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Court of Flame

Page 2

by Miranda Martin

  "Adara! Sven!"

  We turned at the happy voice to see Omari running towards us, a big grin lighting up his adorable face. A petite, dark haired woman followed at a more sedate pace.

  "Mia said to bring you up to the roof!" he exclaimed excitedly, grabbing my hand and tugging me towards the elevator. "It's really pretty up there! Are you hungry? I'm so hungry!"

  The woman nodded at us, keeping pace but allowing Omari to do the talking. Not that any of us could really get a word in edgewise. I smiled at the little boy, marveling at how much he'd grown. He was shooting up by the minute, it felt like.

  The woman eyed our guards as we got into the elevator, and I could see Igna and Reelin sizing her up as well. They didn't make the mistake of not considering her threat, despite her small size. Not that anything was going to happen here. But it was their job to assess threats, as it was apparently this woman's.

  The elevators opened onto the rooftop, and I let out a silent sigh of relief. Being cooped up in there with a few tense guards was a little anxiety inducing, though it didn't affect Omari at all, as far as I could see. He was still chattering away when we stepped out into the still warm air. I looked around, enjoying the sight.

  They'd strung up some lights and there was already a large table set up with food, servers setting down the last plate as we arrived. With the sun just setting and the city spread out below us, it was a gorgeous place to eat, especially with the temperature finally decreasing.

  The woman, who'd obviously been sent simply to protect Omari, moved over to the side to stand with a wiry, dark-haired man with sharp eyes.

  "Sven, Adara!" Mia greeted us with a smile that echoed Omari's. They didn't necessarily look like brother and sister with his darker skin tone and rounder features and her lighter skin and more defined features, but their smiles and the odd gesture gave away their relationship.

  I hugged Mia back. "Thanks for having us," I said as Ashur came up to give Sven one of those handshake hugs that men had probably invented simply to feel more manly about embracing.

  "We enjoy the company," Mia replied with a smile.

  "We do," Ashur agreed. "We know you probably have the same problem as us when it comes to socializing—there's always so much going on you have to make an effort to make time for it."

  "Isn't that the truth," I agreed as they led us over to the table. "We had to come all the way out here just get away from everything for a bit."

  "I want to sit in the middle!" Omari cried out, plopping into a seat.

  "As long as you eat your vegetables," Mia warned him.

  He gave a put-upon sigh.

  "All right," he agreed, but then perked right back up. "Can I have some mashed potatoes?"

  I chuckled. Omari had an indomitable spirit, something I couldn't help but admire—and aspire to.

  "Looks like you had a successful shopping trip," Mia observed as we sat down, eyeing the boxes. "Micah's?"

  "Yes," I said, surprised, though I guess I shouldn't have been. The store was in their city after all.

  "He's very selective with his collection," Ashur remarked. "May we see what you bought?"

  So we took out the dagger and the katana. Both Ashur and Mia handled them, clearly impressed with the quality.

  "Oh, this is so pretty," Mia said, testing the blade on the dagger. She raised her eyebrows. "And sharp," she remarked, impressed.

  "It isn't just ornamental," Sven agreed. "I never did understand ornamental weapons. What a waste."

  "On that we can agree," Ashur chimed in.

  Then the conversation was on a roll. We settled into dinner, talking about everything and nothing. All of us deliberately kept it light, a silent agreement just to enjoy the meal. It was really nice. I felt light, carefree.

  Sven took my hand under the table as more people came up from the kitchen to serve dessert, which was a light and refreshing lemon sorbet that I had to close my eyes to really enjoy.

  "That's the same face you make when I touch you."

  My eyes popped open at that low whisper, Sven's breath teasing my ear. His eyes were hot when I turned to look at him, his thumb caressing my thigh where my shorts had ridden up. His fingers skirted with hem of my shorts, slipping briefly underneath, but then pulling back out. Teasing me.

  "Maybe you should hurry up with dessert," he pointed out when I just sat there, enjoying the clandestine touches.

