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Living an Inspired Life

Page 24

by Wayne W. Dyer

  Choosing Inspiration

  My experience with Jack, as well as many similar kinds of episodes in my life, taught me the that the laws of the material world truly do not apply in the presence of God-realization. And I know that I have the choice to live at this level of inspiration. When I do so, it seems that the world changes: Animals behave differently than their biological genetics would seem to allow, people at a distance seem to hear me telepathically and respond to my highest thoughts, objects seem to materialize in defiance of what scientists say is possible, and healing takes place in spite of modern medicine saying otherwise. In other words, miracles seem to be ordinary. The world looks like a place where everything is possible, where restrictions and limitations are nonexistent, and where the power of our Creator seems to roll right up and land at my feet, begging me to hop on board and witness the infinite possibilities it offers. This is how I feel when I align myself to Spirit: cocky inside because I know something that so few ever come to realize, but humble and awestruck on the outside at the miraculousness of it all!

  When I remember to stay in-Spirit, I’ve realized that when one thing appears to be going wrong, I can see clearly that ten things are going right. For example, if my cell phone isn’t working, I can note that my health is fine, my family is safe, the ocean is calm for swimming, my bank account has a surplus, my electricity is fully functional, and on and on it goes. From a perspective of being in-Spirit, I automatically shift my attention away from what’s going wrong and onto what’s right—this then becomes my point of attraction and I attract more of what I’m focused on, whereas at an earlier time in my life, I’d attract more of what was going wrong because that was my point of attraction. How sublimely beautiful the world now looks to me from this magnificent place of inspiration! No longer do I stay focused on and attract more of what’s going wrong, for I’ve learned to place my attention on what’s right, what’s working, and what’s aligned with the All-Creating Spirit.

  From this place of inspiration, I ask, “What if I looked deep within myself and found no original sin at all—that is, what if I discovered original innocence instead? And what if the same were true for everyone?” I know that our Creative Source is One of good, and I also know that we must be just like what we came from—therefore, everyone, including myself, is a piece of God. We come to this world from innocence and love, not from a place of sin or weakness. When I see Christ consciousness in everyone, even those with whom I differ greatly, I’m able to feel good (God). When I know that there’s no original sin in anyone, I’m able to think like Mother Teresa, who told the world, “In each [ill person], I see the face of Christ in one of his more distressing disguises.”

  When it is goodness that I look for, rather than sin and weakness, that’s what I see. I then see goodness in the little old lady driving slowly in front of me, the elderly man fumbling with his change and delaying me at the supermarket, the children squealing loudly as I’m attempting to concentrate on a book, the teenagers shouting along with their earsplitting rap music, or the jackhammer operator whose deafening sounds fill the air with chaos. When I’m inspired, I see God-realization disguised as a minor blip, and the world looks fine, happy, and even peaceful. I remind myself of Rumi’s sage advice: “If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished?”

  When I feel inspired, I notice how much zest I have for life and everything that I do: I play tennis with exuberance and without fatigue, I write from my heart—I feel good (God), and this inner feeling radiates outward in all of my waking moments. Inspiration means doing what I love, and even more significantly, loving what I’m doing. It’s my willingness to bring love and passion to the activities of my life, rather than looking for love to emerge from those events and activities. It’s an attitude, and knowing this, I remember to pick a good one as often as possible. I know that being enthusiastic feels good (God), and I also know that I have the choice to select these attitudes at any and all times. When I stay in-Spirit, these outlooks on life become second nature to me.

  By deciding to live an inspired life, I’m choosing to be in balance with a Creative Force that responds to my in-Spirit thoughts. I’m also believing that I live in a friendly Universe rather than an evil one, and feeling supported by It in a similar manner. Being grateful for all that God sends my way, I’m not surprised when synchronistic events happen in my life. When I have someone on my mind who lives some distance from me, I actually expect that he or she will call me . . . and it occurs over and over.

  I know that thoughts are energy and that those harmonizing with Spirit will align to activate the creation process. I love watching all this flow so perfectly and being in harmony with the Force that’s responsible for all of creation. I know deep within me that I can participate in the activation of this Force to bring into reality the manifestation of my spiritually aligned desires.

  Rather than hoping, wishing, and even praying for an outcome, my inner world aligns with the idea that what I desire is feasible and on its way. This kind of inspired knowing frees me from anxiety and worry. I affirm: It’s on its way; there’s absolutely nothing to fuss about. And I leave the time of its arrival into my life in the hands of the All-Knowing, Always-Creative Spiritual Source. I find that I no longer question the Creator of the Universe because I’m at peace with the timing of everything. I know enough now not to push the river, not to demand that the timetable of my ego be the same as God’s.

  I know that by staying in-Spirit, I’m actually participating as a co-creator, and that the more I stay in this aligned space, the more it seems to speed up the process. I’ve noticed that ever since I’ve become more conscious of staying inspired (and all that this implies), the time between what I think and having it actually show up in my physical life has become shorter and shorter. I’m aware that the ultimate in manifestation is a complete absence of any delay between a thought and its physical manifestation. What’s been called the “gift of loaves and fishes” is what true, 100 percent God-realization is. That is, think food and it appears; think well-being for anyone, and disease dissolves. While I know that this Christ consciousness is available for us all, I have many more glimpses of it as I stay more in-Spirit.

  Singing My Song

  The major change that’s taken place for me in this manifestation of my inspired desires has been the awareness of my own capacity for activating the Creative Force to work with me. Today, as I live consciously in-Spirit, I feel as if I’m more and more able to be an activator of this Divine Synchronistic Force and have it work with me, rather than to me. I view these mystical moments as holy instants when my ego is suspended, and Spirit (in conjunction with my own Divine desires) has become the teacher.

