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The Fallen Queen: (Gods & Monsters Book 2) (The Gods & Monsters Trilogy)

Page 7

by Janie Marie

  Jane started breathing faster. This woman wasn’t with the group of twelve who were probably the wives; this woman was here for someone else, and there was only one knight without a wife. David.

  Jane gritted her teeth and quickly checked to see if the others appeared upset about this woman. They didn’t, and Jane wondered if this was a friend of theirs, or if she was close to David—and what would she do if the lady was? After all, Jane had chosen her marriage over David. She had no right to him, and she would have to smile when he went off with another woman. A throbbing sensation in her chest made her gasp softly, but she pressed her lips together, trying to make it stop.

  The van came to a halt, and she held her breath as a few men stepped forward to open their doors.

  She breathed faster and saw David still smiling as he waved, and her heart shattered when she watched the blonde eagerly wave back at him.

  Oh, God . . .

  The freezing Canadian air blasted through the van doors. Jane flinched and covered Nathan’s face because he usually panicked when the wind hit him, but after making sure he was okay, she quickly looked at the scene unfolding outside.

  Arthur exited the vehicle, instantly pulling a beautiful brunette into his arms and kissing her passionately.

  Jane looked away from their intimate reunion but watched the other knights greet their wives similarly. She was happy to see them reunited, but she couldn’t help but feel sad at the sight. It seemed like she was losing them in a way. They were never hers, and she was ashamed for being upset because she would no longer be their focus. She wouldn’t be David’s focus either.

  A little squeal drew her attention to the left, and she saw Gawain spinning a voluptuous blonde around in circles. That one hurt a little to witness, and Jane sat back in her seat. She looked down, away from all the happiness, because she was afraid to see David greet anyone.

  She was almost in tears at the thought of him hugging that blonde, whoever she was to him. It was either tears or blood she felt like being drenched in, and she knew it was better to be sad than being ready to kill a woman who clearly mattered to David. A part of her tried to reason that it was possible David wasn’t even waving at the woman. Still, her mind taunted her that he was.

  She felt like a coward for not even being able to look, but she was afraid to watch him walk away. It was wrong to expect him to watch her with Jason, but she wanted him with her.

  The front door shut. David had been in the front seat, meaning he was now out of the car. Jane lifted her gaze before she could stop herself, and her heartbeat sped as he turned toward her. However, he stopped just as someone shouted his name, and he turned away.

  Jane held her breath as a brunette woman ran up to him.

  It was the woman Arthur had greeted. “David!”

  David stepped away from the van and pulled the woman to him. He smiled brightly as he hugged her and kissed her cheek.

  A pang of jealousy stabbed Jane’s heart. It was greater than the stinging sensation she suddenly felt in her palms. She stared at her bloody hands as she unclenched them. They healed before her eyes, but she still felt like she’d been stabbed in the chest.

  “Sister,” David said as he pulled back.

  Jane felt ridiculous for being jealous of his sister, but she watched with a bit of rage as the pretty woman cupped David’s cheek and stared into his eyes like he was one of the most important people in her life. Of course a brother would be to his sister, but still.

  Guinevere beamed at him. It almost made Jane happy to see the similarity in their smiles, but her self-pity wouldn’t let her feel anything positive. She wanted something special to share with David, and she had fucked it up with the best of intentions.

  Jane took in Guinevere’s appearance. She had dazzling green eyes and light brown wavy hair. Her high cheekbones complimented her oval-shaped face, giving her a soft, classical look. She held herself with great poise, showing all the grace befitting a queen.

  “I have missed you terribly, brother,” Guinevere said. “Are you all right? Did the mission go well?” She even tilted his face from side to side as if she was searching for an injury. “Dear me, you are quite pale.”

  “I was injured, but I am fine,” he said. “And yes, the mission went well.”

  Guinevere smiled back but gave him a strange look as she continued observing him. “There is something you are not telling me.”

  Arthur came up behind her, and David cast him a glance but looked back at his sister as he addressed her comment. “There is something else.” He smiled and added, “Someone else.”

