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Destined for Darkness

Page 9

by Cassie Pierce

  “I might have to kill some college boys today,” he says playfully. “You look amazing. I quite enjoyed the show. Just remember love, teasing can work both ways.”

  I love the way he looks at me. The way he touches me. Being teased by Tristan would be an experience worth waiting for. The dark need in his eyes makes me want to lock the door and never leave this room. We so need to go, because if we stay here two more seconds I am never going to keep these clothes on.

  “My thoughts exactly,” he says while pulling my earlobe into his mouth. I shiver and pull away. “Let’s go Ridley, before I change my mind.”

  Ali is already gone when we exit the bedroom. “I can’t believe that she didn’t wake me up!” Tristan places his hand in the small of my back as we approach the front door.

  “She tried, but you were dead to the world. She swore a lot, but since the door was locked she gave up. I think she thought that you skipped out on her early.”

  That makes more sense to me than her just leaving so I let it go. I grab his hand stopping him mid-step. “Well, that explains why she didn’t wake me, but why didn’t you?” He pulls me into his arms. “You look so beautiful in your sleep. I just couldn’t make myself do it.” Well, what can I say to that?

  “So, where will you be when I’m in orientation?”

  He laughs. “In orientation too, silly. That is if you and Ali don’t mind Tyler and I joining you.”

  I didn’t mind at all, and I know that Ali won’t either. I stop dead in my tracks as we exit the front door, in awe of the beautiful car sitting in the driveway. He leans in so close that I feel his breath on my ear. “Thought the Harley might be a little too rough on your outfit, so I had Tyler drop off my car.

  “I don’t remember seeing this car at your house the other night.” I scan my memory, but I know that this car was not in his garage. I would never forget a car like this. A yellow Lamborghini, a freaking convertible! This is my dream car.

  “I know,” he says with a smile. “You didn’t see it the other night because it’s new. I like to make your dreams come true Ridley. I feel bad that you are going to have to leave your car behind tomorrow. I saw how much it means to you and I know this one will never replace it, but I want you to have it.” I stood there speechless. Most guys got their girlfriends, if that is even what I am to him, flowers or candy. Not Tristan. Nope, he got me my dream car. I look into his eyes, waiting for him to say ha ha just kidding it’s really my car, but I see only truth.

  “Tristan,” I say as tears of happiness pool in my eyes. “Thank you! I love it, but you didn’t have to do this! It’s too much! It’s too expensive.”

  He presses a kiss behind my ear. “Nothing will ever be too much for you Ridley. Now come on, you are going to be late.”

  I follow him to the yellow beauty, and gasp when I see the interior of the car. It is all black leather and chrome. That perfect new car smell is mixed with Tristan’s delicious scent. If sex had a smell, this is it. It is like smelling my own personal heaven. The tires squeal and I am tossed back in my seat. We pulled out of the driveway in silence toward my first and last day of college.

  We pull up outside of the admissions building at exactly eight o’clock. We park the yellow beauty in the first spot that we can find and rush toward the auditorium. The room is packed as we step inside. I search in vain for Ali, but it is no use. She is lost in the crowd. Tristan and I find a seat in the back and sit down as a small, gray-haired woman begins to speak. I should focus on her words, but my mind is lost on this sexy bundle of perfection beside me. I give his hand a gentle squeeze as the woman rattles on about campus rules, organizations, and classes. There was a time when I would have been hooked on her every word, but not anymore. I no longer care about college since it is a dream that can no longer exist for me. “For now,” I remind myself as I stare blankly ahead.

  The next three hours go by quickly. I am so lost in my own mind that I don’t even realize that orientation is over until everyone starts to file out of the room. With less people to block my view I find Ali easily. She is just starting to stand, looking every inch of her flawless self today in a black tank and red mini skirt. It isn’t what she is wearing that grabs my attention though; it is who she is talking to. He towers over her tiny frame, a wall of tan skin and muscles. His hair is a golden brown with light honey undertones. There is no mistaking his eyes though. They are the color of Tristan’s. The blue isn’t quite as brilliant, but it is just as breathtaking. I turn to Tristan who is now standing behind me. “Tyler I’m guessing?”

