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Srikrishna- the Lord of the Universe

Page 47

by Shivaji Sawant

  I wanted to scream out loud and tell that arrogant, insolent, disoriented Kshatriya, ‘Shishupala, your life is over!’

  At once the Yajna pandal began trembling with a loud cacophony of thousands of instruments unheard before. Nobody could figure out from which direction it was coming. My sight got drawn towards the Lord’s face and rested there. His entire body appeared like a thousand-petal red lotus flower resting on a tall blue stem. His face that had looked like a blue lotus a moment ago, now looked blood red. His rosy lips began uttering a divine mantra. The unintelligible words of the mantra that I had never heard before kept increasing every moment. They filled the entire pandal. The Lord’s right hand rose gradually. Within moments a serrated, radiant, Vajra centred, swiftly revolving chakra with twelve spokes manifested on the index finger of that hand, dispersing circles of brilliance. The words which came out of Lord’s divine mouth were so intense and sharp that they broke through the cacophony of thousands of instruments, loud enough to put thundering clouds to shame. It directly penetrated the heart of every single spectator in the pandal. By this time, surmising that something inconceivable was going to happen, the entire pandal was on its feet. The Lord’s words fell on their ears like they were coming from the skies – “Shishupala, your limit of one hundred offences is over! Henceforth, you won’t be able to commit the hundred and first offence at all. You will not get such an opportunity ever!!”

  The Lord opened his eyes. For a moment, he took an aim of Shishupala’s throat. The next moment he projected that rapidly revolving Sudarshan chakra which was emitting bright light and which was charged with mantras towards Shishupal!

  The entire pandal was now fully aware that the Lord of Dwaraka, Bhagvan Vaasudeva had launched the Sudarshan chakra which he does very rarely. Many invitees started running helter-skelter raising both hands in the air shouting, ‘Run… help … Sudarshan is coming… Sudarshan’. I had travelled with the Lord in the Garudadhwaja chariot throughout the entire Aaryavarta and hence was well acquainted with him. But his form today was totally unfamiliar even to me. We feel as if the sun shining in the sky is travelling with us. But when we look at his radiant disk we realize how far away he is from us. At this moment, the Lord looked as radiant as millions of suns. The effulgent glow on his face was too much to look at. I realized that he was indeed far away from us like the Sun – the Lord of the Sky. I immediately raised both my hands and prostrated in front of him. I said in my mind, “Oh Lord, please forgive me, give me shelter at your feet. Indeed, I have no ability to be your confidant. Oh, Lord Vaasudeva, save me.” I prayed to him from the bottom of my heart. It felt like he had come close to me and was lifting me up as usual – and indeed I stood up. I became a spectator, a witness to the unfolding drama of Sudarshan.

  Shishupala, who was arrogantly talking whatever came to his mind earlier, began shaking with fear now. His face that had looked fiery red with rage now turned black with fear for his life. Pandemonium had broken in the entire pandal. Unbearable brilliant bright light had spread everywhere. Making a whirring sound the Sudarshan chakra moved towards Shishupala.

  Fearing for his life, trembling Shishupala now tried to block that brilliant radiance with his hairy hands. He tried to hide behind the seats of the kings in the pandal to avoid the blazing glow of the chakra. The leader of the Chedis who had called my dear Lord a deserter a moment ago was himself running for his life now. All the kings behind whose seats Shishupala tried to hide, began running helter-skelter to protect themselves from the blazing light of the chakra. Those were otherwise valiant, fearless kings who would attack their enemy in the battlefield with all their might. Looking at their dreadful experience the invited commoners had already fled the pandal. Not a single king could stand in front of the blazing chakra even for a moment. Rolling his eyes, terrified Shishupala tried in vain to dodge and hide behind seat after seat. With an uncontrollable, loud, and cacophonous sound the Sudarshan followed him everywhere just like an agile eagle goes after a snake as soon as he sees it, without giving him a chance to escape.

  While running everywhere, he stumbled over his own mace that he had flung and tripped with a loud thud. There was no Chedi warrior or commander to help him get up, nor was there his Lord Jarasandha whom Bhima had already finished. Afraid for his life Shishupala now started running everywhere in the pandal like a maniac.

