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Destined for Darkness

Page 11

by Cassie Pierce

  “You know how I am with my cars Ridley? Well, Tyler likes his planes. He actually flew fighter jets in World War II. He made a great soldier, since he was un-killable. Well, at least by un-magical means.”

  “So what does kill us?” I ask as I recline in my seat.

  “Well, let’s see. Light and dark magic pulses can kill us if they are strong enough. Other than that there is only two ways. Decapitation or burning.”

  “So if I avoid axes and lighters I should be good?” I joke.

  “Something like that. Now rest. We have a long drive.” I am not about to argue with a nap. Ever. I close my eyes, and settle back in my seat. Apparently, Tyler houses his jet at a private airport in Tennessee. What a week it has been. I have moved, been attacked, almost died, found out I wasn’t human, drank blood, faked my death, feel in love, and lost my virginity. I focus on the soft hum of the engine, silently hoping that the hard part of my new life is behind me. Little do I know, the hard part is yet to come.

  ~Chapter 8~

  The Council

  His eyes are watching me as I sleep, but something isn’t right. It’s the color. They are the wrong color. His eyes are not the breath taking blue that I often lose myself in. They are stunning, but they definitely do not belong to Tristan. The beautiful orbs that watch me so intimately are a light chocolate. It is like the sun itself is trapped behind the brown, making them appear like swirling pools of melted caramel. They are eyes that I would recognize anywhere. They have been starring in my dreams every night for years after all. It’s all to easy to be frozen by their beauty. I am so lost in their rare splendor that it stuns me when he speaks.

  “You will be mine,” he says. “You were always meant to be mine.”

  I can’t help but think that he has a strong voice; a voice full of authority and charm. I search my surroundings, but it is too dark to see. I am no longer in the car. I can’t be sure, but I appear to be standing in a cell of some kind.

  “Something is wrong. I shouldn’t be here.”

  The flames engulf me, causing me to cry out in pain. I try to run, but the bars burn my skin. I am trapped. I begin to panic. How did I get here? Is this a dream? The pain feels real. Where is Tristan?

  His evil laugh echoes around the small room. It sends a shiver down my spine. I instantly feel cold, despite the heat that is coursing through my body. I scream as the fire burns me; the pain is too much. I fall to the ground, swatting at the invisible fire.” Go away. Go away. Stop.” I rock back and forth in agony. I pray for the pain to end, but relief does not find me. “Tristan. Help me, please.”

  “He’s not coming Ridley,” the evil voice says. “You belong to me now. You always have. Soon we will be together.”

  I let out a pained scream, unable to suppress my fear as the owner of those dark honey colored eyes advances on me. His hand reaches out for me, but never makes contact with my skin. The pain is pulled from me, as a feeling of cool water and sunshine covers my once burning body.

  “Ridley! Ridley, baby. You have to wake up. It’s just a dream my love. Wake up.”

  That voice. I know that voice. He is trying to be calm, but I can hear the undercurrent of fear in his tone.

  “Tristan. Help.” I bolt upright, coming back to reality. It was a nightmare. It was just a dream. I press my face into my hands, and am surprised by my tears. Have I been crying in my sleep? The dream; it felt so real. It was almost like I was living a scene of my life that had yet to occur. Has my usual nightmare changed? They were always the same before, but this time everything is different. Everything except for him. My eyes finally focus on Tristan’s perfect face, and the worry that I see there scares me. If it was just a dream, why does he look like he has just seen a ghost?



  Uhhh! Another dreamscape. This one was so much worse than the last. I stared in amazement as her body started to shimmer with a glittery red light. This time the darkness wasn’t around her; it was pouring from inside her. Not good. That can only mean that she shares a connection with whoever is inside her head. But how?

  How can she be connected to darkness and still be Lamont? It goes against our nature. She wouldn’t have survived the incineration if her soul wasn’t pure. How can this be? “Think Tristan. What was different during her transformation? There has got to be something.”

  Of course. Why didn’t I see it before? It was blood. My blood brought her through her transformation. It is the only possible explanation.

