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The Fallen Queen: (Gods & Monsters Book 2) (The Gods & Monsters Trilogy)

Page 50

by Janie Marie

  “I understand,” Thor said. “I will do my best to maintain space and peace between our parties.”

  “Thank you,” Jane said, smiling.

  Thor smiled back, which made David growl.

  “This protective side of you is amusing,” Thor said, chuckling. “It is no wonder the females were swooning at the mention of your name during last night’s feast.”

  “What?” Jane asked. Her tone matched the dark look she knew she was giving him.

  “Fool,” David said, shaking his head. “Go see to your men so I can see to her.”

  Thor bowed, smiling as he left, only to be smacked on the back of the head by Gareth and then Gawain.

  David guided her to a corner of the room before she could see what that was about, crossing her arms like a child as he shook his head at her. “Baby, you know very well I have been sought after by women.”

  “Congratulations,” she said, turning her head to the side, away from the sight of Artemis coming into the room.

  “Jane.” David cupped her cheeks. “Are you seriously upset? You should be flattered, which I think was his intention, but he is a fool and does not know what it means to keep a single woman.”

  She glared at him. “What would I be flattered about? And he was married.”

  He rubbed a hand down his face. “Jane, marriage does not always mean faithful . . . And he meant I have not been protective or territorial over a woman before—all immortals can attest to that.

  “So?” She pursed her lips, looking away from his amused—sexy—face.

  He kept his hands on her face and stepped closer. “So, it is surprising for anyone to see me this way over a woman. He is saying they are likely envious that you have caused me to behave so out of character, and they no doubt understand I am this way because of my incredible love for you.”

  She uncrossed her arms and peeked back at him. “You really didn’t give women attention before me?”

  That gorgeous smile spread over his lips. “No, Jane. Besides my sister and the wives, I barely uttered a few words to any. The maids you have seen usually had the most contact with me. I expressed my orders for them to carry out cleaning or meal duties, dismissed them when they showed too much interest, or I ignored them until they left me alone.” He smoothed her hair back. “Does that please you?”

  “I guess.” She shrugged, smiling when he put his hands on her waist.

  “So adorable, baby.” He tugged her against his body and tilted her face up. She was so short next to him, which he seemed to like for some reason. “The only woman I will ever be this way for is you. And perhaps I will intimidate males when Natalie gets older.”

  She smiled so wide it hurt.

  Gareth’s voice interrupted their little moment. “You can’t hit back.”

  “Why not?” Thor asked as Gareth punched his own hand as if he were preparing to fight.

  Gawain massaged Gareth’s shoulders and glared at Thor. “Because this is our right.”

  Thor shook his head and pointed his hammer in Jane and David’s direction. “She is David’s mate, not yours.”

  “He’s busy,” Gawain said, shaking his head. “And Gareth and I have adopted her as our sister, so this is brotherly right we are exercising.”

  “Morons,” David said, chuckling as he leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Let me go save your brothers before they hurt themselves.”

  Jane grinned as he walked away, telling Gareth to stop embarrassing them.

  “Away, brother,” Gareth said, waving David off. “I shall defend Jane’s honor with my mighty fists.”

  “And who will defend you, you buffoon?” David asked, stopping beside Gawain.

  She smiled, covering her mouth to keep from laughing as Gareth pointed out he expected him—David—to rise to his aid should he perish in battle.

  “They are good companions for you.”

  Jane turned to see Hades standing beside her. She grinned and turned back, noticing David had instantly picked up someone was with her but relaxed when he seemed to trust Hades and turned back to Gareth.

  “I love them,” she said, watching Gareth jab the air as the other knights began shouting out how to improve his technique should he wish to survive.

  “And they you,” Hades said, chuckling as Gareth beat his chest like a gorilla. “You realize they behave as you do, don’t you?”

  She tilted her head and asked, “What do you mean?”

  He pointed to the brothers. “They use humor to distract or improve the mood of those they love.” Hades smiled at her. “You do this, as does Death when he is with you.”

