait for her to do her hair, and then she and Li’l Momma went and sat in the back.

  “What are you wearing tonight?” Li’l Momma asked.

  “My outfit is crazy. Jason bought me a red sheared mink coat for Christmas. That red mink with this skin-tight black and white Chanel dress is gonna fuck everyone’s head up when I walk through.”

  Li’l Momma’s face lit up. She knew Cartier had a shape most women would kill over. And she knew her mocha-colored skin would glow underneath a red mink coat. Before Li’l Momma could reply, she noticed a Spanish chick with a small mole over the top of her lip, and wild, curly, dyed blond hair staring at them. Dressed in the latest gear, she had on all the obligatory name brands—Prada boots, Gucci bag, and Seven jeans. Cute, Li’l Momma thought. But what wasn’t cute was, why the fuck the bitch kept staring?

  “Can I help you?”

  The Spanish girl looked puzzled. “Huh?”

  “You keep looking over here, and I was wondering why, if you needed something from over here.”

  The Spanish girl smiled graciously. “Oh, no, mommie. You look familiar. No worries. I’m sorry.”

  Li’l Momma relaxed. “No problem. My bad.”

  Cartier and Li’l Momma took one last look at the female and then resumed their conversation.

  “So what are you wearing?”

  Li’l Momma wasn’t exactly sure. She knew tonight she could pick up a sponsor—a man who could sponsor her lifestyle—so her looking her best was imperative.

  “I got two outfits, and I can’t decide which one is best. I’m going to bring them both over tonight, so meet me at Trina’s so I can try them on, and you can help me decide.”

  Cartier smiled. “Just like old times, huh?”

  Li’l Momma was confused. It almost felt awkward for her. Usually it was Cartier and Monya who did these things together, like helping one another choose an outfit. She wanted to say something, but she didn’t need to.

  Cartier knew why Li’l Momma’s mood had shifted. Both women sat in silence for a moment.

  Cartier changed the subject. “Damn, Bam, you’re almost done, and we didn’t even get started.”

  The hairdresser had led Bam to the seat to begin roller-setting her hair.

  “Y’all chicks are playing. It’s too damn crowded in here, and I got so much to do to get ready for tonight. I’m going to take a cab back home.”

  “Nah, don’t leave us. Stay. We got hours before the party tonight. You know we ain’t rolling up in there until right before midnight. It’s eleven o’clock in the morning.” Lately all Cartier did was play wifey, so being out with her friends and having girl talk was really important.

  Bam hesitated for a moment, searching for a way to duck out on Cartier and Li’l Momma. “I want to get my nails done and—”

  “We gotta get our nails done too, so you might as well wait for us.”

  Bam didn’t reply.

  An hour later, Bam was gone, which annoyed Cartier. “Damn! Why Bam acting like that? I mean, we all came together, so we should leave together, right?”

  Had Li’l Momma not been bored, perhaps Bam’s secret would have remained just that a little longer. “I know why she left.”


  “I said, I know why Bam left.”

  “Am I supposed to get three guesses?” Cartier asked. “Or are you going to just tell me?”

  Li’l Momma looked around before whispering, “You gotta promise not to flip.”

  “Flip? Why would I flip? Just tell me the dirt. You know I don’t like secrets.”

  Li’l Momma thought about that statement. Now she was annoyed. “Who does like secrets? What sense does that make?”

  “Yo, Li’l Momma, I don’t got time for this. You began this conversation,” Cartier said, her voice slightly elevated. “Just fucking finish it.”

  “I am trying to finish it, but you saying stupid shit like, you don’t like secrets. All I’m saying is, who the fuck does? And now you screamin’ on me.”

  Cartier remembered she always had to handle Li’l Momma differently. She wasn’t as easily intimidated as the others, nor did she ever allow Cartier to just scream on her. Cartier exhaled. “Just tell me why Bam left. Please.”

  Li’l Momma liked to demand respect from Cartier. Li’l Momma felt that, even as they grew older, Cartier still held on to the notion that she was their leader and that what she said was law. Although it was like that growing up, they were in their twenties now, so there was no way she was taking any flak from Cartier, who Li’l Momma thought was a bully. They should have all bonded together back in the day and put a stop to Cartier’s bullying, but they didn’t. In their own way, Monya and Li’l Momma always challenged Cartier, but not hard enough to get her to change her ways. Cartier was the spitting image of Trina, and Li’l Momma felt like, forty years from now, Cartier would still be just as immature as Trina.


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