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Page 4

by Pelaam

  Crouching down, Zander picked up the silver necklace he’d bought for Foss. The jewellery had snapped and a few black hairs clung to it. Zander tucked it into his pocket before standing up.

  Working his way back toward the road, Zander spotted the knife. Concerned a child might be injured if the weapon remained on the grass; Zander pulled out his handkerchief and wrapped the knife up. He’d drop it off at a police station the following day. Once he’d seen and spoken to Foss.

  Chapter seven

  After tossing and turning for hours, Zander finally gave up on sleep. Getting out of bed, he dressed, then just stretched out on the bed with the TV on, but he wasn’t watching it. His mind was filled with nightmarish images of Foss morphing into a huge, black creature with glowing red eyes and long, glittering fangs.

  Growling wordlessly, Foss shook his head. That wasn’t what he’d seen. Even if Foss was the creature—unimaginably, inconceivably—he’d done nothing until provoked.

  Then he’d protected them both.

  Glancing at the clock, the minutes had crawled around to 6:00 a.m. Not caring how early it was, Zander stood up. Stuffing his cell phone and wallet into his jeans’ pocket, Zander strode out of the hotel.

  Resisting the urge to break into a run, Zander went straight to the marina. A strange, prickling sensation suffused his whole body making him restless and uneasy. Pacing along the wharf, Zander tried to spot Foss’s boat, but there was no sign of it.

  “Fuck it all, Foss. Where are you?” Stomping back toward the town centre, Zander decided to find somewhere to get a coffee, grumbling under his breath. “A double espresso since I didn’t get any fucking sleep.”

  Sitting overlooking the lake, Zander sipped on the hot, strong brew and stared at the water. “You’re out there. I know it. I feel it. I don’t know who or what you are Foss, but it isn’t ending like this.”

  Coffee finished, Zander visited the café bar where Foss worked. Despite having to stand around for over three-quarters of an hour before it opened for breakfast, Zander didn’t move far. He’d hoped to get an address for Foss, but even though one of the staff recognized him, no one could shed any light on where Foss lived.

  “Sorry, bro. He’s a great worker. Really popular, but very much a loner. We were surprised to see how well the two of you seemed to get along. His mail goes to a box, not a physical address. We don’t have a phone number for him. He calls us and checks in every day. I hate to say this, but he’s not coming in tonight.” The big Maori bar man shook his head. “You headed back home, bro? I’ll pass on a message for you.”

  “Fuck it! No. Not until tomorrow. Yes. If you see him, tell him to call me. I gave him my cell phone number. And tell him I’ll call here.”

  “Man, you got it real bad.” The barman shook his head. “I hope things work out for you. He’s a lovely guy.”

  “Yes. Yes, he is.” Just part human, part big, bad wolf. Except that wasn’t true. Zander wasn’t sure why he was so sure, but the creature he’d seen wasn’t a wolf. “Thanks anyway.” There was one more option and Zander was going for it.

  § § §

  A couple of hours later, Zander piloted his small rented speedboat out close to the rocks that had been such a favorite of Foss. Switching the engine off, Zander stood and looked around. Everything appeared normal, but Zander was absolutely certain he was being watched.

  His mind made up, Zander didn’t even bother to check if there was another boat in the vicinity. Peeling off his T-shirt, Zander tossed it onto the nearby pilot’s seat. His shorts followed, then he kicked off his deck shoes, turning in a full circle his hands up in the air bare-assed naked.

  “I’m diving in, Foss. I’m not going away. Even if I have to stay here all day. You come to me. Talk to me.”

  Diving into the water, Zander kicked out so he was some distance from the boat and trod water. Keeping near to the rocks, Zander ensured he was in shade and occasionally sank beneath the water. Time ceased for Zander as he willed Foss to come to him.

  Finally his stubbornness was rewarded. As naked as Zander, Foss appeared from the rocks and swam toward him, his hair floating around him. Zander held out his hands, encouraging Foss to come closer. The moment Foss reached out to him, Zander grabbed him, pulling Foss to his chest and wrapping his legs around Foss’s waist. No fucking way are you getting away from me.