  I tried to wake her, but she was pulled under his spell. I was helpless as she suffered. I felt her fear, her pain, and it was killing me.

  “Ridley! Ridley, baby, you have to wake up! It’s just a dream,” I lie. I cup her face in my hands, and pour my light into her. It helps to chase away the darkness. I smile as the red haze turns into a soft blue glow. She is coming back to me. I can’t keep the worry from my eyes as she sits up. There is only one darkling powerful enough to form a bind with her through her dreams, but it can’t be. I feel sick to my stomach as I finally piece together who the mysterious darkling is.

  Derek Knight. The dark prince.



  Tristan quickly composes his features as I am yanked across the console into his arms. He wipes the tears from my face with his thumbs.

  “I know,” he says. “You are safe. I will always come for you Ridley.” His voice sounds honest, but also uneasy. Something tells me that he knows more than he is willing to share. I almost accuse him of hiding something, but then think better of it.

  “I know. It was just a nightmare. I have them sometimes. Where are we?” I ask when I notice that we are no longer moving.

  “We are at a private airstrip where Tyler keeps his jet. Somewhere south of Franklin I think. We arrived about ten minutes ago.”

  I scan the now dark scenery and gasp in amazement when the large, white jet comes into view. A man dressed in uniform stands by the plane’s entrance. He appears to be in his forties. His hair has that salt and pepper look that reminds me of my dad. He is tall with kind eyes.

  “Who’s that?” I ask Tristan as he opens my car door.

  “That is our pilot, Edward. He is one of the pilots for the Shield.”

  “You mean the all talented Tristan Hart can’t fly a plane?” I ask jokingly.

  He smiles that sexy smile of his. “Well, I could, but then who will keep you company in the cabin?”

  “Good point,” I say as we make our way to the plane.

  I have never been on a plane before, but I know that most planes aren’t this extravagant. The cabin looks like a luxury hotel suite. The walls of the plane house black leather couches on both sides. There is a mini bar, and even what appears to be a card table. The rear of the plane comes complete with a full bedroom and bathroom.

  “Wow! Tyler sure knows how to travel in style.” I say as I sink into the soft leather. Tristan sits in the seat beside me, taking my hand.

  “He always was the high maintenance one,” he jokes.

  The pilot’s voice comes over the intercom announcing our takeoff. I snuggle into Tristan’s side.

  “What is the council like?” I ask as the plane leaves the ground.

  “They are the epitome of power. The council consists of five members, all gifted with unique talents. Marcus, the head of council, was the first Lamont turned by your parents. He was a close friend of your fathers. He has the gift of foresight. He can see and predict the future, but his gift is limited. He can only see glimpses and cannot control when they come, unless he is in direct contact with your skin. His second in command is Victoria. She is his mate. She is also your aunt. Her talent is elemental control. She can manifest and manipulate any element. William sits to her right. His gift is extremely rare. He has the gift of truth. He can see if someone is truthful by touching their hand. He will probably ask to use his gift on you. Don’t be afraid if he does. It is their way. Gabriela is his mate. She also holds a seat on the
council. She isn’t the most pleasant, but she will not harm you. Her gift is the gift of emotional manipulation. She can create any emotion in anyone with a single thought. She is usually present to help with punishment. She is also the one who is responsible for bringing one’s gift to the surface. Since all gifts are usually emotionally based, she can extract them. The process is different for us all, but it usually does not hurt. The final seat belongs to Samuel. Him I don’t really trust. He can be cruel so avoid him as much as you can.”

  “What is his gift?” I ask.

  He grimaces. The look on his face tells me that he is reliving an unpleasant memory. “Fear. He can recognize and recreate anyone’s fears. He can make you believe that you are living your greatest fear with a single touch. He administers all punishments for the council.”

  Samuel definitely sounds like someone I do not want to meet.

  “I thought the Lamont are good? Why do they allow such cruelty on the council?”

  Tristan runs his hands through his hair. Something I’ve realized he does when he is nervous. “Even the divine have laws Ridley, and when a law is broken there are always consequences.”

