Only You (Robson Brothers Book 3)

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Only You (Robson Brothers Book 3) Page 4

by A. T Brennan

  There were a few other guys in there as we stripped off our clothes and grabbed our towels and shower paraphernalia, and I tried not to be obvious as I watched Logan out of the corner of my eye.

  He kept his eyes forward, and when we were in the actual shower part he went into his stall and turned on the water.

  For some reason the school had equipped the shower room with one person stalls, but they didn’t seem to think we needed curtains or full walls so you were really only covered from the knees to your chest, and only from the people on either side of you. The person in the stall opposite got the full show.

  I almost slipped out of my shower sandals when I had the urge to get into the stall across from Logan so I could get a glimpse of what his clothes hid. Where the fuck had that thought come from? Was I still on a runner’s high?

  I slipped into the stall two over from Logan and tried to focus on showering and getting clean, and not on the fact that Logan was naked and only six feet away from me.

  My dick didn’t seem to get the message and it seemed determined to stay semi hard, even as I broke out every unsexy thought I had to try and fight it.

  I had no idea what the fuck was going on with me, but something about Logan was stirring thoughts I’d never had about any guy before.

  Chapter Four


  I ended up saying goodbye to Logan at the main doors to the gym because he was going to go over to Jay’s place before meeting up with his friend Avery. That meant I had the apartment to myself for the rest of the day.

  That was a good thing.

  I was still confused about my thoughts and reactions at the gym, and I needed some space to try and sort out whatever the fuck was going on in my head.

  The walk back to the apartment helped a little. The cool air seemed to clear my mind and I was able to think rationally.

  I’d checked out Logan’s ass and had the urge to see him naked. It was different, but it wasn’t exactly earth-shatteringly weird. We’d worked out hard and he was in shape. I noticed guy’s bodies all the time in a competitive and curious way, checking out how toned or built they were in comparison to me, but this had been different.

  All those other times I’d look, wonder about their nutrition or routines and then move on. I didn’t wonder what their asses looked like under their clothes or want to see them naked as water sloshed over their bodies.

  At that thought my dick twitched and I quickened my step.

  I was creeping on my gay roommate, and I was straight. Wasn’t I?


  “How was work?” I asked as Avery slid next to me in the booth. She’d pulled a hoodie on but was still wearing her work clothes. The black leggings and tight shirts were modest compared to some of the bars around campus, but they showed off her petite frame.

  “Busy.” She sighed and leaned in for a hug. “But I made a buttload of tips so I can’t complain.”

  “I thought Logan was the expert on buttloads.”

  Avery and I laughed as we turned to see Paige, Jay’s girlfriend, standing next to our table with her pad out and her pen ready to take our orders.

  “That I am, and also an expert on tips.” I winked and the girls giggled.

  “What can I get you?” Paige asked, shaking her head in amusement.

  “Caesar. Extra spicy. And can I have extra pickled beans in it?”

  “Of course.” Paige jotted down my order. “Avery?”

  “Rum and Coke. Want to split an order of fries?” She glanced at me.

  “Sounds good.”

  “Alright. I’ll be back with your drinks in a few.” Paige winked and headed off to the next table.

  “So, what’s up?” I asked, turning to Avery.

  “Nothing. You’re the one who wanted to meet up.” She grinned. “What’s up with you?”

  “I met my new roommate.”

  “Matt said.” She looked at me closely. “Is he giving you a hard time?”

  “Not at all. He’s cool as fuck.”

  “Does he know?”

  “That I like dick? I told him.”

  “And everything’s cool?”


  “So what’s the problem? You look like something heavy is weighing on you.”

  “He’s straight.”


  “And hot.”

  “Oh. I see.”

  “Yeah.” I sighed. “I’m trying to behave. I barely know him, but there’s something about him that’s drawing me in.”

  “You’re not the type to lust after straight guys. Tease them, sure, but not actually crush on them.”

