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Outbreak The Living (The Outbreak Series)

Page 7

by Kristal, Deausha

  “Please help yourselves to some food. What’s mine is yours, while you’re here with us,” Lane says.

  Looking over to Mack, he nods and we all help ourselves. We really do not talk while we are eating. Looking around I see that Lane has a nice setup here. It is huge and tons of people. They are all armed too. It sounds like they have barricaded six blocks off and are using it. There are even kids running around.

  “Why don’t you guys stay the night and leave first thing in the morning? I can get a few men to help you guys out. Atlanta isn’t going to be easy; the dead have overrun it,” Lane says.

  “We don’t want to be a bother. Jake, and his men will be looking for us. We could be bringing a whole lot of trouble your way, Lane,” Mack says.

  Looking between them, something silent passes between them.

  “We can take care of own, Mack, you’re welcome to stay,” he says.

  “Thank you, we will take you up on that,” Mack says.

  “I’ll have one of my men show you were to can sleep,” Lane says.

  Lane gets up and walks over to some short chunky guy, they talk for a while, but I can’t hear what they are saying. It is starting to get dark and I guess it is better to stay than to try and find a place. Looking over to Mack, he is watching me. I wonder how long he has been watching.

  “You think this is a good idea to stay here tonight, Mack?”

  “I don’t see it being a problem, I don’t think Lane will do anything, Egypt.”

  Looking over at Lane, he turns and looks right back at me smiling he heads over to us.

  “This here is Ronny. He’ll take you to your rooms if you’re ready to go,” he says.

  Chapter 9

  Getting up, I stretch my arms above my head. I notice that Lane is still watching me. I am not the only one that notices, Mack puts his arm around my waist and pulls me to start walking. Looking up at Mack, he is giving Lane a dirty ass look. Rolling my eyes, I hear Lane start laughing. We make our way to a three story building and go inside. Looking around it is beautiful inside. There are real plants in the planters. I wonder if they were already here or if they planted them trying to be normal. There are pictures on the walls that look recent. The vending machines are fully stocked, now that is funny. We get to a set of stairs. Ronny stops and holds out two keys to Mack.

  “Just go up to the second floor and the rooms are on the left,” Ronny says.

  “Thanks, but we only need one room. Thanks anyway, man,” Mack says.

  Mack takes one key and we start up the stairs. I kinda figured he would want to share a room with me. Getting to the second floor, we make our way to room 203. I am glad that it is on the second floor. Harder for zombies to get through a window. Or anyone for that matter. Making our way to our door, Mack puts the key in and it opens. Mack goes in first and looks around. Shutting the door behind us, I lock the bolt. Even if someone has a key they won’t be able to get in. Walking to the window, I pull the curtains open and look out. Don’t you know, Lane is looking up at me! That guy is really starting to freak me out. Mack walks up behind me, turning I look up at him. He doesn’t say anything, just wraps his arms around me. That is what so nice about Mack, nothing has to be said. Leaning into him I rest my head on his chest.

  “Mack, I know we need to talk and I want to. But I would love to take a shower first and you too.”

  Taking his hands, he takes out my hair tie, running his fingers through my hair. Looking up at him, he is just watching me. Pushing away from him I walk to the bed and grab my pack. Heading into the bathroom shutting the door behind me. I lean up against it. I know where that was going to head. I guess I just freaked out. I love Mack. I think I always have. I just did not want to fall for the bad boy type. Sal was just safe. Pushing the door, I start the shower. Getting out of my clothes I look down at my body. My ribs are black and blue but are feeling a bit better. My knee is the same way, but I think it will take a bit longer to heal. I can run if I need to, but I don’t think for long.

  Sliding the shower door, I get in and let the spray of water slowly start down my body. Nothing like a nice hot shower to take all your problems away. But this time it does not help. I have to deal with Sal. The stuff at the house with Tabby being pregnant, then there is Jake. I know he is still following us. And what about my mom’s meds? She has to have them. Looking at my watch I’ve been in here twenty minutes already, hurrying up I wash my hair and the rest of me. Turning off the water I wrap a towel around my head and one around me. Stepping out, I dry off and slip my undies on and a tank top. I don’t get the tank pulled all the way down and in walks Mack. Jumping, I turn and look at him. He doesn’t say anything at first just slowly looks up and down my body. I know what he sees. I can read it on his face, he is getting angrier, and more furious by the minute.