  In the end, with his muscular chest bobbing up and down, panting Shishupala came in front of the Karna, the king of Anga, possessor of impenetrable Kavacha-kundala.The king of Anga was standing quietly. Looking at him Shishupal suddenly stopped and stay put in his place thinking, ‘when this chakra can’t do anything to a charioteer, then why is it chasing a Kshatriya like me.’ He swiftly turned around and without thinking anything he directly touched the Sudarshan chakra! But it charred his hand! The thick hair on his hand turned to ashes. As Shishupal stared at his charred hand, eyes wide with fear, his bravado shattered.

  As Shishupala realized that there was no one in the pandal, who could save him from the Sudarshan he scampered like a horse and reached the eastern gate of the pandal. He dashed out of the gate and started running for his life desperately. Every expression on his terror-stricken face started exhibiting in a variety of shades how much a human being is afraid of death. He tried in vain to seek shelter behind a boulder in his path or a trunk of a huge tree. Sudarshan wouldn’t leave him alone even for a moment. Its loud whizzing kept escalating every moment. By this time many men and women were already safely back in their camps in Indraprastha. A few courageous people who stayed back were stunned and kept watching the hide and seek of life and death between Shishupala and Sudarshan with their heart in mouth. But I was sometimes looking at the Lord standing near the Yajna altar. His eyes were still closed – like in a state of meditation.

  Shishupala who was now completely exhausted, directly entered the river Ikshumati in front of him, realizing that there was nowhere he could take refuge. To avoid the swiftly revolving chakra making a whistling sound he kept on going into the deep waters of Ikshumati. Once the water reached up to his throat he stopped, with no other way, and closed his eyes determinedly. He got ready to face the truth of his death. Chopping his head off instantly the chakra entered the river Ikshumati. Within moments Shishupala’s head disappeared, floating on the bursting waves of Ikshumati. Shishupala’s life was over! What remained behind were his insolent, unforgivable words spoken about my Lord! I looked at the section in the pandal reserved for the royals. The Lord’s beloved wife Rukminidevi! She had not moved from her seat at all in spite of the stirring events. I wondered what she must have felt after witnessing the terrifying drama. I realized that she was indeed the one perfectly befitting the Lord. Another person who sat in his seat without moving was grandsire Bhishma. He was discussing something with Mahatma Vidura now.

  I looked at the Yajna altar. My usual, familiar Lord stood there – smiling. I had never ever seen that smile on his face before. After making sure that the chakra had indeed disappeared, many a king of various kingdoms hurried back to the pandal and surrendered at the Lord’s feet. Dhaumya rishi – the head of the Yajna – controlled them with great effort with the assistance of his disciples. He was worried about what was going to happen to the Rajasuya Yajna for which preparations were made with laborious efforts. The Lord called him closer and resolved his problem saying, “Oh Dhaumya rishi, find another auspicious time and plan the Yajna soon again. The five Pandavas had already gathered around their dear Madhusudana with deep respect. Nobody even realized when dear Uddhava Maharaja came and stood on the Lord’s right in his service. Mesmerized, I walked towards the Lord near the Yajna altar.

  So many people were gathered around the Lord, but no one dared to speak a single word. Everyone was dumbfounded. Only Uddhava Maharaja said, breaking that unbearable silence, “Vahini is still sitting on her seat quietly. Should I call her?”

  As usual the Lord smiled sweetly and patting his brother’s shoulders he said, “No, Udho, yo
u escort your vahini to the royal palace along with the Pandavas. I am going someplace else with Daruka!”

  “As you wish, dada.” Uddhava Maharaja said humbly. I wondered momentarily, ‘If not the royal palace where is it that the Lord wants me to take him?’ The Lord knew the question on my mind, so immediately patting my shoulder he said, “Daruka, let’s go to the Garudadhwaja chariot.”

  “Yes, sire.” I said without asking him a single question. Still surrounded by all we came out of the pandal from the eastern gate. I had tied all four horses in the shade of a sprawling tree, and had put fodder in front of them. I untied them, patted them and brought them close to Garudadhwaja. Only the Lord got into the chariot. I took the seat of the charioteer. The Lord bade farewell to all and we left. No sooner than we passed some distance along the bank of Yamuna he himself questioned me, “Daruka, how come you didn’t ask me where to go, as you always do?”

  Pulling the reigns of the horses like a puppet I said, “Where to, oh Lord?” I halted the chariot and looked at him. He was still smiling. To me that smile appeared like the innocent smile of my son Daruki as a baby. I was already confused. Adding to that confusion he said in a teasing tone, “Daruka, was it necessary to halt the chariot just to ask a question?” What he said was indeed true.