  I shift in my seat, suddenly worried for the man I love. He broke the laws of our kind to save me. My eyes find his as I turn to face him.

  “But you broke the rules. When you gave me your blood, you broke the law. Will they punish you?” I ask terrified at the thought of him suffering because of me.

  He cups my cheek in his hand, and places a soft kiss to my lips. “They should, but I think under the circumstances they won’t. You are royalty Ridley. The only hope for our race. I think they will overlook my actions. I don’t care though. I would do it again. No punishment they can give me would be worse than losing you.”

  God I love this man. I know that he means what he says. I believe that he would suffer any pain for me. I just don’t want him to. I want him to be safe. I care about him more than I care about myself.

  “If they punish you, they punish us both Tristan.”

  He pulls me in for a kiss, his lips soft and sweet on mine.

  “No. I told you my love. I will never let any harm come to you. If they punish me, just let them. Promise me that you won’t interfere.”

  There is no way in hell that I am making that promise. I love him, and I will not stand by while they hurt him.

  “I can’t promise you that and you know it.”

  I press my lips to his again, needing to feel his sweet touch. We stay lost in each other the rest of the flight. Each kiss a promise of love, protection, and comfort.

  We touch down in England hours later. The sun is just starting to peek over the clouds. The orangey yellow orb lighting the heavens around us.

  “It’s so beautiful.”

  “It is insignificant compared to you,” Tristan whispers in a velvety voice. I turn to him with a smile. He gently takes my hand and helps me up. We exit the plane, and I giggle when I see our ride. My car, the yellow beauty Tristan bought for me, sits alone in the lot.

  “I had it flown over.” Tristan explains as we walk.

  He grins as he holds the door open for me. When he is seated I ask, “So, we go to the council now?” His smile turns devious. He is up to something. I’ve seen that look a million times from Ali. Tears sting my eyes at the thought of her name. I push them back. “Don’t think of Ali.”

  “We will arrive there tomorrow. Tonight I thought I would take you on a proper date. That is if you want to go?”

  “That sounds perfect. I have always wanted to see England. Where will we go?”

  “Well, I thought we would start by getting you some new clothes, and then get a hotel for the night. We can drive to the council headquarters in the morning.”

  I had almost forgotten about needing clothes, but I never turn down a shopping trip.

  “Sure, but Tristan I don’t have any money. I don’t want you to spend all your money on me.”

  He laughs as he squeezes my hand, interlocking his fingers with mine. “Just how many clothes are you planning on buying?” he jokes. At the sight of my frown he tries again. “Ridley. I want to buy you some clothes. After all that you have given up for me, it is the least I can do. Besides you would have to buy a lot of clothes to spend all of my money.”

  Sadness finds me again as I reflect on all of the shopping trips that I went on with my mom and Ali. I want to cry again, but I push the sadness aside.

  “Thanks.” I whisper as we drive away.

  I gaze in awe as I take in the scenery. London is a beautiful city. It is the perfect mixture of old world architecture and modern design. Tristan takes me over the Tower Bridge, which is as magnificent in person as I have always imagined it to be. We see the Buckingham Palace, and Big Ben. The city is breathtaking. Half the day has passed before we even start to shop. Several hours later we head back to the car with several bags in hand. My new wardrobe is every girls dream, but I secretly feel guilty. Here I am out shopping while mom and Ali are planning my funeral. What kind of person does that make me? Tristan must hear my thoughts because he gently grabs my arm, stopping us. “The kind of person who loved them enough to let them go Ridley.” A single tear falls down my face as he pulls me to him. His strong arms wrap around my body, encircling me in warmth.

  “Come my love. Let’s get you to the hotel. You must be tired by now.”

  We check into the gorgeous hotel at around five in the afternoon. I am exhausted; the all too familiar weakness making my legs feel heavy. I slide the key card into the door as I assess the lovely room. It has an old world charm. Crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, antique chairs sit in each corner. The large, four post bed is an antique white with a stunning red velvet comforter.

