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Mr. Darcy and the Secret of Becoming a Gentleman

Page 20

by Maria Hamilton

To everyone’s surprise, Jane did not answer but simply continued to smile broadly. After a moment, Elizabeth realized that Jane was looking past Caroline to the door where Mr. Bingley had just entered. After standing there for a moment, smiling at Jane, he recollected himself. “Miss Bennet, Miss Elizabeth, what a pleasant surprise. I hope you are both well?” After receiving a satisfactory answer, he turned to his sister and said, “Caroline, I did not mean to interrupt. To whom are you sending a note? Is someone ill?”

  With a level voice, Caroline replied, “Oh, no, Charles, not at all. It is nothing to concern yourself with. We were just trying to organize some social engagements.”

  “Well, Caroline, you know I love social engagements. What do you have planned?”

  Trying to keep up her mask of indifference, she casually replied, “The Bennets have invited us all to dinner tomorrow night, but I was just saying that they should not go to the trouble just for us.”

  Smiling demurely, Jane volunteered, “It is no bother at all, and my mother is most anxious to return the favor.”

  Clapping his hands in delight, Mr. Bingley responded, “Well, then, it is settled. We would not want to disappoint her. We have no prior engagements that I know of, unless, of course, Caroline, there is something of which you have not informed me.”

  Creasing her brow in thought, Caroline took her time and then responded, “No, now that I think about it, we are free tomorrow evening. Jane, please, thank your mother for me for her kindness. We would be happy to attend.”

  Nodding to Caroline, Jane replied, “She will be so pleased.”

  Mr. Bingley then added, with a jovial air, “And speaking of invitations, could I convince you to dine with us? My work with my solicitor has gone far more quickly than I would have anticipated. I should be finished in one half hour.”

  Interrupting, Caroline said, “Oh, Charles, you cannot monopolize all of dear Jane’s time. I am sure she and Eliza have other social commitments.”

  “Caroline, I am sure that is true, but I was hoping to take advantage of Miss Bennet’s generous nature and have her make a special exception for us.” After he exchanged a demure smile with the object of his affections, he added, “Not only would that be a delightful manner in which to spend the afternoon, it might prove practical as well. There are some issues my solicitor thinks I should familiarize Jane with, and it might be easier to do it today while they are fresh in my mind.”

  Smiling first at Elizabeth to get her consent, Jane shyly replied, “If you think that is best, we would be happy to stay.”

  “That is wonderful. I will just wrap up some details and join you as soon as possible. Caroline, perhaps you could show them the private chambers again. I want Jane to redecorate them, and it might help her organize her thoughts. My solicitor needs to return to town today, so he will be unable to join us, but I am sure Darcy will want to attend.”

  Attempting to respond in a disinterested air, Caroline said, “Charles, I saw him as he was taking a ride this morning, and he said he would be unavailable all day.”

  Looking to Jane and then Elizabeth, Mr. Bingley added, “Oh, I am sure that he will regret having missed your visit.”

  Elizabeth and Jane endured Caroline’s tour as well as could be expected. Elizabeth was secretly disappointed that Mr. Darcy was unavailable. She was nonetheless glad for the opportunity to help Jane. Despite Caroline’s interference, Jane was able to come to some decisions about the master suites, and the tour actually proved quite productive. The meal also turned out to be a pleasant affair. The Hursts excused themselves, wanting to eat in their room. That left Caroline in the minority, and Mr. Bingley’s infectious good mood proved too powerful for Caroline’s barbed comments and stiff demeanor. After lunch, Mr. Bingley suggested a walk in the garden. Caroline saw that her hostess duties were at an end and excused herself from their company, saying that she needed to review some menus with the chef.

  The three companions then set out to tour the flower gardens and paths surrounding the house. They had not traveled far before Elizabeth felt that she was somewhat in the way. Mr. Bingley had said he wanted to discuss some matters with Jane that surely concerned their upcoming marriage, and her presence would impede that discussion. Moreover, Elizabeth got the distinct impression that Mr. Bingley wanted a few stolen moments alone with Jane for other reasons.

