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Srikrishna- the Lord of the Universe

Page 31

by Shivaji Sawant

  She also would not let go. She said, “Maharani I tried my best, telling him that I will not bicker, I will bear all the difficulties patiently, but I do want to go to Amaranath! Take me with you. But didi, as usual he threw his ‘Krishnajala’ over me without saying anything more!” He said, “Bhama, it looks like you really don’t want me to go and see the Himalinga! I should better just cancel my plans to go there! But...but I feel...” I got confused when he said he is cancelling his plan. Still I asked him with determination, “But what is it that you feel?”

  Then, as usual, smiling sweetly he gave me the perfect reason which made me refrain from my stand. “What do you think he told me?” She asked. Even I started thinking. Really, what kind of intelligent move did Sri make which left Bhama speechless and forced her to retreat? After some time, I snapped my fingers and as if talking to myself I said, “Let me tell you Bhama, he must have said, ‘If I would have told the same thing to Rukmini she would have agreed immediately! She wouldn’t have raised any objections ever. My mistake, I should have known that you are not Rukmini!’”

  Hearing that, Bhama widened her large eyes adorned with Kajal in astonishment. She held both my arms tightly and screamed in wonder, “Oh Rukminitai that is exactly what he said. That also in exactly the same words! Not a difference of a single letter between what you both said! How did you guess it so perfectly?” I just smiled.

  Then I kept talking with her at large about the many events since she left Dwaraka and till her return. While talking to her I felt deep in my heart that it is only Uddhavabhauji who is the most beloved to Sri among the Yadavas. After all he had left out even Bhama and taken only Uddhavabhauji to Amaranath along with him!

  A few days after Satya’s arrival in Dwaraka senior commander Anadhrishti returned along with the Yadava army. He had brought along the enormous herd of animals that Bhagdutta had offered which included twenty thousand male elephants, forty thousand female elephants, eighteen thousand horses, and eighteen thousand milk-yielding cows, safely to such a faraway distance. Dwaraka was now full of bustle with the millions of Yadava men and women already living here, thousands of Kamarupa women and thousands of domestic animals! The ministers and members of the Sudharma royal assembly were finding time insufficient to make arrangements for all of them. The abundant gold, variety of diamonds, and the Kamarupa styled mountain jewellery offered by Bhagdutta as gifts were deposited in the treasury of Dwaraka.

  Religious Yadavas who believed that all this wealth had come due to the good fortune of Satya, started giving her lot of respect. In no time, she became a part of the royal ladies’ circle. She had a specialty – she was very proficient in dance. Even though she was a princess she had never missed a single day’s practice of this difficult art, in laziness.

  A month passed by. Sri reached the borders of Panchala via the shores of river Ganga, crossing the rivers Sharayu, and Gomati. He dispatched the entire Yadava army sailing in ships to Kampilyanagar, the royal capital of Panchalas. He himself selected a few assiduous Yadava warriors who would be able to survive in the cold region of Himavana to go along with him. With the assistance of Panchala king Drupada, commander Satyaki was going to arrange for the army to cross over Yamuna and towards Saurashtra through the Kuntibhoja kingdom. He himself was going to return to join in Sri’s service. Maharathi Satyaki left as decided.

  The borders of the Kuru kingdom that Sri frequently referred to in his talks were also going to fall on the way during this journey. But Sri was not going to visit their royal capital Hastinapura as the Pandavas were no longer living there. In fact, he took all the precaution to prevent the blind king Dhritarashtra from receiving any news of his passing by the kingdom. It was easy for him to keep this secret as the enormous Yadava army was not accompanying him. On the way, they reached a juncture in the Himalayas from where a turn leading to Mount Gandhamadana started. During their stay at that spot, Sri looked at the summit of the towering Himaparvat and said to Uddhavabhauji, “Uddhava, if possible I would have gone right away on Mount Gandhamadana along with you. I don’t know why but during this stay I am getting a strong feeling that there is a deep-rooted connection with this mountain. Srirama, the pride of Ayodhya had resided on the banks of the river Alakananda of this mountain. Notably, all the Pandavas of Kunti aatya were born on this mountain.”

