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The Fallen Queen: (Gods & Monsters Book 2) (The Gods & Monsters Trilogy)

Page 67

by Janie Marie

  Death sighed, nuzzling her head. “When I spoke to him, he said to let you know you shouldn’t worry about the children. He’s tired, but he’s comfortable in this role.”

  “You mean as their new father?” She stared at David’s handsome face.

  “Jason is still their father,” Death said. “David is your boyfriend, though, Jane. It is expected he will be a part of their life. Jason gave his blessing before I took him.”

  She stared at David’s lips. They had pressed against her skin, every part of her. Never again.

  “Baby girl, please reconsider your decision. David understands why you did what you did.”

  Jane looked back at Death. “He always understands. That is one of the wonderful things about him. Still, I’m a threat to him—to all of them.” She touched Death’s lips, sliding her fingers along them. “I offered myself to you. I was hurt by you. I may not feel everything yet, but I know what I did was wrong. He will always forgive me, and I don’t think that is fair. He needs this push, just as I needed yours.”

  Death lifted his gaze to meet hers. “You have not forgiven me?”

  That little light flickered inside where the sad girl sat. She was crying but not speaking to Jane. “A part of me will always forgive you, Death. But you betrayed me. You shattered a piece of me with your confession about leaving me to go to your realm. I know I should’ve waited to find out what there was between you and me before beginning my relationship with David, but you were the one who prevented that. Your absence hurt me in so many ways, but you still abandoned me. You fucked a woman to distract yourself from me when I needed you. That, I cannot forgive. I even held back on telling David I loved him because it felt wrong to say it without talking to you first. So, instead of him hearing the words when I realized them, he heard them before I left with you. I honestly don’t know how much he can truly take.”

  He kissed her fingers. “David will take as much as he needs to, angel, and I know what I did was cruel. I will not forgive myself for it, which is also why I would not accept your offer. I don’t deserve you after hurting you so much.”

  She withdrew her hand, looking back at David and her kids. “This is how we are the same. You hurt me, and I hurt him. At least this way, David can go on. So can my kids. I can’t be their mother anymore—I will hurt them, maybe even kill them, but David will take care of them. Or he’ll at least find them a proper caregiver. She wants to hurt them so badly, Death.”

  “I know, angel. You’re not alone, though. David and I can help you. You can still be a part of their lives.”

  “Did you think about that before leaving me?”

  He sighed, resting his forehead against her head. “I can’t explain my choices.”

  She smiled sadly. “Of course. That is always the case, isn’t it?”

  Before he could respond, David opened his eyes, and they instantly locked with hers. She didn’t react other than watching the variety of emotions flicker across his face: relief, sadness, anger, fear…

  “Hello, David,” Death said, obviously lifting his sound barrier. “I couldn’t keep her in my realm without inflicting further damage on her soul and mind, so I persuaded her into returning.”

  She spoke as David opened his mouth. “You did not persuade me. You are forcing me to be here.”

  David frowned, shifting his gaze between her and Death. “Baby, I’m glad you’re home. We’ve missed you.”

  Jane felt that fire light inside her heart, and she exhaled, hoping she could keep it from spreading. “This is your home, David. Not mine. I didn’t want to come here, but he won’t take me anywhere else. He knows I intend to leave, but he’s still bringing me here in hopes I’ll stay.”

  “Jane,” David said, again looking at Death before focusing back on her. “Baby, this is your home. I know it’s not filled with the best memories, but this is still your home. I swear, when the war is over, if you would like to go somewhere else, we can.”

  “I can’t ask you to do that. And I wouldn’t expect you to abandon your loved ones for me,” she said, glaring at Death as her demon woke with a smile.

  “Death, what the fuck have you done to her?” David carefully removed himself from her kids before getting off the bed.

  “My realm was the only place I could go to neutralize the threat she was willing to unleash—I told you this. However, after the exchange I had with her, and my departure to reap Jason’s soul, she began to experience death. Her demon was still close to the surface, which did not help matters. She will be fine in a day or so. And she’s angry with me, not you.”