  Roger that. I practically inhaled the rest of the sweet treat. I had my priorities straight! Then Sven was thanking Mia and Ashur, and I was hugging Omari goodnight in short order.

  We were staying in a guest room that was just a few floors down, a private room that was simply an elevator ride away. If Igna and Reelin hadn't stepped into the elevator with us, it would have been a much more exciting trip down. Instead, we very carefully kept our distance.

  Igna contacted his people as we stepped out of the elevator onto our floor, and I knew he was switching so our guards would be fresh. But my mind was focused on something else entirely. I murmured a goodnight to them absently as Sven opened our door and drew me inside.

  "We won't be leaving again tonight," he told Igna. He nodded, too professional to let on that he knew exactly what we were thinking about.

  Closing the door, Sven turned to me, took my hand, and led me deeper into the suite, straight to the bedroom and the massive bed set right in the middle.

  "I really like these," Sven commented, fingering the frayed hem of my shorts as he pulled me into the circle of his arms.

  "You just like how short they are," I teased, wrapping my arms around his neck, pressing my front against his.

  "Got me there," he agreed readily, his hands sliding under the hem to cup my ass. "But I think I'd like them even better on the floor."

  On that we could agree. It didn't take long for them to end up there, or for us to be wrapped up in each other on the bed.

  I hummed as his weight came down on top of me, the feel of his skin against mine so perfect. He kissed me, his fingers moving lower, finding me wet and ready. I had been since the end of dinner. He groaned into my mouth, touching me exactly the way I liked.

  I arched up into those clever fingers, into him as he speared them into me, teasing me with his thumb. I dug my fingers into his ass, urging him closer. I needed more. I broke the kiss.

  "I want you," I complained, kissing the line of his jaw, his strong throat, my hands squeezing him tighter as I wrapped my legs around his slim hips as well.

  He didn't keep me waiting any more. Setting his mouth against mine again, he carefully positioned himself against me, his hand brushing against me as he gripped himself and pushed inside.

  I sighed and he shuddered as he squeezed into me, the fit tight. Familiar and perfect. My impatience disappeared now that I had him where I wanted him, his hot length filling me, his heat surrounding me.

  We moved against each other, entwined as closely as two people could be. My hands slid over him as his gripped me firmly, both of enjoying the slow ride to completion. Well, slow until the very end.

  Our hands gradually got greedier, sliding across damp skin, touching each other's sensitive places, our knowledge of each other detailed at this point. We squeezed a little tighter. Our hips moved a little faster, the rhythm and pace a little less measured, until I finally let go, my head arching back as I came, surrounded by Sven. He growled, grinding against me as he joined me after only a few more thrusts, both of us trying to get even closer still.

  Silence settled around us as Sven dropped his forehead against mine. The pleasure slowly faded, leaving us satisfied and limp on the soft comforter.

  "This trip was the best idea I've had in a long time," Sven muttered.

  I laughed, pushing him to the side and rolling over on top of him, kissing his smiling mouth, taking in his relaxed face.

  "I couldn't agree more."

  Chapter Two

  "You have to come visit again!"

  "We will as soon as we have some ti
me," I agreed, smiling as I stepped back from Mia to give Omari a hug too.

  "Tomorrow?" he asked hopefully.

  I chuckled, squeezing his shoulder.

  "Not tomorrow," I said gently. "But soon."

  He sighed. "Okay," he said, looking resigned.

  "But I did get you something," I said, pulling out a little box.

  "Oooh." He reached out to take the box, his eyes wide. "What is it?"

  "Open it," I urged.

  His little fingers opened the box quickly, ripping the packaging open. He gasped as he pulled out the delicate, metal phoenix.

  "If you wind it up here..." I showed him how to start the toy.

  Its wings started flapping, little lights along the edges blinking to simulate fire.

  "Cool!" he exclaimed, bringing it close to his face so he could see every detail. "Thank you!" He gave me another tight hug, the toy clenched in his small fist.

  I laughed. "You're welcome."

  "Everyone spoils him," Mia lamented, but I could see she wasn't serious.

