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The Killers Amongst Us: Chimera Dawn Chronicles

Page 16

by Conner, Declan

  “That’s what special friends are for. Speak to you later.”

  Louise turned and climbed in the back seat of the car. Amy stood and watched as they drove away, sharing waves with Louise. With the car out of sight, Amy walked along the sidewalk and turned left along Westwood. For all the surrounding sprawl of the UCLA concrete buildings that gave the area a sterile look, she was amused that the approaching Medical Center looked as though it had been fashioned from giant white Lego bricks. She stopped at the crosswalk facing the Semel Institute for Neuroscience, walked across the road and then along the sidewalk. Amy stopped and waited for her bus. The ‘big’ blue bus arrived and she climbed onboard. Taking a seat, the stress of the last few days drained from her mind, and she drifted to sleep.

  The familiar sound of her cell phone ringing brought her from her stupor. She took her phone from her purse. Ted’s name appeared on her screen and she eagerly opened the call.

  “Where are you?” Ted asked.

  “On the bus, going to Aunt Mary’s, why?”

  “Damn. I was hoping to meet up with you, I’m near the hospital.”

  “You could drive to Aunt Mary’s and meet me there. Anyway, I’m seeing you tonight.”

  “That’s the problem, I can’t see you tonight. I’m on my way back to Breakers Pass. I was hoping to see you at the hospital. Any news on Johno?”

  “Johno’s doing okay. They reckon they’re going to bring him out of is coma next week. How am I going to get back tomorrow?”

  “Don’t worry, I’m only going back home because someone is doing some work at my home. I’ll be back down here tomorrow, and I’ll pick you up from your Aunt’s house. Damn... my battery is dying and I don’t have my charger. I’ll phone you later.”

  The call ended. She pressed redial, but it went to messages. Amy dialed her Aunt Mary’s number and she answered.

  “Hi, Aunt Mary, I’m on my way to your house on the bus. Just needed to make sure you were going to be at home. I should be there in less than half an hour.”

  “No problem, I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Okay, see you soon.”

  She closed the call.

  Amy had underestimated how far along the journey she had traveled. Ten minutes and she arrived at her stop. She climbed down the stairs onto the sidewalk and waited for the bus to drive on. A medical response vehicle was parked behind the bus. The driver leaned out of the window as the bus drove away.

  “Can you help us with some directions?”

  Amy walked over to the ambulance.

  “I doubt it, I’m not from around these parts, sorry.”

  Her body jerked. A hand covered her mouth. Someone was behind her. Her body went into spasm with shock. An arm swung around her waist, pinning her arms to her side. The driver jumped out of the ambulance, wielding a syringe, and thrust it at her arm. She kicked out to no avail as whoever was holding her, wrestled her to the ground. Her vision began to spin, her body not reacting to her commands. She was aware of floating, and being thrust into the back of the vehicle and onto a gurney. She felt bumping as the vehicle sped away. Her vision was hazy. A face peered over her, wearing a surgeons cap and mask, accentuating the eyes. Those dark eyes stared at her as he fastened the straps to the gurney over her body. His eyes had a strange familiar look to them as her vision pulsated from clear to washy. She wanted to scream out for her dad, but her lips were frozen. Then all around her faded to flashing colors, and then to black.

  Chapter 23

  SHAW noticed Mrs. Fisher in her car. He parked his car outside his office. Mrs. Fisher had parked under the shade of a cherry tree. She was now sitting sideways, the door open, and with her legs dangling from her seat. Holding onto the doorframe, she struggled to climb out of her car without making any progress. Lifting the door catch, Shaw elbowed open his door, climbed out of his seat, and hurried over to her.

  “To what do we owe the pleasure of a visit today?” Shaw asked.

  “Just being neighborly. Help me out will you, there’s a good boy.”

  Shaw took her hands and helped Mrs. Fisher out of her seat.

  “Where’s Montague?”

  “He’s in his basket on the back seat taking a nap. I’ll need to leave the window open.”

  Shaw glanced on the back seat. It wasn’t exactly a basket, but a cat bed, fashioned out of pink fluffy material.

  “Pass me the tin off of the passenger seat. I’ve brought you some cake.”

