Dismount (Off Balance Book 5)

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Dismount (Off Balance Book 5) Page 37

by Lucia Franco

  Svetlana had no idea gymnastics was more about rehabilitation for her than the actual sport. We did not want to push her to do the balance beam. We both had agreed that if our kids did not want to play the sport, then they did not have to, but for Svetlana who actually liked gymnastics, it was part of her therapy. We gave her a nudge on all the events. She needed gymnastics to live.

  "I guess I'll be on beam for the next hour," Adrianna said happily. She planted a kiss to my lips then waddled away. It was a struggle for me to let her go, but our daughter needed her, and, well, Adrianna needed this too.

  For the next hour I watched while my fearless wife helped coach our daughter. Tonight I would have to make sure I take the girls so she can get a little extra rest. It was rare when she told me she was tired and wanted to relax, but I knew how much the pregnancies drained her. She was my other half—I felt what she did. Adrianna was determined to be there for her kids. I loved her so much for that and did not want to take it away from her, so I had to be creative about making sure she did not overdo it. Like taking parent duties the entire night. Svetlana was still in pull-ups, and Mia was already fighting us about staying up later. Nastia never liked to sleep and half the time she would climb into Mia's bed. Putting them to sleep could be exhausting, especially if you were pregnant.

  After Adrianna had undergone the transplant surgery, the last thing we had expected was to conceive again. We had not even given it a thought, truthfully. Mia had been a newborn when Adrianna's kidneys failed and she was rushed into surgery. She had fought hard to be able to be a mother to our daughter while recovering. Adrianna was, to this day, trying to do her best to keep up with our girls despite being placed on bed rest. I could not take that from her.

  Juggling World Cup, my children, and a very pregnant wife was a challenge. Danilo and Madeline took my teams while I stayed with my wife twenty-four seven. Luckily, Sophia stepped in and offered to help. The woman was a godsend, a true blessing. She did not have a single mean bone in her body and often reminded me of my late mother, who Svetlana was named after. I would like to think they would have gotten along well.

  Lili was now sleeping in her stroller a couple of feet from me while I was coaching the elite girls on beam. I overheard Adrianna walk Svetlana through her fears and encourage her back onto the lower balance beam. She told Svetlana stories of how she used to be scared and said it was okay to feel that way because one day it would go away.

  Like mother, like daughter, I thought. They both hated the balance beam.

  "Dade," she said, standing on the floor beam. "Ya smotri."

  My lips twitched and I walked over to her. She wanted me to watch her. Svetlana's Russian was mixed with English and typically backwards. We did not have the heart to correct her yet. She was too cute for words when she tried to speak.

  Grabbing both of my wife's index fingers for support, Svetlana slowly walked the beam. Her legs shook and her fingers were screaming red from holding onto her mother. I shot a glance over her head to my wife, and our eyes locked. I was not sure if it was possible to fall in love with someone a little more every day, but I did with her. She was a wife, a mother, my other half. My world revolved around her and our children.

  Our soft smiles mimicked each other’s, but there was a sadness inside of me I was hiding from everyone, including Adrianna. Seeing Svetlana walk the balance beam without tears was a big moment for us.

  Svetlana was the runt of the twins. Nastia had crushed her in the womb. We had initially thought she was just a lazy baby with floppy limbs, but when she continued to miss the milestones while her twin surpassed them with flying colors, we took her into the pediatrician to have her examined.

  Adrianna was neurotic these days and took the girls in for every little thing.

  "Come on, baby girl, you can do it." Adrianna encouraged softly.

  I could hear the tears in her voice that she worked hard to hide. She was terrified she was going to pass her illnesses down to her children, and she felt responsible in some way for Svetlana's disease.

  We both had deep fears we did not speak of.

  That did not mean we were not aware of them. We were. And we addressed them without making it obvious. It was how we worked, otherwise it was too easy for the both of us to slip into darkness and spread ruin. Communication was key, Adrianna had said.