  David didn’t approach them yet. “Baby, you know I am not mad at you, right?”

  “He is such a sweet boy,” her demon whispered, circling the sad girl. “He tastes even sweeter.”

  Jane was quiet for a moment, just staring at David’s perfect face as her demon and the sad girl within glared at one another.

  “She knows,” Death said, nudging her with his head. “Are you still listening?”

  “Yes.” Jane focused on David. “I know you’re not angry with me, but you should be.”

  David nodded, ruffling his hair. “I understand why you went with him. It’s okay. I should have prepared you for seeing Jason, but I didn’t know what to expect either. And I know what happened between you and Death after you left—he told me. I’m upset, but I won’t walk away from you. We can work through this.”

  “I told you,” she said, glancing at Death.

  “Told him what?” David asked, looking between them.

  Death answered for her. “She knows you will forgive her. She does not wish to be forgiven. She wants both of us to leave her.”

  David walked closer. “Baby, I know you’re hurting, and I know we had only just begun to resolve our own issues, but that’s no reason for you to punish yourself or whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. I’m not happy about what he told me; the bruising under his eye proves that. Still, I won’t walk away from you or us.”

  Jane glanced at Death’s healing black eye, but she didn’t react to his smile. He’d told her David hit him—several times—but she wasn’t comforted by this.

  “I don’t want you to forgive me, David,” she said, watching her demon grin.

  “It’s not up to you, my love,” David said. “And I haven’t forgiven you yet, so you can worry about that when we get there.”

  Jane’s heart started to pound as she turned to Death. “If you still insist on leaving me here, you should go. I want you to remember what I said, though. I want you to promise not to come for me until it’s my time. And when it is, you let me go. No more keeping me here. You know I no longer belong in this world.”

  Death stayed quiet. He simply held her stare as she felt the sad girl stand and reach for him. She was screaming, but no noise left her lips.

  “You’re not going back to his realm, Jane,” David said.

  She didn’t look away from Death. The sad girl was sobbing as the demon held her upright, forcing her to watch Death.

  “She does not mean my realm,” Death said quietly. “She wants me to let her die the next time she is fatally injured.”

  “Jane, look at me,” David said, his desperate tone drawing her attention. “You’re grieving. You made an impulsive decision based on your emotions and the situation. You had the best intentions—everyone knows that. Death did what he thought was necessary to keep you and everyone you love safe. I’m not happy about what happened while you were with him, but I know you love me.” He smiled, and the sad girl reached for him, too. “I know we can work through this. If the darker side of you is hurting you, we can figure out how to help you.”

  Jane winced as her demon snarled, yanking the sad girl.

  David watched her, his eyes shifting between hers. “That’s what this is about? She’s scaring you into leaving us?”

  “Death, put me down,” Jane said, not looking away from David.

  “Sweet Jane, please listen to him. I know you
’re furious with me, but he has done nothing wrong. At least listen to him. He can give you more time.”

  “Put me the fuck down.” She turned her head, glaring but raising her hand to his face when the sad girl fought to reach him.

  Death nuzzled her hand. “Baby girl, please don’t do this.”

  Her eyes watered as she stared into his green eyes. She didn’t want to be angry at him. She didn’t want to feel the agony his confession and betrayal had inflicted on her heart. She didn’t want him to leave, but that smiling demon forcing the sad girl onto her knees gave her no choice. “I have to. I’m slipping, and I won’t take any of you where I’m going. Not anymore.”

  He kissed her hand, inhaling deeply before he lowered her to her feet. “I will follow you.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t. I won’t be able to bear it if any more of you are hurt.”

  “You forget, babe.” He grabbed the sides of her face and quickly kissed her on the lips. “I’m Death.” She smiled sadly as he kissed her once more. “I will come for you when you call. It’s almost over.”