  He urges me toward them with a nod. “Yeah. That’s him,” he says with a grin.

  Ali grins from ear to ear as she catches sight of us. “Hey! The dead awakens! I beat on your door for an hour this morning. I finally gave up and left you to your coma. Are you ok Rid? You don’t usually sleep in?”

  Leave it to Ali to notice that something is off about me. I can fool the whole world, but my best friend always has a way of knowing exactly what I am thinking. No matter what I tell her, she is going to see right through it. She once told me that I am an open book. She said that I wear my heart on my sleeve. I hate lying to her. It hate it, but I do it anyway.

  “Sorry Ali. I was just really beat, that’s all.” She scans my face, her eyes telling me that she knows I am hiding something.

  “It’s cool,” she shrugs. “Tyler here was more than happy to take your seat.”

  Tyler grins and bows low at the waist. “I live to serve, mam.”

  We head out of the auditorium together. It is fun getting to know Tyler. Seeing him and Ali together is entertaining to say the least. They give merit to the phrase opposites attract. The rest of the afternoon is perfect. We have lunch together at Jake’s, the local college hangout. After that we make our way to the house for a game of cards. Tristan wins, of course, with his ability to see everyone’s hand in his head. Cheater. He is really going to have to teach me that trick. The day is almost perfect. It would have been if I didn’t know what was about to happen.

  I excuse myself to call mom, needing to let her hear my voice one last time. We talk for thirty minutes, her asking me question after question about college. We say our I love you’s and I wipe the tears from my eyes as I hang up the phone. I have just said goodbye to my mom for the last time. I make my way back into the living room, guilt heavy on my heart for what I am about to do. Tristan wraps his arms around me and whispers, “It will be ok, my love.” I tighten my grip on him before saying, “Let’s just get it over with.” We make our way back to the table where Tyler and Ali sit laughing. I put on my best fake smile before turning to my friend.

  “Ali. Tristan and I are going to rent a movie. Anything you want to see?” I ask knowing that I won’t be returning with a movie anyway. She turns her attention from Tyler.

  “Nah! Hey. Tyler and I will go with you guys.”

  Uhhh! How can I make her stay here without sounding mean? This plan only works if she believes it. It is Tyler that comes to the rescue.

  “Why don’t we keep the couch warm until they get back?” he says as he gently presses a kiss to her lips. All thoughts about keeping us company are gone. She leans into his kiss and mumbles, “Take your time.” I laugh. I watch my friend, trying desperately to commit her face to memory, filing her laugh away so that I will never forget it. She is my rock, my confidant, and I love her like a sister. I am seconds away from spilling my guts and telling her everything. Then she smiles again and I can’t. I can’t imagine a world where that smile doesn’t exist. Telling her the truth puts her in danger. I have to do this; for her. I want to hug her and smell her peach shampoo that I always teased her about one more time. Instead I grab Tristan’s hand and walk away without a word. The heaven’s open up as we step outside, rain pouring from above, masking my tears. It is as if the angels can feel my pain and are crying with me. I shiver as the icy drops soak my skin. Tristan pulls me to him, tucking a strand of hair away from my face.

y, please don’t cry. Ali knows. She knows that you love her, and Tyler will stay around to make sure she is ok.” I nod, unable to find the strength to speak as Tristan leads me to the car. Tyler drove my Lamborghini home earlier, and exchanged it for the black charger. Tristan helps me inside and quickly makes his way to the driver’s seat. He starts the engine and pulls onto the street. Destination?

  My death.

  ~Chapter 7~

  The Crash

  I stare out of the window into the rainy night sky as we drive toward our destination. Tristan has chosen a deserted patch of road, only a few miles from my house to carry out our plan. We speed down the highway only minutes from the accident that will end my life in the eyes of the world. Silent tears stream down my face for my mom and Ali. I pray that they will be able to move on from this. Tristan’s hand finds my knee, giving it a soft squeeze. I risk a glance into his mesmerizing eyes. Pain and sorrow stare back at me. I reach for our connection, wanting to talk to him but knowing my voice will never cooperate through the tears. I focus on those eyes, sending him my message.