  "Because he deserves it," Ashur responded, grinning as he ruffled Omari's hair. Then he turned to Sven. "Have a safe flight," he said, clasping Sven's hand.

  "Thank you for having us," Sven murmured. "We needed the getaway."

  Ashur shrugged as he stepped back to wrap an arm around Mia, roping Omari in on his other side.

  "We like good company," he said easily. Then he grinned. "Besides, there is a certain cachet to being friends with the Phoenix King. People think I like to live dangerously. They'll think twice before trying something against our skein."

  Sven grinned. "Glad to be of service."

  We finished our goodbyes and walked over to Amna and Igna, the only two guards still on the roof with us. They were already in their phoenix forms, their large, feathered bodies taking up plenty of space on the large roof.

  The others had already changed and were waiting for us in the air, flying in big, lazy circles, using the wind to keep themselves airborne using minimal energy.

  Kids were sitting on various rooftops nearby, heads tilted back, watching their forms. A couple of the guards burst into flames and did some tricks in the air, aware of their young audience. A group of what looked like elementary-school kids started to clap and cheer, their innocent joy warming my heart.

  Mia smiled as Sven and I stripped. "Glad to see the kids are having fun," she remarked.

  Sven chuckled. "I'm certain our kids would do the same if they saw dragons," he observed.

  "Perhaps we should come visit then," Ashur suggested with a slight smile that faded as Sven hesitated. "What is it?"

  "I would hold off on a visit," Sven said frankly. "We still have...unresolved issues."

  He looked grim as he said it. I knew exactly what he was referring to. Eli. And the fact that we still hadn't caught the bastard.

  We'd been looking for him nonstop, everyone who could be spared assigned to that duty. We had people combing the city domes with Jacob also on the alert for any information. Ashur had his ear to the ground with the dragons. And I was in constant contact with my informants among the phoenix flocks.


  If any of the flock Eli left behind was involved, they were doing an excellent job of hiding it. I was starting to believe Eli had taken everyone he trusted with him to the city dome when he'd kidnapped me, though I was using the word 'trust' loosely.

  I hadn't gotten the impression that anyone in that warehouse had a particular love for the man, never mind the fact that he'd been their Chieftain for many years.

  "Having to do with that business with Adara?" Ashur asked, his gaze sharp. "I haven't heard anything on that front as of yet."

  "We still haven't caught Eli. Maybe he couldn’t complete his plan. Maybe he's simply hiding and not plotting anything. But..." Sven sighed, shaking his head. "I don't want to bring anyone else to my territory until I feel more secure about being able to ensure everyone's safety."

  "I hope you catch that..." He glanced down at Omari and changed the word he was going to use. "Guy."

  Sven nodded, a grim smile on his face. "Me too."

  We changed, Omari watching with wide eyes as we took off to join the rest of the guards, Amna and Igna at our backs. We tilted our wings in goodbye as the building fell farther away from us. Omari waved back enthusiastically, jumping up and down.

  I laughed on the inside, so happy that Mia had come into his life and changed it forever. Taken him away from Emberich and given him a shot at happiness. It did my heart good to see him so normal, so obviously loved and cared for. The sight was a good last image as we flew on.

  Over the modern part of the city, over the abandoned relic of the old city that surrounded it, and then we were back over the desert, on our way to the phoenix capital and home. It was too bad that the relaxed warm glow of our break had already been tarnished a bit by that brief talk with Ashur right before we left. It didn't get better the longer we flew. As we neared the capital, I could feel the low-grade anxiety worming its way back inside. I almost wished the other shoe would drop just so we could stop being on pins and needles about it.

  By the time the sight of the mountainside city came into view, I was right back where I'd started before the trip, both literally and metaphorically. There went that vacation glow. But it couldn't be helped. We couldn't hide from real life forever.

  When we touched down, Sven's advisers were already waiting impatiently for him. They'd probably asked the patrol to let them know when they spotted us. None of them had been happy to hear the Phoenix King would be gone, even just for a couple of days. As soon as we were back in our human forms, Mishal walked over with Blaise in his wake.