  Shaw wondered what favor she’d require in return.

  “What’s the occasion?” Shaw opened the lid and sniffed the cake. “Hmm smells good, thank you.” He didn’t have the heart to tell her it was burnt around the edges.

  “Well, you’ve been good to me over the years. I know I can be trouble. Anyway, today’s my ninetieth birthday, so I baked a cake. Then I realized it was more than I’d ever eat.”

  Mrs. Fisher cackled as she hobbled to the entrance.

  Shaw stepped ahead and opened the door. He knew he wasn’t a touchy-feely person, and the urge to cuddle her surprised him. He turned to the frail woman beside him, put his arms around her and gave her a gentle squeeze. By the look on her face, she appeared as surprised as he was.

  “Happy birthday, Mrs. Fisher. Sorry I was off with you that day at the vets. It’s stressful when you’re working a crime scene.”

  “Thank you, but you can let go of me, or you’ll have people talking.” She snickered as he let go of her. “As for the other day, forget it. I understand. Incidentally, mentioning people talking, I’ve been doing some investigating and I have some more gossip. Maybe it’ll be worth you pinning a deputy’s badge on me.”

  Shaw opened his office door and held out his arm to direct her.

  “Please, take a seat at the desk.”

  Mrs. Fisher ambled over to the desk, grasped the chair arms, and lowered herself onto the seat. Her nose twitched and she scrunched her face.

  “You really must open the windows, it smells of dog in here,” she said.

  “Sorry,” Shaw said, as he stepped over Gyp who was lying curled up behind the desk. He opened a window. Shaw glanced at Gyp, who opened an eye, huffed, and then closed it again.

  “You know, in my younger days, I applied to Sheriff Haggerty to be a deputy here after my husband died, but he said it was no job for a woman. Still, in those days it was different.” She let out a regretful sigh.

  “How long since was it your husband passed away?”

  “During the Second World War. He was a sweet man. Married him on the rebound. No sooner got the vows over with that they sent him to England to join the invasion force. Next I heard was a telegram.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No need. It’s such a long time ago now. Incidentally, I did call here after I’d been to church yesterday, but you were out.”

  Shaw took a seat at his desk, anxious for her to get to the gossip.

  “Yesterday, oh yeah, I would have been at the silver mine around then.”

  “You’re not scared of the monster of the mine then I take it?” Mrs. Fisher cackled.

  “Mine monster. That’s a joke, right.”

  “I think that was Jedward’s, or the cult’s way of keeping people away from the mine, especially children. You know how it is; start a rumor and people will swear it exists.”


  “How long have you lived here? Don’t tell me you don’t know Jed was the mayor’s dad. Edward took over from him as mayor. Saved the town a ton of money it did when his son took over. All they had to do was rub out the ‘J’ and change the ‘e’ to a capital letter on the door to the mayor’s office and all the stationary. The silver mine’s been in their family ever since the settler days. But the mine monster stories started later.”

  .”Well someone else has it now.”

  “Oh, yes, the cult. They’ve been there since the fifties, only there are more of them now by all accounts. Jed leased the land to them during all the fuss about nuclear b
ombs. Said they were an end-of-days’ cult who wanted the land as a hideaway. I heard Jed didn’t want to renew the lease, and there was a big argument going on with the cult. He was convinced they’d started mining again and maybe they’d found a new silver vein. Thing is, when I spoke to him about it, he said he wasn’t interested in opening the mine again. Said all he wanted to do was to dynamite the old shaft and to close it for good... Never did say why.”

  “Well he obviously gave them a new lease.”

  “No that was Ed who signed the new lease after Jed’s accident. It was really tragic.”

  “What happened?”

  “He was driving into the quarry when the people were away to have a look around at what they were doing. He didn’t get that far. Boulders at the entrance gave way from the cliff and crushed his car with him inside.”

  Shaw picked up his Biro and tapped on the desk. He noticed her eyes moisten.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Sorry, Jed and me were close at one time. I suppose you could say it’s like father like son when you consider what I heard yesterday.”