  As they turned to leave the garden, Elizabeth stopped and said, “This is a particularly lovely spot. I think, if the two of you do not mind, I would like to sit here and rest. It is a beautiful view.”

  “Oh, Miss Elizabeth, I hope I have not overtaxed you. If you like, we could all rest here.”

  “No, I would not hear of it. It is too lovely a day to miss. Maybe I will borrow a volume from your library and bring it here to read for a time.”

  Hoping for such an opening, Mr. Bingley replied excitedly, “Oh, yes, by all means, be my guest. Feel free to borrow anything that interests you.” He then pointed to the side of the house and added, “You can access the library from those glass doors.”

  Smiling at them both, she replied, “Then it is settled. I will get a book and either read it here, or if it gets too cold, sit just inside the library with the doors open to the garden. That way if you need me, I will be available.”

  Pleased with what an agreeable chaperone she was, Mr. Bingley insisted that she call him if she required anything. Elizabeth entered the library through the garden door. The difference between the bright sunlight she had just left and the darker room she entered made it difficult for her to adjust her eyes as she absentmindedly looked about the shelves. At the far end of the room, the gentleman at the desk had no such problem with his vision, although he did wonder for a few seconds if his eyes were playing tricks on him. He immediately realized that she had not seen him, and remained still, simply watching her. She slowly traveled down the stack of books, unconsciously dancing her fingers across the back of a leather sofa as she walked. As she came to its end, she turned to the desk. Her eyes opened wide in shock. “Mr. Darcy!”

  Smiling at her in a relaxed manner, he asked, “Miss Bennet, to what do I owe this honor?”

  “Sir, I… I did not know you were at home… here… I thought you were away.”

  Clearly enjoying that he had unnerved her for a change, he continued to stare at her unabashedly. “No, as you can see, I am right here. Unintentional or not, I am most grateful for the visit.”

  “I… I…” Blushing, Elizabeth resolved to calm herself and speak intelligently. She took a deep breath and said, “Mr. Bingley offered to lend me a book. I did not realize you or, for that matter, anyone else, occupied the library. Miss Bingley mentioned that you were gone for the day, and I just assumed that no one else was in this part of the house.”

  “Yes, I see. I told Miss Bingley that I had duties to attend to for the bulk of the day, but I never meant to infer that I would be from the house.”

  Looking down, she quietly replied, “I must have misunderstood.”

  Hoping to put her at ease, he attempted to change the subject. “Are you visiting with your sister? Have you once again deviated from Miss Bingley’s tour?”

  She gave a light laugh and said, “Yes and no. Jane came to extend an invitation to dine tomorrow at Longbourn, and I accompanied her here. Mr. Bingley pressed her to stay, and they have now taken a walk. I felt my constant presence was a little stifling for them and thought that I would get a book to better occupy my time.”

  With a smile playing upon his lips, he said, “That was very thoughtful of you.”

  Unsure of what she should say or do, she replied, “Thank you. But, Mr. Darcy, you mentioned that you had duties to attend to, and I am clearly keeping you from them.”

  “No, not at all. I would welcome a diversion.” He then added in a more subdued tone, “I would be most pleased if you would join me.”

  She shyly replied, “Just for a moment then.”

  “Well, at least until you find a book.”

sp; “Yes.”

  After a slight pause, he asked, “Did you have any specific volume in mind?”

  “No, not really. Being more familiar with Mr. Bingley’s library, perhaps you could suggest something?”

  “I’d be honored. But let me think for a moment. I do not want to disappoint.”

  As he looked at the shelf behind the desk, Elizabeth looked at the piles of papers stacked upon it and asked, “May I enquire what it is I am keeping you from?”

  Turning, he smiled as he replied, “Certainly, although I am afraid it is quite dull.”

  “Whatever it is, there appears to be a great deal of it.”

  “Yes, unfortunately, there is. I am attempting, rather poorly, to attend to my correspondence from Pemberley.”

  “Is this the usual volume, or have you been neglecting it for several months?”