  Guinevere gasped, yanking her hands to cover her mouth. Her eyes sparkled with happiness and she mumbled excitedly into her hand. “You’ve found her, haven’t you?”

  David nodded and smiled wider. Guinevere squealed and jumped up, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “Oh, thank the heavens! I was starting to fear you would never find her. Where is she? Is she beautiful? How silly of me, of course she must be beautiful . . . What’s her name? Goodness, I cannot believe this. I wish I had prepared your room. I have a sister-in-law, finally!” She rattled off too excited to see David’s sudden withdrawal.

  Jane panicked as she watched pain flicker across the side of David’s face as he took his sister’s hands to gain her attention. He looked into her eyes as Arthur placed a hand on her shoulder.

  Guinevere’s smile fell as she glanced between her husband and her brother.

  “Her name is Jane,” David said, pausing and clearing a sudden hoarseness in his voice. “She’s here with her children, and her husband.”

  Guinevere’s mouth fell open and she stared sadly into her brother’s heartbroken eyes. His sister pressed her lips together when they began trembling, and Arthur rubbed his hands down her arms from behind. Her pretty eyes watered as they darted between David’s, clearly trying to judge how badly he was hurting from something that was Jane’s fault.

  “I am okay.” He smiled, getting a small one from his sister. “Her family is wonderful, and I am happy we were able to bring them with us. Will you meet her?”

  Guinevere looked over her shoulder and received a small nod from Arthur before she returned her gaze to David. “Yes, brother. I would love to meet her.”

  He smiled wider and stepped back to the van.

  The joyful reunions had all ceased once David reached the door to the van Jane sat in. Gawain and his wife had slowly approached Arthur, but the others stayed back, while the trio of women Jane feared stood silent.

  David leaned his head into the open door. “Jane, are you ready to meet my sister?”

  She stared at him, wanting him to hide her, then darted her eyes to the large crowd before she frantically looked at her children. She couldn’t do this.

  David grabbed her hand from her lap. “It’s going to be all right. I’m right here. You will only be introduced to Guinevere, since that is expected, and then we will head inside. The others will meet you tomorrow. Don’t be afraid—she can’t wait to meet you.”

  Jane closed her eyes and nodded. She was trying to savor the small contact with him. She could feel Jason’s body grow rigid next to her, but she needed this right now. She nearly cried out when his wonderful heat left her hand as he let go.

  Jane opened her eyes, watching as David searched her face.

  “Stay with me, Jane,” he whispered. “Be brave, sweetheart. You just have to get through these next few minutes, and then I’ll take you away.”

  Jason gave a nervous smile but looked annoyed as he exited the van. Natalie followed her father quickly, and Jason grabbed her before she could run off to play in the snow. Jane was thankful he was at least concerned with their children enough to know it was still dangerous around these immortals.

  A gasp stopped Jane from moving, and she noticed the women all staring at Natalie. They were smiling and whispering excitedly to their husbands. Jane glanced at Natalie to make sure she was okay, but besides a shy smile, she se
emed happy with her surroundings.

  Jane sighed, wishing she could be more like her daughter, but she just wasn’t. She was her—a damn mess.

  Before she could chicken out, Jane blew out a big breath and got out of the van. She didn’t make eye contact with anyone and quickly turned to get Nathan. It was important to keep him safe, but she was also using him as a buffer.

  He seemed to need her anyway as he attached himself to her rather quickly. Jane caressed his head and cooed comforting words in his ear as she finally got the courage to at least look at David. It had been an enormous relief that he didn’t end up greeting that blond woman, and she hoped he would stay close to her for a while longer.

  David gestured for her to follow him. She wanted to take his hand to have some sort of lifeline, but she couldn’t. So she tightened her hold on Nathan until he whined.

  “I’m sorry, bubby,” she whispered, loosening her grip as she teared up, fearing she’d hurt him.

  “He’s okay, Jane,” David said as she checked her son over. “Come on. Let’s hurry so we can get him inside.”