  “Hey. I’m alright. Are we close?”

  He tightens his grip on my knee. “Yes. Remember the plan, okay Ridley. We will be there in two minutes.”

  The plan! Ha! How can I forget the plan that is going to erase my existence? The plan that I hate. That plan! Yeah, I’m not likely to forget the plan. I return my gaze to the window and start to count backwards from one hundred and twenty in my mind. I never thought that I would be able to count how many seconds I had left of my life.

  As I reach twenty, I unbuckle my seat belt and slide into Tristan’s lap. I wrap my arms around his waist, burying my head into his shoulder, and shut my eyes. His familiar scent is the only comfort I have at the moment. Hell, it is probably the only comfort I will ever have again. “Relax Ridley,” I tell myself. “You can do this. You have to.”

  The car accelerates as I reach five in my mind. “Four….” He lets go of the wheel and pulls me tight to his hard body. “Three…” I hear the whoosh of wind as he opens the door. “Two…” The cold rain bites my sensitive skin as it pours inside. “One….”

  “Now,” he says, as we are ripped from the seat. My stomach doesn’t get the memo and nausea washes over me. I cling to him for dear life as I prepare to face plant the ground. The sound of bending metal echoes in the background. A deafening boom cuts through the still night, making my ears ring. At the last second Tristan rotates us so that his body is angled with the asphalt. My head slams to the side as Tristan’s back connects with the pavement, taking the brunt of the fall. Talk about whiplash. I do a mental inventory of my body, but surprisingly nothings hurts. “Yeah, because he protected you,” my mind screams. Before I really have time to process the last thirty seconds, we are moving again. The street and buildings are a blur as we run at a speed that puts nascar to shame. We crouch behind an old building, using its overhang to shelter us from the rain.. We are close enough to the carnage from our plan to observe, but far enough away to remain undetected. Tristan gently sits me on my feet with a grimace. “Uhhh.”

  Panic floods me at the sound. He is hurt. My beautiful, indestructible man is hurt because of me. I quickly scan his body as the smell of his blood fills my nose. Normally the smell of his sweet blood would be irresistible to me, but not now. Not like this. I reach up, wrapping my hands in his hair. I gasp when my fingers come back covered with the sticky wetness of his blood. It’s- It’s everywhere. I walk around him to get a better look and almost faint. His back looks like raw hamburger. His perfect skin is hanging in shreds. Bits of muscle are exposed. Small pebbles and dirt are imbedded throughout the area, and there is blood. So much blood! “Oh Tristan…..”

  “Hey,” he says while wiping a tear from my cheek. “Super human healing powers... remember.”

  While his words are brave he cannot hide his agony from me. Even Superman would think this shit hurts. “Tristan. You don’t have to act like it doesn’t hurt. I already know that you’re a ……” I was going to say badass, but my words are cut short by what I see. Hello super human healing powers. The skin on his back begins to fuse together, spitting out the pebbles like pellets. At first it is lumpy and scarred, but after a minute it returns to its perfect texture. The blood is the only evidence that he was ever injured. He flashes me a cocky grin.

  “I will never get use to that,” I joke while tracing the new skin with my fingertips. I still don’t get it? I am Lamont now. If I can heal like him, why did he take the impact for both of us? His frustrated sigh pulls me back to reality.

  “Ridley, do you think I would ever let you get hurt? It doesn’t matter how fast you heal. You would still be in pain. I never want to cause you pain if I can help it. I would gladly suffer anything if it kept you safe. ”

  My heart warms to a new level at his words. I pull his lips to mine, letting the love I feel for him in this moment melt into our kiss. It is now, in this dark alley, in the pouring rain, that I give my whole heart to Tristan. I just pray that he doesn’t break it.

  “Never,” he whispers as he kisses me again.

  The sound of the sirens in the distance bring me back to the present. I reluctantly step out of his embrace.