  Laughing, he replied, “You would think it had accumulated over a great deal of time, but it is actually a week’s worth of papers and letters that need my attention. I think it looks a little more daunting because it is not arranged in a coherent manner.”

  “I am surprised to hear that. You strike me as very fastidious.”

  “I am not sure if that is a compliment, but I will take it as one. You are right, I am usually quite organized but not through any talent of my own. I have a most valued steward, Mr. Edmund Lynch, who is exceedingly skilled at organizing my papers—and me in the process.”

  “I find it hard to believe that you do not possess some skill in that area. But in any case, I take it your steward is back at Pemberley and therefore unable to help.”

  “So to speak, but I would be doing him a disservice if I did not explain further. He is quite adept at organizing my life from a great distance. His physical absence is not the problem. Usually, he sorts through my papers, and when I am away from my estate, he sends them to me in a thoroughly organized fashion. Over time, we have developed a finely tuned system. For the past eight days, though, he has been unavailable, so I have had my correspondence sent directly to me unsorted, and I miss his help exceedingly.”

  “Is he ill?”

  “Not at all. It is actually a joyous occasion. Mrs. Lynch gave birth to a son two days ago. As her date approached, he became so nervous that I thought it best that he stay home with her for the duration of her confinement. I met him in London last week to dispose of some of the more pressing matters and then sent him home to his wife. Despite my good intentions, I am afraid Mrs. Lynch may never speak to me again. In his high state of anxiety, I am sure he was more of a burden than a help. Nevertheless, since the child’s arrival, I have received word that they are all healthy and happy. Mr. Lynch will come back to work in a fortnight.”

  “And in the meantime, you are fending for yourself? I would have thought that there would be someone else who could help you?”

  “Mr. Bingley has offered the services of his steward, but he was engaged with Mr. Bingley and his solicitor today, so I did not want to bother them with my concerns. I might have waited until he was free, but this morning, the timing seemed most opportune for me to begin. I have since regretted my decision, but my stubbornness has stopped me from quitting.”

  “Have you been working on your papers from Pemberley all morning then?”

  Eyeing her intently, he said, “No, early this morning I went for a ride to see the local scenery. Did you get a chance to walk out?”

  Awkwardly, she replied, “Actually, no. I had to call here. So I was prevented from doing so.”

  “Yes, of course… In any regard, when I returned, I went through my letters from my townhouse in London, but that was a much smaller contingent of documents. I have just finished with them. I was now going to face the papers from Pemberley.” Smiling at her, he added, “But inasmuch as Mr. Bingley has company, I will see to them another day.”

  Concerned, she asked, “But will it not make the task even more difficult if you put it off?”

  “It might, but I am willing to take that risk.”

  “But does not some of the correspondence require your immediate attention?”

  Looking at her intently, he said, “Miss Bennet, you are making me feel quite guilty. Yes, you are right. Some of it might require my immediate attention, and it might be best if I stayed here to work, but I am actually finding it quite difficult to do so.”

  She stared back at him for what seemed an eternity, as she understood the full meaning of his words. Apparently, he wanted to be in her company as much as she wanted to remain in his, but she knew selecting a book would not serve as an excuse to tarry in the library for very long, and she genuinely did not want to disrupt his work. She had recently vowed to try to get to know him better; maybe this was a golden opportunity. With a decisive air, she moved a chair closer to the desk, sat down, and replied, “Ah, yes, Mr. Darcy, I see it clearly. You intend to blame my sister and me for your own lack of industry. I will not have it on my conscience. I will help you organize the papers. You can then read them, decide what needs immediate attention, and leave the rest for when Mr. Lynch returns or seek the help of Mr. Bingley’s steward tomorrow.”

  Looking incredulously at her, he asked, “Miss Bennet, are you suggesting that you act as my steward?”

  Smiling at him impishly, she retorted, “I am simply offering my help. I have some free time while Jane is occupied. I was only going to start a new book; it can wait. I know that some of the papers might be quite complex, but I should be able to help you with some of the more repetitive tasks.”