  “I’m not crushing.”

  “Oh really?” She grinned. “You sound like you are.”

  “Just because I’d like to see him naked doesn’t mean I’m crushing.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Okay. But do you think this’ll cause problems?”

  “I doubt it. I just have to get over it.”

  “Okay, as long as you’re okay.”

  “I’m good. How’s domestic life now that you and Matt are alone?”

  Just then Paige came up to the table with our drinks. She set mine in front of me and I saw she’d added a ton of beans.

  “Thanks doll.”

  “Of course.” She grinned. “Your fries will be up soon.”

  “I don’t know how you can eat those.” Avery wrinkled her nose as she watched me bite into one of the beans.

  “You don’t know what you’re missing. It’s salty, vinegary, crunchy goodness.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.” She sipped her drink. “Things at home are good. Matt made me breakfast in bed yesterday.”

  “You’ve turned him into a softie.” I chuckled and picked up another bean. “But I’m glad he’s treating you well.”

  “He does, always.”

  I smiled and bit into another bean. I really was glad. Matt was a good guy and Avery was such a sweetheart. They really were made for each other.

  After our fries arrived we dug in and I told her all about my brutal workout with Adam, then we chatted about school.

  By the time we left it was almost ten and I walked Avery home. She’d invited me in for a few minutes but I’d declined. I was tired and everyone was coming over tomorrow for my housewarming so I’d see Matt then.

  Now it was time to head home and hopefully not drool over my new roomie.


  I heard Logan come home around ten-thirty while I was hiding in my room. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to see him, the problem was that I did.

  I’d spent the evening playing Halo and trying not to think about anything other than decimating the enemies on my TV screen, but my thoughts kept wandering to what had happened at the gym.

  I’d never had trouble seeing other guys as good looking or admiring their bodies, but up until today it had been in a detached, objective way. The part that was really confusing me was while I’d found other men attractive before, I’d never been attracted to them.

  As much as I tried to tell myself I was mixing up endorphins with real feelings, I was attracted to Logan.

  This confused me. It wasn’t like I was dating chicks to hide my attraction to men, I was attracted to chicks. I enjoyed a soft, warm body pressed against mine. The feel of curves under my hands and the sweet smell of subtle perfume or body spray. I loved to feel the weight of breasts in my hands and even enjoyed eating girls out. None of that would be true if I was secretly gay, would it?

  I’d been sure I knew exactly what I wanted and enjoyed, and then Logan had come along and I was suddenly questioning everything.

  As I’d been taking a break from Halo to grab a soda I’d found myself thinking about Logan’s body. I wondered how it would feel to have a hard, strong frame against mine. To feel pecs and abs instead of breasts and smooth skin. Would I enjoy having strong arms around me; rough hands on my body? Would the natural musk of a man send a rush of arousal through me? And what would it be like to kiss
a man?

  Logan was only an inch shorter than me so we’d almost be eye-to-eye. How would it feel to have his lips on mine? To feel the gentle scratch of stubble against my skin and run my hands through short hair?

  The thought sent a jolt of pleasure through me that went from my spine right down to my dick, causing it to swell. How would he taste? Would he be gentle or rough?

  My sexual preferences in girls were pretty set. I might be what most people consider an alpha male, but I wasn’t dominant. I liked to share the experience and didn’t really get off on hard or rough sex...but now I wondered if that’s what I’d want with a guy.

  The thought of Logan kissing me, pressing me against the wall as his hands raked over my body sent a rush of blood to my semi-soft cock. It filled it until it was rock-hard and nearly peeking out over the top of my sweatpants, where the waistband of my boxer briefs held it against my stomach.

  I’d always enjoyed the softer energy of women, but the harder, more forceful energy that I associated with men was fucking hot. That shocked me almost more than the fact that I was thinking about any guy in this way in the first place.

