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How to Bake the Perfect Apple Pie

Page 6

by Gina Henning

  “Sounds good to me. I could go for one of their chicken fried steaks.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

  My eyes dart back to the road. Focus on the route and keep it professional.


  “So where do you see yourself in the next five years?” Trent tips his glass of ice tea at me.

  I scrunch up my eyebrows. “Are you seriously asking me a standard interview question?”

  “Yes, but not as a joke. I’m actually interested.”

  I roll my lips and stare at the ceiling. “Let’s see, most likely the president of Calstone Corp.” I can’t help but let a laugh out.

  “Why did you laugh?” Trent peers at me.

  “Because that would be quite an accomplishment to achieve in five years.”

  “Maybe for some people…” Trent places his glass down on the table. “But you’re not some people; you’re different.”

  My cheeks warm. Our office small talk has taken a different route, one that we need to get off and get back on track.

  “We should be heading back to the office.” I scan the restaurant for our waiter.

  “Let me ask you something, Lauren…are you uncomfortable with me or yourself?”

  My shoulders drop. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to offend you…it’s just you seem uncomfortable.”

  I roll my lips and wave at the waiter. I hand over my personal card. Trent hands his as well. Even though I have a business card, I don’t think this would constitute as a business meeting.


  “So what?” I flutter my eyelashes. I cannot exit this lunch fast enough. I wish I had cash on me, even enough to pay for Trent’s so we didn’t have to wait any longer at this table together filled with awkwardness.

  “Is it me or you?”

  I laugh. “Trent, I think you need to work on your people-reading skills, at least in person. You might be good on the phone…but you don’t seem to have the same skills in person.”

  “Okay.” Trent smiles at me.

  My eyes bulge out and I’m thankful for the arrival of the check with our cards. I sign mine and stand up, not waiting for Trent. I’m ready to get as far away from this moment as physically possible.

  As we exit the elevator I head to my office and sure enough Elaine is in the hallway. She is exiting Javier’s office.

  “Oh there you are.” She raises an eyebrow at me.

  “Yes, just getting back from lunch. What’s up?” I raise an eyebrow back at her.

  “Oh, was that Trent I saw you with?”

  “Yes, an impromptu team lunch.”

  “Interesting.” Her voice echoes all sincerity. “Anyways, do you have a follow-up report from last week’s numbers?”

  “Sure, let me print one out for you.” I pass her and open my office. I log in into my computer and download the report. I’m not sure why she hasn’t done this herself, but I’m not in the mood to go back and forth with her. I turn around to reach for the paper. Elaine is standing over my desk.

  “Thanks.” She takes the report from me. “By the way, the next time you go to lunch, be sure to include me.” She winks and exits my office.

  Um okay…not sure what that was about. I check my phone. There are no new messages. I need to tell Jack I won’t be coming to visit him this weekend, but I’ll wait until I get home.

  I pull up my call box and count to ten in Italian. This gives me the right amount of confidence before I begin speaking with my clients. I scan my cue. There are about seven different clients on hold. I’ve got to get some of these issues resolved.


  I pop open a bottle of Pinot and pull out my laptop. I can’t wait to chat to Jack. My stomach is fluttering with anticipation. I check out my reflection in my microwave. My hair is in place, but I should probably swipe on a bit of lip gloss. I dig through my purse and find my Bare Minerals Cupcake. The paintbrush glides across my lips with ease. There, perfect. I take in a deep breath and click on the video call button and wait for Jack to pick up.

  “Hey there, gorgeous.” Jack stares back at me from my laptop screen.

  I smile. “It’s so good to see your face.” I almost want to touch the screen, but that would be a little weird and Jack would also see this, so I refrain.

  “What are you drinking?” Jack inspects my wineglass.

  “The Pinot you bought last weekend. What about you?” I take a sip from the glass. It’s delicious. From the spicy oak to the notes of raspberry. The only problem with it? Jack isn’t here with me to enjoy it. My chest tightens.

