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My Only Wish

Page 8

by Anna Robbins

  Their lips clashed, devouring each other as she rode against him. He thought he’d go blind from wanting her, from feeling her wet flesh against him.

  Knowing he had tormented them long enough, he pulled away, moving his hand to cup her heat.

  “God, you’re so wet.” His breath was ragged as he moved his fingers against her, watching as her body bowed, pressing desperately against him.

  “I can’t. I can’t take this,” she whispered as sensations flooded her, making her mad with pleasure.

  Dylan’s eyes darkened as he watched her face, watched as each delicious flick of his finger drove her wild, more toward the edge. Her lips trembled, her lashes fluttered as she gripped his shoulders, riding the wave of sensation until she surrendered utterly, crying out as the first orgasm rippled through her.

  Quickly stripping her of the dress, he stepped back to unzip his pants.

  Her hand reached out, touching his arm. “Slowly. Let me watch. Let me look at you.”

  With her hot eyes on him, he felt himself jerk as he did as she asked, enflamed as her gaze raked hungrily over his uncovered flesh.

  Not sparing another second, he moved on top of her on the bed.

  His mouth fused to hers, wild in his demand. “More,” he said between kisses. It was the only thing that kept running through his head. He wanted more of her, more pleasure, more openness.

  “I don’t know if I can.”

  “Oh, you can.” He gasped out the words before returning back to her lips. Cupping her breasts, he relished the weight of them overflowing in his hands before moving to suck once again. Sensitive from his previous attention, she arched, but he didn’t let up.

  He could feel heat flowing between their bodies as they moved together. He had never known anyone so open, allowing herself to be completely vulnerable in her responses. The need to show her that only he could bring her to this, that he was the only one who would make her this wild with desire, had him holding off the final pleasure.

  Lost in a swirl of sensations, Abby couldn’t think about anything other than him. She was lost in him, in what he was doing to her. Her body didn’t feel her own as he touched her, took her to where he wanted. And she trusted him completely.

  When his breathing became more ragged, when his body seemed tighter than a bowstring, Abby though he would finally join her, but each time she was wrong. His hands and lips were everywhere, lighting sparks in secret places before he’d move on to the next.

  The moonlight filtered over his face, his bunched muscles, making him appear more beautiful, more male.

  He tasted of dark pleasure and spice, so potent she thought she was drugged just by the taste of him. Each time he returned to her lips, she felt the craving for him intensify. His body, his touch, his very presence were addicting.

  The love that she felt for him blazed through her as hot as the passion that possessed them. It was in every touch, every kiss. Crying out for him to love her in return.

  “Now, Dylan. Please, now.” Her hands went frantically to his hips, trying to pull him to her.

  With his arms wrapped tightly around her, she saw his nostrils flare before he surged inside, his body stretching hers.

  She gripped him, loving the feel of him moving against her, within her. She had never felt closer to another, certain her love for him would grow until she exploded.

  As his body moved, she felt herself building up again, her need growing with all the love she had for him.

  He began to say her name, and it echoed in her head as he led them faster to the precipice.

  Unable to hold on a moment longer, she screamed out her pleasure, clutching him close as she felt him jerk, calling out her name as he fell over the edge with her.

  Chapter 9

  It was some time before he regained his senses, slowly recalling his surroundings as the moonlight filtered over his closed lids. He had never felt more relaxed, more at peace, than he did in that moment.

  As he did with Abby.

  The thought seemed to clamp in his mind, sounding a warning bell that was hard to ignore.

  He had found intense satisfaction with her only moments ago, but he still wanted more of her. And not just in bed.

  His desire for her, not only the physical aspect, was more intense, more demanding than he had ever experienced. And lying next to her, her soft breathing slowing as she cuddled up next to him, he couldn’t bear to think of her leaving him.

  “Stay with me tonight.” His voice was gruff from their lovemaking.

  She sat up, looking down at him with tumbled hair. “I don’t have any clothes with me.”

  “I’ll take you home in the morning to change. I have some sweats you can wear in the meantime. But I’m warning you, my intention is to have you naked for the rest of the night.”

  She chuckled. “Same goes. Don’t think you can get away from me so easily.”

  “Thank God.” His laugh was muffled by their kiss. He wanted to be with her like this more often, to take her away somewhere where they could be alone, just enjoy each other without restrictions. And a part of him knew that he wanted to dazzle her, show her things that she had never seen before. An idea began to form in his mind. “I wanted to tell you that I’m going to be going out of town next week. New York.”

  “Oh.” She sat back again when he propped up on his elbows to look at her. “Is it for business?”

  “You could say that. I have a meeting scheduled for one afternoon, but I was hoping to stay a few more days and take in the sights. It’s been awhile since I played tourist.”

  “I bet you’ll love it. I remember you saying that was your favorite place.” A smile curved her lips. “You’ll have to take tons of pictures for me since I haven’t seen it yet.”

  “About that,” he took her hand, placing a lingering kiss on the back. “I was hoping you’d come with me.”

  “Go with you? To New York?”