  Just picturing Logan dominating me, showing me how much he wanted me made my balls tighten and my cock ache. I’d never had such a strong reaction to a fantasy before, and I needed to jack off to ease the pressure.

  A part of me was ashamed, but I was so fucking turned on I was able to push it aside and focus on the physical feelings.

  I lay back on my bed, one arm behind my head as my other hand pressed against my sweatpants so I could palm myself over the soft material. I was so ready I knew I could come in a matter of minutes, but I wanted to draw it out a bit. Enjoy it and really experience everything.

  Biting my lip I squeezed my cock, groaning softly as a pulse of pleasure shot through me. I pictured Logan’s body while we’d been at the gym. The way sweat had glistened on his skin, the sexy-as-all-hell grunts he’d let escape as he’d been doing the sit ups. I thought about the way his muscles had moved and worked as he’d done his exercises, and I needed more.

  Reaching into my sweatpants I gripped my shaft, squeezing as I slid my hand up until I was just below the head. I repeated the movement again and again, as my mind wandered to a place it had never gone before.

  I was back at the gym doing sit ups with Logan spotting me. This time I was struggling and he was the one telling me to dig deep and give him one more. I did, and then he shoved my legs apart and climbed over me. I could feel his cock, as hard as mine, digging into my groin as his chest pressed me into the mat. His hands were gripping my arms, pinning them as he looked down at me with passion and desire flashing in his eyes.

  His lips lowered, his breath whispering over my cheek as I tilted my face up to meet him. Then our lips touched.

  He wasn’t gentle or soft. His lips demanded that I respond as his tongue almost forced its way into my mouth. His hips were rocking against mine, stroking my cock as it lay trapped between us.

  “Oh fuck.” I reached down with my free hand and gripped my balls, pulling them down gently to heighten the sensations my stroking hand was creating. I was fucking close, and I had to bite my lip even harder to quiet my cries.


  I let go of my balls and pulled my shirt up a moment before I came, streaking my stomach with my release. I closed my eyes and slowed my strokes, milking every drop of my orgasm out of me that I could, until the pressure was too much and I had to stop.

  “Holy fuck.” My hands dropped to the bed as I stared up at the ceiling. That had been one of the strongest orgasms I’d had in a long time, and I’d been fantasizing about my male roommate.

  I might not be gay, but after that there was no way I could pretend I was still completely straight.

  * * * * *

  “Hey,” Logan greeted when I came out of my room the next morning. He was sitting on the couch fiddling with his phone.

  “Hey.” My cheeks flushed as I looked at him. I was glad he was staring down and not looking at me just then. “How are you feeling today?”

  “Like I was run over by a steamroller.” He grinned and looked up. “But I’m not praying for death so I’m better off than I thought I’d be.

  “Pain means you’re getting results.”

  “Someone once told me the pain during a workout is the fibers in your muscles tearing and the pain after is them trying to repair themselves. That true?”

  “Sort of. It’s called delayed onset muscle soreness and they think it’s from microtears after strenuous exercise.”

  “Well, I think I tore the fuck out of every muscle in my body yesterday, cause hot damn I’m feeling it today.”

  “You’ll get used to it.” I grinned.

  “You going to be my trainer?” he asked teasingly. “Whip my sorry ass into shape?”

  “Well, you’re already in pretty great shape. How about I help you condition?”

  “Sure, thanks. I appreciate it.”

  “No problem. Going to the gym alone isn’t fun. I’d rather have company.”

  “Company you can boss around and cause pain to? You really are a sadist.” He laughed and I chuckled.

  “Guess I am.”

  “So, my brothers and their girlfriends are all coming over tonight. That cool?”

  “Sure.” I went to the kitchen and was happy to see half a pot of coffee waiting for me.

  “They’re bringing lots of beer,” he added as I went to the fridge to add creamer. “You sticking around?”

  “Was planning on it.”

  “You want to invite some of your friends over?”

  “That would be okay?” I came into the living room and flopped down on the other side of the couch, being careful not to spill my coffee.