  Shaw raised his eyebrows. She opened a purse, took out a handkerchief and dabbed each eye. She seemed more concerned at Jed’s passing than her husband dying in action.

  “Carry on,” said Shaw. He rose from his chair and walked over to his filing cabinet. Stooping, he opened the bottom drawer and thumbed through Sheriff Haggerty’s old files “I’m listening.” He stopped thumbing when he located Jedward Grimes’ file and removed it, closing the drawer with the toe of his boot.

  “Ah, yes, the gossip. Ron Bartlett says on a few occasions when he’d been walking his dog, he’d seen Maria letting Ed in through the back door at the vets, the few weeks before her death.”

  Shaw dropped the file on his desk and sat. He picked up his Biro and wrote Ron Bartlett’s name on his list of calls to make.

  “You’ve done good, Mrs. Fletcher. That’s interesting. Anyway, you’ve saved me a phone call you’re on my list.”


  “Yeah, I need a written statement for the times of the visits you made to the vets the day she died. Remember?”

  “Oh, that. Actually, I have something for you.” She opened her purse and handed him a check for fifteen-hundred dollars, fastened with a paper clip to the vet’s invoices. “I’ve not put a name on the check. I thought the relatives may need it for the funeral.”

  “Just put her mother’s name on the check, I’m sure she’ll appreciate the money to help lay her to rest.”

  Shaw opened his drawer, took out an envelope and wrote her mother’s name and address on the envelope. He handed the envelope and check back to her. “Now about that statement.”

  Mrs. Fisher clutched her stomach. She tried to stand, but faltered, unsteady on her feet.

  “I’m really sorry. I don’t feel well.”

  Shaw hurried from behind his desk and helped her to sit. The color had drained from her face.

  “Coffee?” Shaw asked.

  “No, I only drink water.”

  Shaw walked over to the water cooler, took a paper cup from the dispenser, then half-filled it with water. He gave the cup to her. Her hands trembled as she took a sip. Shaw heard a tap on his door. He turned as it opened, and Esther, Frank’s old flame, walked into his office.

  “Frank phoned me this morning. I’ve come to pay my fine, but if you’re busy, I’ll call back,” Esther said.

  “No, it’s okay. I need your help now you’re here.”

  “What’s the problem?” Esther dropped an envelope on his desk. “My check for the fine is in there.”

  “It’s Mrs. Fisher, she’s having a bad turn.”

  Shaw looked at Mrs. Fisher. She bent over holding her stomach, and groaned. He knelt down and grasped the chair arms.

  “Do you want me to get you to see the doctor at the medical center?”

  Gyp sneaked between them and rested his jaw on her knee. Mrs. Fisher stroked Gyp’s head with one hand, while still holding her stomach with the other.

  “I’ll be fine, it’s passing,” she said. “I must have eaten something that disagreed with me.”

  “All the same, I don’t want you driving home,” said Shaw.

  “I’ll take her. She lives in my street,” Esther said.

  “What about Montague?” Mrs. Fisher said.

  “Don’t worry none, I’ll put him in Esther’s car.” Shaw said. “I’ll get Frank to take your car over to your house tonight, and I’ll look in on you in the morning. If you take a turn for the worse, phone me and I’ll take you to the medical center.”

  “I’ll look in on her tonight,” said Esther.

  “It is good of you, but honestly, the pain has passed.”

  Shaw walked around his desk, opened his drawer and took something out. He glanced out of the window at the sound of a vehicle parking outside. He watched Frank climb out and put on his hat.

  “Come on, Mrs. Fisher, I’ll help you to Esther’s car,” Shaw said.

  Shaw and Esther guided Mrs. Fisher outside. Shaw took her keys from her purse, then transferred Montague. Shaw noticed Frank nod to Esther and his cheeks flush. The passenger door was open on Esther’s car. He leaned in, took hold of Mrs. Fisher’s hand and placed a present on her palm. Mrs. Fisher looked down at the deputy badge he had given her, and curling her fingers around the badge, she smiled at Shaw.

  “Happy Birthday. I hope you get better soon,” he said, and closed the door.

  Esther’s car reversed and Shaw noticed Jeff Rigby, the local taxidermist, sat on the back seat of Frank’s vehicle. Frank walked over to Shaw and handed him a large buff envelope.

