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Destined for Darkness

Page 13

by Cassie Pierce

  I frown at his words. What if I hurt him? I don’t want to experiment with my powers on him, but it’s not like I have a lot of choice. I focus on his light, pulling it deeper into me. I imagine it as a ball in my hands, twirling it in my mind until it feels heavy. I push with my mind, forcing it away from my body. I watch helplessly as the ball of energy slams into Tristan’s chest, sending him flying into the wall. He falls to the floor in a crumbled heap. I wait a few seconds, but he doesn’t move. I panic. I run to his side and pull him into my arms. Something is wrong. He isn’t breathing.

  “Oh! My god! What did I do? Tristan, Tristan baby. Wake up.” I take his face in my hands, shaking him. My tears fall, landing on his cheeks. “Tristan! Please baby, wake up!” I shout in panic, but he doesn’t move. He trusted me, and look what I did. I killed him. Please. Please don’t be dead. I can’t lose you. I just can’t…. I close my eyes, focusing on my own light. I will it to go to him, to heal him. I open my eyes and watch in amazement as a soft white glow surrounds his still body. He lifts from the floor, floating in the white haze. His eyes snap open as he drags in a deep breath. It is absolutely the most delightful sound I have ever heard. He is alive. I healed him. How is that possible? Tristan told me that we can only heal each other with blood, not magic. Oh, who cares? He’s alive. I jump to my feet and wrap myself around him, white haze and all.

  “You’re here. You’re not dead!” I cry as he pulls me closer. His eyes fix on mine, the blue now sparkling with flecks of silver.

  “Well… not anymore. I’m here. It’s ok. How- How did you do that? I have never witnessed a power as strong as yours Ridley. Lamont are not supposed to be able to kill each other with energy. Your energy was so bright that it stopped my heart with a single strike. It was amazing. Just remind me to never piss you off.”

  My expression turns angry. “There is nothing amazing about killing you Tristan! Maybe the council is right. Maybe I am evil.”

  “No. If you were evil you would not possess the magic to heal. Ridley, you brought me back form death with a single thought. That has never been done. Never! The council cannot kill you. Hell, no one can. You are more powerful than us all.”

  I step back, allowing space between us. “I never meant to hurt you. I am so sorry!”

  “It is alright my love. I didn’t know that your energy would be that strong. You brought me back. That’s all that matters.” He closes the space between us, and gives me a soft kiss. I pull back from his touch, afraid that I might accidently harm him.

  “Tristan, you can’t be with me. I am too dangerous. Just let the council kill me. It is best for everyone. If what they say is true, I could kill innocent’s and side with evil. Just leave. You deserve better.”

  His normally calm demeanor shifts and his jaw muscle tenses. “Don’t you do that! Don’t push me away. Not now, not ever Ridley.” He is yelling now. It surprises me. Tristan never yells. I step back, slightly frightened by the anger in his voice. “Don’t you ever think like that. I love you Ridley. I love you more than life. There will never be anyone better. You are not evil, and you never will be. I won’t leave you, my sweet kohtalo, so never say that again. You are my life. My destiny. As long as I am breathing, that will never change.”

  His anger melts away with each word until suddenly I am in his arms. His hungry lips part mine with a need that a sends heat signal straight to my most intimate places. His tongue tasting and teasing me in all the right ways. He presses me to the wall, his hands roaming my body. He pulls back, biting his own lip, causing it to bleed. He places his lips to mine again, tugging and biting my bottom lip as well, breaking the soft skin. He resumes the kiss, the taste of our mixed blood on my tongue. I moan as he slowly pulls away, needing him more than ever but knowing that this is not the time or place.

  “You are mine.” He whispers in a husky voice.

  “I am yours, always yours.” I whisper back as he pulls me in for a hug. The door creaking open pulls us out of our moment. A small woman who I have never seen before enters the room. She is as beautiful as she is unique. She is around five foot tall with shiny red hair that hangs in straight stands to her chin. Her skin is pale and flawless, complimenting her jade eyes.

  “My name is Emily. The master has reached a decision. You are needed in the chamber.” Her voice is soft, almost carrying a song-like quality. “Come.”