  “Wow! This is wonderful!” I say as I approach the bed.

  Tristan smiles and sits beside me. “Just wait until you see the bath.”

  I jump up and sprint toward the bathroom. Oh! A girl could get use to this. It is amazing. The floor is black and white tile. The walls are white with black accents, but the tub makes the room. It is an antique, four legged, black bath with gold trim. Tristan wraps his arms around me from behind.

  “Want me to run you a bath?”

  He is too good to be true. A bath sounds perfect. “Yes, but Tristan, I can do it myself you know.”

  “I know, but I want to do it for you.

  I am instructed to leave the room so that he can get everything ready for me. I want to argue about being spoiled, but I am too tired. Instead I find the bed and close my eyes. I am just about asleep when I hear my name. “Ridley. It’s ready!” I force my weary body up and into the bathroom. What I see leaves me speechless. Rose petals line the floor, creating a path to the tub. Candles light the room in a soft glow, giving the room a romantic vibe. The tub is filled, bubbles floating in the water. It is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. I look over at Tristan, my heart swelling with love.

  “You are amazing,” I say as I launch myself into his arms. He rewards me with a kiss, and something in me breaks. My barriers crash, freeing my heart. I have never been in love before, but I know with absolute certainty that I will never love another man. I deepen the kiss, pushing him into the wall.

  “I love you”, I whisper between kisses. “So damn much.”

  “And I love you. Now, if you want a bath you better get in, because if you keep kissing me like this, well, I’m afraid you won’t get to bathe.”

  I run my fingers down his chest and slowly lift his shirt over his head. I trail soft kisses down his neck and along his jaw. I slowly undo his pants, and push them to the floor.

  “About that bath, I am thinking that tub is probably big enough for two.”

  “I think you might be right,” he whispers as he sucks my bottom lip into his mouth. His skilled hands work their way down my body, undressing me as they go. When we are both naked, I allow myself a good look at his body. He is so sexy. It’s almost like he was sculpted for perfection. He gr
abs my hand, leading me to the tub. He sits down and pulls me between his legs; my back resting on his chest. My fangs are already starting to break through my gums. I can feel every inch of his skin on mine. It’s addictive. I turn to face him. The pounding pulse in his neck is calling to me.

  “Drink baby. I can practically feel how hungry you are.”

  You don’t have to ask me twice. I move my mouth to his neck, moaning as his blood quenches my thirst. His teeth sink into me a moment later. The added sensation of his mouth on me drives me insane with need. I pull harder on his blood; the sweet liquid restoring my soul. The rest of our bath is spent making love, over and over again until the warm water turns to ice. Tristan carries me to the bed. Best bath ever… He pulls me close to his side as sleep claims us.

  The sun dancing across the room in tiny rainbows of light wakes me from the most peaceful sleep. I stretch and turn to face my love, frowning when I find the bed empty. I wrap the silk sheet snuggly to my body, and scan the room. I am alone. I’m about to start worrying when the suite door opens, and the delicious scent of coffee and vanilla enter the room. Tristan walks gracefully to the bedside table, sitting down two steaming hot lattes.

  “I thought you might like some coffee,” he explains as he sits beside me on the bed.

  “Thanks. I love coffee, and I will probably need the caffeine to survive today.” I joke.

  I bring the hot liquid to my lips and sigh as I taste its liquid perfection. After finishing my coffee, I change into one of my new outfits. Since I’m not sure what today will hold, I decide to keep it casual. The white silk wrap shirt and black pants a safe choice. Once dressed, I turn to look at Tristan, smiling as I scan his body. He is dressed in his usual black T-shirt and faded jeans. I wonder if he has some secret be calm spell, because my nerves are really starting to get to me. I know that the council won’t hurt me, but I am afraid all the same.

  “Tristan? What if the council decides that I am not who they think I am? Will they be angry with me?”

  He pulls me into his strong embrace. “Ridley, you are the founder’s daughter, but even if you weren’t, no harm will come to you. I swear it. However, there is something you need to know before we go.”


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