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Destined for Darkness

Page 2

by Cassie Pierce

  “This is going to be a loooooong night.” I say out loud as I head for the door.

  Ali and I almost run into each other as we exit our rooms. She gives me a quick twirl. “You like?” she ask.

  I scan her appearance, not that I need to. I already know that she has the whole punk rock princess thing down, and as usual she doesn’t disappoint. Her short black hair is styled in her signature punk pixie cut, but tonight she adds some red highlights to give it an edge. She keeps her make-up light, not that she needs any. Ali has a natural beauty that I have never seen on anyone else. Her skin stays sun kissed year around, even though she rarely goes outside. Her outfit makes mine look tame as always. She looks kick ass in a red corset top and a black leather mini skirt. She completes her outfit with a pair of black, knee high, leather boots that I would probably sell my first born to own. I have serious shoe envy at the moment.

  “You look great,” I say. “You are like Buffy meets Vogue.” She laughs and it lights her whole face.

  “You too. Very sexy. We are definitely going to score some man candy tonight,” she replies. I do not miss the mischievous glint in her eye.

  “Ali, you know my track record with men. Let’s just have fun together ok.” She scans my face and her smile drops. She can see that I am not ready to brave the dating waters again.

  “Yeah. Ok, Rid. Just promise me that if a hot guy asks you out, you will at least consider it.” She is completely serious now. I have not been out on a date since my one and only serious boyfriend broke my heart because I refused to have sex with him. That was almost two years ago. It’s funny how it takes such a short time to fall in love but a long time to fall out of it. I will not go there again. Nope, love is seriously not on my to-do list. She seems to read my thoughts, “not every guy is Logan, remember that,” she says with a soft voice.

  I let out a long sigh, refusing to let him ruin any more of my nights. I kind of want to be ill at her for even bringing it up, but I can’t be. She is just telling me the truth. It’s not her fault that I don’t want to hear it.

  “Sure. So, you gonna tell me where we’re going?” I ask, hoping to change the subject.

  “Nope,” she says, as she turns for the door.

  I get the impression that wherever we are headed I am not going to like it. I know from our years of friendship that she is up to something. I grab her by the arm, refusing to let her leave without answering the question.

  “Ali! Answer me, or the only place I am going tonight is bed.”

  She turns to face me, and I can tell from the look on her face that she is nervous about giving me details.

  “Fine, mother. If you must know, I’ll tell you. It’s a new bar called The Drink. Before you even ask… No. We are not old enough to get in.”

  I should have known that her idea of breaking in the town also meant breaking a few laws. It always has. I should refuse, or at least tell her that this is a bad idea, but I don’t. Instead I say nothing. I want to have one night where I can just have fun. For once, I want to be wild and carefree. Besides, it will be better than sleeping. Sleep means nightmares, and those suck. So I ignore the voice in my head screaming at me that this isn’t going to turn out well and follow her to the door.

  ~Chapter 2~

  The Drink

  It is only a ten minute walk to the bar so we decide to leave the car at home. We both know we are going to be too drunk to drive anyway. We walk down the strip of University Boulevard taking in our new reality. The campus is magnificent and buzzing with activity. We laugh at the numerous cat calls we receive as we pass the frat houses. I have to pull Ali along more than once to keep her from chatting with hot guys. We walk until the people finally get scarce, and the atmosphere goes from exciting to plain scary. The bar is on an isolated road, far from the familiar comfort of the campus.

  “Umm… Ali. Are you sure that this bar is even open. This part of town is deserted.”

  “Less cops that way Rid. Come on!” she says as she takes my hand and practically drags me down the street.

  I really, really hope that we don’t need the cops tonight. We were on a first name basis with them back home, and I do not want to be here. It is doubtful that the cops here will be as tolerant to our ways as good old sheriff Jack. I quicken my pace so that I can keep up with her. I swear, to be tiny that girl sure can move. My feet are screaming in protest, and I am starting to regret my shoe choice. The street may be deserted, but when the bar finally comes into view it is anything but empty. The line to get in is stretched at least two blocks.

