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Love Against Odds Volume One (Love Agaist Odds Book 10)

Page 12

by Harbin, Mandy

  And yet, the very fact that he liked the idea of this woman being in his bed shocked him even more. He hadn’t felt desire in months, instead only going through the motions, but now, looking at this timid woman, his libido roared to life. Was it the Dom in him that felt a need to soothe her or was it more than that? He didn’t know, nor did he dare to contemplate it. Sasha wasn’t a woman he met at a club. She was a friend of his soon-to-be sister-in-law. She should be off-limits. Not only because he didn’t like to mix his family into his intimate life, but also because her reaction to the news meant she wasn’t in the lifestyle. He’d dated vanilla women before, and it never worked. He needed more, and trying to change someone’s core sexual values was never a successful thing. Besides, he wanted a woman who inherently wanted the same things in life, not one who was willing to change for him.

  And why was he even thinking about this? He shook off his thoughts and smiled crookedly at her before turning to his brother. “You’re a talkative drunk, aren’t you? Let’s get you to bed before you start spilling government secrets.”

  Ian took a step toward the bedroom and stumbled. Sasha gasped and put her hands up to stop him because he was heading right for her. Aaron reached for him, grabbing his shirtsleeve with one hand while his other snaked around his abdomen. Ian hit the side of the couch, barely missing Sasha, but she dove in front of him anyway to keep him from crashing to the floor. She winced when her side hit the edge of the couch. Aaron let go of his brother and quickly stepped around him to pull her away from the couch and Ian. At this point, he didn’t care if Ian tumbled to the floor. He had to make sure Sasha wasn’t hurt.

  “Are you okay?”

  She grabbed her side, but when her gaze briefly met his—very briefly—she swallowed and looked away, trying to step out of his clutches. He let her go before she fell to the floor anyway in her effort to get away from him.

  “Yeah,” she said, grimacing. “It hurts like a mo-fo, but I’m fine.” She rubbed her side and glared at Ian. “You can get your own ass to bed. See if I try to help you again.”

  “Oh, don’t be like that, babe.”

  “Babe?” she gritted, both hands on her hips now.

  “Babe?” Cassie said, chuckling as she walked into the room wearing a robe around her body and a towel wound on her head. “Oh jeez. You’re hammered.”

  “Baby,” he breathed with that silly grin again. “Come here and give me some sugar.”

  “Well, that’s my cue to leave,” Sasha said, turning away.

  Aaron pursed his lips as he watched her. She was leaving all right, but not because she was tired. She was running. From him.

  “Can you walk?” Cassie asked Ian.

  “Here, I’ll help.” Aaron grabbed him up again and started dragging him to the bedroom. “I’ll get him as far as the bed. You can undress him.”

  Ian started to mumble something he probably thought was sexual, but the garble didn’t make any sense. Aaron deposited him on the bed and turned to Cassie who’d been following closely beside Ian. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out the envelope of cash. “Here’s his bachelor party gift. We never got to give it to him. When he asks where it came from, just tell him the card game was rigged all along. He’ll understand.”

  “Okay.” She frowned as she took it and placed it on the nightstand beside Ian. Then she hugged Aaron. “Thanks for taking him out and showing him a fun time. I’m sure he had a blast.”

  “Oh, he did. And I made sure he wore a condom when the hooker blew him.”

  She pulled away and slugged him in the arm. He laughed. “Ow. Kidding.” He rubbed his shoulder playfully and turned away. “I’ll lock up,” he called out as he left the room.

  On his way to the front door, his gaze found the guest room on the other side of the living area. The door was cracked, and he could see the occupant looking out. He stopped and turned toward the room, but didn’t move any closer. He couldn’t see the color of the eye peeking, but he knew it was light green, knew the person it belonged to. Well, knew of her. He didn’t know anything about her, but he wanted to.

  He waved, but she didn’t respond, just watched him. He turned and headed to the door. Once opened, he locked the knob from the inside and looked at Sasha again. She still stood mostly hidden behind the door. He smiled at her before leaving.