  It seemed Foss didn’t want to try. He clutched to Zander every bit as tightly as Zander held him. Slowly they rose to the surface together.

  “Hold your breath, sváss.”

  At Foss’s instruction, Zander obeyed and they sank beneath the water. This time, Foss swam at a speed Zander knew wasn’t humanly possible, diving deeper, going under the rocks to emerge in a grotto.

  Soft illumination came from lamps of varying shapes and sizes. There was no furniture, just an area with pillows and intricately patterned material. The violin and guitar Zander had seen Foss play stood on a plinth along with several others.

  “Welcome to my home, sváss.” Foss released Zander and swam to shore.

  Following his lover ashore, Zander felt a lot less certain than he had on the boat. I knew he wasn’t human. And he isn’t. But he’s not a monster either. “Talk to me, Foss. I want to understand.”

  Foss sat on a rock, keeping his distance from Zander and for a moment, Zander wondered if his lover wasn’t going to reply, but then Foss raised his head to look Zander directly in the eye.

  “I’m a fossegrim, or occasionally we’re known as näcken. Water sprites. Sometimes we live with a human who falls in love with us, but many times we end up returning to our home. We grow despondent if we do not have free and often contact with a water source. My music attracts many. I can’t live without my music any more that I can water. We are also shapeshifters. When the attacks began along the lakeside I decided to protect anyone in that area. So, yes, I was the beast you saw. I couldn’t let them hurt you. Even if that meant you saw, and ran away from, me.”

  “But I didn’t run.” Zander approached Foss slowly. “I don’t quite know where this leaves us, but I don’t want it to end here. I don’t care what you are. We have something special, or we did, if you aren’t afraid to move forward with me.”

  “I want to be with you, but I can’t live away from water.”

  Holding out his hands, Zander waited for Foss to slide from the rocks and take hold of them, then he pulled his lover into a gentle embrace. “Let’s not worry about that now, okay? I can’t stay in Taupo at the moment. I have to go home and sort myself out. But that doesn’t mean I’m abandoning you or I’ve given up on making this work. Somehow.”

  “Okay.” Foss rested his head on Zander’s shoulder and Zander felt the fine tremors that shook Foss’s body.

  Leading Foss to the nest of bedding, Zander encouraged his lover to lie down with him. “Let me show you what you mean to me.”

  Making love had never been so important to Zander. Part of him felt it was too soon to consider that he was in love with Foss. Another, greater part of him told him denying it was futile.

  Wincing at the sight of the cut that marred Foss’s shoulder, Zander kissed his way along it from collarbone to outer shoulder. “I want to love you, Foss. But—” Zander glanced around, frowning. “What can I use?”

  “Nothing. We don’t need anything the way a—a human man would.” Foss tried to turn away but Zander framed his lover’s face in his hands and wouldn’t let him.

  “I don’t care that you’re not human. And I’m going to show you that.”

  Leaning forward Zander pressed his lips to Foss’s tracing the seam with his tongue until Foss opened to him. Thrusting eagerly inside, Zander sucked on Foss’s tongue before easing back and nibbling his way from Foss’s lips, down his throat until he reached the pierced nipple.

  Tugging the ring with his teeth, Zander then darted his tongue through, relishing each soft cry and moan that spilled from Foss’s lips. Treating the other nipple to the same attention, Zander move
d lower.

  Taking Foss’s dick in hand, Zander licked slowly over the cockhead, then nibbled carefully over the slick surface. Inch by inch, Zander took the full length into his mouth, swallowing around it before rising back up, sucking hard.

  Despite the insistent throb of his own cock, Zander focused all his attention on Foss. His lover was exactly where Zander wanted him; lost in a haze of pleasure, squirming, panting, and moaning beneath him. Turning his head a fraction, Zander glanced at Foss and the sight of his lover was almost Zander’s undoing.

  Nothing Zander had ever experienced came close. Nothing had ever been this arousing, no one had ever been this sexy. Foss was everything Zander could have dreamed of in a lover.

  A soft gasp of his name was all the warning Zander got before his lover flooded his mouth with his release. Zander swallowed it down greedily, fondling his lover’s balls to ensure he took it all.