  As my sense of inspiration grows within me, I find myself wanting to do more for others and focusing less upon myself. What I desire is realized through the paradoxical means of desiring it for others even more than I want it for myself. By reaching out in this way and deliberately looking for ways to inspire others, I feel closer and closer to Spirit—and, ironically, I sense that more of what I desire seems to be flowing back to me as a result of this sharing.

  At this point in my life I feel that staying in this glorious state of inspiration practically requires me to avoid condemning others. I look at the behaviors of others, even those whose actions are anathema to an inspired world, and I send them love. I know deep within me that declaring war on the problems of violence, poverty, cancer, AIDS, and drug addiction isn’t the solution. I’m uninterested in increasing those problems with violent, angry, or hateful thoughts or behavior. I know that I can’t get sick enough to make one person better, or angry enough to end violence anywhere. I also sense very strongly that by staying in-Spirit and bringing a higher mental energy to the presence of these lower, ego-based energies, I’m a force for change, one that helps move the world closer to Spirit.

  I anticipate a planet at peace—along with health, abundance, and love in my life and in the lives of all others�
��and I know that it’s moving in this direction. I know that for every act of apparent evil, there are a million acts of kindness. That’s where I place my attention, and that’s what I choose to give away. By doing so for the larger percentage of my days, my reward is a feeling of being in harmony with purpose. I watch the myna birds singing every morning, and I know they’re not doing it because they have the answers to all of life’s problems—they have a song inside of them that they obviously feel compelled to let come out. I too have a song to sing, and by staying in-Spirit I’m able to sing it all day, every day.

  I know that the answer to “What should I be doing?” is to see the word yes on my inner screen: “Yes, I am listening”; “Yes, I am paying attention”; and most important, “Yes, I am willing.” I notice that those around me who feel uninspired are unwilling to say yes to the feeling at the core of their being. By doing so to every hunch, burning desire, and thought that won’t go away, I feel the hand of a guiding Spirit that’s with me simply because I’ve been willing to say yes. By saying yes to life, I see the world and all of its inhabitants in a completely new way.

  As a result of being more and more inspired, I see Spirit in virtually everyone I meet. And I feel much more connected to everyone as a result of sensing their spirit instead of noticing all of the accumulations of success that they’ve amassed. I call this “seeing with my mind and not my eyes.” It now seems that my identity is associated with experiences that are not exclusively of this world. And I love what my mind sees—possibilities and openings for miracles! It looks past the limitations of my eyes, and it knows that we’re all one in an infinite world. My mind no longer views death as something to fear; rather, it lives in an infinite place and is able to step back from this corporeal world and be an observer. With each passing day, I feel what my mind knows to be true, and I look for this all-encompassing loving essence everywhere.

  Adequately conveying how I feel when I’m inspired is probably impossible. What I so sincerely want to share here is that the feeling of being completely in harmony with our Source generates miracles everywhere. I have the delicious spine-tingling sensation of bliss as I observe and interact in this world from the wondrous vista of being inspired. These words from A Course in Miracles ring true for me: “All that must be recognized, however, is that birth was not the beginning, and death is not the end.” This is the knowing that I have from this infinite in-Spirit perspective.

  There are no conflicts—all is as it should be. The things I wish to improve aren’t going to be accomplished by fighting, but by placing my attention on staying connected to Spirit. In 1 Corinthians, Saint Paul says, “The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already.” As I live from a place of inspiration, I see that conflict is no longer possible for me, and I understand what Paul was attempting to say to the people of Corinth in that letter. I will not be defeated—I can’t, because for me, there’s no they any longer, there’s only us. I’ve turned my mind to Spirit. I know that God created me to be like Him, and I must be what I came from. This idea, more than any other, inspires me beyond what I can share on these pages.

  It’s my intention to continue to stay inspired and live what my mind knows, rather than only what my eyes see. And my mind knows that we’re all in a Universe that has a creative, organizing intelligence supporting it. I know that it flows through me, and God willing, I’ll stay in-Spirit and assist you to live that life of inspiration that you came here to live. There can be no greater blessing!

  I send you love, I surround you with light, and I invite you to live with me in-Spirit.


  Affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer was an internationally renowned author, speaker, and pioneer in the field of self-development. Over the four decades of his career, he wrote more than 40 books (21 of which became New York Times bestsellers), created numerous audio programs and videos, and appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. His books Manifest Your Destiny, Wisdom of the Ages, There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, and the New York Times bestsellers 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, The Power of Intention, Inspiration, Change Your Thoughts—Change Your Life, Excuses Begone!, Wishes Fulfilled, and I Can See Clearly Now were all featured as National Public Television specials.

  Wayne held a doctorate in educational counseling from Wayne State University, had been an associate professor at St. John’s University in New York, and honored a lifetime commitment to learning and finding the Higher Self. In 2015, he left his body, returning to Infinite Source to embark on his next adventure.



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  Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires, by Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham)

  The Diary of Immaculée, a documentary on DVD, written and directed by Peter LeDonne

  Falling Up: My Wild Ride from Victim to Kick-Ass Victory, by Dana Liesegang, with Natasha Stoynoff

  The God Code: The Secret of Our Past, the Promise of Our Future, by Gregg Braden

  Gratitude: A Way of Life, by Louise Hay and Friends

  If I Can Forgive, So Can You: My Autobiography of How I Overcame My Past and Changed My Life, by Denise Linn

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