  Frowning, he replied, “It is not that the work is too difficult. It is just that it is most… irregular.”

  Suddenly feeling far too presumptuous, she rose and said in a formal voice, “You are quite right, sir. I have overstepped my place. Your private letters are not my concern. Please forgive me. I will leave you to your work.”

  As she turned to go, he stepped to the side of the desk and remarked with some urgency, “Please, Miss Bennet, you misunderstand me. There is nothing in my correspondence that I would feel uncomfortable letting you see. I just did not think you would want to spend your time in such a pursuit. I am no expert, but I never imagined that a lady would want to undertake such a task.”

  Sensing that she had started something that it would be unfair to blame him for, she attempted to regulate her embarrassment and replied in an even tone, “You are right; it is not an activity a lady would typically engage in. But we have agreed to dispense with some of the more cumbersome social conventions. I have helped my father with his correspondence before, and I think I could follow your instructions and be of some limited use. But if you think it is unworkable, I quite understand.”

  Glad to see her at ease again, he smiled in relief. His primary goal was to stay in her company, and if she was willing to spend time with him in such a manner, then the endeavor had great merit. “Miss Bennet, your offer is quite kind. I could use your help. Thank you.”

  As they both sat back down, she looked at him expectantly. He, however, seemed content simply to stare at her. She cleared her throat and said, “What do you suggest, sir?”

  “Oh, yes, well… Mr. Lynch usually opens all of the correspondence and sorts them into three piles initially. Perhaps you could do that. My personal letters have been sent to me as they are received, so you need not worry about them.” Pointing to the desk, he said, “The mix of letters on the desk concern estate business, social invitations, tenant matters, charitable requests, patronage requests, and other types of solicitations. Once they are sorted, I attend them in order of priority.”

  “That seems manageable. Three piles, in order of their date: social invitations, estate business, including tenant matters, and requests.”

  Smiling at her, he enthusiastically said, “Yes, exactly. In the meantime, I will pull these maps out of the pile to review; they concern a dispute over a property boundary between tenants. Unfortunately, the situation has degenerated to a point where I need to step in.”

She smiled at him and began her work. The task proved quite interesting. As she opened each letter, she became more amazed at the volume of correspondence and the breadth of subject matter covered. She began to understand the extent of his responsibilities. It struck her that he was a very young man to carry such a heavy weight. As she worked, she could not help but sneak furtive glances at him, while he gazed with great concentration at the maps. With his brow furrowed, he unexpectedly looked up and caught her looking at him. He raised his eyebrows to inquire what she required, but she shyly looked back to the papers in front of her. It was then his turn to study her as she read the correspondence in her hand. He wondered at how they had come to this point in their relationship. He knew that she did not realize how her closeness affected him. More than that, her interest in his affairs was a balm to him. When he had first begun to fall in love with her, he had imagined her as his lover; as time progressed, he began to see her as the mistress of his estate, and when he asked her to marry him, the mother of his children. But since then, he had thought of her more as a partner, someone who could share his bed and his life, someone to share his sorrows, his concerns, his joys, and, in the process, end his loneliness. Sitting across from him, he could not help but imagine that she had already accepted the arrangement, and he reveled in it.

  As she worked silently, she was amazed at how comfortable she was in his presence. After a long, companionable silence, she sighed and announced, “I have only a few letters that I need to ask you about. Otherwise, I believe the bulk of the papers have been sorted. You said you would look at the three categories of documents in order of importance. I assume you will look at the social correspondence first as there are several invitations where a reply is almost overdue.”

  Studying her with his brow once again furrowed, he said, “Actually, I usually look at the invitations and social correspondence last. I rarely find anything of interest in that pile. I usually review the estate business first and then turn to the requests. I then quickly review the invitations and mark any I will accept. My steward can otherwise decline the rest on my behalf when he returns.” As he saw the height of the pile, he frowned and added, “I would ignore them completely if I was not mindful of the fact that my sister will one day be out in society. I would not want my behavior to injure her reception.”


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