  “I realize we haven’t been together very long—”

  “No, it isn’t that,” she said, cutting him off. “I just… it’s just so sudden. I’ve always wanted to go.”

  “Then come with me.” His eyes locked with hers, willing her to accept. The moment the invitation had come out of his mouth, he’d realized how important this was to him. He’d never felt the need to take someone on a trip with him, to show them around, showering them with gifts and experiences that they wouldn’t otherwise have. But with Abby, he wanted to give her everything. The realization left him stunned.

  Her hands raked through her hair. “But, where would I stay? How would this work?”

  “Well, I’m hoping you’ll stay with me. As for everything else, I’ll arrange it. It’s my treat.” When he saw her balk, he finished. “I want you with me. I need more time with you. Please, let me do this.”

  It was the right thing to say. He saw her shoulders relax and a smile grow on her face as her eyes lit with excitement. “New York.”

  “That’s right.”

  She flung herself into his arms with a laugh. “I know other people might think this is crazy but I don’t care. Yes, I’ll go with you. I’ll stay with you.” She kissed him hard. “Thank you.”

  Not that he wasn’t grateful for her enthusiasm, he just wasn’t used to it. Any other woman he had given a gift to had calmly accepted it as their due. But not Abby. Her reaction was warm, genuine, and he felt a surge move through him, wrapping around his heart as he held her in his arms.

  “When do we leave?”

  “Next week. Tuesday,” he clarified. “My appointment is Wednesday morning, but should only take a couple of hours. I was thinking we could return on Saturday.”

  “That sounds wonderful,” she moved in to kiss him again before pausing, a notch forming in her brow. “Wait. Saturday? I can’t.”

  “Do you have other plans that day?”

  “No. But I do on Friday. Remember that family Christmas party I told you about? It’s that night. I can’t miss it.” Her shoulders
sagged. “I’m sorry. I really wanted to go.”

  “We still can.” She perked up hopefully. “The only day that is necessary is Wednesday. We could leave on Tuesday and return late Thursday night.”


  He chuckled at her enthusiasm. “Well, keep up your excitement. We’re going to be cramming in a lot in those few days.”

  “I can’t wait. And about my family’s Christmas party. I’ve been hoping that you would be my date.” She paused for a moment before rushing through the rest. “If you don’t want to, that’s fine. I know my whole family will be there, and I understand if you feel it’s too soon to meet them but—”

  “I’d love to.”

  “You would?”

  “Of course. I can tell this means a lot to you, and I would love to meet the people that are important in your life.”

  “All right.”

  “Abby, I don’t know if you realize this yet. But you’re important to me. I want to make you happy.” He wasn’t sure he had ever said truer words in his life. He hadn’t figured out his feelings for her, but he knew they were substantial.

  It was almost noon the next day when Dylan had returned from dropping Abby off at home. Everything felt right, like it was falling into place.

  The night he had spent with her had changed him. She had changed him.

  He had never been the type to want one specific woman. To him, one woman was pretty much the same as the next. But not anymore. No one was like Abby.

  He didn’t know when that thought had settled within him, but he knew it now. He wanted her in his life, and he was beginning to think it might be a permanent thing.

  The idea to take her to New York had been a godsend. He didn’t believe he could buy Abby’s affections, or that he should even try to, but he thought that showing her what he could give her, what her life could be like with him, would be enough to secure a commitment from her.

  They had never talked about becoming exclusive. In fact, he had never had that conversation with anyone in his life, but he would now.

  She wouldn’t be seeing anyone but him.

  Abby was his, whether she knew it or not.

  Distracted with thoughts of how to persuade Abby, he didn’t bother to look who was at his door before answering.

  “Hello, Dylan.”

  The sly tone jerked him out of plotting. “Charisse. What are you doing here?”

  “Can I not even stop by now?” She huffed as she moved past him into the house.

  He closed the door, turning to face her. “No. You can’t.”

  “We didn’t break up, Dylan.”

  “It seemed like it to me.”

  “I just needed some time away to think.” Her white silk blouse parted, showing ample cleavage as she sauntered toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I’ve missed you.”

  He reached up to her hands, pulling them away from him. “What do you want?”

  “You. I’ve thought a lot about our last conversation, Dylan. I was wrong to push. I realize that you might never be the type to make a commitment, but that doesn’t bother me anymore. I just want to be with you.”

  “It’s over, Charisse.” He put her hands down, holding them so she wouldn’t cling to him again.

  “No it isn’t. I know you still want me.”

  He leveled his eyes on her. “There’s someone else.”

  “You mean that nobody you brought to the benefit?” Her laugh was brittle as she swirled around, stalking the room, before turning back to him. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I am.”

  “She can’t give you what I can.” Anger laced her voice. “She can’t give you the connections or status that dating me will.”

  “Charisse, you and I both know there isn’t anything you can give me that I don’t already have.”

  She screeched. “She’ll only embarrass you. Do you think she’ll survive any other party? She doesn’t have what it takes to be on your arm. To help you in your career.” She laughed cruelly. “She’s more suited to serve at one of those parties than to attend.”

  “Watch yourself.” His voice was deadly.