  “I was about to pour a glass of Merlot, but I think I’ll have a Pinot with you.” Jack lifts up his computer and takes me with him into his kitchen. “How did your meeting go?” Jack sets the laptop on the counter and I can see bits and pieces of him as he grabs a wine bottle from his cabinet and the corkscrew from his drawer. I was in that kitchen a few weeks ago and now it will be several more before I can be back there.

  I take a gulp of my wine. “The meeting went really well. One of the guys on my team visited me beforehand and gave me a list of reports along with some ideas for the team.”

  Jack stands in front of the laptop. With one eyebrow raised he pours his wine into a glass. “Did you ask him to do this?”

  “No, he did it on his own.” I take a sip of my wine.

  “Hmm. I see.” Jack swirls the wine in his glass before letting it hit his lips.

  My eyebrows draw together. “You see what?”

  “Nothing, I just think you have to be careful.” He runs his eyes over my face. Like he is reading me.

  “Okay.” I roll my eyes. “I am careful.” I sigh. “I’ve got some bad news though.” I bite my lip.

  Jack’s eyes widen.

  “Aurora is in labor right now with the twins.” I take a gulp of my wine.

  “Is she okay?”

  “Yes, so far everything is going great. That’s not the bad news.” My shoulders slump. “I can’t come see you this weekend, because I’ve got to fly to California to see them instead.”

  “Oh.” Jack’s lips form into two solid thick lines. He runs his fingers through his sandy blond hair. I wish I were able to do this. I love twisting my hands around his hair, and getting tangled up in him. I remember our legs wrapped together and kissing him endlessly. I sigh.

  “I totally understand.” Jack takes a gulp from his wine.

  “I just…I have to be there for them. I know it’s going to be difficult to have the new babies at the house for Winter and River and I want to be supportive.” I roll my lips over each other.

  “Yes, it’s the right thing to do.” Jack leans into the laptop. “But, know I’ll be missing you even more. And I’ll have to make up for all of those lost moments.” He kisses his two fingers and touches the screen. In the exact spot of my lips.

  My lips pucker. “I wish you were here with me right now to make up for it.”

  “Oh Lauren, you have no idea how much I want to make that happen.” Jack shakes his head.

  Chapter Five

  “The seat belt sign has now been switched off; you may exit the plane.”

  As if everyone was waiting for the light! Seventy-five percent of the plane is already standing near their seats. Some have even pushed out into the aisles.

  I follow the throngs of passengers off the plane and into the tunnel. I timed my flight as best I could to meet up with Megan and Brian, although they have a short wait. I’m flying out on Sunday at noon. Given this I have only brought my backpack, no checked bags. I stalk down the escalator and scan the crowd below me.

  I can see shiny blonde waves tumbling over a creamy sweater followed by pair of skinny jeans. Standing next to Megan is Brian. He is wearing his perpetual five o’clock shadow followed by…I can’t believe it. He’s wearing the same New Year’s sweater my mom sent home with me. It’s about as flashy as any typical ugly Christmas sweater except it reads Happy New Year! Two flutes of champagn
e are dancing with each other while sequined bubbles are spread out across the girth of the chest.

  There was no way I was going to wear it. I roll my eyes. It’s actually not a surprise he is wearing this. Brian always seems to go along with my mom’s eccentric clothing and happily dons whatever odd ensemble she comes up with.

  My foot lands on the linoleum floor and I pace to where they are standing. Megan spins around almost as if she senses my presence. Her hair swings over her shoulder. She is the epitome of glamour. Brian looks like an extra standing next to her.

  “Lauren!” She charges towards me and encloses me in a deep sisterly hug. It’s only been a few weeks, but it’s so great to be hugged by her. Her scent of Poppy perfume invades my nostrils. I probably should find my own signature scent. I use fruit-scented shower gels and lotion, but maybe I need to find a perfume that will put people immediately at ease when they smell it. Or better yet, immediately enamored. I sigh. Jack said he was enamored with me. For a quick moment I wish I that I was in Austin, not San Diego, and the arms wrapped around me were his and not Megan’s. I shake off the thought. I need to focus on being a good family member.