  “You were saying?” she jokes. I don’t justify her jab with an answer because we both know that she is right.

  As we get closer to The Drink I start to get a strange feeling. It is like being bathed in sunlight then having ice water poured over you. It screams danger. I have always been able to sense a threat, and for some reason I feel extremely threatened by this little bar. I freeze. My feet refuse to move any closer to the offensive bar. Ali turns around and given me a strange look.

  “What?” she ask, noticing my change in demeanor. I began to shake but not from the cold.

  “We- we should go somewhere else Ali. This place, it- just- doesn’t- feel right.”

  She huffs loudly and continues walking. “Not the sixth sense shit again Ridley! I am going with or without you. You are being ridiculous!”

  I squeeze my fist by my side and will the fear to the back of my mind. She is right. I am being silly. It is a crowded bar. How dangerous can it be? I mentally reprimand myself for being so uptight and call out to her.

  “Wait. I’m coming!”

  The feeling of dread only gets stronger as we finally make it to the door. We pull out our fake ID’s that we have been carrying since senior year in high school and give them to the bouncer. He’s in his mid-twenties and man is he easy on the eyes. Hot or not though, there is just something off about him. Hell, there is something off about this whole place. It gives me the creeps. I swallow the lump of fear in my throat as he steps aside to allow us to pass. I have never wanted to leave a place so much in my life. I almost turn around and run out of this place screaming, but I can’t leave Ali. She is hell bent on staying, and once she makes up her mind, that is it. She is one stubborn girl. So I follow her despite every fiber of my being telling me to do the exact opposite.

  Ali opens the door and the music hits my ears like a sledge hammer. A rock song is blaring about love and pain and I roll my eyes. Of course Ali loves this place, it has all her favorite things under one roof. It screams rock and roll, sex, and alcohol. It is so dark in here that I am having a hard time seeing my own feet. Ali points to the back of the building, and after squinting my eyes, I see that she is pointing to the bar area. Since talking seems pointless with all the noise, I nod and motion for her to lead the way. We push our way through the crowded dance floor, getting bumped and jostled with every step. I am so going to have a few bruises tomorrow. My backside gets grabbed at least twice before we make it to the other side. I throw myself down on the nearest bar stool, glad to have made it through all those sweaty bodies alive. I am just about to open my mouth to order a coke, my standard bar drink since I don’t really like alcohol, when a deep, familiar voice startles me.


  “That’s it. I am officially in hell,” I think as I mentally prepare myself for the owner of that voice.

  Logan Cain. My ex.

  What in the hell is he doing here? I can tell by the look of shock on his face that he didn’t know it was me. I close my eyes and silently count to three in my mind before speaking.

  One…Two… Three…. “Nope, still pissed.”

  “Logan,” I say sharply and without looking at him.

  He runs his hands through his messy brown hair and throws his arm around my shoulder. I have a very strong urge to break that arm. I resist; barely. I cannot believe that I ever found him sexy. He makes me sick. He reeks of liquor, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to
figure out that he is well beyond hammered.

  “Awwww! Come on babe! What’s it been? Two- two years? Are you still pissed? Let me buy you a drink!” he slurs.

  Ali jumps to my rescue. “You! DO- NOT- TOUCH- HER. The only damn thing you need to buy is a cab ride home.”

  He finally takes his arm off of me, throwing his hands up in mock surrender. I know him well enough to see the anger that he is keeping carefully caged. “Fine. You are too much of a tease for me anyway. Tell me Ridley, did you ever loosen your chastity belt?” he ask with a laugh as he walks off and straight over to some blond bimbo. Jerk made sure to raise his voice, so now everyone in the club is staring at me. Perfect…..just perfect.

  I want to hit him, or cry, or hit him. Decisions…decisions.