  I hesitate, fixing my feet firmly to the floor. I am not ready to hear my fate. Tristan threads his fingers through mine, offering silent reassurance. “Ridley, I promise no one will hurt you, but we must go.” I nod as he all but drags me toward the door. We are about to step out of the room when Emily suddenly grabs my wrist, bringing us to a stop. Her hand is cold, like she has been playing in snow. She fixes me with her jade eyes. Her pupils expand and turn from a perfect jade to pale yellow.

  “We cannot fight what is meant to be. We cannot change who we are. The prophecy has come to pass. You are the one. I sense your power. They all do. You will bring forth great things but beware, greatness cannot be achieved without sacrifice.”

  She releases my wrist and steps back, her eyes flashing back to their original color. I gasp, sure that I am seeing things. I send Tristan a confused look. “What the hell was that?” I ask him using our connection. He increases his grip on my hand as his voice filled my mind. “Emily is a seer. She can see the future and the prophecies associated with it. It is her gift.” His face looks tight, like he is waging a mental battle and losing. I think back on her words. Greatness cannot be achieved without sacrifice. Am I the sacrifice?



  The prophecy has come to pass….

  Emily’s warning keeps rolling through my mind as we walk. Surely she doesn’t mean the prophecy. Of Course. Why didn’t I see it before? It’s about her. It’s always been about her. I remember reading and reciting the prophecy when I became Lamont. It is the prophecy that tells of the final battle between good and evil. It is the prophecy for the possible destruction of all living things. I still remember it clearly….

  A child will be born, equal parts darkness and light.

  The savior to many, born by the blood of knight.

  Her mother’s debt will be hers to pay.

  A sacrifice is the only way.

  In love with one; her soul’s twin.

  Promised to another when it all began.

  A war is coming. She is the key.

  Her choice will decide what the outcome will be.

  Do what’s right and follow her heart.

  Die for love, or surrender to the dark.



  A chill settles on my skin as we enter the chamber and five sets of eyes lock on us. This is it, the moment that will determine my destiny. I want to turn around and run away screaming. I want to go back to my quite little life, free of anything supernatural. There is no going back though, of that I am certain. A person can run from their problems but in the end it only delays the inevitable. Cowards run. I am not a coward. I force my nerves down, concentrating on being brave. I give Tristan’s hand a firm squeeze as we stop in the middle of the room. I will my voice not to break as I speak.

  “Before you rule I would like to say something.” Marcus nods his approval so I continue.

  “I am the first and only born Lamont. In my soul I know that my destiny is to save my people. I am willing to do that. I respect your gifts but you are wrong. I am not evil. I detest violence, even against those who deserve it. My parents created you. They trusted you to protect not only the Lamont, but the world from evil. I will admit that I don’t fully understand everything about what I am, but I know what I am not. I am not evil. If you decide to kill me I will fight. How can you base my fate on a possibility? The purpose of the Lamont race is to eradicate evil, but yet you try to justify evil acts. I am an innocent. Are you?”

  The council table is eerily quiet .Tristan eyes shine with pride and maybe a little bit of awe. I know t
hat changeling them probably isn’t the smartest thing to do, but what can I say? I have a big mouth.

  Marcus clears his throat and stands, the others following his lead. “Ridley Alexis Ross. We are here to rule on your fate. A decision has been made. We the council agree that you are the only hope for our race. That without you we will all die. So, we will not kill you. We also agree that you pose a threat to the world, so with that said we have reached the following decision. You are to remain within the proximity of the house of Lamont until you are deemed to no longer be a threat. Mr. Hart will be allowed to remain with you of course. You are to have no contact with the outside world. If you break the conditions of this agreement you will be punished. Do you understand?”

  I can’t help it. I laugh. Do I understand? Hell to the no I don’t understand. They need me too much to kill me so their solution is to lock me away from the world. To put me in a prison disguised as a house! I would rather die.

  “I can’t believe you Marcus. You will keep her prisoner simply because of something she might become. That is ridiculous. We are leaving, and I must warn you to think about what is truly best for our race. How willing do you think she is going to be to help us if you treat her as a prisoner?” I can see the barely contained rage in Tristan’s eyes as he defends me. He is not going to let this go. I have a bad feeling that there is going to be pain and blood before this meeting is over. Samuel flashes across the room, grabbing Tristan by the throat. Tristan falls to his knees, holding his head. The look on his face is one of horror.