  Adrianna's gaze was fixated on Svetlana's feet, watching her step one shaky foot in front of the other. That way if she slipped, my wife would catch her before she had the chance to fall so she did not lose her courage. We planned to incorporate calf raises into her practices to help steady her ankles.

  Svetlana glanced up, her dark eyes glimmering. Her cheeks had the cutest dimples when she was really happy, and right now they were all I could see.

  My daughter glanced into my eyes and I nearly lost my breath. My children were my life and I felt this need to protect them at all costs. I never knew this kind of love existed.

  Letting go, she held her little body as tight as she could, then walked straight to me.

  "You did it, my sweet malyshka," I said, then scooped her up into my arms. I held her tight, giving her an exaggerated kiss on her cheek. She giggled and kicked her legs excitedly against my stomach. I held her back to support her. "I am so proud of you. Soon you will be doing flips off it."

  "Mommy said she was scared."

  Her lisp melted my heart.

  "She was, but you know what? She had a really good coach who helped her overcome those scary thoughts and showed her that she was strong enough to handle it. Those scary thoughts only stay if you let them."

  Her round eyes looked at me. "Wike you, Dade."

  I grinned, hoping Adrianna heard the accent. "Exactly."

  "Mommy said she used to do fwips."

  "She did."

  Svetlana sucked in a breath like she had a lot to say. Her brows rose and she tapped my shoulder. "Mommy said you can do fwips too. Fwip, Dade."

  "Dade is a little old for that now."

  Putting Svetlana down, I told her to rotate to the next event, but she would not budge. She stared up at me with huge eyes that flickered with optimism like her mind was spinning. She reminded me so much of Adrianna.

  "I want to do fwip like Mommy," she said, and threw her arms in the air like she was describing an explosion. My lips twitched. Most words that included an L in the spelling, Svetlana said them with a W sound. It was too adorable. "I want to do big fwips wike mommy one day. Big ones, Dade." She paused, then said more so to herself, "I wike big ones wike dat." She was watching an elite tumble across the floor, mesmerized by her twisting in the air. Her eyes widened, her voice a collection of bouncy tones and innocent words.

  Svetlana wobbled to the side. I reached out instantly to steady her. She fell often and had bruises all over her milky skin. One would think we beat our kids.

  I squatted down in front of her and looked at her. "Remember, if you ever feel like you are going to fall, just squeeze your butt and your tummy. It will help."

  She blinked at me. "Wike when I try handstands."

  It was a simple rule in gymnastics, but it made me so fucking proud that she remembered. "Yes, exactly like that. Now go tell your sisters about the flips you are going to do one day. While you are there, tell Mia to lose the attitude or she is working bars for one week without grips."

  Svetlana nodded. "Okay, Dade," she said, then turned around and ran in the direction her sisters were in.

  Little brat gave her sister a hug and did not tell her shit.

  "A really good coach, huh?" my wife said, sidling up next to me when our daughter was out of ear distance.

  My brow peaked. "Is it not the truth? Am I not a really good coach?"

  "Maybe." I could hear the smile in her voice.

  I looked at her. She shrugged one shoulder indifferently and crossed her arms in front of her chest. Her breasts were swollen and full, and exactly where my eyes fell. They had been full like that for years, ever since her
body started going through maternity. She was rounder and softer in all the right places, and I could not keep my hands off of her.

  Like right now. I wanted to drag her into our office and make her ride me until she could not stand.

  I stifled a growl. Maybe I would take her up on her offer from earlier.


  My eyes snapped to hers. The sounds that left her lips made me feel weak for her.

  "Come. We have a matter to discuss in my office."

  After asking Madeline to look after Lili, we walked together, and when we reached the office, I stepped in first and moved to the side. Before she could blink, I was pulling her to me and kicking the door shut so I could press my lips to hers. A soft gasp of surprise feathered her lips and then I was kissing her speechless.

  "Wife," I said, growling against her mouth.

  Her lips turned up in a smile against mine. "Husband."

  It did not get any better than this.

