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Tempting Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 4)

Page 13

by Setta Jay

  Chapter 17

  Guardian Manor, Tetartos Realm

  Dacia’s mind kept wandering back to the pool. She couldn’t cut off the image of Conn’s fiery gaze on her as come slid down his chest and stomach. Over his fingers and cock. That one image kept replaying in her head.

  “So we’re not technically prisoners. Do you think they’re trying to lull us into a false sense of security?” Zoe asked.

  “Probably,” Isa responded.

  She’d been with her sisters since her and Conn’s strained exit from the pool cavern. He’d taken her to the suite and spent a little time with them, but she knew he was feeling the need as much as she was. He’d left, and her sisters took her to look around.

  The minute they got back into their room, Dacia missed the courtyard, but Mia had wanted to come back.

  The suite was nice, not overly large. There was a living room-kitchen combo done in browns, with stone floors, and on either side was a bedroom and bath combo. She and Isa were sharing one room, and Zoe and Mia had already taken the other.

  “There’s no food in the fridge.” Mia slammed the refrigerator door in disgust.

  “Probably because we don’t technically need food,” Zoe offered.

  “Who said anything about needing? And if that’s true, why the hell give me a damned spatula?” Mia waved the utensil in the air with a repulsed look. “I just feel like doing something, and cooking was my plan. Why even have a damned kitchen!” She slammed more drawers and cabinets. “There’s not even anything to drink,” Mia growled, well on her way to a bitch fit.

  “Bastian showed us a main kitchen downstairs,” Zoe said.

  “Yes, he did.” Mia’s eyes narrowed. “I’m going to raid it. Who’s with me?” She asked as she walked to the door and threw it open with more force than needed.

  “We need blue face paint.” Zoe snickered, but Mia didn’t even acknowledge it, she just kept on her tangent. “He said to make ourselves comfortable. I’m not comfortable without booze and food.”

  Dacia glanced at Isa. Zoe was already heading out the door with Mia, and Isa just nodded. She was worried about their sister; they all were.

  Dacia hadn’t seen anyone in that section of the house yet, but the place was huge. Conn said they were in the guest wing, and if the sisters wanted their own rooms, there were plenty. They didn’t, at least not yet. She took in a deep breath, just walking a hall without some male looming, tempting her, was nice. The kitchen wasn’t far, just down the stairs on the first floor; below that were the subterranean rooms that her sisters said they’d used earlier to refuel.

  The place was impressive, more like a high-class hotel than a home. Gorgeous plastered walls with sconces and expensive carpets running over the stone floors. She looked in a passing mirror. Her ponytail was askew, and she wasn’t sure she cared enough to fix it. She was still wearing the same tee shirt and yoga pants; at least she was comfortable. Conn’s flannel was safely in her closet and she was thankful for the much needed reprieve from his scent. She hadn’t put it on after their time in the pool, and her wolf, thank the Creators, hadn’t fought her. She took a deep breath. Her sisters were dressed about the same. They’d probably been getting ready for bed when she’d sent the call for help. How long ago had that even been? she wondered. Time zones were different here. She didn’t think it had been a full twenty-four hours yet, but it was just moving past dusk.

  Hopefully whatever Mia found to cook would mask the scent lingering on her clothes and in the hallway. Maybe then the memories would stop plaguing her. She wanted more, and her beast was a snarling irritated bitch because she wasn’t getting it.

  She heard Isa talking to her brothers in the link again. Hagen, her eldest, demanded updates constantly. Dacia didn’t envy her sister having to deal with him. They were the ones in an entirely different Realm, with no way back home, staying with males who they didn’t trust, but hadn’t harmed them. They were the ones uprooted. The bitterness of not having a choice was strong. The fact that the Guardians seemed to be following the duties set by the Creators didn’t make swallowing it any easier. Listening to her brothers’ demanding snarls grated.

