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The Fallen Queen: (Gods & Monsters Book 2) (The Gods & Monsters Trilogy)

Page 42

by Janie Marie

  Kay and Bedivere both nodded, agreeing with the fact that Thor had let his impatience and constant quest for glory cause all this destruction.

  “Well, maybe now he will see the error of his ways,” Kay said. “He did not fight you, so that says a lot.”

  David grunted. “Only because he knew I would kill him if he fought back.”

  “She will be upset when she wakes and sees herself,” said Bedivere.

  “I’ll help her.” David caressed her forehead. “I still see her.”

  “It’s unfortunate she was hurt again,” Kay said, dabbing some gauze on her wound. “She was doing so well with you. I hope this does not hinder her progress. She has a very poor self-image. It is sad to witness.”

  David ignored Kay’s comments as he brushed his fingers along a bit of skin that wasn’t painted with blood or bruises. “I shouldn’t have told her to hold back with her abilities.”

  “Why did you tell her that?” Bedivere asked.

  “I didn’t want her to get drained too quickly. Once I saw how big the fight was, all I could imagine was her throwing out all her energy and not having enough to remain standing. You know how willing she is to sacrifice herself . . . She listened to me and didn’t fight with them the way she could have. Then when it came time for her to use them, she panicked or forgot; I’m not really sure. It’s not Thor’s fault, it’s mine.”

  Kay laughed, tossing a blood-soaked cloth to the floor. “You know she will not let you blame yourself.”

  “I know she won’t,” David said, smiling sadly as he plucked a twig from her hair. “She will blame herself. Hopefully she’ll see how amazing she really was.”

  “She was ruthless,” said Bedivere. “Make sure she knows we are proud of her when she wakes.”

  “When do you think that will be?” he asked, removing more debris from her hair.

  Bedivere stood up straight. “A few hours. The longer she rests, the better. She is going to be in pain, so feed her as soon as she is able.”

  “I will,” he said, thinking over how much blood he’d need for himself in order to properly care for her.

  Bedivere began packing his tools. “Her femoral artery finally started healing, so she will start to recover quickly now, but you still need to keep her relaxed. Her skull fracture is fusing together nicely, too. And these gashes will close up soon, but she could undo the repairs if she stresses herself.”

  David nodded as he watched them cleaning around her. “I want to get her off these soiled linens.”

  “Of course, take this.” Bedivere handed him the bloody blanket that had partially covered Jane to keep her warm.

  David rolled the blanket up and began grabbing pieces of her shredded pants they’d had to cut away.

  “Do you want to change her?” Bedivere asked as he walked back.

  “Yes, I don’t think she will want to wake up like this.”

  Bedivere gestured to their bags. “Find her something loose to wear. I will help you dress her.”

  David went to their bags and began looking through her clothing. He decided to just let her wear her panties and one of his shirts. It would bother her wounds to wear anything else anyway. When he reached the area with her intimates, he hesitated. She had so many styles.

  Kay’s laughter drew his attention. “Just get her some cotton ones, David. You can wait until she is well to ask her to try the more risqué styles.”

  David shook his head and sifted through the cotton panties similar to the one she wore the night she seduced him. He smiled when a pair of white panties caught his eye. They had a cartoon image of a black kitten imprinted on the front. My kitty.

  He gathered everything and walked back to Jane, shrugging when Kay smiled and asked, “A kitten?”

  “They look comfortable, and they are cute.”

  Bedivere laughed lightly. “They suit her. I adore her playful innocence. She is a refreshing soul to be around.”

  Kay patted David’s shoulder. “I will leave you two to finish. Bed, I’ll meet you in Artemis’ room.”

  “I will be there soon,” Bedivere said.

  With another pat on the back, Kay left.

  David sighed and rubbed his face. “Are you sure we should not start a transfusion?”

  “I could, but she will benefit from resting.”

  “All right,” he said, reaching for the button of her pants. He lifted his gaze to Bedivere.