  His screams fill the air, stabbing at my heart like a million knives. Samuel steps back, a cocky grin spread across his face. Oh! Hell no! Anger floods my system, turning the room a shade of crimson.

  “Release him from the pain Samuel or I will kill you!” I shout in a voice that sounds demonic. My dark side is awake and she wants to play. They pissed off the wrong girl.

  Samuel laughs and I lose it. I concentrate on his energy, pulling the thick black fog into my body. His energy is nothing like the bright light of Tristan’s. The thick black current feels wrong as it soaks into my skin. “Who’s laughing now asshole?” I laugh when I see his shocked expression. I concentrate on causing him pain as I literally drain his life force. Tristan’s screams stop but my rage continues to build. He hurt the man I love and he is going to pay. Coldness floods my veins as I will the black orb to form a perfect circle in my hands. I am just getting ready to wipe that evil grin off of Samuel’s face when Tristan’s voice floods my mind.

  “Ridley you have to stop. If you kill him they will have no choice but to kill you! You are not evil! You don’t really want to hurt him baby. You are better than that.” I can taste the saltiness of my tears; my heart torn between anger and duty. Tristan is right. I could never forgive myself if I killed someone, even a slimy bastard like Samuel. The council will take it as proof that I am evil. I have to stop. I blow out a steady breath and will Samuel’s energy to return to him slowly. I watch as the black fog floats from my hands and into his body. He hits the floor and lets out a weak cry.

  “I have never seen such control. Your power exceeds any other.’” he says in a shaky voice. Did hell freeze over, or did Samuel actually compliment me? Marcus and the others all stare at me, mouths open in disbelief. In unison they all stand and bow their heads to me in respect. Now I’m the one staring with my mouth wide open.

  “Although we usually never reverse a ruling, in this case we have decided to make an exception. Ms. Ross, you are truly a gift to our kind. Tristan is right. We cannot imprison you and expect your help. So we will release you to the care of Mr. Hart, but we will also appoint you a guardian of our choosing. You may travel wherever you wish, but your guardian will accompany you both. His job is to help you master your powers and report back on your progress. When we locate new recruits we will bring them to you. You will change them. This is not negotiable.”

  I almost object and tell them that Tristan is all the help I need, but I keep my mouth shut. This is as good as the deal is going to get. If they want to give me a baby-sitter then so be it. I can deal. Marcus smiles, as if he can read my thoughts, which he probably can. I am really going to have to work on blocking my mind off to others.

  “I realize that Tristan is capable of helping you with your power, but he is a hunter. He will be required to continue his job, which means that there are times when you cannot be with him. We understand the complexity of your bond, and know that certain laws were broken to save you. We will not punish either of you, for the effects of the bond are punishment enough. When Tristan is away, your guardian will be able to help with your pain. I have spelled him with some of Tristan’s essence. I will not stop the pain of separation, but it will distract you from it until he can return.” I risk a glance at Tristan, and he does not look happy with the idea of someone else distracting me. “The condition on no contact with the outside world remains. You are to have no contact with your mother or Alison. Is that clear?”

  Marcus searches my face, awaiting my answer. I never even thought about Tristan having to leave me for work, but I understand. He has a life, a job. There will be times when I will have to be without him. I do not look forward to the pain of those damn flames, but I am helpless to stop it.

  “Yes sir.”

  Marcus smiles dimples and all for the first time since we entered the chamber. “Leave us now before we change our mind. We will discuss this with your guardian and have him meet you outside. Do not leave the property before he finds you.” Tristan nods and leads me towards the door. I inhale the fresh, moist air as we exit the office building, drinking it in in gulps. Right now I am just thankful to be alive. I walk to the bench in front of the building and take a seat. Geez! That was intense and they are the good guys. Tristan pulls his phone from his pocket.