  “Mack? I’m not dressed. What do you want?”

  He does not answer right away and I am starting to feel uncomfortable. Looking up into his eyes, I have never seen them that stormy color.

  “Egypt, what the fuck did he do to you! I’ll kill Jake! That motherfucker!!” he raises his voice.

  “Stop, Mack. What’s done is done. Hunter did the things you can see…. Jake just did… the things you can’t see.”

  “What does that fucking mean, Egypt? Did Jake rape you?”

  Looking anywhere but at him, I really didn’t want to relive this again. But he has a right to know. Taking my hair out of the towel I quickly took my brush through it.

  “Let’s go in the other room and I’ll tell you what happened. I’m only going to tell this once, Mack; then I want to forget about it.”

  I follow him into the other room and he walks to his bags and grabs the med kit. While I sit down on the bed. There’s really nowhere else to sit. Our bags are in the only two chairs in this room. Watching him go through the kit, I take a deep breath. He walks over and kneels down in front of me.

  “Egypt, please tell me what happened,” he asks.

  Looking up at him, even when he’s kneeling while I’m sitting he’s still taller than me.

  “Most of the time he had me tied up and drugged. We stopped for a bit and then when we got attacked by Lane and zombies. I got a gun then and was helping shoot the zombies. I was the one that killed Lane’s girlfriend. I was protecting Jake from her. AND before you say anything, believe it or not, Jake was the lesser of two evils. I couldn’t make it on my own with nothing but a gun, especially with not knowing where I was,” I say.

  I stop talking for a while and look up at Mack. He gently takes my hand in his and squeezes. Letting go of my hand, he starts checking out my injuries.

  “Is there more, Egypt?” he asks.

  “You ask me if he raped me. Does it matter if he did?”

  He stiffens up and then relaxes. Mack stops what he’s doing and looks me in the eyes.

  “Egypt, there’s nothing that would change how I feel about you. Do you hear me.?”

  “No, he didn’t rape me. There was some heavy touching on his part. If you wouldn’t have gotten me out when you did…that’s why I was tied up,” I say.

  Mack lets out a heavy breath and wraps his arms around my waist. Leaning into him I let myself cry. He doesn’t say anything just holds me.

  “Thanks for coming for me, Mack. I knew you would, I’m just glad that it was when you did,” I say.

  Mack gently lets go it seems like he does not want to.

  “I would die for you, Egypt. I would fight a horde of zombies to get to you. Jake will pay for what he did to you, I promise,” he says.

  He walks over to the chairs and puts the small med kit back.

  “Egypt, let’s get some sleep you can have the bed; I’ll sleep on the floor,” he says.

  Getting up, I walk over to the side of the bed and crawl in. “Mack you can sleep on the bed with me,” I say.

  He stops what he is doing, I cannot see his face, only his back. He takes off his shirt. Looking at him, I see that he is very well built.
He has a few scars on his shoulder blades. His jeans fit him perfectly. Turning around he looks at me. Shivering, slowly my eyes take the rest of him in. All the angles and taut muscles. Licking my lips, I drag my eyes back up to his. I do not care if he just caught me checking him out. That man is perfection!

  “Are you sure, Egypt?”

  He is looking at me now as if to see my reaction.

  “Yes, please, Mack.”

  He walks over and turns off the lights, leaving the bathroom light on. Coming over to the bed. I move over so he has some room. He takes off his jeans, which leave him in only his boxers. Getting in the bed, he covers us both up. I lay there listen to his breathing and know that he is not sleeping yet. I cannot believe this man came for me. He could have went on with life back at the house, but he did not. It is time I stop lying to myself about how I really feel about him.

  “Mack,” I whisper.

  “Yeah, Egypt?" he says.

  Moving a little closer to him, “You don’t have to wait anymore,” I tell him.

  I hear him move a little and he lets out a breath that sounds like he’s been holding for a while.