  Only when he’d coaxed the last drop from Foss’s softening dick did Zander let it slip from his lips. Shuffling into position, Zander slid his arms under Foss’s seemingly boneless legs, hooking them over his elbows before easing forward with his hips, groaning deeply as his cock sank into slick, tight heat.

  While Foss recovered from his orgasm, Zander thrust slowly, waiting for Foss to become active in their lovemaking once more. He wasn’t disappointed. Much faster than Zander could have imagined, Foss started to clench his inner muscles every time Zander pressed forward.

  Soon Zander was thrusting hard and fast, sweat dripped from his cheek onto Foss’s lip and the sight of his lover darting out his tongue to lick it away sent another bolt of lust to sear Zander.

  Releasing one of Foss’s legs, Zander gripped his lover’s resurgent cock and stroked to the same hard, fast tempo of his hips until it was impossible to keep back to tide of his release. His orgasm crashed over him, a long, deep moan of Foss’s name on his lips, until Zander collapsed on top of his lover, barely aware of Foss’s gentle touches and soft crooning sounds.

  The moment Zander felt he had enough strength, he stretched up. The kiss was sloppy and barely made connection with Foss’s lips, but Zander didn’t care. Foss was smiling again, and his lover held him tightly. That was more than enough. He nestled into Foss’s shoulder.

  “I love you.” The words came without thought, as naturally as breathing and Zander heart soared when Foss replied.

  “I love you, too. I did from the moment I saw you.”

  “Good. Then we’ll find a way to make it work.” Zander meant it. Wrapping his arms around Foss he let himself drift. There has to be a way.

  Chapter eight

  Time passed with interminable slowness. Days became weeks and weeks turned to months. Zander made sure to visit Foss on as many weekends as he could—which still weren’t as many as he’d like.

  Finally he was sure everything was in place and drove to up to Taupo. Each time he’d gone back, Foss looked paler and thinner and coming back home made Zander feel like he’d cut out his own heart. But no more.

  Zander hadn’t bothered booking a hotel and went straight to the marina, parking there, knowing Foss would be waiting aboard his cabin cruiser.

  Sure enough the boat was in her berth and Zander gave up trying to keep to a dignified walk. Instead he took to his heels and ran to the boat. The moment he boarded, Foss wrapped him in a tight embrace and Zander hugged him back with equal strength.

  Long minutes passed while they kissed repeatedly as if this was the last time they’d ever meet, but Zander knew different. When they finally eased apart, he locked his gaze with Foss’s.

  “I want you to come visit my home.” Zander held tight to Foss’s hands determined not to let the water sprite escape him. Struggling for a few seconds, Foss then relaxed, but Zander didn’t risk releasing him.

  “This is my home.” Foss sighed heavily, his eyes filled with sorrow. “We can’t live away from water or we become depressed and will fade away.”

  “I know you love Taupo, Foss. But you love me, too, don’t you?”

  “Yes. I miss you so much. I keep reading your messages over and over.”

  “Then trust me. Please. Come with me and see what I’ve done in the time we’ve been apart. If it doesn’t work, then I’ll sell everything and move up here.”

  “But—but your work, your family?” Foss’s eyes widened.

  “I’ll find another job. I can visit my family. You started calling me sváss but you wouldn’t tell me its meaning. Well I found it out. It means beloved. I overstayed my holiday to stay with you. I can’t get you out of my mind. Whatever we have, it’s more than just infatuation or surface attraction. Isn’t it?”

  Foss nodded. “For me, yes. You humans seem to love so many times, so easy to skip from one to another. That’s not what we can do. I’ve often found that a human reacts as you did to my music, but once they’ve left me, I’m quickly forgotten. But I never shared myself with them the way I did you.”

  The revelation stunned Zander. “You were afraid I’d be the same. Once I couldn’t hear your music any more, I’d forget about you?”

  Foss’s face crumpled, his shoulders sagged, and Zander stepped forward quickly to envelope him in a tight hug.

  “I couldn’t bear it if I’d allowed myself to think I was anything more than a passing fancy for you, only for you to forget me when you went away. But at the same time, I couldn’t keep you at arm’s length.” Foss’s voice was soft against Zander’s shoulder.