  “Do you wish me to close my eyes?” Bedivere chuckled.

  David bared his fangs. “I know you have seen her, but . . .”

  Bedivere held his hand up. “I am joking. I will look away. Unbutton her pants, but rip them along with her under garments instead of trying to lift her. Then carefully slide the clean pair on.”

  “All right,” David said, letting out a calming breath. He didn’t like feeling upset with Bedivere.

  As if understanding his line of thought, Bedivere said, “Do not be disappointed in your reactions. She is your Other, and you are in a new relationship together. Both of you will be overly possessive until you consummate your relationship.”

  David snapped his head up so fast, his neck popped. “What?”

  Smiling, Bedivere replied, “I smell your scent on her, but I know you, David—you have not had intercourse with her yet. I know you are trying your best to take things slow.”

  He let out a harsh breath. “She does not know what physical love is. I want her to experience it properly and understand that sex is not all I want from her.”

  “Then you are perfect for her. Now, do as I have instructed so you can both rest.”

  Nodding, David unbuttoned and unzipped her pants before grabbing the seams on each side to rip them in half. All he had to do now was pull them from under her.

  He glanced up and watched Bedivere smile before turning his head, giving them privacy as he ripped her panties off. He silently hoped the pair decorated with little hearts were not a favorite of hers as he removed them.

  It wasn’t as easy to get the new pair on, but he managed to keep the fabric from rubbing her wounds and gently lifted her lower back to situate them. After lowering her, he ripped off her tank top and bra. This was trickier, as he was frightened to touch her broken skull.

  “Perhaps you should leave her topless until her skull fuses more,” Bedivere said, not looking, but obviously understanding David’s hesitation.

  “Would you bring me a towel to cover her?”

  Bedivere didn’t reply, but he quickly retrieved a towel from the bath suite.

  David took the towel and covered her breasts. “She’s covered. Help me wipe some of the blood.”

  “Here.” Bedivere handed him a clean, wet cloth. “You can do her face and arms. I shall clean around her leg.”

  They worked quietly until Bedivere straightened. “I think this is as good as she is going to get. I must tend to Artemis.”

  David nodded, still wiping her arms. “Extend my condolences to her.”

  “I will. And I will send for the chamber maids to come clean this mess. After you get done, carefully lift her and hold on to her without putting too much pressure on the back of her head. Support her neck, but don’t touch her head too much. After they are done, you can rest with her. But feed her as soon as she wakes. You should be prepared to gorge yourself after she has—she has taken much of your blood already.”

  “I will drink when she does.”

  Bedivere smiled. “Stubborn boy. Well, be sure that you do not wait. I’m off now.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You are welcome. Give Jane my love.”

  David watched Bedivere leave and then returned his attention to Jane. “Please don’t wake up yet.” He slid his hands under her, being careful as he situated his arm under her neck. He winced when she made a noise, but he still lifted her into his arms.

  By the time he situated himself on a chair, a light knock sounded, and the door cracked open.

  “Sir David? Sir Bedivere sent us
to tend to your quarters.”

  “Yes,” he said, trying to ensure Jane was covered as much as possible by the towel. “You may enter.”

  Two women entered. The first offered him a gentle smile as she carried a basket containing new linens. The second woman’s smile wasn’t one he was a stranger to, so he avoided looking at her again and addressed the first one. “Just the bed and restock the towels. Quickly, please.”

  She bowed her head. “Of course, Sir David.”

  David ignored them as they worked together, keeping his eyes on Jane’s face and monitoring her breathing. He knew the second woman was frequently watching them, and he hoped she had some sense not to bother him.

  “Do you require a donor, Sir David?”

  Apparently not. David looked up, and he wasn’t surprised to find the second female had asked him this. She smiled, the same smile he’d been given all his life.

  “Everyone knows I do not partake in live feedings. Do your job and leave.”

