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Wish For Me (The Djinn Order #1)

Page 11

by A. Star

  His bed was gigantic and square with a steel arch and silk bed sheets. The headboard was a steel pulley wall or whatever it was called. All I knew was that there were two pulleys on wheels wedged inside the wall’s many grooves and attached to the pulleys were steel cuffs. Like the ones used in some sort of torture chamber. Like ones I knew I would end up end before the day was over.

  “Take off your clothes and lie down,” he commanded. His back was to me and he was undressing. Well, sort of. After he removed his duster, the rest of his clothes just faded away and were replaced by a pair of metallic tweed harem pants that were as masculine as they were beautiful.

  “Wow,” I breathed. Irving turned and cocked his head at me. There was a question in his eyes. “You just look so much like…a prince.”

  Irving didn’t smile or acknowledge my comment. Clearly I’d answered the wrong question. “Why are you not naked, Glory?”

  I shrugged, feeling awkward and slight overwhelmed. “We’re actually going to do this with the lights on and the window open? It’s still the freaking morning time.”

  “And that means what exactly?”

  I felt like a pimply teenager who was trying to talk herself out of her first sexual encounter. “I’m just not a sex during the day kind of girl. I mean, I haven’t done it often. Maybe once and that’s it.”

  “Are you ashamed of your body?”

  I blanched. “What?”

  “Why do you not want me to see you?”

  “I’m not hiding my body from you, Irving. I’m not ashamed of how I look.”

  “Good. Then do as you’re told and get naked. Now.”

  That confirmed it. I wasn’t the master in this situation. Irving had given me an order and he fully expected me to obey. And I wanted to obey. This order and all the ones that were to follow.

  Without another word, I lifted the strap of my bag over my head and set it on the huge lounge not far from the keyhole window, not wanting to sit Irving’s Chronolier on the floor. I kicked off my shoes and popped the button on my pants at the same time. I pulled my shirt over my head, then pushed my pants down. I wasn’t very sexy with it, but I was kind of nervous. Irving watched my every move and when I was down to my bra and panties, he stepped forward and took over.

  He kissed me as his hand came around to unhook my bra. He let it slide to the floor without ever breaking the kiss and then proceeded to remove my panties. His hands slid around to cup my ass and then with a slow, never-ending stroke, he pushed my panties all the way down my legs. I flung them away with a foot then wrapped my arms around Irving’s neck so I could have his lips on mine again.

  But he stopped me and with his hands on my hips, forced me back. I was pretty sure I snarled at him for the action but he didn’t seem to notice.

  “Bed,” he said and gave my butt a little encouraging pat. I narrowed my eyes at him, but then turned on my heels and pranced over to the bed, more than aware that Irving’s eyes were on my ass. I sat down on the bed and waited for my next order.

  “Lie back in the center of the bed.”

  I did.

  “Put your hands above your head.”

  Slowly, I obeyed. Irving waved his hand and the cuffs attached to the pulleys clamped around my wrists.

  “What are you doing?” I felt as panicked as I sounded. I jerked on the cuffs, but they were locked tight.

  Irving smiled and came to stand over me. “I have spent a good portion of my existence making the wishes of others come true.” He leaned down and sucked one of my nipples between his lips. “Now, it is my turn.” He tugged on my wrists and a devilish smile inched across his face.

  I quickly realized that using his kinky little pulley system, Irving could put me in any position that he wanted and there wasn’t anything I could do to stop him. Not that I wanted to, but still. What kind of freak was I dealing with here?

  “Spread your thighs,” Irving commanded. “Let me look at you.”

  I didn’t move a muscle. “What are you going to do to me?” I whispered.

  Irving must have sensed my inner excitement and smiled. “Make you come. Make you scream. Make it impossible for any other man to ever please you.”

  I squirmed because I knew Irving was perfectly capable of doing everything he said.

  “Spread your thighs for me, Glory. Please do not make me say it again.”