  “Daruka, come, we are going to Kalindidevi’s maternal home! To convey the wellbeing of their grandchildren!” The Lord said while smiling.

  I was speechless. My Lord, as tall as the sky, the one who moments before had launched the Sudarshan chakra, was now himself going to the parents of Kalindidevi, his in-laws to deliver the news of their grandchildren’s wellbeing.

  As per the Lord’s instruction the Rajasooya Yajna of the Pandavas took place at another auspicious time, without any obstruction. The glory of the Pandavas and Indraprastha that had already spread, was further enhanced by word of mouth through the various kings present there as the result of this Yajna and the execution of Shishupala. Our kingdom Dwaraka now came to be at the forefront of other kingdoms in Aaryavarta.

  The Lord enjoyed the warm hospitality of the Pandavas in Indraprasth for a few days and returned to Dwaraka along with all the Yadavas. As soon as he arrived in Dwaraka he had to hear shocking news. While we were in Indraprasth, Shalva– the king of Martikavati had attacked Dwaraka with his army! Our valiant Pradyumna fought with him fiercely for twenty-seven days along with his brothers and forced him to retreat. This was the very first direct attack on Dwaraka since its inception. In his heart the Lord was deeply offended on hearing the news, but he didn’t disclose his feelings during the daily routine. He called his master architect Gargamuni in his chambers. While giving him the important instruction with all the subtleties he said, “Oh Gargamuni, a few stairs should be added to the staircase leading to my chambers, which I love very much. It should mainly include the steps in the honour of aatya Kuntidevi, beloved Sakhi Draupadi, and the five Pandavas respectively. Below these stairs add one more step without forgetting, that is for my loyal attendant and dear friend charioteer Daruka!”

  When I got to hear this from Uddhava Maharaja, my heart was overwhelmed with the feeling of utmost gratefulness for the Lord. My Lord himself had told me once in Mathura how he felt about me. Now it had got the seal of Lord Srikrishna.

  The Srisopana leading to the Lord’s resting chambers in the original Dwaraka looked much grander now. As it was made of many a golden step it easily grabbed the attention of the people visiting. The first few steps at the top of this staircase were in the names of prominent personalities in the Yadava dynasty who were very closely associated with the Lord by unbreakable emotional ties. The very first step was in the name of the Rajmata Devakidevi, the second was in the name of Maharaja Vasudevababa. The third one was for Yashodamata in Gokul, the fourth one for Nandababa. The fifth one was for Uddhava Maharaja in spite of the fact that he was a cousin. The step after that was for the Lord’s sakhi Radha in Gokul. Then it continued with Rohinimata, Balaramadada, Revativahini and so on.

  By this time the Pandavas had surpassed many Yadavas and had come closer to the Lord’s heart. After the steps for the major Yadavas the next steps were for the five Pandavas along with Rajmata Kuntidevi and the Maharani of the Pandavas, Draupadidevi. But among the steps for the Pandavas only the Lord knew the sequence as to which step was of which Pandava. It was indeed my great luck to get a step in my name as a part of the Srisopana.

  Shalva’s armed attack on Dwaraka was not a thing to be overlooked at all. First of all, it was necessary to assess the power of the army and weaponry that he used in this assault. For that purpose, the Lord would call young Pradyumna in his chambers any time. He asked Pradyumna a lot of questions and assessed Shalva’s strength. Only one conclusion could be drawn from the information that was gathered – Shalva’s real strength lay in his aircraft called ‘Saubha’. He could easily travel anywhere in Aaryavarta on the strength of this aircraft. It was with the help of this very aircraft that he had invited Kalayavana from a distant kingdom to Aaryavarta before. It was necessary to destroy his ‘Saubha’ aircraft to punish Shalva. But he was safe with his army in the royal capital Martikavati located on Mount Arbuda in Marusthali.

  The venerable Lord of Dwaraka instructed chief minister Vipruthu to hold the Sudharma assembly of the Yadavas. All the ministers, chief minister and honourable citizens were present in this council. Now, not only in Dwaraka but wherever my Lord went the atmosphere would get filled with his charm and automatically get entranced.

  This time the chief minister stated only the purpose of the council, which consisted of two things – to control Shalva, the owner of Saubha in time and to decide who should go to Hastinapura with gift platters for the Vishnuyaga Yajna as invited by the Kurus. Once he stated the purpose he struck the royal sceptre on the ground as per the tradition and waited.