  “Forgive her, Sir David,” said the first maid. “Vivienne is newer to this life, and she only came here two seasons ago.”

  “Then inform her of what the others already know.”

  “Yes, Sir David,” she said, pulling the second by the elbow. “Vivienne, gather the soiled bedding and wait in the hall.”

  Vivienne scoffed but did as she was told.

  Jane let out a whimper, causing David to focus on her rather than the maid.

  “Shh . . .” He caressed Jane’s forehead. “It’s okay, baby.”

  “I am all finished, Sir David. Do you require anything else?”

  “No, please leave us. And make sure the other servants are informed about their behavior around me. I will not tolerate the games females play to win my attention. I am not interested, and I will not be happy should my Jane bear witness to any offers from hopeful servants.”

  A faint smile teased the maid’s mouth. “I will make sure they are informed. Do not hesitate to request for me, personally, should you not wish any nuisances. I am betrothed to a man I love. I assure you, I have no interest. My name is Hela.”

  David nodded. “I will keep that in mind. You are dismissed, Hela.”

  She bowed her head. “And my congratulations to you on claiming your Other, Sir David. Many of us are very happy for you.”

  He didn’t look at her, but he nodded. After hearing the door shut, he listened to the women arguing with one another before they walked away.

  “All right. Let’s get you into bed.” He stood, holding her away from his body so she’d move less. After placing her on the clean bed, he kissed her healing lips, licking the blood left on them.

  Surprising him, she moaned but did not wake.

  David chuckled and kissed her again. “Heal quickly, my love, and I will give you more.” He smiled at the goosebumps that erupted across her body and quickly covered her. “I will be right back.”

  He entered his bath suite, removing his vest and shirt. A shower was necessary to cleanse him of the remains of battle, but he refused to give himself any luxuries until Jane could indulge in them too. He washed his hands and did his best to remove most of the blood from his chest and stomach. Once satisfied, he returned to the room.

  Thankfully, Jane was still asleep, and there was some color returning to her cheeks now. He hated to see her suffering. Never had he witnessed a person endure tragedy after tragedy. It started to make him think like her.

  Is this all she is meant for?

  David shook the thought away and pulled out a pair of track pants for himself. He didn’t bother hiding his nakedness and stripped. The image of Jane blushing or stuttering flickered in his mind, and he chuckled. She was silly, but she was a needy little creature. Needy for him.

  He watched his dick twitch at the thought. “Knock it off,” he told his manhood, amused that he was even addressing himself this way.

  David laughed and finished dressing before making his way back to Jane. He carefully slid into bed and fixed the blankets around them. She was just lying on her back, unmoving. As much as he wanted to wrap his arms around her, he didn’t. He simply held her less injured hand and stared up at the ceiling. His thirst was beginning to become bothersome, but he still intended on holding out until he could let her feed. It was foolish, yes, but he felt guilty thinking of making himself comfortable.

  Jane let out a huff in her sleep, an annoyed sort of sound. He smiled and wondered if she was aware he was there, and how immature he was being over the issue.

  “I’ll drink when you do, baby,” he said, grinning when she frowned. David leaned on his elbow and watched her inhale deeply, scenting him. “That’s right, Jane. I am here. Rest a while longer. I will be here when you wake.”

  She let out a sigh, so David lay back down and closed his eyes.

  Jason lowered his coffee mug as he watched the snowfall filling the courtyard. His children had asked to stay with Ragnelle for the night, and he was relieved to have his time alone again. It didn’t feel right to be around them. They still asked for Jane, still cried for her, and he could only think that when she returned, she would return only to continue her life with David.

  “Oh, forgive me,” said a female voice behind him.

  Jason turned, immediately recognizing the beautiful woman as the one David attacked the night they arrived.

  “I can come back another time,” she said when he continued to stand there.

  “You don’t have to go,” he said when she turned to leave. “I couldn’t sleep . . . I forget everyone is awake at night here.”