  I don’t know why that statement turned me on so much, but I did what I was told. I planted my feet on the silk sheets that felt like heaven against my warm skin and spread my legs so Irving could get his fill.

  His violet eyes sparkled when they landed on what I considered to be the most intimate part of me, though surprisingly, not the most sacred. My heart held that title. Once a guy had that, he practically ruled me. Which was why I’d only given it away once and had no plans to do so again.

  But this, I could do. I could have mind-blowing sex with a man and know that was all it was. Besides, I was only nineteen and had been a fool to trust my heart once before. I was too young for love, so this worked for me. And by the look Irving had in his eyes, this worked for him, too.

  Irving grunted and climbed onto the bed, kneeling in between my legs. He ran a hand from my right knee, down my thigh, until it rested right near the sweet spot.

  “You are beautiful, Glory,” he mumbled right before pushing two fingers inside of me.

  “Oh!” I gasped as my hips rose off the bed at the sensation. A shaky moan followed when Irving hit an extra sensitive spot.

  “Is this good for you?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I breathed. “Yes.”

  Irving circled his thumb over my clit again and again, sending a burst of pleasure through my stomach. But as soon as the feeling started to blur my vision, Irving’s fingers slipped out of me.

  “Son of a bitch,” I growled.

  He smiled and rose from the bed. After discarding his harem pants, he returned and slid his body over mine, attaching his lips to one of my nipples the first chance he got. The sensation was hardly enough to distract me from what I’d just seen hanging between Irving’s thighs.

  “You’ll slay me with that thing,” I moaned.

  Irving chuckled, knowing what I meant. “I will only bring you pleasure, I promise.” He switched his attention to my other breast.

  His hands were all over me by now and I wanted to feel him too. But my hands were still in the cuffs. I jerked on them to get his attention.

  “I want out of these, Irving.”

  “No,” he said and leaned up to kiss away any further protest. His body was firmly wedged between my legs and I felt his hardness pressed up against my pelvis. He was ready and dammit, so was I.

  “Just do me already,” I pleaded. “Don’t make me wait anymore.”

  With a grunt, Irving pushed inside me. I cried out because fuck, it just felt so good. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and claw at his back, anything to help us be closer, but once again, the cuffs restrained me. However, Irving must have understood what I wanted because he took my legs and wrapped them around his waist. Then he was kissing me and rolling his hips, bringing us as close together as he could get us.

  Every stroke was ecstasy and every place his lips touched sizzled with heat. At one point, Irving lifted up on his elbows and looked down at me, his hips still grinding against mine and drawing the most erotic of moans out of me.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said. “The most beautiful female I have ever seen.”

  I felt weird returning the compliment while I was cuffed to a wall, but Irving knew how I felt about him. He knew I thought he was sexy as hell and that his body could make any man, immortal or not, green with envy. I’d complimented his stellar looks with every adjective in a thesaurus, but none of them really did him justice. His beauty was beyond what words could describe.

  Irving leaned down and kissed me again. Then he pulled away and back into a crouch.

  “Hands and knees, Glory,” he said before I could curse him. �
�I want to see your pretty ass up in the air.”

  I frowned, puzzled. I yanked on my cuffs. “How in the—”

  “Hurry up, beautiful. My cock wants to be inside of you again and he is far more impatient than I could ever be.”

  I glared at him then up at my cuffs. Damn Irving for making me decipher a puzzle when he was supposed to be banging me. I growled and twisted in my cuffs so I could figure out what my first move was.

  The wall was basically a maze and I found that it wasn’t really as hard as I expected for me to figure out how to maneuver the pulleys so my arms weren’t twisted like rubber bands. In fact, it was simple and a few moves later, I had it all worked out.

  “Very good,” Irving said the moment I was in position. Then he pushed into me with one hard thrust.