  Her smile faded, and she looked down as she remembered what had happened when she woke up. “Have you seen him?”

  Hades sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder. “The last I saw of my master was in Texas—when he ordered me to find a way to you. He has shut off his link with me. There have been times I have sought guidance, and I feel nothing of our connection.”

  She teared up. “What does that mean?”

  “Only that he wishes to be alone, and he is likely occupied. Like you, I sense his emotions when he does have them. That is only when matters involve you, Jane. You know this, right?”

  She shrugged one shoulder. “I’m not sure he does anymore.”

  “That is not true.”

  Jane lifted her head and rubbed her eyes so she wouldn’t cry. “Is it possible for him to sever his bond with me?” Her chest throbbed so painfully she covered her heart.

  Hades rubbed her back. “It would feel as if you had both been ripped apart. What has happened, young beauty?”

  She shook her head. “It’s nothing. I guess he’s left our bond intact, but I think he knows about David and me.”

  He pulled her into a hug, holding a hand out when David began to come over.

  “She’s fine,” Hades told him before he whispered in her ear, “He was aware you would grow closer to David, Jane. He is not a fool; he knew you would develop feelings for your knight.”

  She cried against his chest. “So he left me completely?”

  “No. I would not make assumptions like that. He is very private; he has no one he cares about but you. Imagine his confusion and frustration when he realized you were foretold to be David’s mate.”

  “I didn’t choose David while he was with me, though. I just don’t understand why he’s abandoned me.”

  Hades caressed her head, still whispering so low the others would not hear, except perhaps David. “He would never abandon you. I do not know his plans, but I know he will return one day. If you are happy, he will be happy for you.” She leaned back, and he smiled, rubbing her tears away. “Do not feel guilt over accepting David. If anything, he may be giving you space because he knew you eventually would.”

  “But I need him.” She covered her mouth and glanced over at David, who was watching her already.

  Hades turned her face to him again. “You need your mate. You are David’s Other, Jane . . . Death understands that. It is time for you to embrace that truth.”

  A violent inferno roared within her. “I know who I am to David.” She stepped back. “But I can’t give Death up. No one can force me to.”

  Hades looked behind her as David’s arms pulled her back against him.

  “Baby, no one will force you. Least of all me.” He hugged her, his body blocking her from view of everyone as she turned to wrap her arms around him. “Would you excuse us, Hades?”

  “Of course. I apologize for upsetting you, Jane. Forget what I said; I am certain he will return.”

  Jane didn’t reply, and she wiped her tears as she listened to Hades walk away and the knights riling up Gareth.

  “Jane, what has happened?” David tilted her face up, and she couldn’t hide her anguish.

  “He was there.” More tears fell, and she tried to apologize, but she couldn’t.

  David watched her breakdown for a moment before finally speaking. “This morning, you mean . . . That�
�s why you were upset?” His jaw clenched, but he tried to breathe out his obvious anger. “Why did you not wake me when he got there?”

  She shook her head. “I didn’t see him, but I know it must have been him. I heard him and felt him. At least I think so. It might have been a dream, but I’m pretty sure he came and saw us asleep like that. I didn’t want him to find out that way.”

  He nodded and hugged her, cradling her head against his chest. “I understand. I am sorry, my love. I know you do not wish to hurt anyone you love. Try not to stress yourself—he seems to understand you more than anyone. I know he could never be angry with you.”

  “I’m sorry, David.” She looked up, smiling until she suddenly saw flames all around her. She began to step back, but they vanished when David gripped her face.

  His eyes were wide, but he relaxed quickly and kissed her forehead. “It’s okay. I’m not angry either. I love you, and I accept Death in your life. When he returns, you do not have to fear pushing him away. I will not ask you to let him go. Okay?”

  Jane nodded, breathing easier as she stared into his worried eyes. “Thank you.”

  A tight smile formed on his lips as he constantly shifted his gaze, studying her eyes. “You’re welcome.”

  “Is there something wrong with my face? Is my eye puffy?” She reached up to touch under her eye.