  "You know how much I love seeing you nurture our daughters, yes?" She nodded, arching into me. We were looking at each other. Her body was so warm and inviting against mine. With my hand on her stomach, I said, "And you know how I love to see you grow with our child, yes?" She nodded again, her smile growing bigger. She made my fucking heart race when she looked at me like that, like I was her entire world. I craved this look every day the sun rose. "Then you know how much I want to be inside of you, yes?"

  She purred like a damn cat and my cock was erect in seconds. My tongue traced her lips and her gasp was hot, immersed in desire. Fisting my shirt, she leaned up on her toes to reach my mouth. My hands smoothed over her belly to the crease at her thighs. I cupped her ass, my fingertips digging into her with need. I swear she wore these little linen shorts to torture me. There was hardly any material, but she insisted they were the only comfortable thing to wear because she was hot all the time. Her little ass was heavier now, and her thighs swept into a tender touch that made me want to dive between them and spend all night there.

  My hands swooped to the front of her expanding belly, the pads of my fingers gliding gently over the C-section scar from the birth of our twins. She hated this scar, along with the other one she did not like to talk about. The transplant one. I told her that I loved her even more for them. They were battle scars and she should wear them proudly. She is still working on that.

  Her legs spread automatically, and she rolled her hips up toward me. A growl escaped my throat. I loved when she became needy for me. Our bodies were not our own when we were like this. My fingers slipped inside her elastic shorts, making a beeline straight to her clit. She let go of my shirt, breaking the kiss to yank down my shorts. I smiled against her lips, nipping at them. Her sex drive when she was pregnant was worse than mine.

  "You do this to me on purpose." Her voice was a breathless whisper.

  I played innocent. "All I did was kiss you allo."

  "Yeah, right. You kissed me like you wanted to fuck me." She bit my chin.

  The corners of my mouth curled up and my eyes bore into hers. She made me the happiest man on earth, and not because she was stroking my cock with purpose and focused on a steady execution, but because of the feeling she gave me every time I looked at her.

  "Malysh, I want to fuck you all the time."

  Her wispy giggle made me harder. "Babe, you know I'm always wanting sex now. You can't do that to me," she whined. "Give me five minutes? We have time before the appointment. I need you."

  My brow peaked. She rubbed her sweet body all over me. How could I deny her? I never had been able to in the past, and now that we were married, it was even worse.

  Plus, she was right. We had time to spare.

  Clearly, I did not need much convincing.

  Within seconds, I was on the couch positioned against the corner with Adrianna sitting on top of my lap with her back against my chest. Our shorts were gone, her legs were spread and knees bent and pulled up, and I was deep inside her pussy, driving into her wetness. It was easier for her in this position and the one she preferred.

  With one foot on the floor and the other propped on the cushion, I rocked into her, building a steaming surge of pleasure between us. I fisted her hair to one side as I struggled to contain the pure warmth of euphoria from being inside of my wife. I exhaled across her neck and she let out a loud and hearty moan like she had been waiting for this moment. It gave my cock a heartbeat of its own and skyrocketed my need for her.

  "Do whatever you want to me," she said, already feeling enraptured. Her head fell back onto my shoulder.

  I smiled against her neck and nipped her. "I always do, Malysh… I always do."

  Taking her left hand in mine, I placed it where our bodies were joined and laced our fingers together. Her diamond wedding ring cut into my palm as our fingers glided over the wetness together. Her hips reared back into mine. She had yet to take the ring off, not since the day I pushed it on her finger.

  "Go deeper." She moaned, her fingers tickling the space under my dick. I thrust in deep and she took my sack in her hand. I tensed, feeling my balls tighten as she caressed them like silk. "How do you always make it feel so good every time?"

  "It is my goal to drive you out of your mind when I am inside of you."

  I groaned in her ear at the feel of her soft fingers caressing my skin. Cupping the back of my head, she turned to the side and pulled my lips to hers. My wife was feisty when she felt our bodies fused together.

  I could not see past her belly, but I had a vivid imagination. I reached around and my palm ran circles on the inside of her thigh, and she quivered in response. I gave her a good grab and her legs widened willingly. It was one of those things that made her hot for me. She liked the pressure on her leg because it teased her pussy.