  She covered his hands, sobbing suddenly. “I’m sorry for what I did. I’m sorry for what I said.” She gasped, watching as her demon wrestled the sad girl to the ground. “I love you.”

  Death pressed his lips to her forehead. “And I love you. I’ll go so you don’t have to push me away, but I won’t be far, and I won’t give up on you. I know you’re still fighting, just remember nothing you do will ever cause you to lose me. Everything I do is for your happiness. Now, be brave, my beautiful girl, and I will see you in the end.” He paused, taking a stressed breath. He kissed her forehead again but spoke to David. “I wish I could explain, David. Please don’t be too hard on her. She’s trying. She’s doing what she thinks she needs to, and neither of us can stop her.”

  “Jane,” David said.

  Her demon snarled, and Jane finally saw how much she truly hated David.

  “Baby, please talk to us. You know you’re not alone.”

  “I know,” she whispered, clutching Death’s hands. “That’s why. That’s always why.”

  “You’re stronger than her,” David said.

  Jane felt actual pain in her heart as her demon dug her fingers in the sad girl’s chest. She whimpered, falling a little until Death supported her. “Death,” she whispered, not sure she’d be able to tell him to leave. She touched his face again, needing to remember him as her tears made it harder to see clearly. Her demon covered the sad girl’s eyes and those tingles weakened. “Good night, Death.”

  An emerald inferno roared inside his eyes when he looked at her. “Good night”—he took her hand and kissed her wrist—“my moon.”

  Jane sobbed, staring at the now empty space beside her, and lowered her arm.

  “Baby.” David grabbed her shaking hand. “Please let me help you.”

  She stared at his hand. That heat was there, spreading up her arm. Her demon hissed, covering the sad girl’s mouth as she dragged her toward the darkness. “Did you bury Jason?”

  “Yes. I didn’t know when you would return.” He caressed her cheek. “We can still hold a private memorial for him, just us.”

  Jane slowly looked up at him. “Where is Melody?” she asked the question her demon whispered to her as she smiled, stroking the sad girl’s hair.

  David dropped his hand. “Sweetheart, that’s not important right now.”

  Her demon shook her head. “He’s hiding something.”

  “What are you hiding?” she asked, causing her demon to smile.

  “Jane, I’m not hiding anything. I just want you to focus on what’s important—being here with us. Grieving properly.”

  “My husband’s murderer isn’t important?”

  “I didn’t say that.” He sighed, glancing back at the bed.

  “Then where is she?”

  David tried to step closer, but she shoved him away.

  He looked defeated as he finally answered. “Baby, we banished her. I couldn’t let you seek revenge. It will only hurt you more.”

  Her demon kissed the sad girl’s head. “He let her go. He chose another woman over us. Again. Just like Death.”

  “You let her go?” Jane asked, her blood humming with electricity. “You kept her safe?”

  “I don’t care about her safety, baby,” David said slowly. “It’s not that simple, though.”

  “Explain.” She glared at him, trying hard not to rise to the taunts of her demon as the sad girl fought weakly to free herself.

  “I don’t want to upset you, my love.”

  “It’s a little late for that!” She glared at him as her demon giggled.

  “I know.” He sighed. “Please try to understand I have to think about more than you and justice for Jason. You are my priority, but there are other factors to consider.”

  “Like the fact, she’s one of your fangirls?”

  “What?” He shook his head. “No! She means nothing to me, but her father is an important ally in this war. I told you before, her father is Zeus. His army is traveling to Valhalla to join us. It would complicate our alliance if we sentenced his daughter to death.”

  Jane wasn’t expecting that answer, but it didn’t matter. “You let her live because you want her daddy’s army?”

  “I banished her to stay with her father until after the war, so we can hold a trial or whatever you want afterward. It should still be fair, though.”

  “Fair? Is it fair that I had to lose my husband because some witch had the hots for you? Is it fair my children will never see their father again?”