  “What’s this?” Shaw asked.

  “I thought it was time to man-up and to take this deputy job seriously. I’ve been out and collected all the fines. You’ll also find a copy of a parking ticket in there you’ll appreciate.”

  “Who is it for?”

  “Hogan. He’d left his burger van in a restricted area on the main street.”

  Shaw smirked at the irony.

  “Great, but what’s Rigby doing in the back of your car?”

  “Oh, him. I’ve arrested him. He’s the witness that I mentioned.”

  Chapter 24

  SHAW opened Sheriff Haggerty’s file on Jedward Grimes’ death as Frank entered the office with his prisoner. Intrigued, Shaw pushed back in his chair.

  “Stay there,” said Frank to Jeff Rigby, and walked over to Shaw’s desk.

  Rigby wasn’t going anywhere with his arms behind his back and cuffed at the wrists. Frank slipped a hunting rifle strap from his shoulder and placed the rifle on Shaw’s desk, together with an evidence bag.

  “What’s all this?” Shaw asked.

  “It’s Rigby’s rifle and some of his ammunition for forensics. I’ll explain when I’ve booked him in and locked him in the cell. Shaw shrugged his shoulders, wondering where all this was leading.

  “Don’t forget his boot laces, and make sure he signs for his personal belongings,” Shaw said

  “Sheriff, he’s got it all wrong. I can explain,” said Rigby.

  “Quiet, or I may just forget you’re in there once I lock you in the cell,” said Frank, and ushered his prisoner through the door to the holding area.

  Shaw looked at the file on Jedward Grimes. All he found was a photograph of Jed’s flattened car surrounded by boulders, and a single sheet of paper with the words ‘Accident’ typed on the page, and below that, ‘File removed to county’. He reached for his phone pad and flipped through to Sheriff Haggerty’s home number. Shaw lifted the handset and tapped out the number.


  “Hi, Ben, it’s Brett calling from your old office.”

  “Brett who?”

  “Sorry, Sheriff Shaw.”

  “Oh, yeah, I remember now. What d’ya want?”

  “Listen, sorry for the trouble, but I’ve been looking through the old files of yours and came across one for Jedward Grimes, but
it’s almost empty.”

  “Yeah, the spooks took it, said it was for county, but it never arrived.”


  “Yeah, guys in suits. Secret Service I assumed. I checked with county and they said to let them have the file. Why?”

  “It’s just that I heard about Jed’s accident from one of the locals. They were saying Jed had a problem with the leaseholders at the silver mine. I wondered if you did any investigating.”

  “Of course I did. What d’ya take me for. Their alibis checked out. The head of government construction confirmed they were all working on improvements to the NASA launch site at the time, over at the Vandenberg Air Force Base. It was just before the final Atlas launch in 2003. All of them had top security clearance. Like it says in the file, it was an accident. Weird sons of bitches they were.”

  “Yeah, I met some of them yesterday.”

  “No, I mean really weird. I had a run in with them way back in the day. Scared the crap out of some kids camping nearby, they did. They dressed up with dog masks and chased the kids off. I guess they wanted to keep the locals away. ‘No good stocking up on food and having all the locals overrun us when they’ve run out of supplies’, one of them said. Pathetic. I can’t believe they’re still waiting for a nuclear strike.”

  Shaw laughed.

  “So that’s where the rumors of the mine monster came from?”

  “More than likely,” said Haggerty. “Now if that’s all, I have some fishing to do.”

  “Thanks. Sorry to have troubled you.”

  Shaw ended the call. He turned his attention to Rigby’s rifle and inspected the scope, an ATN Aries 410 Night Vision. Frank entered and sat opposite.

  “What’s Rigby been up to this time?” said Shaw.

  “Same old story. I called to talk to him about missing his fine payment schedule and he tried to run. He had to be hiding something. Anyway, after I cuffed him, I found a dead mountain lion in his cold storage with a bullet hole straight through its heart.”

  “So he’s been hunting restricted animals again, despite the judge banning him from hunting at all. That’s prison for sure this time. What’s all this about him being a witness?”


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