  “Come here,” he says.

  I move over and lay my head on his chest, letting him put his arms around me. This feels right. I never want to leave.

  “Egypt, what about Sal?” he asks.

  “I don’t have the feelings for him like I do you. I don’t think I ever did. I know I will have to talk to him and I will.”

  Squeezing me tighter he whispers, “You belong here.”

  My heart does a flip-flop, I cannot believe we are finally here at this point. Snuggling closer, I feel I am where I need to be.

  “Egypt, can I kiss you? Typically I wouldn't ask, but you’ve been through a lot the past few days, I just don’t want to fuck this…”

  Moving up on my elbow I don’t let him finish saying what he wanted to. Leaning down my lips crush into his. And it is heaven. It does not take him long and he is crushing me to him. Flipping me over he is now on top of me. Looking at me, “Egypt, I love you. I think I always have,” he says. He kisses me again. This time he’s slow and gentle, wrapping my arms around his neck I pull him to me. It is like I can’t get him close enough. When he finally breaks off the kiss, he kisses my neck, my nose, and my forehead.

  “Let’s get some sleep, Egypt, and before you say it, I want you, but not here, not in this place. When I do make love to you, I want a few days in bed, not just a few hours,” he says.

  He kisses me again, and I lay my head down on his chest. I know he knows I am not ready yet. What Jake did to me is too fresh in my mind, too raw.

  “I really need to talk to Sal first, it’s only right, Mack.”

  Squeezing me, he says, “I agree, I want to start this off right. Get some sleep Egypt."

  Running my hand over his chest, feeling his hardness I fall asleep. Safe!

  Chapter 10

  Waking up, there are sounds of screaming and shots being fired. Opening my eyes, it is daylight just barely. Listening, I hear moaning. Oh shit! The zombies got in, but how? Throwing the covers off I get out of bed, tangling the blankets as I go. Falling, I can’t believe this is happening.

  “Mack, get up they're here.” Seeing the bed move, I stand up and see Mack wiping the sleep from his eyes. He stiffens up as he realizes what’s making all that noise.

  “Fuck! Get dressed, Egypt. Be ready to leave in ten minutes,” he says, looking around for his own clothes. Grabbing my jeans, boots and socks, I get them on in record time. Grabbing my gun off the nightstand, I check it and put it in the waistband of my jeans.

  Walking over to the table, Mack is dressed and checking the weapons.

  “Mack, how did they get in?” I look over at him.

  “I wouldn’t think they could get in here, someone had to let them in,” he says, walking over to the door.

  So Lane has an asshole in his ranks, someone he has pissed off. Grabbing my pack, I sling it onto my back and head to the door.

  “What’s the plan?” I ask, grabbing my gun and clicking the safety off. Wiping the sweat off my forehead, I think we’re going to have to fight our way out.

  "Egypt, we got to make it to the truck and get out of here. Stay close,” he says, looking back at me. He does not say anything else as we make our way out the door. Just pure and simple Mack.

  “OK,” is all I say as we walk out the door and into the hall. People are running back and forth shouting at each other! I grab the back of Mack’s pack so I do not lose him in all the chaos. We get to the stairs and look down; zombies are everywhere and are starting to come up the stairs. I see Lane down there fighting his way inside. Feeling Mack grab my arm, I tear my eyes away from the carnage below.

  “Shoot anyone that tries to stop you, if we get separated go to the truck if you can make it there go south and we will meet up down the road,” Mack says. I can tell there is more, but he does not say it.

  “I’ll be fine. Do what you got to do Mack, see ya on the street,” I say walking ahead of him down the stairs.

  Hearing Mack grumble behind me, I know he’s not happy with me going first. The first zombie I come up to is a huge guy, there would be no way to take him out with my knife. Using my 9mm, I aim and shoot him in the head. He goes tumbling down the stairs taking out a few zombies along the way. Jogging down a few more, I aim at one that’s about to bite Lane. Shooting, I hit it right in the head. It tumbles over the banister. Lane looks up and smiles at me, he turns around and continues to fight the nasty things off.