  Megan releases me and Brian leans in and gives me a big bear hug. I pat him on the back. Thankfully, he doesn’t opt for a long hug.

  “So how are things? Have you and Jack been talking every day? Have you figured out a wedding date yet? Is he going to move to Baltimore?” Megan’s eyes are bugging out like she is going to burst if I don’t fill her in with answers to all her questions in great detail.

  “Whoa…” I rub my lips together. “It’s good to see you too. I didn’t check a bag. Why don’t we head for the house?” I blink.

  Megan runs her eyes over my face. “Is everything all right?” She grabs on to my arm. “Are you and Jack okay?” Her eyes are wide and full of concern.

  “Yes, Megan, everything’s fine. I just don’t want to stand in the airport and chitchat.”

  “Chitchat? I would hardly think wedding details are chitchat, but that’s fine.” She glances at Brian. “You’ve got our luggage, right?”

  Brian motions his head to a pile of luggage. “Got it covered, babe.” He unwinds a thick cord and begins lacing all of the suitcases together. “Check this out, Lauren, it’s a new project I’ve been working on. This cord can hold a thousand pounds. I just loop all the bags together and…” One of the bags falls over. He reaches down and straightens it out. Brian circles the pile of suitcases. How long are they staying? The amount of luggage is enough for a month-long cruise for a family of four, not two people for a weekend visit.

  “How long are y’all staying?” I turn to Megan.

  “Just the weekend.” She tosses her hair over her shoulder.

  Brian pulls on the cord and the suitcases pull taut together. “See, it’s perfect. Now I can carry all of our bags together without having to rent one of those pulleys.” His face is beaming.

  “Wow, Brian, that’s really…impressive.” I turn back around. I can’t imagine why renting a pulley wouldn’t be a million times better than this Beverly Hillbillies cart and caboodle, but Brian is always trying to tweak things. Why should an airport visit be any different?


  “Is there enough room for us all to stay with Luke and Aurora?” I stare at the one-story bungalow Megan has parked in front of. The siding is grey and the trim is purple. I’d bet anything this is Aurora’s touch. The house has the cozy familial appeal, but I’m beginning to get claustrophobic from the idea of my entire family fitting into this small space for a whole weekend. I’m guessing there is a max of four rooms and that would be pushing it.

  Megan laughs. “Don’t be silly, Lauren, of course we are all staying here. The point of the trip is to help out. How can we do that from a hotel?” She shakes her head and steps out of the car.

  The temperature is not as cool as Baltimore, where I left the low thirties. It’s got to be over fifty degrees here. I’m glad I didn’t pack my heavy coat. I step out onto the grass. It crunches underneath my heels. I wish I was wearing jeans like Megan. I can remedy this once we get inside and I find out where I’m staying. I imagine I’ll be bunking up with someone.

  We head for the door, and it swings open. It’s Luke. My brother is wearing his running shorts and tank top. Is he working out?

  “Hey, look who decided to show up.” He reaches in for a hug before I can get myself positioned without having my face near his sweaty, hairy armpits. Yuck. I swear he deliberately works out before seeing me just so that he can hug me with his sweatiness. It’s really gross.

  I pat his back. “Congratulations, Luke, how are Aurora and the babies?” I lean back so I am not in direct line of his armpit and stink.

  “She’s good already—being a good mom of all four kids…four freaking kids. Can you believe it?” He throws up his hands and then runs them through his hair. Brian and Megan file up the sidewalk. Brian must have given up on his cord contraption as he is bringing their luggage to the steps two at time.

  “Hey, Megs, let me help your husband with these.” He rushes towards the trunk and grabs out the last of the bags. He raises his eyebrows. “I might have got things messed up, but are you planning on staying past the weekend?”

  Brian laughs. “Yeah…you know your sister likes to make sure she plans for every occasion.”

  Luke opens the door to his house and Winter and River run to the door. They hug my legs.

  “Aunt Lauren, you came!” Winter says.

  I lean down and hug and kiss each of them. “Of course I came.”

  “Winter, come give your Aunt Megan a hug.” Megan waves Winter to her. Winter releases me and stumbles towards Megan.