  Both the brothers and some select Yadavas crossed river Ganga from the borders of the Kuru kingdom and travelling along its coast they reached the holy place Hardwar. As decided they camped there waiting for Satyaki. The commander arranged for the Yadava army to leave for Dwaraka and along with a few warriors he united with the troop of Sri. Now this troop consisted of three chief Yadava warriors and a few tough companions.

  Eager to see the Himalinga in the Amaranath cave Sri now crossed the river Saraswati and descended into the Mattamayura kingdom, and arrived at the border of the neighbouring kingdom of Panchananda. He travelled through the kingdoms of Vahika, Kekeya, and Madra located on the banks of rivers Vipasha, Shatadru, Iravati, and Chandrabhaga. Finally, he reached the Kashmir kingdom of the Gonardas and arrived at the base of the steep ascent of the Himawanta. Now ultimately the tough journey towards the cave of Amaranath began.

  The tough Yadava warriors that Sri had taken with him dropped one after the other on the first few twists and turns. In the sojourn during the second phase of the journey, one day Sri came out of the tent. While he was looking at the sun on the snow-clad eastern horizon he suddenly smelt a strong, sweet, enchanting fragrance. Sri closed his eyes and breathing deeply he filled his chest with that fragrance and made a precise prediction about it. In that desolated, snow-clad region he said, “Udho, brother, somewhere in a nearby lake the flowers of Brahmakamala must have bloomed recently! If you could go with Satyaki and collect some Brahmakamala buds and a few flowers, then we can worship Shiva with elaborate rituals. These flowers are not ordinary. When you go take a garment with you to cover your nose. The intoxicating fragrance of these flowers is so strong that it doesn’t allow anyone to come close to pluck them off! It leaves one unconscious! To pluck a Brahmakamala in full bloom and offer it to the self-existent Himalinga while chanting Shiva’s hymn is indeed an exceptionally rare opportunity of worshiping Shiva with devotion. These fully blossomed flowers will last for a minimum of one month. They disperse their fragrance continuously. Nature itself has gifted these unique snow-flowers with such power!

  Uddhavabhauji took two Yadava warriors who had so far sustained this journey in the snow and started towards the lake following the trail of the sweet fragrance. Everybody had covered their noses well with garments. Still they could smell the strong fragrance of the snow-flowers. Uddhavabhauji would otherwise have never agreed to do such a daring thing for anybody else, but he always surrendered in front of his dear dada. His brother’s word was final for him. The Brahmakamalas were nothing compared to it. By evening Uddhavabhauji returned with some fully blossomed, some half-blossomed Brahmakamalas wrapped in a shawl. Sensing the fragrance of the Brahmakamalas approaching his tent Sri was already standing at the door with his hands on his waist. Seeing Uddhavabhauji return successfully he moved forward and said with a smile, “Uddhava, my heart is telling me that in the final phase of this journey towards Shiva only you will sustain and remain with me!” Satyaki who was resting in the tent couldn’t have heard this dialog.

  Finally, it happened just as Sri had said. The two-three Yadav warriors who had resolutely sustained so far and even Maharathi, commander Satyaki retreated in the last phase of the journey to Amaranath. Only the two brothers kept going. It was getting strenuous for Uddhavabhauji to take the ascending, winding turns as he was holding the bunch of wet lotus flowers wrapped in a shawl under his arm. Sri made him stop and gently patting his shoulders Sri himself carried the bunch. Spreading his right palm in front of Uddhavabhauji he said, “Take my support, and keep walking with me fearlessly.” While giving his hand in Sri’s hand with a smile Uddhavabhauji said, “ I will surely see Lord Shiv
a now. This hand carries the Sudarshan chakra – I won’t be a burden to it at all!”

  Ultimately, surmounting all the trying twists and turns in the last patch of Himavana both the brothers finally stood in the Amaranath cave in front of the self-existent Himalinga about six feet tall. Uddhavabhauji let out a big sigh of relief. As Sri saw the crystal white, moist, dripping self-existent Shivalinga, he took out the Brahmakamalas from the shawl and offered them one by one on the Himalinga. He also told his brother to offer some. He spoke to himself, ‘If dada would have been here he would have put a garland of these flowers like the snake-garland around the neck of Shiva!’ Sri’s bright, long, fish-shaped eyes closed automatically. His long blue fingers came together in prayer. The hymn of Shiva started transpiring vaguely through his rosy, lotus petal-shaped lips in the divine, holy silence. Lord Shiva himself was listening to the prayer.