  Turning around I look for Mack, he is not too far behind me. I keep making my way down the stairs. Hitting the bottom looking around me, it looks like it is just as bad on the street. We are going to have to fight our way out of this. Grabbing the knife a little bit tighter, I move forward. I will save my gun only if I have too.

  It is total chaos down here. Some of Lane’s men are down and turning. I will pray for their poor souls. Yes, I still believe in God. They were someone’s son, husband or brother. Looking over to the left, I see one coming straight at me. I brace for the impact with my knife at my side. He smacks into me and we both almost go down. That thing has me by my shoulders making it hard for me to move my arms. Twisting around, dragging it with me, it stumbles on my legs and falls to the ground. Putting my knee on his chest; I raise my knife high into the air and plunge it down it’s it head. Shit! My knee has sunken into the zombie’s chest!

  Getting up, I wipe the knife off on the zombie. Heading for the door, two guys run into me. One grabs me by the arm, looking up at him he’s got an evil smirk on his face.

  “Don’t even think about it, buddy.” Slowly my hand makes its way behind me. I hear Lane yelling again I assume that it is for these clowns.

  “Hey, your buddy over there is calling for you,” I say looking him in the eyes. Behind him, I see Mack making his way to me. Yelling something at me, but with everything going on, there’s no way I can hear him. His grip tightens on my arm, looking around zombies are coming out of the woodwork. I do not have fucking time for this.

  Grabbing him by his shirt, I yank and knee him in the balls. I can see the look of surprise on his face as he hits the ground. Kicking him in his stomach I hop over him and make it to the door where I pushing on it. It does not budge. What the hell? Looking up I can now see why. There is a zombie pushing right back on it. Well, damn it! Grabbing my gun I shoot the fucking thing right through the window and it falls to the ground. Tucking the gun back in my pants, I jump through the window. I have to go to the right. It doesn’t sound good. Looking behind me, Mack is right behind me.

  Grabbing my shoulder, he yells, “Are you OK, I saw what happened back there?” He looks me over.

  Taking a few steps, I look behind me. “Yep! I’m fine just want to be away from here,” I say, picking up my pace. Mack keeps up with me as we go around a few cars that are on fire, getting behind one, I stop and look the way we are going. Oh SHIT! Right in front of us
is none other than Jake. I’m not stupid, he has come for me. Will that man not quit?

  Grabbing Mack, I pull him down next to me. “Mack, Jake’s here, how much you wanna bet he let the zombies in?” I look over my shoulder at him.

  Mack looks around for a few minutes. “I’m going to have to kill that son of a bitch.” After looking at me, he continues, “We’re going to have to go left and then backtrack a little bit to get to the truck. There’s no helping here they are getting overrun. Lane's on his own,” Mack says.

  “Let’s get going I’ll follow,” I say, looking around, adjusting my pack. I stand up and wait for Mack. We start for the general store so that we can go down the alley and come back up the other side to the truck. Mack moves out in front of me and starts running to the other side using his knife on the zombies. Looking to my left, I see two zombies coming at us. Shit. Squeezing my knife a little bit tighter I make ready to take them down. The first one was easy, it tripped right before it got to me. Sticking my knife in deep, it goes down. The second one grabbed Mack from the back. Shit, it is going for Mack’s neck, not really thinking, I jump on its back and slide my blade as hard as I can across it's gross neck. Bringing the whole head right off, jumping off before it hits the ground. Mack turns around and has this weird look on his face, looking down I see that I’m still holding it’s damn head, flinging it I push on Mack to keep going. Shaking his head with a grin on his face, he turns around and keeps going.

  The hair on the back of my neck rises. Looking behind me, I see Jake looking right at me. Shit. Pushing Mack again, it makes him turn around. He looks over my head and sees what I did.

  “Let’s pick up the pace, Egypt! NOW,” he says while turning around and runs for the other side. We get to the building and skirt the side of it until we get to the alley. Looking around the corner; it’s empty but damn, if we get stuck in there we’re going to be in trouble.

  “Mack…” I start to say, but he stops me.

  “I know, Egypt. I don’t like it any better than you do, but we can’t go back the way we came. The truck is just around that corner, have your gun ready,” he says as he goes into the alley.


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