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Srikrishna- the Lord of the Universe

Page 62

by Shivaji Sawant

  Yes! My best friend, the Lord of Dwaraka – Krishna himself had come to the Dvaitavana to meet me. Daruka had brought his embellished grand chariot Garudadhwaja with four pure white horses in front of our aashrama entrance. Krishna descended from the chariot first. As I saw him help Bhamavahini gently get down I too ran forward. So, as soon as I remembered him intensely my best friend stood in front of me in the Dvaita vana along with Bhamavahini and Uddhavadeva.

  This was the second-time Krishna was coming to visit us in the forest. In this second visit I strongly realized that though he was the Lord of opulent Dwaraka, when he came to visit us he came in a very simple manner with a few selected people, leaving his army, chariots and elephant troops behind. He had never done anything in his life without any purpose. Even in his alert sleep he would be thinking about the welfare of the world that was awake. He had one intention in coming to visit us in a simple manner – of respecting our way of living in the forest and our Kshatriya pride! What if he would have visited us with the same grandeur that he visited other places in Aaryavarta? My husbands would have intensely felt their poverty. Their hearts which were already full of guilt due to the insults they had suffered in their lives would have been completely shattered. The most significant quality of Krishna that I had felt was that he always kept the life around him blooming.

  With Krishna’s arrival, our aashrama in the Dvaitavana was filled with joy. As soon as he came, first he went to visit Dhaumya rishi, even before eating or drinking anything. Usually, Dhaumya rishi would also forget himself once he started his meditation. As Krishna went in front of the rishi, he automatically opened his eyes with a smile though nobody had informed him. As he saw Krishna in front of him he stood up at once. Krishna moved forward with agility and kneeling down, put his smooth forehead on his feet with respect. The rishi smiled again and offered his blessings, ‘May all be well. Arise, oh, Lord of Dwaraka.’ Bhamavahini and Uddhavadeva also put their heads on the feet of Dhaumya rishi.

  Dhaumya rishi who was smiling pleasantly, took his seat. Krishna sat in front of him on a grass mat, along with Uddhavadeva and Bhamavahini on either side. Around them Bhima and Arjuna sat on the right, Nakula-Sahadeva on the left hand and Yudhishthira directly behind him. Daruka stood near the door of the cottage. As Krishna saw him he said, “Daruka, why are you standing so far? Come closer. Come and sit near Yudhishthira.” Awkwardly fidgeting he stood in his place. Then Krishna invited him again saying ‘Come’ and smiled.

  Daruka said, ‘As you wish Sire’ and sat in our Yadava-Pandava circle. First of all, Dhaumya rishi inquired about the welfare of the royal circle of Dwaraka including Vasudevababa, Devakimata and Rohinimata, Balaramadada and Revativahini.

  Then for quite some time all of us chatted about various subjects. The subject of Pashupatastra came up during the discussion. At that time, Krishna asked Arjuna a question, “Dear friend, I am very happy that you have obtained the Pashupatastra. I am also proud of you for the reason that you succeeded in pleasing Lord Shiva who is quite difficult to please. Tell me, what difference do you find in the Arjuna before obtaining the Pashupatastra and after obtaining it?”

  Arjuna was flustered. He had never thought about it in this way. Yet he cleverly said, “You are omniscient. You know everything. Then why are you testing me in front of all?”

  Krishna didn’t allow him to digress from the topic, and asked him, “Are the mantras of Shiva’s hymn more valuable or the mantras of the actual projection of Pashupatastra?”

  Arjuna answered like a proficient warrior, “Both.”

  Krishna smiled at that and said, “Brother Udho, tell this master archer, what is most important in Pashupatastra.”

  Uddhavadeva said ‘Yes dada’ and answered with a smile, “Shm karoti iti Shankaraha – Shankar with such powers himself is most important! It is essential to remember Pashupati himself before the projection mantras of Pashupatastra!”

  Now everybody started looking at Uddhavadeva reverently. Master archer Dhananjaya realized how inexperienced he was compared to both these brothers. He felt ashamed. That was also not right. So, Krishna immediately said, “Brother Arjuna, Udho and you – both are my friends – one is the master of Pashupatastra and another is a devotee of Shiva.”