  Aaron stared at the closed door, wondering if he should send Cassie a text to have her lock the deadbolt, but the moment the thought entered his mind, he heard it engage.

  Then the chain rustled.

  It was Sasha. He just knew it. Had she watched and waited to make sure the door was locked because she knew Cassie would be otherwise busy? Or were her reasons born out of fear … fear from something that had actually happened to her?

  As he walked to his vehicle, he told himself he couldn’t get caught up in the enigma that was the dark-haired woman staying at his brother’s house. He couldn’t afford the need to know about her, or why the beautiful waif was skittish around him.

  He threw his SUV into gear and drove away, his thoughts circling. Yeah, he couldn’t get tied up in that woman.

  He knew he shouldn’t.

  He was going to anyway.

  Chapter 3

  “I can’t believe you scheduled my bachelorette party the night before my wedding!” Cassie yelled over the loud music as she sipped her mudslide.

  Sasha made a show of slowly licking her upper lip as the half-naked server walked past toward another table. When she looked at Cassie, she quirked an eyebrow. “The night you have a problem with, not the locale?” She waved her hand to emphasize the hard-bodied man candy all around. “Have to say, I’m a little upset at the lack of shock coming from you.”

  “Oh, I knew you were going to take me to a strip club. You weren’t exactly subtle the other day at the office.” Cassie rolled her eyes.

  Sasha snorted as she grabbed her drink. “Subtlety isn’t one of my go-to characteristics. I much prefer the in-your-face variety.”

  “I’ve noticed that about you,” Cheryl said. She was one of the technical analysts that worked with Cassie and Sasha. Other than Cheryl, Kimber, and Sasha, the other gals at the party were some of Cassie’s relatives in town for the wedding. Sasha had played the gracious host, but she didn’t remember their names. The uber skinny one was Jill or Joan or something like that, but she’d been drawing a complete blank when it came to recalling the others’ names. At least Cassie hadn’t insisted any grandmas or great-aunts come along for tonight’s festivities. Sasha was sure Cassie’s family was cool and all, but there was something icky about witnessing grannies watching young men take their clothes off while gyrating to the latest sensual music. Pass.

  “Yeah, I tend to speak what’s on my mind,” Sasha said. If images of that fateful night with Dwight flickered, she ignored them. She refused to let him ruin her fun.

  “I propose a toast,” the blonde cousin with bright pink lipstick said. Everyone lifted their drinks. “To Cassie. May your love for Ian always grow stronger and your waistline always stay smaller.”

  “Hear, hear,” Sasha said and downed the last of her cocktail. She’d seen friends put on weight after getting married. It was some odd paradox that rivaled the freshman fifteen.

  “Except for when she’s pregnant,” brunette bob-cut said.

  A gorgeous, bare-chested, hunk of a man leaned over the table and straightened Cassie’s tacky bride tiara, effectively rendering all the women silent and stupid.

  “I can’t help with that,” he said with a slow drawl as he let his hand linger on her cheek. “But I can get your motor running.”

  Cassie blushed furiously.

  Blondie giggled.

  Bob-cut gasped.

  The curly-headed one’s eyes popped.

  And Sasha had to fight the smile that wanted to spread across her face. When she’d booked a lap dance, she had no idea this mega stud would be the one to do it.

  “I-I don’t think that’s necess— ” />
  “Get your ass up, girl,” Sasha said, cutting her off. “It’s totally necessary.”

  Stripper dude bit his lip and raised his eyebrows as he stood to full height. The short-sleeved shirt he’d been sporting—unbuttoned—dangled precariously from his shoulders as he walked around to where Cassie was sitting. She was white-knuckling the edge of the table, watching him warily as he came closer. He stood right behind her chair and leaned over. “You don’t have to get up,” he told her.

  Cassie’s shoulder’s relaxed as she laughed out the breath she’d apparently been holding. “That’s good. I’m not really into— ”

  The sex god squatted and grabbed her chair. Cassie squeaked as he picked up her up, chair and all, and turned around to put her down in the open space beside their corner table.

  “You just have to sit there,” he said, smiling. “Touching is optional.” He peeled his shirt from his body before leaning over, grasping her knees, and pushing her legs apart. “For you,” he clarified when she gaped at him. “I’m going to put my hands wherever I want.”