  She smiled, a sweet, innocent smile. “If you are sure it is no trouble. I can come back; I do not mind waiting.”

  “No,” he said quickly. “I don’t mind. I just couldn’t sleep.”

  The woman smiled brightly and held out her hand. “I’m Melody.”

  “Ow.” Jane groaned, not opening her eyes. Everything hurt, especially her leg and head.

  The bed shifted and David spoke as he held her down. “Easy, Jane. I’m right here. You’re safe and you’re going to feel better soon.”

  “I didn’t die,” she said, not sure why she told him that.

  David’s lips pressed against hers. “No, my love. You fought bravely.”

  His kiss distracted her from her pain, but it returned as soon as he pulled away.

  “David, it hurts.”

  “I know, baby.”

  “Is Artemis alive? The others?”

  She felt his hand slide under her neck. “Besides Artemis’ men, there were no other casualties on our side. And Artemis will recover from her injuries.”

  Jane would have nodded, but she couldn’t move. “My head. Something’s wrong.”

  “I know. I’m going to lift you so you can feed from my neck. You will heal faster then.”

  She panicked when he began to lift her. “David, my head! Something’s really wrong!”

  “I know. I promise you will feel better soon.”

  Tears slid over her sore cheeks as he positioned her on his lap. She still couldn’t open her eyes, but she cried from the pain exploding throughout her body. It felt like her skin was being ripped off while some of her bones were separating from muscle.

  David slid his fingers along her jaw. “Focus on me, Jane.”

  “I can’t,” she said, squeezing her eyes shut tighter. Her face felt swollen and too tight, like it was about to split open.

  “You can,” he said, pulling her closer. He kissed her neck, sending a different sensation through her. “Do you feel that?”

  “I do, but please knock me out.”

  He chuckled, and she gasped at feeling his breath on her neck. “I would never hit you. I promise you will feel better once you feed.”

  “I can’t open my eyes! David, my brain is falling out.”

  His lips pressed against her neck again. “Your brain is not falling out. Your skull is fractured, but it’s healing. It just feels strange.”

  “It hurts!”
  “I know.” He slid his lips across her skin. “You know what will feel good, though?”

  “Nothing,” she said, shaking from the agony she was in. Her body was on fire and the bones in her skull felt out of place.

  “Not even our bodies tangled together in these sheets?”

  Jane stopped whining. She stopped breathing as she became aware she was not wearing clothes. “David, I’m naked.”

  He smiled against her neck. “You have panties on. I picked the pair with the black kitten for you.”

  Still not able to open her eyes, she lifted a finger to touch him. “You’re naked.”

  “I have pants on.” He chuckled as he put his mouth by her ear. “Are you going to be my brave girl and open your eyes so you can feed properly?”

  “I’m tired of being brave. I’m not good at it.” She was shaking, stalling. She was afraid to see the damage done to her. She was afraid to see how he’d look at her.

  “You are stronger than this, my love. Open your beautiful eyes for me. I want you to feed so you can heal. There is no reason to be upset with yourself—you fought bravely, and I am very proud of you. We all are.”

  A tear slid over her lips. She could feel the sting and knew her lips were busted. “David, what’s wrong with me?”

  He moved again, and this time she felt his breath on her mouth. “You are injured from the fight.” He gave her the faintest kiss possible. “Nothing is wrong. Now, open your eyes so you can feed from me.”

  She tried, but she quickly closed her eyes when bright light was all she could see. “I can’t see!”

  “It’s just your senses, Jane. Your eyesight is trying to repair. The only light on is the one from the bath suite.”

  “Bath suite?”

  “We made it to the fortress. We are in the chambers reserved for me. It’s very nice. I know you will enjoy learning about everything here, so try again. You can do this.”

  She started to pry her eyes open, and it was harder than she ever imagined. It actually took a great deal of effort just to hold them open. She fought through the swelling and brightness because she needed to see his face.


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