  They took the stairs and stepped into the massive commercial kitchen. Stainless steel appliances and big counters and cabinets filled the room. It was spotless and seemed deserted, but not empty. Mia started rummaging through things like she owned the place. No one was there to stop her and probably couldn’t if they wanted to. Her sister was on a mission. “Someone find me some booze. I need a drink.” Strung out didn’t fully describe her, and Dacia felt much the same.

  Isa just sighed. “Mia, honey.”

  “Not now. I know Conn explained that my attraction to that damned cat is normal since he’s so powerful. That we’re not used to being around males that our beasts find acceptable, but if that’s the case, why not Bastian? Why isn’t he tripping my beast up and making me feel like a raving lunatic with a branding iron?” Mia blew out a frustrated breath as she set items on the big island. “I’m glad he told me what the hell was going on, but why is it only me?” And there it was, her big eyes were filled with tears of frustration, and Dacia’s heart clenched. She couldn’t remember ever having seen Mia like this, or any of her sisters. Zoe went and hugged her tight as Mia settled in and took a few deep breaths to get it together.

  “It’s not just you, love. I would gladly strip Bastian down and lick that sexy male from head to toe. It’s new. What Conn said made sense. I’ve never experienced it either. I’m pretty sure I’d feel the same for Jax if your beast hadn’t scared the shit out of mine,” Zoe whispered, and they all chuckled lightly as they stood there, Isa rubbing her back and Dacia playing with her hair. Touch. Comfort. If they had nothing else, they at least had each other in their new world.

  Mia grumbled, “Knowing is not making it go away, and I recommend everyone keeping their tongues off Jax. My beast has lost its fucking mind.”

  “I think you just need to take Jax for a spin. Once he stops fearing for his life, I say go for it.” Mia pushed Zoe into the cabinet for her smartass comment, but at least she was laughing again.

  “You think I’m joking, but to see a male that powerful so uncomfortable makes me feel a little at home,” Zoe admitted with a grin. “It’s a new adventure. One we may not have picked, but I, for one, am not complaining about the view.”

  “We’re all feeling it, honey,” Isa admitted. That looked to be the extent Isa was willing to admit. “Let’s get this stuff and go to the room. It’s been a long day, and we need rest and to be prepared for anything.”

  They all nodded, and Zoe spoke up again. She was wired. “I say we do some recon, test the boundaries. They said we’re not prisoners, but we’ve yet to see these cities they’re all talking about, and I want to see just how dangerous the beasts are for myself.”

  Dacia pondered whether that was wise.

  They rummaged through more cabinets and found a pantry with wine, which they promptly uncorked. They grabbed another bottle, not enough to provide the slightest buzz, but they liked the taste.

  As they were gathering their bounty, she felt him. Before his scent hit, the feeling of his presence settled over her. She turned and saw him standing in the doorway, both forearms braced on either side. She took a deep breath and fought the urge to go to him. She saw the top of a Nutter Butter package peeking from his pocket and frowned that the cookies in the flannel he’d given her had been lost at some point after the explosion. She suddenly craved a taste of them.

  “I see I was late in getting your kitchen stuff,” he said with an amused grin. “Bastian is transferring everything now, but knock yourself out if you want anything from here.” His eyes softened when he glanced at her sisters. No heat, luckily for him. Her beast might have bit off his dick if he looked at her sisters with interest.

  She inhaled deeply of him and clenched her teeth at how damned possessive her wolf was. She took in his earthy scent as her eyes moved to his firm sexy lip
s. She didn’t hear much of the words her sisters spoke, not with her beast’s snarls filling her mind. Her wolf wanted her to go to him. She lifted her eyes to his and was almost singed by the fire there.

  It sucked the breath from her lungs. Her gaze fell to the bulge pulling his zipper tight. Images of just how beautiful that part of him was: thick, long, a proud male covered in come. For her. Her eyes flashed; her beast was slipping its leash. She looked up and saw that he was breathing her in, his low growl barely audible, but she was tuned to him, heard it. Her sisters chattered in the background, but she wasn’t processing any of it. She should be embarrassed, but was too out of her mind to feel anything but the draw to him. His nostrils flared and his eyes flashed and quickly darkened as they snared her.