  Jason inclined his head that she go first, so she did, and once her eyes met Guinevere’s, she couldn’t look away. The woman was beautiful, her smile was genuinely happy, but the sorrow was still there. Jane swallowed because she had been the one who caused that sadness in David and his sister.

  Jane bit her lip as she glanced around. They were all staring at her.

  Her eyes widened when she accidentally made eye contact with the blond woman. At first it was just shock because she hadn’t wanted to see that woman, but now it was something else to see the lady openly glaring at her.

  Jane quickly looked away, unsure of how she should act. A part of her demanded she confront the blatant threat with force, but another told her to back down, that she wasn’t welcome, and she had no right to be here.

  “Gwen, this is Jane,” David said. “These are her children, Nathan and Natalie, and this is Jason, her husband . . . Jane, Jason, this is my sister, Guinevere.”

  Jane smiled, attempting to somewhat bow. She knew they were royalty but had never looked at Arthur that way. With Guinevere at his side, Arthur looked every bit the legendary king she’d read about.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Jane whispered, lowering her eyes as she still tried to bow her head. She felt stupid for making a fool of herself and a little angry that David hadn’t told her how she should greet a queen. He continued smiling, though.

  She finally met Guinevere’s eyes and panicked because the woman looked on the verge of a meltdown. Jane was about to apologize as she considered she might have done something offensive, but she was quickly yanked into a hug by the queen.

  “I am so happy to meet you,” Guinevere said, crying. “Oh, you are so beautiful. Welcome to our home.” She pulled back, smiling as a few tears escaped.

  “Thank you,” Jane said, trying to pull away.

  Guinevere let her go but darted her gaze to Nathan, and she smiled the same way David smiled at him.

  Jane realized Guinevere was expecting an introduction to her children, so she whispered in Nathan’s ear to prompt him. “Say hello.”

  Nathan looked at her briefly, then back at the woman smiling widely in front of him. “Hello.”

  If possible, Guinevere’s smile grew, and she reached out for his little hand. “Hello, Nathan.”

  Nathan just stared at her hand as he often did. Jane was about to help him, but David beat her to it.

  He carefully grabbed her son’s hand and placed it in Guinevere’s. “Like this, Nathan.”

  Jane almost cried. Jason never helped Nathan with these little things, but David was doing it already.

  Guinevere seemed just as emotional to see David helping him, but she returned her attention to Nathan and gently shook his hand. After releasing him, she giggled like a little girl and whispered to Arthur, “He’s adorable.”

  Arthur smiled as he placed a hand on the small of her back and ushered her toward Jason.

  Jane breathed out as David lightly caressed her head, but he removed his hand before she could seek more from him.

  Guinevere’s smile faltered a bit, but she remained friendly as she held her hand out to Jason. “It is a pleasure to welcome you to our home, Jason.”

  Jason shook her hand, a little stunned. “Thank you.”

  The queen’s eyes fell on Natalie, and an excited smile appeared on her face as she whispered to Arthur. “She looks just like her.”

  “She does,” Arthur agreed.

  Guinevere held her hand up to Natalie. “Hello, sweetheart. I do hope you enjoy being here with us.”

  Natalie smiled shyly and leaned into Jason for comfort until a scoff sounded behind them.

  Everyone turned their heads to see Gawain push his way through the crowd. He stood in front of Jason and playfully glared at Natalie. “Natalie,” he said in a scolding tone. “Since when are you shy?”

  Jane was surprised to see Natalie giggle and hold her arms out for Gawain. He grinned, quickly taking her from Jason before turning to Guinevere with a smug look.

  Guinevere glared at him, but it was a playful look and Jane figured the pair were nearly as close as Gawain and David were.

  “I suppose she just likes me more, don’t you, Natalie?” Gawain asked.

  Natalie darted her little brown eyes between them and slowly nodded to Gawain.

  David shook his head and stepped closer to Jane. “I think we should get them inside. They are not accustomed to the harsh temperatures, and our flight has left us exhausted. I am sure we can finish introductions tomorrow.”