  In the desolate cave on the towering Himavana, the Lord of Dwaraka remained in a meditational trance for a long time in front of Lord Shiva, with his palms joined in prayer. Uddhava bhauji also imitated him. But after he feasted his eyes on the Himalinga, he just lost himself observing how his dada looked in front of the Himalinga. He turned his body that was facing the Shivalinga towards his dada, and he was also lost in the meditation.

  After feasting their eyes on Shiva to their hearts’ content both brothers started on their way back. While returning, bhauji was in front on the descending slope and Sri was at the back. On the first turn itself Sri said, “Don’t run Uddhava! Hold my hand. Stay with me! Tell me, what did you feel about the self-existent Shivalinga of Amaranath? What did you ask Shiva for?”

  Uddhavabhauji who had gone ahead, stopped on hearing that. Staring continuously at his dada he said, “I was excited while looking at the fresh, six-feet-tall Himalinga dripping with snow water. But when I realized that the moist, white Shivalinga started looking as if it was covered in a faint blue shawl because of you standing in front of it, for moments it felt like Shiva had covered himself with the sky itself! After that I turned towards you and kept looking at you. My eyes closed automatically while listening to your singing of Shiva’s hymn. I could see only one scene. That of a towering, snow-clad, white mountain summit penetrating the cerulean sky. It had merged into the sky. Both had become one! That scene made me forget completely that I was supposed to ask Shiva for something and also that I wanted to tell you something.”

  While coming back, both the brothers took along the Yadava companions who had stayed behind at various camps and started towards Dwaraka. Continuous news of their arrival kept reaching the Shuddhaksha gate. The entire city of Dwaraka as well as the subjects became eager to welcome them.

  Finally, Sri stood at the Shuddhaksha gate along with Uddhavabhauji with a triumphant look on his face, after completing the famous mission of Narakasura’s annihilation. A large army of the warriors that was gifted to him stood behind. I was already waiting eagerly for Sri in the original Dwaraka. My four sisters – Jambavati, Satyabhama, Mitravinda, and Satya had joined me from the island of Queens’ mansions and were with me. The five of us, Sri’s consorts, performed ‘Aukshan’ for Sri and Uddhavabhauji with five brightly lit lamps, amidst the sound of musical instruments. The entire city of Dwaraka was delighted. The citizens erected decorative flagpoles atop their houses, hung festoons at each intersection of the royal highway, flung fistfuls of vermilion in the air. The Kamarupa and Yadava women were so engrossed in playing ‘zimma-fugadi’ locking their hands in each other’s, that they were unaware of their feet striking off the Rangoli designs that they themselves had drawn in their front yards. Innumerable tiny bright lamps had illuminated the fortification wall surrounding Dwaraka. Senior Maharaja, both the matas, tai, ministers, all members of the Sudharma council, commander Anadhrishti and millions of Yadavas had assembled today at the eastern gate with overflowing enthusiasm. I threw a glance around and strongly felt one thing – the absence of Balaramadada and Akrurakaka!

  Because of Narakasura’s annihilation, the acclaim of Sri’s fame was reverberating through the entire Aaryavarta. This event in the eastern kingdom of Kamarupa had already reached Mithila. It had reached sullen Balaramadada who was residing in the Janak city. From Pragjyotishapura Sri had immediately descended into the Kosala kingdom. He did it intentionally thinking that as the Mithila kingdom is adjacent he would surely meet Balaramadada in Satya’s ‘Swayamwar’. But that didn’t happen at all. Balaramadada was very unrelenting. Once he said yes, he meant yes. But once he said no it would be a determined no. Even if Sri would have been acclaimed as the Lord of the three worlds Balaramadada would not have returned to Dwaraka at all.