  Inside the entryway is a small office room with a teal Buddha painted on the wall and mosaic tiles covering the entire back wall. On the floor is what I believe to be a yoga mat and there is a small desk with a sewing machine. There is no door to the room and no curtains on the front bay window.

  “This is where you’ll be staying.” Luke takes my book bag from me and places it next to the desk.

  I force my eyes not to bulge out further and try to remain calm.

  “Okay.” I nod.

  No other words fall from my mouth. My head is spinning with the discomfort of this room, if it can even technically be called a room. There is a huge window. No bed. And no door. I let out a deep breath. This is going to be a long weekend.

  Something rubs against my leg. I glance down. It’s a black cat. It claws at my leg. I jump. It grabs onto my other leg with all four legs and bites at my calf. I scream and fling the cat off my leg.

  “Hey, whoa, Lauren, be chill with our cats. Okay?” Luke jerks his head back and glares at me as if I have done something wrong.

  “Your cat just bit my leg.” I lean down and rub my calf. There are small teeth marks, but my skin was not cut.

  “Uh okay. Lauren, we’ve had Baba for over two years, and he has never hurt anyone.” Luke shakes his head. “Come on, Megs, I’ll show you your room.” Megan stares at me for a second and then follows behind him.

  I’m tempted to follow. But I’m not sure where Baba went and I need to stay away from him. I exit my room and search the house for my mom. She must be with the babies. I can just imagine her sitting in a rocking chair holding one or both of them.

  I pass through a living room and my dad is sitting in a big recliner. It resembles the one he has at my parents’ house in Texas.

  “Hey Dad.” A smile forms on my face. Seeing my dad can always turn a bad day into a good one.

  “It’s the bird. Come give your pops a hug.” He stands up and motions for me to come to him.

  I stride to him and we embrace. My dad’s Old Spice cologne is comforting. I wish I could tell my dad about Baba and have him stand watch at my room to make sure when I close my eyes that cat doesn’t strike again.

  “How are things going with you and Jack?” My dad inspects my face.

  “Good, I was supposed to see
him this weekend, but obviously I came here instead.” I pout.

  “Listen, you need to pick a date, before your mother drives me off the deep end. I can only hear about the wedding theme choices so many times.” My dad’s hands tighten and he stuffs them into his pockets.

  “I know…we will…things have just been really busy.” I bite my lip. “I’ve got my team sorted now and I think Jack might be hiring someone to help him out with Vintage Estates.” I sit down on the rattan and wicker couch. Did Aurora make this?

  “Vintage Estates…he did hire someone, some gal…with a great résumé. Your grandmother seems to like her.” My dad picks up the remote and begins flipping through the channels.

  I jerk my head back. Jack never mentioned that he had hired anyone. “He already hired someone?” I study my dad’s face. I need to be sure I heard this correctly.

  “Yes, some gal with a great résumé.” My dad turns towards me. “He didn’t tell you? Do you two not talk? Lauren, good communication is one of the reasons your mom and I have been married for over thirty years.” He points a finger at me. “Remember that.” He taps the side of his head.

  “I totally agree.” I stand up and scurry back to my room. I can’t believe Jack didn’t tell me he’d hired someone…and a girl. My shoulders drop. I’m not a jealous person, or I hope not to be, but it is odd that he didn’t tell me any of this. Your grandmother seems to like her…rings over and over in my head. My eyes fill with tears. I blink them away.

  I find my phone in my purse and hit Brianna’s contact number. This conversation requires a voice, not a text message.

  She picks up almost immediately. Brianna sings a line from “Going Back to Cali” into my ear.

  I can’t help but laugh. “Hey, listen, I need your advice.”

  “Yes, go for it.” Brianna giggles.

  I roll my eyes. “I’m serious, listen, Jack hired some woman with an impressive résumé to help out at Vintage Estates.”

  “Okay, and why am I hearing such an odd edge in your voice? Lauren, you’re not going all eee eee eee—” she makes a slasher movie noise “—and looking for knives or anything?”


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