  After long tense minutes, he shook his head. His voice was a deep rasp. “I have more work to do, but Jax is bringing clothes. Sometime in the morning I’ll take you all for a run. If you’re up for it.” He issued it as a challenge and his lips curved, but his nostrils were still flaring and his breathing was too rough. It was a mask of casual playfulness.

  “Where?” Her voice was husky.

  “The mountain outside the manor.” He took another deep breath, and his eyes slid over her face.

  She felt his power gently gliding over her right cheek and jaw, moving to trace the lines of her lip and then caressing the bottom one. Her tongue darted out to wet the area, wishing his fingers were there, his mouth. His eyes shot up to hers.

  He groaned and nodded before giving her one last promise-filled look. She clenched her fists, the pull to follow him was strong. She imagined finally sliding her fingers under his shirt to the taut skin beneath. Now that she’d seen what was under there, she couldn’t stop from picturing it again in her mind.

  “Wow, down girl,” Zoe said.

  She groaned and closed her eyes as her sisters laughed at her heated face. It was getting worse. She barely even registered her sisters’ presence as she let him fluster her. She hoped to hell it was easier being around him when they were outside running.

  She spent the next hours before going to bed processing information. They’d learned about Tetartos, its cities, the Mageia who’d relocated to or had been born in the Realm, the different Immortal races she’d known a little about already. The problem was that her thoughts kept going back to Conn no matter where they started. She shook it off.

  The Guardians were treating her and her sisters as guests, for now. Would it all change at some point?

  She rubbed the bridge of her nose. At least the shower and new clothes seemed to help. That and the scent of Mia’s stew filling the suite helped calm her beast. Bags had been all over the living room when they’d come from the kitchen. Not just hers, but her sisters’. The Guardians had tracked down the house and had to know about Gunn. He had a room there, which meant his scent was there too. Isa warned their brothers away from both homes.

  Her eldest sister lay next to her in the bed. She was glad not to be with Zoe and Mia. They would have cuddled her right onto the floor and she just couldn’t sleep confined like that. Isa wasn’t nearly as clingy.

  “Are you okay?” Isa asked as she turned onto her back, her sister obviously having just as much trouble sleeping.

  “I don’t know,” she said honestly. “My beast wants him.”

  “We all know that.” Her face heated as Isa chuckled next to her. “I know they’re not telling us everything, but my wolf isn’t on edge. It’s me that distrusts it all. I’m not happy that they just took us from our home without asking, but I understand their reasons, marginally. I’m not sure it would have killed them to let us get things settled. Bastian made comments that indicated he was confident we’d be happier here. Moving us like that was a total arrogant male play. Something our idiot brothers would have done.” Her sister sighed.

  They lay there for a while before Isa spoke again. “Caution is good. If you can fight the compulsion. We won’t think less of you if you can’t hold out. It’s obvious how strong the pull is, for both of you. There were impressions in the door moldings from how hard he was holding back.” There was a smile in Isa’s voice.

  She nodded, knowing her sister would see it in the dark. She’d seen the indents from his arms, and they’d made her feel slightly better. “It’s intense. If I hadn’t been so panicked at his intrusion in the house, I probably would have lost the fight then. It’s taking every bit of strength to fight it, and I know I’ll lose eventually.” There was no way she’d hold out if things continued to build the way they were, and even if she could, would he? He’d given her this choice when he’d taken her other ones away. Would he be able to stick to his word? She hoped so. It was something he needed to do to earn her trust, her respect.

  “It probably won’t be such a bad thing when you do lose it,” Isa said softly, making Dacia turn her head, surprised. Her sister just gave a small smile.

