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Only You (Robson Brothers Book 3)

Page 15

by A. T Brennan

  “Of course.” He grinned as I climbed off him. “You might have been with girls before, but it’s kind of like you’re losing your virginity again every time we do something. I know that has to be a bit of a mindfuck.”

  “Believe it or not, I never thought twice about anything else. I wanted everything we’ve done so bad. This is the only thing I’ve worried about.”

  “Well, then don’t worry. You’re a natural. The dude with the golden dick.”

  I burst out laughing at his analogy and he grinned. “Better?”

  “Yup, serious mood broken.”

  “Good. Now stop freaking out and let’s get washed up. I’m needing some serious cuddles right now.”

  I smiled as he stood, and then rolled out of bed so I could follow him to the bathroom. He was right. I needed to stop freaking out and focus on the fact that I was going to be making love to the man I was in love with. As long as it was with Logan, it would be perfect.

  Chapter Thirteen


  When I woke up the next morning it was to Logan’s alarm going off. He’d set it early so I could get up in time to hit the gym before class.

  “You coming with?” I asked as I pulled him closer.

  I loved how we seemed to be made for each other. It didn’t matter who played big spoon, Logan and I fit together seamlessly. Even now that he was curled up with his back against my front with his arms wrapped around mine, I didn’t feel crowded. If anything I wanted him closer.

  “Not happening,” he mumbled. “I don’t get up before the sun, and I definitely don’t get up before class to go get sweaty and gross. Not at the gym at least.”

  “You’re no fun,” I teased and dropped a kiss on his shoulder.

  “That’s me, Mr. No Fun.” He paused and pressed his ass against my morning wood, making me groan. “You could always stay in bed awhile longer.”

  “You’re killing me.” I gently bit the shell of his ear and grinned when he shuddered and moaned. “If you keep doing that we’ll never get out of this bed.”

  “I’m decidedly okay with that.” He chuckled and rolled over in my arms so we were face to face. “Morning.”

  “Morning.” I leaned forward to kiss him, not giving a shit that we weren’t exactly fresh at the moment.

  “Go, be a good little gym boy.” He rolled his eyes and gave me another quick kiss. “I’m going to be a slacker and go back to sleep.”

  “You coming right home after class?”

  “Was planning on it. Why?”

  “No reason.”

  “I know that look.” He pulled back so he could look at me more closely. “You’re up to something.”

  “Me? No.” I grinned and gave him another kiss. “Have a good sleep. Dream of me.”

  “I always do.” He kissed me one final time, grinding his cock against mine before he pulled away to let me sit up.


  “You know it.” He laughed and watched me get out of bed.

  “I’ll see you later.”


  I gathered up my clothes and headed to my room to get changed and grab my stuff. I would much rather have stayed in bed with Logan, but I needed to train. We were going to be starting practice in less than two weeks, and I had to make sure I was at the top of my game.

  Besides, by going to the gym now I’d have plenty of time to get ready for tonight.


  “Adam?” I called out as I dropped my bag on the couch and looked around the apartment.

  “Hey.” He stepped out of the kitchen and grinned.

  “So, cryptic text today.” I went over to give him a quick kiss. “Get ready...get ready for what?”

  “We’re going on a date.”

  “We’re what now?” I couldn’t have heard him right. He was taking me out...on a date?

  “It’s nothing fancy, but I think we should go out. Have some fun, see where the night takes us.”

  “Considering it’s a school night, I’m guessing the night is going to take us in there,” I nodded to his room, “or there.” I nodded to my room.

  “Pretty much a given.” He laughed. “But seriously. I want to take you out.”

  “Wow. Okay.” I looked down at my jeans and shirt. Adam was dressed equally as casual so I wasn’t sure if I should change. “Is this okay?”

  “Perfect.” He looked me up and down with naked lust in his eyes, and my cock twitched and then began to swell.

  “Keep looking at me like that and we’ll never leave the house.” I warned, glancing down at his crotch. He was hard, and it took every ounce of self-control I had not to throw him down on the couch and bury my dick in his ass.

  “So tempting.” He licked his bottom lip and my eyes followed the movement, mesmerized. “But, we have a date.”

  “Alright, Mr. Romantic, where are we going?” I tore my eyes from his mouth and willed my body to calm the fuck down.

  “You’ll see.”

  “Again with the cryptic.” I laughed as he grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the door. At least he was eager.

  * * * * *

  When Adam’s truck pulled up in front of a diner I glanced over at him.

  The diner looked like it had been plucked out of a fifties movie and dropped in the middle of an industrial park. Everything from the garish pink and turquoise exterior to the flashing neon sign screamed retro, but not in a hipster, cool way.

  “How very rock and roll,” I drawled and he laughed.

  “Don’t judge until you’ve gotten the full experience.” He climbed out of the car and I followed suit.

  He took my hand as we met around the front of the truck, and I flushed happily as we walked into the diner together. It was the first time he’d held my hand in public, and I fucking loved it.

  The inside was exactly what I would have expected from the outside. The floor was a strange combo of pink and orange linoleum, and the booths were all pink Formica with shimmery red plastic benches. There were pictures of fifties icons like Elvis, James Dean, and Marilyn Monroe on the walls, and the music reminded me of the movie Grease.