  I can’t believe that I let him get to me after all this time. My virginity status is none of his business, not anymore. I refuse to let him ruin my night, so I choose to do what every heartbroken teenager does instead. Get drunk. I turn my attention to the bartender. “Tequila straight please.”

  Ali nods her approval. “Hell Yeah! That’s my girl.”

  I grab my shot and toss it back before sliding my glass back for a refill. My lungs are burning, and for once I don’t fight it. I should slow down, but I am not going to. I need this.

  Ali laughs. “So, it’s gonna be that kind of a night huh?”

  We drink until the room starts to spin. I start to think that maybe I am wrong about this place. It feels good to just push everything away for once, to just be free. I guess that’s the thing about alcohol. You don’t always make wise decisions.

  The dance floor is covered with couples that may as well have be having sex right there in front of everyone. This kind of behavior normally makes me blush from head to toe, but not tonight. Tonight it makes me envious, wishing that I had someone that I was so lost in that the people around me didn’t matter. The smell of smoke and sweat fill the air almost chocking me. I may be drunk, but cigarette smoke is just nasty. The strobe lights bounce off the walls, painting everyone in shades of neon. The mixtures of blues, greens, oranges, and pinks twinkle off of every surface. I can’t explain it, but all of my senses seem to be heightened tonight. It is like some dormant part of me finally decided to wake up. I have never felt more alive. Even the ever present ache in my chest has eased, making me feel lighter. In a sense I feel free. I guess I could blame it on the alcohol, but deep down I know that it is more than that. Whatever I am feeling is the way that I was born to feel. My body is warm and tingly, more effects of too much alcohol. I am going to pay for this tomorrow, but tonight I am going to enjoy it.

  I look over at Ali and shout a little louder than necessary, “Let’s dance.” We work our way into the sea of bodies and I let the buzz take me.



  I can smell the sex and sweat pouring out of the shady small town club from two blocks away. I am trying really hard to not be agitated at the council for sending me to this place. I am an officer damnit. I worked my way past jobs like this one years ago.

  I force myself to concentrate on taking slow, measured steps now that there are people around. Humans. How do they survive moving so slowly? I can tell by the black aura surrounding the little bar that this is no normal club. It is an evil hot spot. Why the council feels the need for me to eliminate my mark here, of all places, is beyond me. I tried to protest about using my powers in front of so many rouge beings, but they were adamant about what the sight had shown them. It has to be here. So here I am, walking straight into the lion’s den. I may be powerful, but even I am not sure if I can fight my way out of this one.

  “What could be so special about this werewolf that the council would be willing to risk exposure?” I wonder as I approach the door. My power is humming under my skin, itching for a release. I may not understand why being here tonight is so important, but if my magic is any indicator I am going to have fun finding out.

  I suppress a groan as I walk into the bar. ACDC is roaring from every corner of the small room. I have to physically stop myself from covering my sensitive ears. Humans! Do they really need to play their music so loud?

  “Nolo audire silentium quod.”

  Never have I been more thankful for my magic than I am now. The small silencing spell taking with it everything but that which I desire to hear. I quickly scan the area for my brother, Tyler, and laugh when I find him on the dance floor getting down with some Goth chick. He always does go for the weird ones.

  Okay. Enough fun time. I have a mission to complete and I want to get it over with. It isn’t hard to spot the massive werewolf amongst the humans. He is even uglier than his picture. I can’t stop the small laugh that escapes as I watch him. He will be a quick kill, the big ones always are. He is standing at the edge of the dance floor with a murderous gleam in his eye. I follow his line of sight, and when my eyes land on the object of his obsession I literally forget to breathe. In all my years I have never seen a more beautiful woman, and I have lived a lot of years.