  “Time for part two,” he says. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

  With that he is gone, leaving me alone to process my thoughts. I am glad he doesn’t need my help for part two of our plan, because there is no way I would be able to stomach it. I stare at the burning pile of metal that was once Tristan’s car. “Heaven forgive us.” I send up the silent prayer as he reaches the inferno. I don’t really know what to expect, but it certainly isn’t what I see. With a simple wave of his hand and a few whispered words in a language that I don’t understand; everything stops. I stare in amazement as a bird halts in mid-flight. There is no sound, unless you count the loud whoosh of my own breath. Tristan has somehow altered time. Life is frozen, like someone hit the pause button. Tristan told me that we use all types of magic, but I had no idea that anything like this was possible. “No freaking way. Now this is batman on steroids badass,” I think to myself in awe.

  There is a slight ripple in the air as Tyler suddenly materializes beside his brother. I almost vomit when my eyes focus on the two large duffle bags that he is carrying. I avert my eyes from the crash, not wanting to see what comes next. Hell, just thinking about it makes me sick. Part two of our plan is the part where Tristan will place two of his evil marks, similar to us in build, in our place. The plan is that the bodies will be charred so badly that the police will never be able to tell a difference. Tyler’s job was to track and hunt them this morning. Tears fall as I glance back at the wreckage. The rational part of my brain knows that they are already dead, but I still feel extreme guilt over placing them in the burning car. I understand that they are evil and sentenced to die anyway, but it still makes me nauseous to think about it. I guess to me a life is still a life, even if it isn’t a very good one. They deserve a proper burial with friends and family. I don’t care what they have done. They don’t deserve this. No one deserves this. A little over thirty seconds has passed since Tristan left me in the alley, but it feels like forever. The sound of the sirens blaring to life again is what finally breaks me. Part two of the plan is complete. I don’t feel free though. Nope, I just feel sick. I barely reach the edge of the alley before my lunch makes a dramatic reappearance. Of course, Tristan picks that moment to flash back to my side.

  “Ridley? Are you alright?” he ask as he helps me stand.

  I glance at my recycled lunch and gag. After taking a few steps away from the disgusting site I answer. “Yeah. I’m good. Look. The police are almost here.”

  “You don’t have to watch anymore. Let’s go home,” he begs.

  “Home? What home?” I owe it to whoever we placed in that car to finish this. I jerk my hand from his and yell, “No! I need to see! I just, I just- need -to see okay!” Tears are now falling freely, mixing with the rain. He mu
st recognize the desperation in my voice because he pulls me closer and nods.

  I watch in horror as the first police car arrives at the scene. A young officer, no older than thirty, runs so close to the burning ball of metal that I fear for his safety.

  His scream pierces the night. “Oh my God! They are still inside! Where is the fire truck? Where is the damn fire truck?”

  He sinks to his knees, tears falling from his face, helpless to do anything but watch the car burn. The fire engine is on the scene three minutes later, but I already know that there will be nothing left for them to find. They battle the flames for an hour as I watch from the shadows. The news crews arrive, giving the world a front row seat to the horrific scene. My body is numb, as they put out the last flame. I hide my face in Tristan’s chest as the EMT’s rush to the car and assess the charred remains. It is hopeless, but they still try to save them. I feel sick again as they load the scorched bodies onto the stretchers. Thanks to my new and improved sensitive nose, I am able to smell their burnt flesh. I am just getting ready to tell Tristan to take me away from this awful place when I hear the scream that will forever haunt my soul.

  “No! No! Please no.” I cry as I put a face with the gut wrenching sound.

  Why is she here? She isn’t supposed to see this. What have I done?

  “Ridley. I don’t know why she’s here. I’m going to kill Tyler! He was supposed to keep her away!” he says angrily. His hands reach for me, but I push them away. I watch, horrified, as Ali falls to her knees in front of the wreckage.

  “Is it her? Tell me damnit! Is it? Riiidddllleeeyyy,” she screams over and over again as a policeman tries to console her.


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