  "Good to have you back, my King," Mishal said briskly. "While you were gone, we had a problem with..."

  Sven gave me a rueful look as Mishal continued to apprise him of a situation urgent enough jump on him right as we returned.

  "I'll catch up with you later," Sven told me in a low voice as he was pulled away by his advisers.

  I nodded, dressing briskly. It was part of the deal being the King's Consort. There were always people trying to pull him every which way, whenever they had the chance. I just wished there was a more gentle easing back to reality. I sighed to myself.

  But I had work I could do as well. Reelin and Amna in tow, I headed straight to my office, though I'd originally thought to take a nap before I went back to work. The idea of lying down without Sven didn't appeal to me. I nodded at the people I passed, the halls of the palace more familiar to me now than ever before. Who knew it would become so everyday to see the opulent interior? I didn't even notice it much anymore beyond registering that everything looked the same.

  When I reached my office, both my guards took up their normal positions just outside the door. They weren't taking a break from guarding me either. Though, to be fair, they hadn't been on vacation. They'd been working the whole time. I'd have to talk to Igna about that. I didn't think Reelin and Amna were getting enough time off.

  Making a mental note to bring the subject up next time I saw Igna, I sat down behind my desk and started going through messages, hoping someone would have sent something about Eli while we were gone. Preferably a message saying he'd been caught and where to pick him up. Unfortunately, no such unicorn-like message appeared. Just my luck.

  Most of the messages were the routine ones I fielded daily. There were still a significant number of people who contacted me specifically rather than Blaise though we shared the same position. People just weren't quick to warm up to him. No big surprise there. Blaise had the social prowess of an aloof cat, without the added ability to manipulate that many felines possessed. All of which translated to a large amount of work waiting for me.

  So I pushed aside my disappointment and the uneasy feeling that something terrible was coming and got back to work like everyone else. We couldn't do more than we were already doing about Eli, so there was no point expending time and energy obsessing ov
er it. The best thing to do was to just go on with life.

  I just hoped the queasy feeling in my stomach didn't turn out to be right.

  Chapter Three

  "See you for lunch?"


  I returned Sven's warm kiss, feeling his arms wrapping around me securely. We were almost out the door to start the day, but I was willing to accept this kind of delay... Sven raised his head a long moment later, his cheeks flushed.

  "That was probably a bad idea," he said ruefully, reaching down to adjust himself. "Maybe you want to meet back here for lunch?" he suggested hopefully.

  I laughed, opening the door. Our respective guards were already ready and waiting outside our door, their professional faces securely in place.

  "Hey everyone," I greeted as I stepped out, Amna and Reelin falling into place behind me.

  They murmured their greetings as Sven paused to have a word with Igna before he moved to leave the residential wing and start the day.

  Belly full of coffee—breakfast of champions—I headed directly for my office. I still wasn't completely caught up with the backlog of messages that had been waiting for me when we came back from Ashur's territory. Not the most exciting start to my day, but it had to be done. Sometimes I appreciated routine. It meant the world wasn't currently falling apart. So I settled into my chair behind my familiar desk and got to work.

  Right out of the gate, I found myself stuck on one problem for quite some time. There was some animosity between two families that had come to the forefront because one was petitioning their Chieftain to ban the other family from their territory and from any business dealings with their flock. As far as I could see, the problem had peaked because a couple of teenagers from the respective families had decided to hook up. The girl's family was extremely displeased, and the boy's wasn't thrilled either.

  Why the families had so much animosity between them in the first place was still a mystery. In any case, there was a lot of back-and-forth about it being family business or flock business, though I thought it was pretty clear-cut what it actually was. The girl's family just didn't want to hear it. They were influential, not only in their own flock, but in phoenix society as a whole. So they wanted to throw their weight around, which created a headache for both of the Chieftains involved and myself. If this kept going, those teenagers would be married with kids before the problem might be resolved. What a headache. I finally tabled the matter after too many back-and-forths to count. This was not a priority, and I told the complaining family that firmly before I ended things for the day. For the day, because I knew they wouldn't let the matter rest.


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