  He hammered in and out of me, one hand around the back of my neck and the other on my hip. My lips formed an “O” and my gasps of pleasure flowed as constant as a river. The cuffs helped keep me steady, but so did Irving’s unwavering thrusts that not only kept me from losing my balance, but also forced my desire to new heights. I started throwing it back as good as I was getting it and when I clenched around him, Irving knew I was close.

  “I want to watch you,” Irving said, and before I realized what was happening, Irving was releasing me from the cuffs and flipping me over. He pulled me into his lap and pushed inside me in a single movement. I wrapped every limb around my Djinn and let him continue to rule me. Deeper and deeper, higher and higher. We climbed with no fear of falling. My fuse was lit and I was set to go off. The slow burn accelerated through my veins and right down to where Irving and I were connected.

  And then it happened.

  “Irving,” I moaned softly, then louder. “Irving!”

  Every molecule that was me came apart. Wave after wave crashed through me, pursued by Irving’s perfection and the way he rolled his hips into mine. I clung to him as though letting go would mean I’d fall to the bed in pieces. That’s how explosive my orgasm was.

  Irving kissed me softly and when I finally went limp in his arms, he gently rolled us into a reclined position to recuperate. He didn’t crowd me or try to cuddle and I was glad. It made me feel like Irving knew me better than I thought, or that he was seriously trying to get to know me.

  It was a distant thought as I drifted off to sleep with an inkling in my chest that somehow, someway, Irving was going to change my life forever.

  In so many words, I was screwed.

  I woke up to Irving’s finger making swirly patterns on my hip while the rest of his naked body spooned me from behind. I could feel how hard and ready he was already and I immediately became wet. The second he realized I was awake, his entire hand caressed my hip and then slid down my thigh to rest near my knee.

  “You inked Nagi into your skin,” Irving muttered in my ear. He kissed my shoulder as his hand slipped between my thighs and lifted up my leg.

  I nodded, wondering when he’d noticed the tattoo. “I did.”

  Irving grunted and then pushed inside me. I came in, like, three minutes and he wasn’t too far behind. Morning quickies were my favorite. The fact that Irving pounced on me the second my eyes opened made me think he loved sex first thing in the morning too.

  Irving was about as eager to get out of bed as I was, which was not at all. So we just laid there and cuddled, which was strange for me since I wasn’t really the cuddling type. But I liked it. With Irving, I liked it.

  “While we were doing it, you said I honored you with my tattoo,” I said. We were lying face-to-face and my head rested on his arm while the other cradled my waist.

  “While we were doing it?” Irving grinned at me.

  I blushed because I knew I sounded silly. Irving made me shy about sex and I didn’t know why. “Okay, when we were having sex then.”

  “Yes,” he said. “You took one of my most prized possessions and memorialized her on your beautiful body. You not only honored me, you made my lust for you that much more potent.”

  I smiled. “No shit.”

  Irving grunted, and then to show me what he meant, his hand slid down to squeeze my ass. His lips started trailing kisses down my neck and I knew he was trying to get something started again. But I had barely recovered from the last time, and besides, I had a question to ask and was tired of saving it for later.

  I forced my hands between us and pushed, putting some distance between his body and mine. “Ada told me that Djinn and humans are allowed to get married. So like, do any half-Djinn exist?”

  “You mean—” He pulled me into him, bringing us back together. “—is it possible for a Djinn and a human to reproduce?”

  I stared at his lips so I could hear and see his answer. “Yeah.”

  Those lips curved up at the corners. “They exist, Glory. However, half-Djinn are powerless. Most don’t even know they are half-Djinn. You must have two Djinn parents to inherit the wish trait.”

  “The wish trait? Oh, like the power to grant wishes, right?”

  “Correct. Without this trait, you are just a human.”

  I snorted. “There you go hating on humans again.”

  “Forgive me, Glory. I did not mean that in the way it sounded.”

  “Sure, you didn’t,” I laughed, tickling one of his ribs.

  He jerked. “Don’t do that.”

  My eyes widened. “Hot damn. Are you ticklish, Irving Amir?”