  “I watched the subtleties in Bastian’s features when he explained the mating. There was reverence in his eyes. He said that we only get one. I’ve lived thousands of years, Dacia, but still haven’t lived half their lives. I won’t lie, it gave me a twinge of hope. It’s the reason I’ve searched so hard for the other Immortals. For the chance at having children. I had you three, helped our mother raise Zoe and Mia, then the three of us raised you, but when they died, that meant no other babies were coming. None that I could pretend were mine.” She puffed out a breath. “I want that. I think Mia and Zoe do too, though just having a male might be enough to make them happy. You could have so much with Conn, not that I’m saying babies need to be your dream.” Isa grinned at her. “Another thing, my animal isn’t feeling anything sinister from any of them. I do think holding out is good. Make him prove himself worthy beyond all that power.” Isa chuckled.

  Dacia’s stomach was tied up in knots. Oh, how tempting it was, to challenge him, learn him. It was the rest that twisted her up. She’d never imagined having children, never even allowed such a possibility to cross her mind. She hadn’t even found a male she was willing to touch until now. Her sisters had tried with humans, well before she was born; even their dead siblings were said to have tried over and over and gotten nowhere.

  Their brothers just screwed for the fun of it; their beasts didn’t discriminate in the least. She stretched her neck, not liking the thought of never seeing them again. She loved them, rough exteriors and all, but she and her sisters planned to protect them if they could. Let them have the option the Guardians hadn’t afforded the four of them. They would be fine in Earth if Tetartos turned out to be a horrible and dangerous place. Conn may know about Gunn, but that didn’t mean he’d find her brother.

  She and Isa drifted off into thoughtful silence, both staring at the ceiling until Conn’s voice slid into her mind. Are you sleeping, princess? Just that was enough to turn the dull arousal, her new constant state, into harsh need. Her eyes closed as he washed through her mind.

  No, she responded. Where are you?

  Just getting into bed. There was a hint of wickedness in his mental voice. Wanna keep me company, Dacia? Just your voice in my mind makes me itch to play with you. You left me in a state of damned torture. All that fucking fire is driving me crazy.

  You were the one who got me hot in front of my sisters, she snapped, still uncomfortable with that particular truth.

  Staring at my dick was not the way to cool things down, princess.

  Her nipples hardened and she bit her lip.

  I worked with a hard-on for hours, replaying this image. The sight of her spread out at the edge of the pool slid into her mind. It’s burned into my mind, Dacia. You can’t imagine how much I wanted to crawl between those beautiful legs and never leave. I want to bury my face and tongue in your sweet cunt and stay there until I’ve eaten my fill.

  Her passage tightened as her skin flushed hot; the images mixed with his words were driving her wild.

  How did you do that? Even her mental voice sounded breathless, but she w
as awed too. She’d never received images in her mind, and oh, how she wanted to send some of her own.

  She heard his low laugh through their link. If you can’t send them now, you’ll be able to eventually. Once we start the frenzy and complete the mating, your abilities will meld with mine.

  No one had mentioned that part yet. There was so much she still needed to learn. Before she could ask more, he was sliding more images to her; these were ones he’d made up. They were of her on her knees, on her back, in his lap with his mouth sucking and nipping at her breasts.

  The things you do to me. Fuck. I’m going to destroy you, princess. I’ll toy with you, tempt you, and give you everything you never knew to ask for. Oh God, he was not doing this. Image after image, but always back to her flushed and wet, using her fingers to spread herself wide for his eyes.

  She groaned and shot out of the bed. “I’m going to take a shower,” she told her sister and beelined for the bathroom. She heard her sister snort, “Good idea,” before the door shut and she had the water running.

  She saw her flushed face in the mirror between the images running in her mind like live porn featuring her as the star. She ripped off her tee shirt and yoga shorts. Her dark hair fell in tousled waves down around her back and chest, partially covering her swollen breasts. She looked like a wild female ready for her male. She tried a few times to secure the image in her head and send it. Finally, it worked and she heard him growl. He’d teased her, and it was only fair to return the favor.

  Was she playing with him? She’d never felt the giddy rush running through her body. She wanted more; it was addicting. She sent him the image that had been haunting her, the one of him covered in come. He groaned.


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