  Adrianna drew in a slow breath the deeper I went. Her swollen pussy soaked my balls, her pleasure dripping over them. Her sex tightened around my cock and squeezed me so hard I almost shot inside her.

  "Feel that?" she asked.

  I moaned my response. "Of course, Malysh. Any deeper and I will split you in two."

  Her hips began moving on their own, her thighs clenching. Her moans fought to break past her teeth biting into her lip. She was needy as hell when she was pregnant.

  "No, no, no." I gritted the words out through my teeth, trying to hold her back. Sometimes she made me come before I could stop it. "We still have a minute left."

  She whimpered. "I need to—"

  "Shhh, I know what you need," I said.

  "Oh, Kova."

  My name was like a sin on her lips as her pussy leaked all over me. She tugged the hair at my nape, but I made her work for it and yanked away, taking pleasure in the sharp pain she caused. Our bodies moved in harmony. I was sliding into her with ease.

  "I'm so glad I married you," she said, and it caused me to loosen my lips and laugh.

  "As am I, Malysh."

  "Maybe I have an addiction problem," she said out of the blue. "Like I'm addicted to sex with you."

  I shook my head and grinned. "You know what problem you have? You talk too much during sex. You always have. Shut your mouth and let me have my way with you."

  "Yes, sir."

  I kissed her neck, then slapped the inside of her thigh, chuckling under my breath. She hissed, her pussy clenching around my cock.

  Her hand came up and wrapped around my bicep to hang on. It was how I knew she was close. She needed to hang on to me.

  "Straighten your legs," I said, my voice low.

  Binding her ankles with mine, I held her legs down and stroked her clit until she was dripping and straining on me to let go. I lifted my hand in the air only for my palm to come down and slap her pussy as I drove in until I was balls deep and she was squirming.

  Her pussy tightened around my cock and she began spasming, letting the sexiest purrs escape her throat. The heat of her body liquefied on me and Adrianna was riding the wave. She tried so hard to rock into me. She let out a sigh and my
eyes widened. I was lost to the pleasure and slapped my hand over her mouth. The last thing we needed was someone knocking on the door. Her hips pumped back into mine and she was like this tiny little ferocious animal in heat.

  Her teeth bit into my fingers, her entire body shook with such extreme pleasure, and it caused me to unload inside of her. My hands trembled from sheer desire as I poured my seed into her. There was something about knowing my cum was inside of her that turned me from animalistic to caveman. Always had since the first time I came inside her pretty pussy. I pinched her nipple and my body folded into hers as she drained my cock.

  "I feel like stars are dancing on my skin," she said, her voice in a dreamlike state.

  I knew that feeling all too well.

  "No, this is just us, Ria. It is what has always been there since day one."

  "Do you think it will ever go away?"

  "I hope not."

  She paused, panting. "Same." She cupped the back of my head and smiled up at me before bringing my lips to hers for one last kiss.

  Once we cleaned up and dressed, we were on our way to the gynecologist office to find out the sex of our last baby. Juggling four kids was not easy. We were basically pros at quickies these days and jumped at the opportunity when it arose. It did not help that I had a wife like Adrianna. I wanted to be in her and around her all the fucking time.

  The doctor walked in and went over her vitals before she was pushing a wand with a clear lubricant over my wife's belly.

  Thank fuck her vitals were good and her blood work came back normal. Normal for her, anyway.

  The doctor turned the screen our way and pointed between the legs that were wide open to reveal the gender. "It's right there," she said.

  Chills covered my arms. I leaned in and Adrianna rose up on her elbows to peer at the screen. My jaw dropped. I had been so certain God had a vendetta against me, maybe my debt was finally paid.

  The doctor printed out a few ultrasound pictures with some comments to explain what we were looking at.

  She did not need to explain this one. It was obvious.

  I was exuberant on the walk back to the car with a little pep in my step, whereas Adrianna was quiet. I opened the door and helped her sit inside, then I looked at her melancholy eyes. Adrianna leaned into me sadly.


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