  Sasha whistled, hoping to help settle Cassie’s nerves, and some of the other ladies clapped and hollered some sexual encouragement.

  Music started in their area of the bar and Sex God got down to business. Within minutes his pants were gone, leaving him in a tiny G-string.

  But it wasn’t what he was wearing that made them, even Sasha, blush. It was the way he was moving. Holy shit, the guy was all over her. He never crossed a line, but damn the way he moved was hot! He straddled her with his back to Cassie and somehow dropped and balanced on his hands, his legs going behind her on either side, and rolled his ass in the air. At one point, he was facing her but had his leg thrown over her shoulder, his hand buried in her hair, and was mimicking thrusting into her mouth. Several times he’d spread her legs and breathed along the inside of them. He even bit—bit!—the side of her bra and jiggled it like a dog playing with a chew toy. Halfway through his routine, Sasha and the rest of the gals watching sat there, almost mute, practically forgetting how to use their tongues.

  But he didn’t. Holy hell, he actually licked her clothes! The bar could burst into flames and Sasha wouldn’t get any hotter than she was right now.

  He traced his lips along her exposed throat. “Grab my ass, baby.” Sasha didn’t hear him speak so much as she saw his lips move.

  Cassie shook her head quickly.

  Dude chuckled, smoothed his hands down her arms, and grabbed her wrists. When he wrapped her arms around him, he left no question where he was going.

  Cassie squeaked when he slapped her hands on his bare cheeks. When he let go, she kept them there, but Sasha knew it was more shock than anything else keeping her from moving. Sex God posed briefly then shook his ass so fast, porn stars would be jealous. Still Cassie held on. Then his hands dove into her hair, and he buried his face in her neck and slowly rolled his hips in a sensual, sexual dance that would have him copulating if he was a little farther south and little more naked.

  A noise startled Sasha, making her tear her gaze away from the show. Apparently Joanie-Jill had lost her grip on her drink and dropped it. Sasha stole a glance at the other girls and couldn’t miss the red blush of lust, glazed eyes, and short gasps of air. When she looked at Cassie again, the guy was whispering something in her ear, but Sasha couldn’t make it out this time.

  She didn’t have to wait long to figure it out.

  The man moved to stand beside her, flattened his hand between her breasts, and slowly slid it down her body, heading straight her for lady-bits region. Oh crap on a stick! Her gaze shot to Cassie’s, but her friend was watching the guy’s hand. Right when he reached the point of no return, his hand veered to the side and slipped between her legs. Hell, he could probably feel the heat from her core he was so close. Then his other hand dove in between her legs, and he pried them apart, opening them wide. Cassie jumped, which scooted her tightly against the back of the chair, but he paid her no mind. One of his hands moved to right in front of her. Seriously, if she twitched, he’d reach third base, but instead of touching her he rubbed the seat with two fingers, right where her pussy had just been. Then he clutched her head and slowly tilted it up, so she’d be forced to look into his eyes. Her throat worked as if she tried to swallow, and all Sasha could do was stare as the man lifted his fingers and sucked on them.

  Where was the air in this room?

  He smiled and licked his lips as his hand dropped to his side and he let go of Cassie. The music died and he took a bow before helping her stand. She wobbled a little as some of the ladies clapped.

  Clapping seemed so inefficient. In another life, Sasha would’ve taken off her panties and thrown them at that rock star, but she numbly raised her hands and joined the group in showing the man their appreciation of his hot-ass moves.

  He winked and moved Cassie’s chair back to the table. “Thank you, ladies.” When he motioned for the bride-to-be to take her seat, she blushed and scrambled for the chair. He pushed her up to the table and leaned over her. “I hope you’re enjoying yourselves.”

  Cassie’s face flamed again, but Sasha wasn’t sure if it was because her friend had indeed enjoyed herself or if it was because stripper stud was hovering around her. Knowing the gal, it was probably the latter, which didn’t make a lick of sense. She smirked as she shook her head at Cassie.