  Realizing she overstepped the line, she backpedaled, smiling sweetly at him. “I can see you care about her. She seemed nice enough. But you also have to think about her, how awkward and shunned she will feel in our world. She doesn’t have the manners or grace to make friends. You wouldn’t want her to go through that, would you?”

  “Have you forgotten that I’m not from ‘your world’ as you call it?”

  “But you are in it now. There aren’t many who can make the jump.”

  “She will.”

  “And if she doesn’t? If she is ridiculed?”

  “Then I won’t give a damn. She means more than any of that superficial crap.” He felt his anger simmering, and he yanked it forcefully back. “We are over, Charisse. Get whatever you’ve left here and leave.”

  “You can’t do this to me! I helped make you.” Her eyes narrowed as her nails curled in like claws. “And I swear if you dump me now, I’ll ruin you. I’ll make sure no one ever hires your company again.”

  Dylan looked down at the woman he had once thought beautiful, only seeing how ugly she really was. What had he ever seen in her? “I’ll survive.” He turned on his heel, heading for the door. “I’ll be back in an hour. Make sure you’re gone by then.”

  He closed the door on her scream.

  Charisse screeched, seeing red when Dylan walked out the door. “You bastard! You think you can dump me?” Picking up an empty vase, she hurled it across the room, her eyes gleaming at the resounding shatter. “No one dumps me.”

  He needed to pay. She wasn’t about to be left for some backwater girl. Moving through the house, she broke an expensive item or two, smiling when she thought of the anger Dylan would feel when he saw what she had done.

  She didn’t care. He could go to hell.

  Moving to his office, determined to throw every single paper onto the floor, she marched to his desk. The first stack of papers went flying, sailing through the air in a frenzy before settling down in chaos.

  Reaching for another stack, her hand paused as she noticed a bottle with a note tucked inside. Picking it up, she unscrewed it, pulling out the piece of paper before reading.

  Unable to grasp what this letter meant, she read through it again, ending with the signature: Abby Carter.

  This was how Dylan had found her? He’d found her little note to Santa asking for someone to love?

  A laugh sounded harshly from her lips. It was pathetic. He probably felt sorry for her. Probably thought of her as some type of charity case.

  Did she know that he had found this? She tapped the paper on her mouth. Dylan hadn’t said how they’d met, but if the letter was still here, she guessed that his sweet Abby didn’t know he’d found it.

  A devilish smile quirked her lips. Perhaps she should let Abby know what type of guy Dylan really was. Let her know that he was playing her.

  It would be her parting gift to Dylan. One that would be so much more satisfying than trashing his house.

  Slipping the letter and bottle into her purse, she walked out of the house, away from the mess she had created.

  She knew what she’d be giving Abby for Christmas.

  Chapter 10

  Laughing as she wobbled on her skates, Abby clutched Dylan’s hand as he led her around the rink in Central Park.

  It was their last day in New York, the time having flown by so quickly that she could barely recall the sites they had seen.

  With the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty under her belt, Dylan had made sure to cram in a Broadway show, a visit to the Met, New York City’s best pizza, and now ice skating.With their days filled with laughter and their nights blazing with passion, Abby knew there was no denying that she was in love with him.

  It had happened quickly, the feeling rushing into her heart, taking her captive, but she didn’t fight it.
  There was always risk in love, and even more so with a man like Dylan. But he made her feel safe.

  There was something between them, whether or not any words had been spoken. In the last several weeks, she had come to know him like no other, able to read his moods before he even realized what he was feeling.

  The only thing she couldn’t read was how he felt about her. He cared about her, she was sure.

  Wrapping his arm tightly around her waist, he led her around the rink again. “I’m awful at this,” Abby said, gasping for breath between her laughter.

  “I won’t lie to you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone fall as often as you do.”

  She poked him in the ribs playfully. “Watch it, or I might fall again, taking you down with me.”

  He eyed her slowly. “You know I wouldn’t object to getting you flat on your back again.”

  “You devil!” she laughed, looking around to see who might have heard his comment. “Someone might hear you.”

  “You think I care?”

  “I might. I’m not used to making an exhibition of myself.”

  “Ah, but this is New York. No one pays attention to anyone but themselves.” Leaning forward, he kissed her hotly, deeply, making her forget the surrounding skaters. His eyes twinkled when his head lifted. “See? No one even batted an eyelash.”

  Glancing around, she realized he was right. She shook her head in disbelief. “I’ll never get used to that.” He laughed, guiding her through the crowds, her skates crunching over the ice. “When do we need to leave for the airport?”

  He looked at his watch. “Two hours. We should probably head out soon.”

  When they got into the cab awhile later, Abby gave him a small smile. “I’m sad to see it end.”

  She snuggled against him as the driver wove through traffic, jockeying for the quickest route to the airport. “We could always come back, or perhaps go somewhere else. What about for New Year’s?”

  She turned to look at him, confused by what she saw in his eyes. “New Year’s? You mean in less than two weeks?” He nodded. “I mean, we could. But that isn’t necessary. All I want is to be with you, it doesn’t matter where we are.”


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