  One day, after performing the morning rituals, Bhamavahini and I came to the shores of a lake in the forest. I wanted to collect my share of the sacrificial sticks that were offered daily in the yajna of Dhaumya rishi in the name of Krishna. I never delegated this task to anybody else. On my way back, I would also collect red lotus flowers from another lake for my daily worship. Today I had the company of a lady from the Yadava clan. After collecting the sacrificial sticks, we both came to the lake and sat on the shore. We casually put our feet in the blue waters of the lake. For the first time, today, I strongly felt how dark my complexion was! Bhamavahini’s feet looked so ruddy and beautiful! The dark colour of my feet had blended in the blue waters. Her ruddy feet had surpassed even the blue waters. Bhamavahini asked me unexpectedly, “Sakhi Draupadi, a doubt has been lingering in my mind for quite a few days. Since a long time, I have wanted to get it cleared from you when we met.”

  “What is it?” My curiosity was aroused.

  She said, “I want to ask you a question – but how? I feel shy.”

  “First you are my friend and then my vahini. My beloved Krishna’s wife. On top of that you are my elder too. You have the right to ask me anything freely.”

  “Dear friend Draupadi, I have been observing subtly, since I came here in the Dvaitavana that all your five husbands behave as per your wish. None of them even thinks of going against your word. You yourself have told me while chatting that Bhimsena once had courageously brought some lotus flowers from another lake like this one in the Kamyakavana. So, dear Krishney, please tell me also what do you do to keep your five husbands under your spell!”

  I was stunned for a moment hearing her thought which was completely unexpected for me. For the first time in my life I realized that not just men but even a woman can think in such a way about me with reference to the Pandavas. Today such a thought had occurred in Krishna’s wife Bhamavahini’s mind.

  I got confused as to what answer I should give her. I said to her, “What are you asking me vahini? Is there ever any kind of mantra to keep your husband in your control?”

  She was Bhamavahini – not Rukmini. She said, “Let me explain to you clearly what my question is. How come these five husbands of yours who are so god-like and as valiant as the Lord of Dwaraka, submit to your word day and night? Do you follow any religious rituals for that? Or do you use any specialized tactics from the Kamashastra? Have you gotten any potent medicine concocted for that purpose?”

  I was utterly surprised now. I asked her as per my nature, “Dear vahini, what prompted you today to ask such a weird question?” She felt a bit embarrassed. She kept silent for a few moments. As if she had remembered a lot of things she said, “Draupadi, friend, how should I begin! It has been so many years since my father Satrajita offered my hand to the Lord of Dwaraka in the crowded assembly of the Yadavas. My husband treats me extremely affectionately and lovingly sometimes. That time it feels like he loves nobody else more than me in the whole world. But only he knows where he gets lost the next moment. That time it feels like he doesn’t belong to me. Therefore, I am wondering whether I can always keep the Lord of Dwaraka under my influence, even if by learning some mantras for endearment from you – by making you my Guru.”

  Hearing her wish I was quite angry. I said to her, “You are asking me the ways of women who are not virtuous! You are asking me the strategies used by women who are not loyal to their husband. How am I supposed to know that?” She was nonplussed by my answer. Still she persisted, “Don’t you follow a single one of these ways?”

  “No!” I replied calmly.

  “Yet you have kept your husbands in your control! What kind of magic is this?”

  “To be one with your husband in mind and bonded
with him doesn’t mean keeping him in your control. I am fortunate enough to have such a bond – not with one but with five husbands. This is the only truth!”

  Now the pride of a lady belonging to the Yadava clan was shattered. Satyabhamavahini who was otherwise so proud joined both her palms together in front of me and said, “Krishney, I want to be your disciple from today. Give me your blessings and tell me of a woman’s Dharma that you follow with regard to your husbands.”

  I held her hands affectionately in mine and said, “Dear friend, I serve my husbands without any pride and anger. Your question just now made me wonder what if you had gone through the same fate in the Yadava council that I suffered in the Kuru council! You would have totally abandoned your husbands with the pride and anger inherent in you.”