  There was a counter at the front of the diner with red stools, and it looked like an honest to goodness soda shop. There was even an old-school jukebox in the corner near the entrance to the kitchen.

  “I feel like Ward and June Cleaver are going to come walking in,” I quipped as we sat down.

  Adam grinned and handed me a menu.

  “I don’t think any of this is on your approved diet list, Mr. Baseball God,” I chided as I looked at the options. Everything was either greasy diner food or down home cooking, and it all looked delicious.

  “I worked hard this morning, and am planning on working hard later.” He winked and nodded to our left. “Incoming.”

  When I turned I saw a waitress in a poodle skirt and a pink leather jacket coming toward us with a smile on her face and a notepad in her hand.

  “Can I get you boys a drink to start?”

  “Iced tea?” Adam ordered.

  “You got it, and you?” She glanced at me.



  “Can we also get an order of chili cheese fries to start?” Adam asked.

  The waitress grinned and jotted a few notes on her pad. “Anything else?”

  Adam glanced at me and I shook my head.

  “We’re good for now, thanks.”

  She nodded and turned away from the table.

  “Chili cheese fries?” I laughed heartily. “You know, most people try to impress their dates with fancy shit.”

  “I didn’t take you for a fancy shit kind of guy.” Adam raised his eyebrow playfully.

  “I’m not. This is much more my speed.”

  “Mine too.”

  “You know, this is actually my first real date,” I admitted.


  “I’ve never done the boyfriend thing before so I never went on dates. I met guys, did the flirti
ng thing... you can fill in the next part, and then that was it. No romance, no dates.”

  “Well, I’m glad I get to be one of your firsts. You’re pretty much all of mine.” He reached across the table and linked our hands together.

  I flushed as I looked at our entwined fingers and tried not to grin like an idiot. “Trust me when I say you’re a first for me in so many ways.”

  Before the moment could get too sappy our waitress was back with our drinks. I braced myself, waiting for Adam to snatch his hand back, but he didn’t. He just smiled at the waitress as she put our drinks on the table, and I couldn’t help notice the way she grinned at us, like she was genuinely happy to see us together.

  “Is there a reason you never wanted to date anyone?” Adam asked, pulling his hand away from mine so he could take a sip of his iced tea.

  “My high school was small enough that I was really the only out kid, especially in my grade. I didn’t have a lot of chances to meet anyone, unless it was friends of friends.”

  “And you didn’t meet anyone you wanted to be with?”

  “I did, once.” I sighed and bit my lip, wondering if I should tell him the story.

  “What happened?”

  “I met someone at a party when I was seventeen and we hooked up. He was great, really took the time to make it good for me, but he was older and only in town visiting family so it didn’t go past that night. I had a few friends in high school who tried to set me up with their cousins or brother’s friends who were gay. They didn’t seem to get that just because we both liked guys that didn’t mean we would automatically be attracted to each other. I met some nice guys, but they weren’t my type, and I wasn’t theirs.”

  “That must have been hard.”

  “In a way.” I shrugged. “There was one guy I did a project with. I went to his house a few times to work on it. We weren’t exactly friends but he was nice enough. His family didn’t have a problem letting ‘the gay’, as a lot of people’s parents called me, in the house so that was a plus. I met his older brother while he was back from college on break.”

  “He was gay?”

  “And closeted. Like completely on the DL.”


  “Down low. He lived straight but fucked guys on the side.”


  “Yeah. So long story short he kissed me when Drew, my class partner, was helping his dad with something. He wanted to meet me that night, so I told him my address. He picked me up in his car and I thought we were going on a date.”

  “But you didn’t?”

  “Nope. He drove to an access road and pulled out his dick.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I sucked it.” I shrugged, flushing. “I was horny and had only been with that one guy so I thought I could at least get some experience, maybe a few orgasms out of it.”

  “Logan?” Adam reached across the table and took my hand again. “What happened?”

  “Ryan was a strict top. He refused to put any part of me in his body, including my tongue. He wouldn’t kiss me on the mouth after that first one at his parent’s house, and he didn’t want to jack me off because I’d get cum on him. He wouldn’t even fuck me face-to-face. I guess it was his way of keeping it less gay because he was fucking me, not the other way around.”

  “Did you meet with him again?” he asked softly, squeezing my hand.

  “Every night of his break.” I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment. “I wasn’t in love with him or anything, but he kept saying all the right things and I liked him. I made excuses as to why he was being that way, and why I was letting him. The sex wasn’t bad, but I didn’t get much out of it because I had to do my own prep and then it was up to me to make sure I got off. He wasn’t a complete ass, though. He wanted to hang out after, just talk, you know. I felt like he understood me in a way that no one else did, and I felt like he saw me as an equal and not just some high school kid.

  “The last night of his visit he said he wanted me to come visit him at school. I got excited, thinking that things might actually go somewhere and he’d want to be with me, until he’d added that I’d have to get a hotel room off campus and he’d only be able to see me when his girlfriend was at work.”

