Anyone You Want Me to Be
Page 32
financial scams on
as “information superhighway,”
law enforcement for
parental controls for
personal information revealed on
pornography on
regulation of
Robinson’s exploitation of
romantic relationships fostered by
sadomasochism on
safety precautions for
servers for
service providers for
sexual solicitation on
technological innovation for
terrorist activities on
viruses on
Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC)
interview interrogation strategies
Investigator software
investment scams
Jacobson, Mike
James, Frank
James, Jesse
Jestes, Jim
Johnson County, Kans.
Johnson County Adult Detention Center
Johnson County Courthouse
Johnston, Richard L.
Jones, Jim
“J.R.’s Comments,”
“Judge, the,”
Justice Department, U.S.
Kansas Association of Police Chiefs
Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI)
Kansas City, Mo.
Kansas City Area Association of Sheltered Workshops
Kansas City Chamber of Commerce
Kansas City Crime Lab
Kansas City Outreach program
Kansas City Star
Kansas City Times
Kansas Death Penalty Defense Unit
Kansas State Penitentiary
Kauffman, Ewing M.
King, Fred
Klinginsmith, David
Klinginsmith, Kathy
Koresh, David
Koster, Chris
as Cass County district attorney
media coverage of
Robinson prosecuted by
La Cygne, Kans.
Landslide Productions
Lane, Charles
Larry King Live
Lavin, Thomas
Layman, Dawn
Lenexa, Kans.
Lenexa Police Department
Levy, Jerrold
Lewicka, Andrzei
Lewicka, Danuta
Lewicka, Izabela
background of
e-mails from
“gothic” appearance of
murder of
Polish spoken by
possessions of
remains of
Robinson’s “marriage” to
Robinson’s photographs of
sadomasochistic interests of
vampire role-playing by
Lewis, Dorothy
“Linda White,”
Linn Country, Mo.
Lino, Robert
Lowrey, Bob
Lowther, Mike
Luby, Joseph
luminol tests
Lusher, Patty
McClain, Larry
McClain, Rodney
McKnight, Evalee
McSwiggin, William H.
Manson, Charles
Manufactured Modular Living
Marais des Cygnes River
Marion Laboratories
Mary Queen of Heaven Roman Catholic Church
Mattingly, Loretta
Meier, John
Meyers, Robert
Miller, Randy
Milliron, Jeanna
Mills, Bill
Mindhunter (Douglas)
Missouri, University of, at Kansas City (UMKC)
Missouri Board of Probation and Parole
Missouri Department of Corrections
Moberly Correctional Center
mobile homes
Mobil Oil
Morris, Gordon
Morrison, Joyce
Morrison, Paul
background of
death penalty sought by
as Johnson County district attorney
media coverage of
personality of
Robinson arrested by
Robinson prosecuted by
Robinson task force headed by
Morton Junior College
mothers, unwed
National Center on Institutions and Alternatives
National Cybercrime Training Partnership (NCTP)
National Law Center for Children
National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)
Need Mor Storage
Neely, Bill
Net Nanny
Neufeld, Vickie
police contacted by
as psychologist
Robinson’s photographs of
Robinson’s relationship with
sadomasochistic interests of
sex toys of
testimony of
New York Times
New Zealand
Norman, John
Obermeier, Steve
O’Brien, Sean
O’Bryant, Robert G.
Olathe, Kans.
Olathe Daily News
Oliver, John W.
Operation Avalanche
Operation Candyman
Operation Cyber Loss
Overland Park, Kans.
Overland Park Police Department
Owsley, Dan
“Papa John,”
Peka (Trouten’s dog)
Penn, George M.
Persico, Frank
Pitch Weekly
Pleasant Valley Farms
Pleasant Valley Homeowners Association
Pojman, Donald
Ponce, Lidia
Ponzi/Pyramid schemes
on Internet
Postal Service, U.S.
potassium chloride
Prairie Village Police Department
Professional Services Association, Inc. (PSA)
Quigley, Preparatory Seminary
Quinnett, Mildred
Ramsey, JonBenet
Rand Corporation
Ray, Marvin
Raymore, Mo.
Raytown, Mo.
R. B. Jones
Reed, Joe
Reedy, Janice
Reedy, Thomas
Reiff, Paul
Remington, Lore
arrest of
Robinson’s e-mails to
Robinson’s phone calls with
sadomasochistic interests of
testimony of
Trouten’s relationship with
Reno, Janet
“Report of Clinical and Medical Evaluation” (Penn and Hoang)
Resendez-Ramirez, Rafael
Rice, Donna
Rickard, Beth
Rickard, Brooks
Rickard, Nancy
Robinson, Alberta
Robinson, Christine
Robinson, Christopher
Robinson, Donald
Robinson, Heather (Tiffany Stasi)
Robinson, Helen
Robinson, Henry
Robinson, Henry, Jr.
Robinson, JoAnn
Robinson, John, Jr.