  “No.” His lips quivered at trying to curb his smile and I knew he was lying.

  I attacked and got in a few good tickles that made Irving roar with laughter. Then he was fighting back and before I knew it, I was conquered.

  He pinned my arms to the bed. “It is time to get up.”

  I groaned. “Do we have to? Can’t we just stay in bed all day again?” It was true. We’d stayed naked and locked away in Irving’s chamber the entire previous day, only halting our sex marathon to dine on the random delicacies Irving’s servants left at the door on gold platters. I should have been exhausted and sore, but all I felt was rejuvenated. I wanted more of Irving. Though more could never be enough.

  He smiled as he rolled off of me. “Nothing would please me more, beautiful. But we must meet my cousins for breakfast and then I have a surprise for you.”

  I sat up. “A surprise?”

  Irving chuckled. “I knew that would spark your interest.” He rose and walked ass naked over to the grand double doors of his chamber. Bending down, he picked up a folded letter that someone had slid under the doors at some point. He walked back to stand over by his huge keyhole window so the sunlight could illuminate the piece of paper.

  “It’s a missive from the Sultan,” he said. He fell silent as his eyes drifted over the missive. A frown formed a moment later and I dreaded the words it had delivered.

  There was a knock at the doors and they pushed open before Irving even gave his permission. He didn’t seem to care so much and his eyes remained glued to the missive in his hands. He didn’t even make a single move to cover himself when a barefoot young Djinn woman wearing a simple corset and harem pants entered his chamber with several pieces of clothing laid out across her arms. She bowed before speaking.

  “Where would you like these, Your Highness?” the Djinn said, her violet eyes directed toward the floor.

  “Anywhere is fine, Aashirya,” Irving replied, finally looking up. He waited until she laid the clothes out across his lounge, then said, “Return in exactly one hour to help Glory dress.”

  “Yes, Your Highness.” Aashirya bowed then left as quickly as she came.

  I stared after her and waited until the doors closed before I spoke. “Do you usually prance around naked in front of your female servants?”

  A brow raised. “You sound envious.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not. If you wanted her, she’d be lying here instead of me. I’m just trying to learn your ways.”

  Irving smiled. “Nudity means nothing to us. A body is just that, a body. It is nothing
more than a shell that encompasses the soul.”

  “So you’re okay with other men seeing me naked?”

  He shrugged. “If that is your wish, Glory.” That was not the answer I was looking for, but I was not at all surprised it was the answer I got.

  I changed the subject. “What language do you all usually speak here? I know it’s not English but everyone keeps speaking it.”

  “We speak a language so ancient, it has never been known by humankind,” he said. “But we know many human languages. We only speak English because you are here.”


  “Yes. You share the bed of an Amir prince and the entire kingdom is aware of it. Everyone will speak your language. Besides, there are other humans here from your country, although my kind makes no such concessions for them.”

  My eyes stretched wide. “How in the hell does the entire kingdom already know that we slept together?”

  He shrugged. “Ada.”

  “Why is the princess acting as the royal gossip and spreading our business around?”

  “She is not acting,” Irving laughed. “But in all honesty, managing royal affairs is amongst Ada’s duties to the kingdom since our Sultana is in eternal rest.”

  “Why is our sex life a royal affair?” I huffed. “It should be private.”

  “When you bed an Amir, it is a royal and very public affair. I am afraid you will simply have to get used to that.”

  Get used to it? “So you plan on us doing this again?”

  Irving grinned and finally let the missive drift to the floor. He was at the bed in three strides. “Oh, yes. Like right now.” He reached down, grabbed my ankle and jerked me to the end of the bed.

  After I seriously couldn’t orgasm anymore, Irving finally carried me into his bath chamber. The square marble tub was built for a king and actually had stairs leading down into the deliciously warm water that never cooled. Four marble pillars stood at the corners of the tub, framing live plants and nude statues that were situated all around the chamber.

  Irving didn’t have any servants present so he said he would be the one to help me bathe.


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