  Due to my words, she became engrossed in introspection. She fell silent. I went near her, and forgetting that I was younger to her I held her close like a sister and patting her I said, “Bhame, pride sneaks into one’s mind like a thief. The lady of the house should always be cautious to chase it away not only from her own mind but also from the minds of other family members. Or else it devours and destroys everything. Anger is the next stage of pride!”

  She kept listening attentively, forgetting her seniority. I kept talking, forgetting I was her junior. “Every morning when I get up the first thing I do is cast a glance at my palms and remember the family deity of the Panchalas and Pandavas. Then I concentrate my mind and remember my friend Krishna. I never argue with my husbands, never look at them suggestively in front of others. I never treat them disrespectfully to insult their honour. I don’t touch my meal – not only before my husbands but also before the servants have eaten their meal. I always keep everything in the house neat and tidy. That is why I have survived even this stay in the forest.” My Yadava friend who was till now constantly fidgeting her fair legs in the lake now started to listen to me with steady mind and legs. I intently looked into her big, black, radiant eyes and said, “Oh dear Bhama, to keep my husbands contented all the time I cook delicious, gourmet dishes for them to the liking of each one of them. When one of them goes to another city for any reason I follow religious rituals for his wellbeing. Whatever traditions of the family my mother-in-law has taught me, I follow them to the letter. I have never disobeyed my mother-in-law – the rajmata. I consider her more like my own mother than the rajmata.

  “I keep track of all the valuable ornaments in our family treasury. I have always kept a keen watch on those. I always make sure that the servants are doing their chores on time and neatly. I don’t know any other mantra for controlling my husbands than this.”

  Now the queen of Dwaraka felt genuinely ashamed. A new shade manifested in her original nature. Very softly she said, “Forgive me, my friend. You are the Lord of Yadava’s most favourite among all women, just like Radhika from Gokul. I have heard it from him many a times, and so I asked you many questions. Forgive me, if as the lady of the Pandava family you found them offensive.”

  I also felt the change in her. It didn’t feel good to me that my dear Krishna’s wife was seeking forgiveness from me. I gently lifted her tapering, fair chin up with a lot of affection and looking deep in her eyes I said, “Oh Queen of Yadavas, if you want to keep Krishna under your spell you must practice humility all the time. Treat everyone with pure love.

  “You had an egotistical attitude that only you are his favourite wife. That kind of pride generated the question in your mind today.

  “Dear friend, just drown that pride in the western ocean that surrounds Dwaraka and roars continuously. Be one with only Krishna. Submit your life at his feet with utter devotion and no expectation. Merge your personality into that great personality. And then you will never feel that he has gone away from you. He serves those who submit themselves to him. Remember, his favourite yoga is only one yoga – Premayoga!”

  My heart was filled with gloom that Krishna was going back to Dwaraka. Now the period of six years of staying in the Dvaitavana was coming to an end. After that we had to go incognito for one year. I was feeling dejected thinking about whether we would be able to meet Krishna again or not. If we do meet, in what condition would we be? An urgent meeting was convened in the meeting room of our cottage. Krishna sat on an elevated seat covered with a grass mat, which Bhima had placed facing the east.

  All of us sat in front of Krishna. The eldest Pandava Yudhishthira sat on his right with Bhima and Arjuna on his right and Nakula-Sahadeva on his left. Bhamavahini and I sat on Krishna’s left. Uddhavadeva sat in the centre, facing Krishna. Daruka stood at the door of the cottage, holding a whip in his hand. He was not going to let into the cottage any of Dhaumya rishi’s disciples or servants. This was a very important Yadava-Pandava meeting in the Dvaitavana, arranged secretly with a lot of precautions. The organizer of the meeting and the speaker – everything was Krishna. The upcoming mission was of me and my five husbands living strictly incognito for one year. A smallest mistake from any one of us during this period would banish us to another round of residing in the forest and living incognito as punishment. For that, Krishna had called this meeting, to give us all the instructions of caution and forewarn us.

  As Krishna seated himself on the elevated seat his face changed. It started looking much more radiant at once.