Robinson, John Edward:
accent of
accomplices of
adoption scam of
aliases used by
antisocial character of
arrest of
arrogance of
background checks evaded by
bail posted for
barn owned by
barrels purchased by
Big Pine Key property of
birth of
bodies hidden by
> in Boy Scouts
brothel run by
as businessman
Canadian escape plan of
as Catholic
chat rooms used by
in Chicago
childhood of
as compulsive liar
computers as interest of
computers owned by
as condominium middleman
as con man
conscience lacked by
criminal prosecution avoided by
criminal record of
divorce lawyer scam of
documents forged by
drug trafficking by
dual life of
duct tape used by
education of
e-mail used by
embezzlement by
as “eruditemaster,”
Europe visited by
extramarital affairs of
false billing operations of
family’s support for
as father
federal investigation of
fines imposed against
as “gentleman farmer,”
glibness of
as grandfather
gun carried by
health problems of
homicidal impulses of
as homicidal predator
horses owned by
hydroponics business of
imprisonment avoided by
imprisonment of
initials used as brand by
as insurance salesman
intelligence of
Internet exploited by
investment scams of
as “James Turner,”
in Kansas City
Kansas-Missouri jurisdictions for
La Cygne farm of
lawyers hired by
legal bills of
letter of complaint written by
letters forged by
living expenses of
local investigations of
in London
management consulting firms of
manipulativeness of
Man of the Year award arranged by
marriage of
media coverage of
medical consulting firm of
medical credentials falsified by
as mentally sane
missing women connected with
mob connections of
modular-home magazine published by
modus operandi of
multiple identities of
murder weapons of
noise complaint made by
notoriety of
nude photographs taken by
official documents stolen by
Olathe apartments rented by
on parole
personality of
personal power desired by
photographs of
physical appearance of
pickup trucks owned by
at Pleasant Valley Farms
police interrogation of
police surveillance of
postage stamps stolen by
as Presbyterian
probation sentences of
psychiatric evaluations of
psychological profile of
“publishing firm” of
rehabilitation as impossibility for
restitutions paid by
as sadomasochist
at Santa Barbara Estates
search warrants and
securities fraud charges against
self-promotional brochure printed by
as seminary student
as serial killer
sex toys stolen by
sexual aggressiveness of
as “Slavemaster,”
in solitary confinement
as sports referee
sting operation against
storage lockers rented by
stun gun purchased by
suburban lifestyle of
superficial charm of
as systems analyst
task force on
technologies exploited by
at television rental company
as thief
trailer owned by
trash collection from
as “victim profiler,”
victims’ possessions kept by
videotape filmed by
Web site of
as white-collar criminal
wiretapping of
as X-ray technician
Robinson, John Edward, trial of
appeals filed for
autopsy results in
barrels displayed in
charges in
closing arguments in
computer forensics in
cost of
death penalty in
defense in
delays in
evidence in
guilty verdict in
indictment in
judge in
jurisdictional disputes in
jury in
media coverage of
preliminary hearing for
profiling information used in
prosecution in
Robinson’s demeanor in
Robinson’s mental state and
security at
sentencing phase of
Trouten videotape showed in
venue of
witnesses in
Robinson, Kimberly
Robinson, Lisa
Robinson, Mary Ellen
Robinson, Nancy Jo Lynch:
as character witness
divorce considered by
income of
mobile home parks managed by
personality of
physical appearance of
police interrogations of
Robinson as viewed by
Robinson’s criminal activities and
Robinson’s extramarital affairs and
Robinson’s imprisonment and
Robinson’s marriage to
at Robinson’s trial
Stasi abduction and
storage locker rented by
testimony of
Rodeway Inn
Rogers, Fred
Roth, Rick
Runnion, Samantha
Sabel, Rick
BDSM form of
on Internet
Robinson’s involvement with
as sexual preference
Sam’s Club
Sandre, Barbara
Santa Barbara Estates
Schafer, Delbert
Schroeder, Dave
Scott, Cindy
Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns
Secret Service, U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
September 11 terrorist attacks
serial killers:
as compulsive liars
as homicidal predators
mass murderers compared with
modus operandi of
number of
personalities of
profiling techniques for
prosecution of
psychiatric evaluations of
rehabilitation of
Robinson as example of
social acceptability gained by
victims’ possessions kept by
solicitation in
Shipps, Christine Robinson
Shipps, Kyle
Silk & Steel Gorean chat room
Simpson, Nicole Brown
Simpson, O. J.
Sixth Amendment
slave contracts
Sluder, Randy
Smith, Ann
Smith, Perry
Social Security
“Son of Sam” killer
Specialty Publications
Stackpole, Ca
Stallone, Sylvester
Stanley, Kans.
Stasi, Betty
Stasi, Carl
Stasi, Lisa
disappearance of
letters supposedly written by
murder of
as new mother
Stasi, Tiffany (Heather Robinson)
stock market
Stor-Mor for Less
“stranger homicides,”
Stropoli, Anthony
Supreme Court, U.S.
Taiff, Dirk
Tarpley, Dick
Taylor, Tammy
“Texas Railroad Killer,”
Thomas, Bob
Thoreau, Henry David
Timmons, Henry
Torrio, Johnny
Tracy, Mark
Training and Research Institute
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
Trouten, Carol
Trouten, Dawn
Trouten, Harry
Trouten, Jenny
Trouten, Suzette
background of
diary of
disappearance of
dogs owned by
e-mails of
in Kansas City
letters supposedly written by
murder of
police investigation of
possessions of
remains of
Remington’s relationship with
Robinson’s videotape of
sadomasochistic interests of
Truman, Harry
Truman Medical Center
Turner, Sharon Jackson
University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC)
USA Today
possessions of
profiling of
self-protection by
vulnerabilities of
Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (VICAP)
Wagner, Dan
Wagner, Vicki
Walker, Jack
Walton, Herbert W.
Washington Post
Welch, Sara
Western Electric
Western Missouri Correctional Center
West Suburban Hospital
Wheeler, Charles
White House maternity home
Williams, Theresa
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Winer, Kevin
abuse of
emotional needs of
financial needs of
as unwed mothers
Wonderland child porn site
Wood, Doug
Wood, Ronald
Woolfolk, John
World Wide Web see Internet
Young, Thomas W.
Zandvoort child pornography ring