  “No.” He shook his head and kissed her forehead again. “You look beautiful.”

  “I look like Quasimodo.” She smiled when he glared at her. “Okay, Quasimodo’s sister.”

  “Jane,” he said, frowning more. “You look like my Jane.”

  She pushed up on her tippy-toes and puckered her lips. “Kiss me.”

  He chuckled but placed a kiss on her lips. “Shall we go save your brothers now?”

  They glanced over in time to see Thor hand his hammer to Gawain, who dropped it.

  “I only dropped it because I am not your servant,” Gawain said, crossing his arms. “Not because it was too heavy. My baby sister tosses that hammer around, you know. Like a baby’s rattle.”

  David grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the crowd. “Do not embarrass us, Gareth.”

  “Worry not, brother. I shall triumph,” Gareth said, winking at her.

  “Gareth, please stop,” she said, laughing as he shook his head.

  “I would be unworthy to call myself your brother, darling. I must fight him.”

  Jane looked at Thor. He was actually so much bigger than Gareth, maybe even David.

  He laughed at her worried look. “Fear not for your fellow knight, Jane. I will allow this without losing my temper to prove to you and David I mean well.”

  Gareth gasped. “I am her brother!”

  “Them is fighting words, bro,” said Gawain.

  David covered his face. “I don’t know them.”

  Jane laughed as Gareth dramatically put up his hands, reminding her of those old-style boxing photos.

  “Put your dukes up,” Gareth said, moving his fists in circular motions.

  Thor laughed but mimicked Gareth, causing the crowd to cheer.

  David pulled her in front of him, hugging her around her neck and chest. “Gareth, I am beating your ass if he lands a hit on you.”

  “Don’t distract me—I have him right where I want him.” Gareth did several weird moves with his legs, making the knights roar with laughter.

  Her cheeks were hurting and Thor’s face was growing red from trying not to laugh.

  Just as Gareth threw a proper punch, Thor reached out and caught it.


  Everyone looked over as Odin walked into the circle. He looked between his son and Gareth, and then over at her and David. Arthur walked in behind him, but he only shook his head.

  “Father, we were just entertaining the troops before we depart,” Thor said, dropping Gareth’s fist.

  Gareth shook his hand out but did a ‘I’ve got my eyes on you’ gesture to Thor before walking away.

  “You are making a damned fool of yourself! Gather your gear and men so we can depart.” Odin walked past her and David, not glancing at either of them.

  Jane looked down, sighing. She was not going to get on Odin’s good side, and she didn’t blame him.

  “Let’s get your hair fixed for your mask, Jane,” David said, motioning for her to go in the direction Gareth and Gawain had gone.

  She nodded, smiling softly when he smacked her butt and told her to hurry.

  “I have short legs,” she said, chuckling and then yelping when he lifted her, tossing her over his shoulder. “David!”

  “You said your legs were short. I am helping.”

  “Look, brother,” Gawain said, chuckling. “Jane has turned our David into her alpha mate, at last.”

  Jane covered her face, laughing. “Y’all are idiots.”

  “She said y’all.” Gareth laughed but hissed almost immediately. “Fucking hell, I think he broke my hand.”

  David smacked her butt once before lifting her off. However, he didn’t put her on her feet. He held her—arm’s length away—snickering. “Do you want me to see if they have a baby carrier, my love? I can perhaps carry you so your short legs don’t get tired. I need them strong enough to wrap around me.”

  “Damn, David,” Gareth said, pulling one of his fingers straight while it made a cracking noise. “I told you not to break her. Tell me if he breaks you, darling. I will avenge you.”

  She smiled at him but glared at David. “You’re not supposed to make fun of me for being short.”

  He brought her closer, putting his forearms under her ass so her legs dangled. She shoved on his shoulders so he couldn’t get a kiss.

  “Atta a girl, Jane,” Gareth said, yelping. “Punish him and his tallness.”

  David chuckled and pulled her to him, kissing her pout. “Are you angry with me, my love?”