  “Yeah. I have people coming over, you should too. Just keep it small.”

  “I’ve got a few buddies who are pretty low key.”

  “Cool.” He smiled and went back to his phone.

  I was trying to act normal but wasn’t sure if I was pulling it off. If Logan was picking up on my discomfort he was doing a hell of a job pretending everything was normal.

  I wasn’t ashamed, exactly, but I was embarrassed. I’d jacked off to a fantasy with him in the starring role, and now every time I looked at him I was taken back to it. Talking about going to the gym with him had only made it worse and I was glad I’d put on my tightest boxer briefs so my semi was hidden.

  I might be confused as fuck, but I had to get over it and deal with everything on my own. The last thing I needed was to make things weird here, or make Logan uncomfortable.

  As I was sipping my coffee I texted Kevin and a few other guys, inviting them over later. I made sure to tell them it was only a small gathering to hang out and not a party. We didn’t need half the ball team and all their groupies showing up. That was a sure fire way to get your shit broken and your landlord on your ass.

  When I heard back from them I went to my room to grab my gym bag. Working out would help me clear my mind. It was the perfect place to get lost in the moment and focus only on the present. I might not solve whatever was going on in my head, but at least I could escape it for a couple hours.


  Something about the way Adam was acting seemed off. It was true I didn’t know him very well, but he was acting a bit squirrely. He’d gone to the gym for a few hours and then come back and hidden in his room.

  We were roommates, not besties, so I wasn’t surprised that he went to his room, it was the way he’d looked at me today.

  When we’d been talking this morning his face had been a little flushed and he’d had a hard time meeting my eyes, and he’d seemed distracted. When he’d come home from the gym I’d turned and caught him staring at me, but instead of acting like it wasn’t a big deal he’d blushed and hurried to his room.

  I hoped I hadn’t upset him, or that he was feeling uncomfortable around me.

  I knew I should have kept the teasing to a minimum, but it was
a hard habit to break. I was so used to not holding back around people I was comfortable around that I forgot how to turn it off sometimes.

  My sense of humor could be crude and inappropriate. I’d offended a lot of people in my life, but it’s just who I was. I hadn’t held back around Adam and it seemed like I’d crossed a line or something.

  Maybe it was because he’d acted so cool around me, or maybe because I was inherently comfortable around him I didn’t feel the need to put on an act or a show, and I let my guard down. What he’d seen was just the tip of the iceberg, and if he couldn’t handle me now then the next eight months could get awkward fast.

  I would have to tone it down when it was just the two of us. I’d hidden my real personality from pretty much everyone I’d ever met, I could do it with him.

  Chapter Five


  Logan’s brothers were not what I was expecting. I’d already met Jay and he seemed cool as fuck, but then I met Matt and Jax and realized what he’d meant when he’d said his family was a bit like a patchwork quilt.

  Matt seemed like a cool guy, a little intense at first, but after a beer and a few jokes he loosened up. It was also painfully clear he was completely in love with his girlfriend Avery, and they were cute together.

  Avery seemed quiet and a little reserved, but she was sweet. She made a point to sit next to me and make conversation, just to break the ice. It was a nice gesture and proved Logan true when he’d told me she had a big heart.

  Jay’s girlfriend Paige was interesting. She had a wicked sense of humor and immediately made a crack about how I was another guy who towered over her. She and Jay were also madly in love and couldn’t seem to be more than a foot apart before they’d reach for each other.

  Jax, Jay’s very preppy twin brother, was the quietest of all the boys. He seemed to like observing over joining in, but after a few drinks he seemed to loosen up a bit. I wasn’t quite sure how to gauge him. He was friendly and nice, but a part of him was guarded and he seemed to be holding back. I didn’t know if it was just how he was, or if it was because of me.

  My friends showed up about an hour after Logan’s, and I was relieved when there were no extra bodies.


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