  “Oh, Logan. I’m sorry.” Adam squeezed my hand and I gave him a shaky smile.

  “I was the ‘side chick’, his words, and he needed to keep his rep intact. Basically I was an ass to fuck while he played straight. He said he hated to go to the gay clubs because he might be seen so I was perfect, even though I wasn’t really his type. He said he liked his guys bigger, more manly, but I was available and beggars couldn’t be choosers.”

  “That’s horrible. What an asshat.”

  “That he was. I never saw him again, but it was the shame of being nothing more than a secret fuck that really hurt. Like he didn’t give a shit that it was me, I was just convenient because I was gay. And I was pissed at myself for not seeing it for what it was.”

  “Fuck. And here I am keeping you—”

  “It’s not the same thing.” I squeezed his hand, cutting him off. “I know you’re with me for me, and I’m not the secret fuck you keep hidden while you’re with some chick. You care about me. He didn’t.”

  “I do care about you.” He squeezed my hand again, and as his mouth opened to say something else, my breath caught because every instinct in my body was telling me Adam was about to say he loved me.

  Before he could say a single word our waitress was back with our chili cheese fries and the spell was broken.

  “You know what you want?” she asked pleasantly, and I had to bite my tongue so I didn’t tell her to fuck off so Adam could finish what he’d started to say.

  Instead we glanced at the menus and ended up ordering the same thing.

  The rest of the meal went well. We talked about less serious things, and I felt better now that I’d shared that part of my past with Adam. He’d told me about his dating history and the girlfriends he’d had, and even though we were vastly different, I didn’t feel judged at all. The food was amazing and after polishing off the fries, then a burger piled high with bacon and cheese, I was feeling very full.

  “I don’t think there was a single vegetable in that meal.” I laughed as we got back into Adam’s truck.

  “Fries are potatoes. And there were tomatoes in the chili.” Adam grinned and started up the car. “I think there were a few pieces of lettuce on the burger, buried under the bacon.”

  “True. So we were totally healthy.”

  “Completely.” He pulled out of the parking lot and turned left. Our apartment was to the right.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You don’t think dinner was the only part of our date, do you?” He winked at me before taking another left turn. “I intend to show you a good time.”

  “Really?” I grinned and tried to figure out where we were going. “I’ve got to say, this date thing is pretty fun.”

  “Yeah, it is.” He nodded and gave me a tender smile.

  We drove for about twenty minutes, and when we pulled up in front of a miniature golf course I couldn’t help laughing.

  “Mini putt?”

  “Not mini putt, although we can do that after if you want. Look back there.” He pointed to a fenced-off area behind the golf course, and what I saw made me laugh even harder.

  “Batting cages?”


  “You are such a jock.”

  “What? You said you used to play?” he teased.

  “Yeah, little league.”

  “Don’t worry, they have an easy setting.”

  “Do they have a t-ball setting?” I asked as I climbed out of the truck. “I’d rather not make a complete ass of myself tonight.”

  Adam laughed and led me to the cages. It was completely automated and we were the only ones there at the moment. I watched him slip some sort of key card into a storage structure, and when the door opened I saw it was an equipment shed.

  “You a VIP or something?” I asked as he handed me a helmet and a bat.

  “I have a membership.” He pulled out a second helmet and bat and closed the door. “All you can hit.”

  “This a team thing?” I asked as I tested the weight of the bat. It was aluminum, and while it was long it was light. I could work with it, hopefully.

  “It’s a me thing. I come here when I need to wind down or think. It’s kind of ‘my’ place.”

  I looked up at his words. “And you want to share it with me?”

  “I want to share everything with you, Logan.”

  I didn’t know what to say, but any desire to speak quickly flew out of my mind as Adam closed the distance between us, dropping his bat and helmet as he gently cupped my cheeks in his hands before leaning in to kiss me.

  It wasn’t a long or dirty kiss, but it was the fact that he was kissing me outside that made it especially incredible. It didn’t matter that we were alone, it was how he didn’t even hesitate that meant everything to me.

  When he pulled away I saw a soft smile playing on his lips, and I knew I had an identical one on my face.

  “Ready to hit some balls?” Adam asked as he bent to pick up his helmet and bat.

  “It’ll probably be more like swing and a miss for me, but yeah.” I stared at his ass as he bent down. His jeans were pulled tight over the full globes, and the waistband dipped just far enough I could see the top of his boxer briefs.

  “Don’t worry. You’ll get to see a hell of a lot more soon enough.”

  I snapped my eyes up to Adam’s face as his voice broke into my thoughts.


  “Promise.” He nodded and motioned to the first cage. “Batter up.”

  “Tease.” I rolled my eyes playfully.

  “You know it.” He gave my ass a quick slap as I walked past him, and I hoped to hell we didn’t have to stay too long, otherwise I might just explode.


  As much as I wanted to have a real date and share the batting cages with Logan, I couldn’t wait to get his ass home so I could put the last part of my plan into action.

  He wasn’t as bad as he made out he was when it came to hitting. As long as it was set on easy he could hit about every other pitch. When we moved it up to intermediate, he managed to catch a piece of a few of them. On hard, he missed every single one.


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