  There were no speculative whispers among the restless Yadavas as it would usually happen. Everyone kept looking expectantly only at the Lord. The silence was getting unbearable. So Uddhava Maharaja said to the Lord, “Dada, don’t try our patience. Please give us the courage to face this problem.” The Lord looked at him and smiled with inherent love. He glanced at Rukminidevi and stood up. He politely addressed all Yadav members of the assembly –

  “I will go to meet Shalva myself, provided all of you grant me the permission to do so. Because of that I won’t be able to attend the Vishnuyaga Yajna of the Kurus in Hastinapura. The chief minister and commander Satyaki should go there along with select warriors. Before leaving they should meet me.”

  When the Lord who had so many exploits in his name, politely asked for permission of the Yadava members of the council with his palms joined instead of speaking at length as usual, the entire Sudharma assembly was touched.

  The Yadava warriors who were moved by his humility responded in unison “Oh Lord of Dwaraka, it is you who should command!”

  The fourfold army consisting of lakhs of Yadavas got ready in a week’s time. The mission of ‘Shalva – the owner of Saubha’ was underway. The Lord accepted a spoonful of curds on his rosy palms from Devakidevi, Rohinidevi and Rukminidevi at the same time and put it in his mouth.

  The fourfold army of pugnacious Yadava warriors crossed the ocean creek in huge ships and descended on the borders of Saurashtra as usual. In this expedition, the Lord was accompanied by Balaramadada, Satyaki, Kritavarman, Uddhava Maharaja, Shini and Avagaha as usual. Notably, he summoned the genius, great architect Mayasura who was still in Indraprastha. He planted expert spies from Dwaraka up to Mount Arbuda much before leaving. Through them he made arrangements to spread the news everywhere that ‘The Lord of Dwaraka has received invitation from the Kamarupa king Bhagadutta and has left for Pragjyotishapura in the east. He has taken all major Yadava warriors with him. Pradyumna is in charge of protection of the Dwaraka kingdom with his step-brothers Bhanu, Samba, Vira, Sangramjita, Praghosha, Shruta and Vrika assisting him.’

  The news that he was going to Pragjyotishapura of Kamaru
pa kingdom at the far eastern end of Aaryavarta was a rumour spread to mislead Shalva. To that effect the Lord had sent detailed instructions by his informers to Bhagadutta of Kamarupa telling him the sequence of actions that he should follow. According to that he was going to create an illusion that the Kamarupa kingdom was getting ready to welcome the Lord. He was also going to spread the news of these preparations in the neighbouring kingdoms of Manipura, Tripura, Anga, Vanga, Uttkala, Videha and Magadha, as per the Lords’ instructions.

  In reality, it was Shalva on whom the Lord’s eyes were, who was living in the city of Martikavati, difficult to reach, in the region of Mount Arbuda in the Matsya kingdom located in the far west of Aaryavarta. Was the Lord himself going to go there with his army? Not at all. He was tactfully going to use the Avanti and Kuntibhoja kingdoms in Madhyadesha belonging to his kith and kin to his own advantage. He had already instructed the family of Mitravindadevi in Avanti and aatya Kuntidevi’s relatives in the city of Kuntibhoja to keep his arrival a secret. The last sojourn of our army was in the Kuntibhoja city in Madhyadesha. Here the Lord had a detailed talk with Mayasura whom he had brought along. He was the one who had gone to the city of Martikavati way back and had built the Saubha aircraft for Shalva using his genius. The Lord got from him detailed information about the aircraft – its speed, from how far away the whirring sound of the aircraft could be heard, the way it lands on the ground, and so on.

  In the region of Mount Arbuda, in the city of Martikavati, Shalva’s informers had presented the news to him, “Srikrishna of Dwaraka has gone to the Kamarupa kingdom along with the army and select Yadav warriors. The kingdoms of Uttkala, Vanga and Tripura have made grand preparations to welcome him. Only Pradyumna is in Dwaraka along with aged Vasudeva. A few of his brothers along with Samba and a few select Yadav warriors are with him. This is the right time to strike again and humble that nuisance of a Dwaraka kingdom that has been recently meddling in unwanted matters. Dwaraka has already become feeble due to the attacks during the previous battle that lasted for twenty-seven days. We can even dispatch part of our army through the kingdom of Sauvira and they can enter Dwaraka by way of the ocean!”


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