  “Damn, girl, you’re blushing like he didn’t just have his balls in your face two minutes ago.”

  Dude threw his head back and laughed as Cassie sputtered a curse. “I can’t take you anywhere,” she said, appalled.

  “Oh, c’mon. Lighten up.” Sasha waved a dismissive hand at her and focused on the man beside her. “What’s your name anyway?” She was running out of non X-rated descriptors, so she figured she’d better ask now before her mental names became verbal.


  Her lips twitched. “Sure it is.”

  He shrugged. “That’s all you’re getting outta me.”

  “Can’t be giving your name to a bunch of randy, middle-aged women. I get that.”

  “Middle-aged?” Jillish-Joan said. “I’m not even thirty!”

  “Chill out, Jessica.”

  Jessica. Way off.

  “Yeah, he probably gets old ladies stuffing numbers down his pockets all the time,” the blonde one said. “I’m sure she meant them and not us.”

  “Please, Brooke, you’re barely in your mid twenties,” the brunette said to Blondie. Sasha shoved that name into her brain, too. Maybe she’d get lucky and someone would call the others by their names, so she wouldn’t have to ask Cassie before the wedding.

  “What does that mean?” Brooke—yay, the name hadn’t left Cassie yet—asked, cocking her head to the side and glaring at the other woman.

  “It means you should wait and see how you feel when that number two in your age is replaced with a three,” the brunette said.

  “Or a four,” one of her cousins added before downing the last of her drink.

  “If you ladies are not partying, then I’m not doing a good job,” Roman said, rising to his full height. He motioned toward the side and another hot guy walked over. “This is Gladiator.”

  Sasha barked out a laugh. “Roman Gladiator. Cute.”

  “Cute?” tall, dark, and delish said. “I’ll show you cute.” He started toward Sasha, but she felt her carefully hidden shield being exposed as panic set in. She knew the guy was here for entertainment and nothing more—and she’d been successfully pretending she was getting personal attention—but the reality of actually being touched in a seductive manner was as if ice-cold water had been thrown on her.

  It must have shown on her face because Gladiator stalled. Sasha blinked, frantically trying to think of a way to play off her reaction. Thankfully, she didn’t have to for long. Kimber jumped up and got in front of him.

  “I think cute suits you. You’ve got these little puppy dog eyes.”

  Gladiator relaxed and laugh
ed, and Sasha breathed slowly as she grabbed her drink. Crisis averted.

  Within minutes several of the women were up dancing around the two guys, but she couldn’t look away from her drink to watch fully.

  “Nobody noticed,” Cassie said, scooting closer to her.

  Sasha shrugged one shoulder. “Doesn’t matter if they did.” And she knew they had. Her friend was just saying that to ease her.

  “Sasha— ”

  “Don’t.” She lifted her hand and shook her head. “I’m fine. I’m not going to let him ruin tonight.”

  “But you’re letting him ruin everything else.”

  “Please. Let’s just forget about it.” She took a deep breath and pasted a fake smile on her face. “You’re getting married tomorrow.”

  It worked. The permanent blush Cassie had been sporting since Roman shook his goods slowly faded as the blood drained from her face. “Oh god. I hope the florist arrives on time. And the cake. It’s supposed to be at the reception hall before the wedding. I wanted to see it in place, but I don’t think I’m going to have time.”

  “Um, no, you won’t. You’re going to be busy getting all gussied up for your man.”

  “But I just can’t assume everything will be in place. I have to— ”

  “You have to let go of the reins and enjoy your day. We’ll make sure everything is all set. I promise.” Sasha cupped Cassie’s shoulders and squeezed gently. “It’s all good.”

  “Okay. You’re right.” She shook her head quickly. “I’m just ready to be married, you know. I mean, sure I want the beautiful wedding, but I’m at that stage where I just want to become Mrs. Cope. I’m ready to start our new life together.”

  “Don’t rush the honeymoon, girl. And I mean that both literally and figuratively. You need to bask in this time. Savor every moment of it.”

  The next breath Cassie took seemed to come easier for her. “I will. Thank you.”

  “Anytime.” Sasha picked up her drink and sipped.


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