  “Is that why your music has grown steadily sadder?” At his lover’s nod, Zander kissed Foss’s temple. The uneasy, unsettled feeling plaguing Zander since his initial return home was diminishing by the minute, and a sense of confidence replaced it.

  He and Foss were meant to be together. It didn’t matter whether Foss was human or not and Zander hadn’t fallen in love with him just because of the music.

  “I love you. I want to be with you. Now, will you come with me?”

  “Yes.” Foss nodded against Zander’s shoulder. “I will.”

  § § §

  Leaning forward, peering through the windscreen, Foss pointed ahead. “I see the mountain. We’re heading for Taranaki. You said you lived in Palmerston North.”

  “Not exactly.” Zander shook his head. “I said I was currently based in Palmerston. Which at the time I was. I wasn’t sure then whether we’d be anything more than a quick holiday romance. I didn’t see the point in going into any great details about where I lived or what I did. I was on a secondment there, on loan to another section. My home is in the Naki.”

  “The Naki.” Foss laughed softly.

  “Yeah, I’m in the Naki and you’re a Näcken. Coincidence? Or maybe not so much.”

  “Maybe not.”

  Zander was certain he could feel Foss’s excitement as they drove through the small city and into its outskirts. Finally Zander drove along a dirt side road, and up the driveway of a modest villa.

  Parking outside, Zander led Foss straight through the house and out into the grounds at the rear. Leaving Foss to walk around, Zander bit at the side of his thumb until pain forced him to stop.

  “Well? What do you think?” Now they were here, all of Zander’s confidence evaporated. He stepped back, waiting for Foss to speak as his lover wandered around the garden.

  Stopping beside the pool, Foss held his hand under the cascade of water from the artificial waterfall. Turning to face Zander, Foss waved his hand at his surroundings.

  “You created all of this? For me?”

  “I wasn’t sure what you’d need. I know the pool and waterfall can’t compete with Lake Taupo, but the area has plenty of lakes as well as real waterfalls, and we’re close to the sea. Lots of water. There’s a small stream at the far end of the property, it heads out south. I checked it out. The stream gets quite big and there are public swimming areas, although you probably don’t need to be concerned about water safety.” Zander fought not to gabble the words out.

  Fear that it wasn’t going
to be enough gnawed at Zander. I so wanted this to be an amazing surprise for Foss. Maybe I should have just moved to Taupo. Standing like a statue, Zander waited for Foss to tell him he was going back to the lake. Foss approached him slowly, his eyes wide—and glistening? Are they tears?

  “Are you okay? Foss? Say something. Please?”

  Reaching Zander, Foss wrapped his arms around him, pressing his body close and gazed up into Zander’s eyes. “All this. For me?”

  “For you.” Zander nodded, sliding his arms around Foss’s waist.

  “It’s beautiful.” Foss laid his head on Zander’s shoulder and Zander felt the wetness of Foss’s tears.

  “It’s not meant to make you cry.” Keeping one arm wrapped around Foss, Zander stroked his lover’s hair with the other.

  “I’m so happy. I thought you’d forget me, even though I knew you were meant to be my soul mate. You humans are so different and I couldn’t force you to stay with me. I would have mourned you until the day I died.”

  “You can stop that right now.” Zander’s voice was rough as he slid his hand around to cup Foss’s chin. Raising his lover’s face Zander gazed into Foss’s eyes, which were filled with such love that Zander’s eyes prickled hotly. “You’d be happy here? You’ll move here? Live with me?”

  “Yes. Yes, I will.”

  Relief washed over Zander and laughter bubbled free as he hugged Foss hard before lifting him up and swinging him around. Foss joined in, the musical peals sent Zander’s heart soaring.

  “I love you, Foss. I love you.” Letting Foss slide through the circle of his arms, Zander kissed him.

  When they parted, Foss framed Zander’s face in his hands. “And I love you, with all that I am, for the rest of our lives.”

  At one time, such a declaration would have sent Zander running for the hills, but now it just made him feel settled and content.

  “The rest of our lives. I like the sound of that. Let me change my shoes and I’ll take you out into the reserve and show you the stream and the waterfall. I’ve got lots to show you.”


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