  “I need to call Tyler and fill him in. I won’t go far,” He says as he takes a few steps from my side. I scan the street, my sight landing on building after building. I hope that when we leave we can go somewhere a little less crowded. All and all today went well I guess. I am lost in thought when a delicious smell hits my nose. It is the smell of fresh rain with a hint of citrus. I follow my nose to the wonderful scent, my eyes fixing on the second most beautiful man I have ever seen. His silky blond hair falls in soft waves around his light aqua eyes. His skin is a striking bronze, his cheeks and lips the softest pink. He is lean and tall, his muscles perfect for his frame. He is dressed in a baby blue button down shirt and khaki pants. I try not to stare. I really do, but I find myself checking him out anyway. I push up my mental block hoping that Tristan is distracted enough not to hear me ogling over this handsome stranger. Tristan reappears by my side shooting me an annoyed look. Opps! Guess he heard my ogling after all. Damn mind readers! Am I ever going to have a private thought again? The stranger smiles, the gesture lighting his face.

  “Hello Ridley. My name is Aiden. I have been assigned as your guardian.” His voice is smooth with a faint British accent. Of course my guardian would look like Apollo. Tristan smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. He looks angry. It’s not a look I like on him.

  “Aiden,” he spits. “Long time no see. Out of all the Lamont they send you?” Something in Tristan’s tone tells me that he has a past with Aiden, and it wasn’t a pleasant one.

  “Well,” Aiden shrugs. “I may have volunteered. After all, it is an honor to train the founder’s daughter. Besides, I thought we could catch up friend” He winks and extends his hand to me. “Nice to meet you Ridley. Gods… you are lovely.”

  I avert my eyes to the ground, unsure of what to do. It is obvious that the two men do not like each other. It’s rude not to take his hand, but Tristan might punch him if I do. I pull my hands to my lap. Aiden smiles and pulls his hand away, sensing my discomfort. Tristan grins at my dismissal, this time a true grin. He drapes his arm around my shoulder, ignoring Aiden completely.

  “Where to my love? You name the place and we will go.” I close my eyes, pictur
ing the possibilities.

  “You pick. As long as we are together anywhere will be fine.”

  He leans down, placing a gentle kiss to my lips. “I know the perfect place,” he says as he leads me to the car. I sigh as my body settles into the soft leather seat, drowsiness making my eyes heavy. I stifle a laugh when Aiden attempts to fold his massive frame into the barely there back seat. With a few choice words he somehow folds himself in to the tiny space.

  Today had not turned out like I expected, but I am glad it is over. The last few days have been rough, both emotionally and physically. My life has changed so much over the last few days, but as hard as it was to leave my old life behind I can’t bring myself to regret it. Fate brought me Tristan.

  ~Chapter 10~

  The Path Untaken

  We drive back to the airstrip in silence, the tension between Tristan and Aiden making

  the air thick. I have so many questions for Tristan, but don’t dare ask them in front of Aiden. I close my eyes and send him a silent message.

  “Can he read our minds?” Tristan’s eyes stay fixed on the road. “No! We are bonded mates. Our connection is private. Other Lamont can read you, but never when using a mate’s connection.”

  I smile in relief as I lay my head on his arm. “What is the deal with you two? I can tell that there is no love lost between you.” He sighs and wraps his hand around mine. “He used to be my friend, before he stole my brother’s mate and got her killed.” His words make me frown.

  “I don’t trust him, and I will not be leaving you alone with him. Ever!”

  I thought that we only had one true mate? How did he steal Tyler’s? What happened?” He lightly plays with my hair, his eyes never leaving the road. “Her name was Sarah, and my brother loved her very much. They were mated but even mated, we have free will Ridley. Aiden made Sarah believe that she didn’t truly love Tyler. They had an affair. It is against our laws to betray your mate. The council found out and she was punished. Tyler was hurt by her betrayal, but he still loved her enough to beg for leniency. Samuel wanted to make an example of Sarah. He used her worst fear, drowning. His punishment is just an illusion, but it seems so real. Sarah panicked and her heart stopped. She died. She died and Aiden walked away. His punishment was less severe, since he didn’t actually have a mate to betray. Tyler hasn’t been the same since that day. A piece of my brother died with Sarah, and I blame Aiden for that.” I shift my eyes to the man in the back seat, finding him less beautiful now. I turn my attention back to Tristan.


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