  I disliked seeing Sri without dada and Uddhavabhauji. As the trifoliate compound ‘Bela’ leaf is incomplete with one leaflet missing, nowadays this usual threesome of Yadavas seemed incomplete as the right-hand leaf of Balaramadada was missing. It constantly bothered me. It made me feel all gloomy.

  That is why in the resting chamber of my palace after dinner one night I decidedly broached this subject in front of Sri. I said, “Sri visited the Shivalinga in the Amaranath cave with Uddhavabhauji. I had thought that if not directly me, at least through Bhama’s eyes I, means Bhama, would get to see Lord Shiva. There must have been a ‘Bela’ leaf on that Shivapindi offered by some devotee. But to me today something is missing, as the southern leaflet on that Bela leaf is not present. That is why I have a request for Sri.”

  “Wait Rukmini, listen to me before you present your request. Today itself I have dispatched minister Vipruthu and Uddhava along with Chitraketu and Brihadbala out of Dwaraka on a special mission.” He said.

  “Such missions of Sri will never be over. I am quite aware of your habit to keep others around you constantly engaged. I am the Maharani of Dwaraka, only for namesake. Here I have become a mere hostess that welcomes the special guests of Sri! But I will feel true joy in welcoming only one person that I haven’t felt in receiving anyone so far.” I said.

  “At least listen to me Maharani. Minister Vipruthu has gone to the kingdom of Mithila. To Janakpura. He is going to bring Balaramadada along with him on the strength of his brilliance and convincing skills. To make this difficult task easy for him I have played a small trick. Of course, I am not as intelligent as the Maharani! Now you only guess what could be the one thing that I have sent with the minister? I have also sent a small message, what could that be?” Smiling, he casually spread his Krishnajala.

  I was confused. I thought for a few moments and said, “Sri must have sent the Prince’s favourite mace along with the minister. And the message must be that this mace looks worthless without him. The prince’s throne in the Sudharma council looks desolate. Come back with the minister to honour both.”

  He smiled and said, “Oh, where do I have that kind of intelligence? The thing that I have sent with the minister is just my favourite peacock feather in a closed casket! The message is that I have kept it in the casket since you left. If you come back and tuck it back in my crown, only then all Yadavas will get to see it. Or else this golden coronet of the Lord of Dwaraka will remain desolate without the peacock feather. Please remember the days in the Ankapada aashrama and come back right away along with this peacock feather!”

  Now I realized that Sri had indeed not worn his peacock-feathered crown ever since dada had left. Wonderstruck at his intellectual genius I kept staring at him. I became cautious now and asked, “Then where have you dispatched Uddhavabhauji along with his brothers? And why? I had thought of suggesting his name as the most appropriate person for this job.”

  “You are wrong. If dada would have seen Uddhava in front of him he would have simply dismissed him in a single sentence saying, you are even younger than ‘Dhakata’. Go back with this casket right away. Why didn’t he come himself? That is why I have chosen the senior Yadava minister Vipruthu for this task. Through him this is an appeal to the prince who resides within dada. He would never be able to deny it. As his ‘Dhakata’ I have also sent my own a
ppeal to him reminding him about the Ankapada aashrama. Let us see how maturely he handles it. Or else I will have to go to Janakpura myself!”

  “Then where have you sent Uddhavabhauji? And for what? I was totally baffled now. But he smiled affectionately as usual as if nothing had happened and said, “Uddhava has gone to the kingdom of Kashi. To convince Akrurakaka who has the Syamantaka jewel. In his own sweet way, he is going to convince Akrurakaka that he himself should present the jewel in the Sudharma assembly only once to convince everyone that it is not in the possession of the Lord of Dwaraka. After that, if he wishes so he can return to the Kashi kingdom. Dada insists that he should spend the rest of his life in Dwaraka. But dada shouldn’t be forced go to the Kashi kingdom again only for the sake of the mere jewel!”

  I was stunned to hear that keen diplomatic maneuver of getting a thing done in a roundabout manner. Still I tenaciously asked one last question, “Then why has Sri sent Uddhavabhauji’s brothers Chitraketu and Brihadbala along with him? Or does the Lord of Dwaraka intend to keep an eye on Uddhavabhauji himself for the sake of the Syamantaka jewel?”


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