  “Lower your voice.” He glared at her. “You know that’s not what I am getting at. Stop trying to fight with me—I made a decision with your best interest in mind. If you had stayed, I would have had your input, but you left. Baby, please try to understand. It’s not my intention to sound cruel, and I’m not throwing it in your face that you left—but you did. I had Nathan and Natalie crying for you and Jason while Arthur was asking me what my request was before he made his decision. He let me know Zeus was made aware of the situation and awaiting our answer on her sentence. I made what I thought was the best decision.”

  “It’s all his fault,” her demon whispered. “He chose an ally over you.”

  Jane looked at her demon. Those dark eyes were gleaming with excitement, ready to watch her fall just like the sad girl hidden in the dark. Jane watched as the sad girl was able to pull the demon’s hand off her eyes and mouth. “Save him. I can’t fight her anymore. Save them.”

  “I offered myself to Death,” Jane blurted out, as the sad girl smiled sadly before the demon covered her eyes and mouth again.

  “I know you did,” David said, searching her eyes when she felt her demon lash out for him, only for the sad girl to hold on to her.

  Her tears were cold as they slid down her cheeks. “I took my clothes off. I tried to undress him with my powers so he would want me more. I was jealous when he told me he’d fucked other women on his bed. I wanted to be them!”

  David was silent.

  Her throat ached, but she continued; she had to. “I begged him to fuck me and to keep me with him, to not bring me back to you. I didn’t want to come back to you. It’s your fault. It’s your fault he’s dead. It’s your fault she killed him. He’s gone now! They’re both gone and it’s your fault!” Her demon laughed, and Jane felt a wicked smile tease her lips, so she rushed out more hateful words to make him leave. “And you let that bitch go. I’m sure there was more to your wish to keep her alive than some stupid alliance. Did you have one last fuck with her, or did I come back too soon? Death mentioned your whores, and I know you said you weren’t a virgin—so did you finally have a go with her since I was gone? Did she please you? I know I didn’t the other day. I’ve never been good enough for any of you. You’re just like them!”

  David quickly grabbed her face, kissing her hard. She punched him, but he held on to her as he whispered, “Baby, I know what you’re doing
. Don’t be afraid of her. I see her.”

  She sobbed, punching his chest to no avail. “I hate you!”

  He hugged her, cradling her head against his chest as he carried her to the hall. “Shh . . . Please stay with me.”

  “Let him stay,” her demon said, caressing the sad girl’s bleeding chest. “I’ll eat his heart so he’s always with us.”

  You only get me, Jane thought to her demon, wrapping her arms around David’s waist, kissing his chest as she cried. “Keep them safe.” She looked up, frozen for a moment under his loving gaze. Home.

  David wiped her tears. “Please stay. Fight her, Jane.”

  Her demon hissed, clawing at the sad girl’s heart.

  Jane sobbed, touching his lips. “Please, my love,” she said, moving her hand to his cheek as his eyes widened. “I need you to do this. I’m not strong enough. Not anymore.”

  “Baby, you are.” He gripped her hair, shaking his head. “Don’t stop fighting.”

  The sad girl grabbed the demon’s arm, holding it away from her heart as she whispered, “Save him.”

  Her eyes watered as she stepped away from him. “I need to be alone. Send no one or I’ll hurt them. I will kill anyone who comes, David. Don’t make me do that. Keep them safe.” She tried to show him with her eyes: let me go.

  “No, Jane.” He reached for her, but she held out her hand.

  “Please.” Her hand shook as she fought her demon from hurting him. “You’re the only one I trust to keep them safe. I can’t hurt you anymore.”

  David lowered his hand as he glanced back at the door to his room. “I won’t fail you, baby. I will keep them safe, and we will wait for you.” He looked back at her. “I love you. Be brave, my love.”

  With one last look into his eyes, she turned, entering and locking herself in her room. It wasn’t far enough, so she entered her bathroom, shutting herself inside and collapsing on the floor. Jane cried as she tried to help the sad girl contain their beast just a little longer. They had to get away from everyone.


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