  He began muttering something in the sitting position with his eyes closed. His face gradually got more and more luminous with each word that he muttered. After quite some time he gradually opened his fish-shaped eyes.

  Dear friend Krishna began speaking in his divine sweet language, “Oh valiant Pandava brothers, a very critical testing period in your life is about to begin – the period of living incognito! This period is going to last for one whole year. During this time, each one of you will particularly have to forget that you are five brothers – the Pandavas – the sons of Kunti and the sons of Madri. Though you have been living in the forest Draupadi is still your queen. Henceforth you and she will have to forget your past life. She will have to play the role of a maid. Each one of you will have to play the roles of different kinds of attendants. I have thoroughly and deeply pondered over what kind of roles all five of you will have to play efficiently. Each role has been decided keeping in mind your nature and temperaments.

  If you are thinking that you may go to any distant forests and quietly spend your time of living incognito there, it is simply not going to be possible. Even before your period of living incognito begins, Duryodhana’s skilled informers from his secret service will be infiltrating all forests of Aaryavarta. They will form an alliance with the tribal kings of each of the forests and thoroughly search them. Considering this strategy of his I have decided that your stay in the Dvaitavana will be your last stay in a forest. We will have to plan some gimmicks so that Duryodhana and his secret agents from Hastinapura will keep searching for all of you particularly in the forests. For that purpose, five Yadavas and a woman will live in some of the forests in your disguise. Their body structures will resemble yours. The woman will disguise as Draupadi.”

  We all kept looking at him mesmerized. He continued, “Even this strategy will not work for long. Once the duplicate Pandavas in the forests are exposed we will have to immediately withdraw them from there. In the beginning, we will have to deceive them into believing that you brothers have dispersed and are living separately.

  “I am expecting that the first three months will pass away in all this. After that we will have to plan something else. The entire Aaryavarta clearly recognizes two of you. Bhimsena as the mace warrior and Arjuna as the master archer. People know the remaining three more by their nature than by the weapons they use.

  “The second phase in my planning will be to deceive them by making them believe that each one of you is appearing in a different forest. First, the mighty mace warrior Bhimsena will emerge in one forest. It will be his duplicate. The acclaim of his mace expertise will automatically reach Duryodhana-Shakuni in Hastinapura. A joint troop of mace warriors
and wrestlers will leave from Hastinapura to wipe out that Bhimsena. They will try to find out that Bhima as soon as possible. Kauravas are well acquainted with all the habits of Bhima. The duplicate Bhimsena will have to vanish before they can find him.

  “After that in another forest in the opposite direction an invincible archer will emerge. His whereabouts will also reach Hastinapura. Wary Duryodhana-Shakuni will try to trace him. He too will have to disappear in time. By this time the first half of the year would pass by.

  “For the remaining six months, loyal Yadavas disguised as Yudhishthira, Nakula and Sahadeva will surface in different forests in service of the respective tribal kings. They will keep bragging excessively and openly about themselves among the wild tribes. One will display pride about his expertise in horoscopes. One will keep claiming that he is a renowned horse-expert. Another will keep beating his own drums as the land expert. But these three Yadava warriors dispersed in three different forests in three directions will not get caught by the tribal kings. They will vanish just as they surfaced, like mushrooms. One after the other they will return to Dwaraka. But the warriors of Hastinapura will keep searching for them in the forests believing they are still there. By this time the second half of the year of living incognito will be over.

  “During this entire year, the secret agents of Hastinapura should think that you are hiding in one of the forests only. The success of this mission majorly depends upon this deception. My expert spy team of Dwaraka will successfully carry out the difficult task of convincing the Kauravas that you are hiding in a forest for living incognito – that too in the eastern region. You should rest assured about that.

  “You are not going to live in a forest during this year. Instead you will be living in one of the renowned royal cities! That too, in the western region. You are not going to live in hiding during this time but openly. I am well aware that this involves great risks. But sometimes in human life such situations arise when one has to play a game of hide and seek with everything that one has, putting one’s life on the line. I have full faith in the courage that each one of you possesses. I believe as much in your indomitable self-control and obedience. Listen very carefully to what I am going to say now and follow my instructions to the letter cautiously throughout the year.”


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