  “Oh, certainly,” Guinevere said. “The kitchen is already preparing everyone’s favorite meals. They will not mind making extra.”

  David signaled to Jane for her to follow him again, and with Nathan still clinging to her neck, she did so quickly.

  She glanced behind her to make sure Gawain was okay with Natalie, and he winked, relieving some of her stress. Jane turned forward, following Arthur and Guinevere, who were leading the way with David right behind them.

  She stared at his back until Jason came up on her left side. Jane glanced at him but frowned when she realized he was not even looking at her. In fact, he seemed absorbed in something else. She assumed it was simply the castle, but when she followed his gaze, she realized it was someone, not a something, who held his interest.

  Jane kept herself from causing a scene as she made eye contact with the blond woman again. A cruel smile made its way on the beautiful woman’s mouth, and Jane quickly faced forward again.

  Her eyes burned as too many realizations crashed down on her: her husband was admiring another woman, one who clearly had her eyes on David, and although she had no right to care about who might be interested in David, she hated the thought of him being close to this woman. If her own husband couldn’t keep his eyes off her, David would abandon her just as easily.

  Keeping her eyes glued to David’s back, she tried her best to hold her head high as they walked past the three women, all while knowing Jason was still unable to keep himself from staring.

  She pressed her lips together, at least relieved David didn’t acknowledge them, but still happened to see the women stifling a laugh as they looked Jane over.

  Jane tried to act like she saw nothing, but the blonde turned and whispered to her redheaded friend, “It is no wonder David has never chosen a lady. Clearly, he desires homely peasants. I do hope they keep her off the furniture. She is absolutely repulsive.”

  The words were spoken softly enough that the surrounding chatter should have drowned her out, but Jane heard, and she knew the woman had intended her to. It was just like so many incidents she’d encountered in her past.

  Jane’s steps faltered as a breath rushed out of her mouth. She stared down at the puffy jacket and knew she must look like a wreck. She instantly saw images of herself being bullied by girls in school.

  “She wears the same thing every week,
” they had said, laughing together. She had nowhere to go; they surrounded her. “I don’t even know why the guys like her—she’s just an ugly little slut.”

  Jane’s eyes pricked with tears as one memory after the next played out in her head. She gasped as a cold shiver crawled up her spine but jumped back in surprise when David quickly turned.

  Arthur reached for him, but it was too late. David had his hand around the blonde’s throat, his fangs bared as he snarled in the frightened woman’s face.

  Arthur yelled while the woman clawed at David’s wrist. “David, let her go!”

  Everyone gasped but each of them, including Jane, were frozen in place.

  Jane didn’t understand what was happening, why he was attacking a woman, a gorgeous blonde with a body to die for. She was everything Jane was not: beautiful, tall, refined—perfect in every way. The type of woman she imagined David would love. She was a goddess, and she’d been absolutely right about her. She was an unattractive, unworthy, and pathetic girl.

  David ignored Arthur’s attempt to get him to let go of Melody. He was furious. He knew Jane was having a hard time being there. He had wanted to run her inside the moment he noticed she was panicking over meeting so many people. Whatever her anxiety issues were, he knew it had taken a toll. He didn’t want to acknowledge the panic she’d been trying to hide, fearing it might make her feel worse.

  David snarled as he remembered her expression crumbling after he waved to his sister. She’d thought he was waving at the vile creature in his hand. He wanted to snap Melody’s neck.

  David squeezed tighter and felt his body shaking as he watched her face redden.

  “You’re going to kill her!” Arthur shouted.

  Good, he thought. David was ready to end her life because Melody would never stop.

  “David.” Nathan’s voice had him frozen.

  David loosened his grip a bit and looked over his shoulder at where Jane stood with Nathan in her arms. The little boy was hugging Jane, and while he showed no fear of the monster David was, he was worried.

  David released Melody and watched her fall to her knees as she gasped for air while her two friends immediately crouched down to help her.


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