  “I’m not angry with you, my David,” Gawain said, picking up a pack and his sword. “You know I can never be angry with you, baby.”

  Jane smiled and kissed David again.

  “He is rather dreamy,” Gareth added, making her laugh against David’s lips.

  “Right!” Gawain said, sheathing his sword. “I think it’s his eyes or perhaps his—what did you call it, brother?”

  “A panty-dropping smile,” Gareth said, lowering a mug of blood.

  “Yes, thank you!” Gawain pulled a black mask over his head but pushed it up so it looked like a beanie. “A panty-dropping smile. Although, I do not wish to imagine our sister’s undergarments flying across the room. Let us prepare for departure.”

  Jane hugged David as he laughed and told them to knock it off.

  “Well, now all I can see in my head is Jane’s pants flying at the speed of sound. You have seen the way she looks at him,” Gareth said, yelping when David seemed to punch him.

  She smiled because David still wouldn’t put her down. He was seriously holding her like a child with one arm under her butt as he grabbed things from the table. Jane could only grin and look around the room. She knew they were being overly silly to cheer her up, and she loved all of them for it.

  Her smile faltered when she caught sight of Artemis. The goddess looked better; she looked prepared for their mission, but Jane recognized the longing look Artemis wore, and she knew it was David, maybe even the knights, that Artemis longed for.

  David turned her, blocking sight of Artemis as he held up two elastic hair ties. “I am sorry that I keep forgetting to tell you to arrange it so it fits well under your mask.”

  She took them as he lowered her so she could stand. “Thank you.” She immediately parted her hair to put it in low pigtails on each side. “Should I braid it or is this fine?”

  David was just staring at her, not blinking.

  Gareth snorted and punched Gawain’s shoulder. “Look, she did it to him. She broke him.”

  David shook his head. “What did you say, baby?’

Gawain and Gareth howled with laughter.

  She could only smile as she finished doing her hair. “Nothing, David. I think you answered my question.”

  Gareth pointed to her. “Jane, if you braid it, I believe you would look like a Native American Princess.”

  Gawain clapped his hands together. “Prince David and Princess Jane. I do hope we are invited to the wedding.”

  For a moment, David stared at her again. “Baby, are you Native American?”

  “Bless him—he’s imagining it.” Gareth slapped David on his shoulder as Gawain tossed him a pack.

  She blushed. “I don’t really know, actually. My aunt never told me what she and Mom were. And all I know is my dad’s last name, which is my maiden name: Mortaime.”

  David’s eyes widened as did Gareth’s and Gawain’s.

  “What?” she asked. “I know he was French, but I don’t know if he’s full or what, and I don’t know what my mom was.”

  “Baby, do you know what those two words translate to in French?”

  She frowned. “No. I never thought about it being two words.”

  “Mort and aime, Jane,” Gareth said, shaking his head. “Mort translates to death while aime translates to loves. I’m not sure if you know Jane means: ‘God is gracious’ or ‘gift from God’. So, your name means: Gift from God loves Death.”

  Jane was pretty sure she was freezing to death. It didn’t help she was on her belly, exposing her more vulnerable body parts to the frozen ground below her. She was regretting every bad thought she had ever had about the hot summers back home.

  “Fucking ass,” she blurted out, shivering so hard she almost rolled onto her side. She ignored the snickers around her and closed her eyes. The harsh wind on the edge of a mountainside was torture. Well, their mission had been torture, and they’d only been traveling so far.

  They hadn’t had to fight or kill anything yet. Still, it had been three days of icy winds, snow, and being lifted or tossed up cliffs. She’d even been dropped by accident when Thor was meant to catch her and his glove slipped off. David had been furious—nearly fighting Thor, and after that incident, he’d been glued to her side. He was grumpy with everyone but her, growling every time one of the hundred men with them would get closer than he seemed to deem necessary. While Jane found his alpha-male side sexy, and the knights found him amusing, she was worried. He was even sleeping on top of her. At first she thought he was joking, or just helping with the cold, but she realized he was ensuring she was safe while he slept.


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