  My eyes rake over the tall, curvy, brunette goddess committing every feature to memory. Her long, sexy legs and tight ass are complimented nicely by a barely there mini skirt. Her body could rival that of any Grecian goddess. As exquisite as her body might be, it pales in comparison to her face. She is flawless. I stand transfixed as I watch her laugh and dance. Something in my heart tingles when she smiles, and though it isn’t actually visible, I can almost see the pale blue light surrounding her. She is no ordinary woman. She is Lamont.

  I am jerked back to the present when I notice the wolf move in my peripheral vision. He stalks toward the beautiful girl, his eyes revealing his true intent. He wants her body, her blood. He is going to kill her, and for some reason I just can’t let that happen. I should not care, after all, I don’t even know her. It is my job to turn away, but I just can’t do it. I could never live with myself if I let something so pure, so beautiful, be destroyed by evil. I have never strayed from a mission before. I have never wanted to, but tonight is different. For the first time in my life I want to be something more than the good soldier that always follows orders. When he places his hand on her hip, anger clouds all sense of reason. I don’t want him to touch her. I don’t want anyone to touch her. Except for me.

  “Mine.” I growl.

  The word is out before I even have the chance to process what I am saying, but as soon as it leaves my lips I know that it is the truth. She is mine and mission be damned, I will help her. I don’t have to think about it, there is nothing to decide. Choosing her is as easy as choosing life. I am certain that I have never seen her before. I could never forget a face so beautiful. She has stolen my heart with a single smile. I may not know a thing about this girl, but it doesn’t matter. I want her. I need her. I will protect her at all cost. I exhale a slow breath and focus on the wolf who I now hate for just looking at her. The rage building beneath my skin, dangerous and deadly in its fury, can no longer be contained. I am going to kill him.

  Well, shit. Tonight just got interesting.



  My head feels foggy and my body light as I wiggle and sway to the beat of the music. I look over at Ali and giggle because she is doing some seriously hot grinding with a guy that looks like he belongs on the sexiest man alive list. It amazes me how quickly and easily that girl can pick up men. I on the other hand am not so lucky. I have no problem attracting them, just keeping them. All my dates end in the same way; with them running. The Big V club is not a popular one, especially when you are the only member left your age. Not that I have much of a problem lately, since I don’t date anymore. It just isn’t something that ever goes well for me. Who knows, maybe I have a sign on my back that says: ‘WARNING WILL NOT PUT OUT’. It’s not that I am anti-sex, I guess I am just picky when it comes to men. It never seems to matter how great the guy is, to me they are never good enough. Somehow, they are all missing something. Then there is the little problem of
my aching heart and reoccurring dreams. Weird, I know, but that’s me. I continue to dance, wondering if I will ever find a man that can love me for who I am; crazy tendencies and all.

  It isn’t until strong, rough hands slide down my hips that I even register that someone is behind me. Well, maybe Ali’s eye candy has a hot twin. I turn around to peek at the mystery man with wondering hands, and when I see his face I stop dancing. My built in danger meter spikes to an all-time high, as the color drains from my face. He looks like evil reincarnated. He towers over me by a solid foot. He is sporting bleach blond hair that looks greasy enough to fry something on and his skin is so pale that it almost looks translucent. It is his eyes that disturb me though. They are black and empty. If death could be bottled and sold as a color, his eyes are it.

  “Heeeyyy,” I slur when I finally gain the sense to speak. “No touching the goods!”

  I look around for Ali desperately needing some back-up, but she is nowhere in sight. Weird. I could have sworn that she was just right beside me. Oh well. I guess I will just have to handle this one on my own. The massive man behind me tightens his grip on my hips, leaving a bruise no doubt. He lets out a deep laugh that chills my blood. His laugh is like a dark promise that I don’t understand. I panic as an unfamiliar heat starts to build in my fingertips.

  “LET- ME- GO- NOW!” I yell.

  He pulls me to his body, his nasty breath washing across my cheek.

  “No!” he replies. “Someone as sexy as you are would not be here unless she wanted some action.”


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