Book Read Free

Defiant Heart

Page 16

by Tracey Bateman

  Her words stopped him short. “What’s that got to do with…”

  But Sadie wasn’t finished. Nor was she talking to him. Her gaze was firmly fixed on Fannie. “I’d wager he never said a word of thanks, did he?”

  “Now that you mention it, no he didn’t.” Fannie raised her eyebrows and gave him a waiting look.

  “Fine. Thank you for pulling me from the path of that tornado. You saved my neck, like Sadie said.”

  Although, come to think of it…“If memory serves, I wouldn’t have been in need of saving if you weren’t intent on staring down a storm. I was running to save you and got myself knocked on the head in the process.”

  “You were?” Fannie’s lips parted with surprise. “I don’t remember much about that night.”

  At the sight of her innocent eyes, all the thunder left him. “I called out to you, but you couldn’t hear me over the wind. You just stood there, hypnotized by the twister.” He remembered the fear he’d felt as though it had just occurred.

  “I’m sorry,” Fannie whispered. “I almost got you killed.”

  Blake wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and reassure her that he was fine. She was fine. They had survived together. But he knew he didn’t have the right. She didn’t belong to him. Besides, he couldn’t quite shake the feeling that she wasn’t finished causing trouble for him. If he took her in his arms, the small piece of his heart that didn’t belong to her would be lost forever.

  “It’s all right, Fannie. We both came through it just fine.” He cleared his throat. “Now what are we going to do about Willard James?”

  Willard rode into the camp where Tom and George awaited him.

  “Well?” Tom said around a greasy bite of squirrel. He licked each finger, then swiped the back of his hand over his thick lips.

  He turned Willard’s stomach.

  “Someone came. I had to let her go.”

  “Did you at least get my money?”

  “Not yet. But I will.”

  “Well, now. I’m having a hard time believing a thing you say, Will,” George said, tipping a flask. “This is the second time you’ve lost the girl.”

  “I can’t help it if the wagon master keeps a close eye on her. I swear I’ll get her next time.”

  “I don’t know,” George said, staring into the flames. “I think it’s time for Clay to move in and get the job done.”


  As the wagon train left the flat plains of Kansas and entered into the rolling hills near the Platte, the landscape spreading out before Fannie was breathtaking. But as much as she enjoyed the scenery, the oxen struggled with the new terrain, and the wagons were forced to move more slowly, averaging eight miles per day instead of the usual ten to twelve.

  Almost a week had gone by since Willard’s late-night visit, and Fannie was beginning to think he’d given up, as Blake had once more posted a guard outside her wagon at night. Or was he simply biding his time, waiting to find her in a weak moment alone as he had the other night?

  “Fannie?” Katie’s sweet voice came up beside her from where the little girl walked alongside the wagon. “I see Mrs. Kane walking all alone by her wagon. May I walk with her?”

  Fannie’s brow lifted in surprise. “She’s out walking?”

  Toni swung around and nodded, confirming Katie’s observation. “Maybe she’s finally ready to face the world again.”

  “Should I let Katie go?” Since the twister, and the two incidents with Willard, Fannie had lost faith in her ability to gauge the safety of a situation.

  Toni looked at her askance and lifted her shoulders. “I think it might be a good idea for them both.”

  “Can I, Fannie?”

  “I guess. But don’t bring up Becca unless Mrs. Kane mentions her first, okay?”

  The little girl nodded and climbed out of the slow-moving wagon.

  “I wonder why the Kanes didn’t go back with the others,” Toni said. “If you’d lost your child, wouldn’t you?”

  Fannie thought of Sadie. She shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe they needed to keep going toward something new. The past might be too painful.”

  “That’s true.”

  “So, Hank is truly gone, huh?”

  “It looks that way. He didn’t go with the other wagons when they went back East, though. He must have ridden off alone.”

  “Are you worried he might come back?”

  Toni’s lips twisted in a rueful smile. “I imagine he’s decided I’m not worth the effort. I only hope he’ll go back to his wife and children.”

  “Me too.”

  “Fannie, look.” Toni pointed across the hills to a lone rider.

  “Is it Hank?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think so. His horse is black and white. That one’s brown.” She chewed her lower lip. “I hope Blake or one of the scouts is paying attention.” Toni never seemed to feel quite safe.

  “You miss having Sam around, don’t you?”

  “Not really.” The words were brave, but by the quick rise of color on Toni’s cheeks, Fannie knew she was lying.

  She quirked her lips into a grin. “Sure, you don’t.”

  “One man’s about the same as another, Fannie. If I miss Sam, it’s just because he’s the best scout in the wagon train, and we’re not nearly as safe without him.”

  “What about Blake?”

  “He has too many responsibilities to keep his attention on the train’s safety. Sam’s the best,” she said, with a finality that brooked no argument. So, for once, Fannie gave her none. It was obvious she cared deeply for Sam. But something had changed between them just before he’d pulled out with the sixty other wagons, and Fannie wasn’t sure what. But she didn’t feel right about prying, so she kept her curiosity in check. Besides, the rider came closer, cresting the summit of the nearest hill.

  “There’s Blake going out to meet him.”

  Fannie’s stomach did a turn inside of her. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

  “Oh, Fannie. So do I,” Toni said, the words releasing with a full breath.

  The sun reflected off the rider’s shirt and Blake had a sinking feeling he was staring at a U.S. Marshal. As the man drew closer, the tin star wrapped in a circle confirmed his suspicion.

  The lawman spit a stream of tobacco juice and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Blake stiffened. There were two types of lawmen as far as he was concerned. The ones who lived by the letter of the law, serving with integrity and fairness. And the worst sort of character for anyone in authority. The ones who served their own agendas. Blake was willing to reserve judgment for this marshal, but he wouldn’t be surprised if the fellow was the latter.

  “Good afternoon, Marshal,” he said, pulling on Dusty’s reins to halt the horse.

  The marshal acknowledged him with a nod. Greasy blond hair peeked out from underneath an equally dirty hat. Downwind, Blake had to fight the urge to cover his nose against the man’s stench. Another stream of brown juice shot from his mouth. “You the wagon master of this outfit?”

  “I am. Is there trouble?”

  “That depends on you.”

  “How do you figure?”

  The marshal reached into his vest and pulled out a paper. Blake’s heart clenched. There was no doubt what the paper would reveal. The marshal held it out, and Blake recognized the sketches of Toni and Fannie.

  “You recognize these women?”

  “What if I said no?”

  The man lifted one eyebrow and looked over Blake toward the wagon train. “Then I’d exercise my right to search your wagons.”

  “That’s what I figured.” Helpless frustration slithered through him. What else could he do but hand the two women over?

  “They’re traveling with a couple of children.”

  “I ain’t interested in anyone but those two.”

  “Give me some time to talk to them and make arrangements for the children.”

  For a moment, Blake was afrai
d the marshal would refuse him this request. But after some perusal, the man nodded in agreement.

  “You have a half hour.”

  Blake rode back alone, trying to formulate the words. When he saw Fannie headed out to meet him, he knew he didn’t have to break the news to her. She was ready.

  Fannie knew by the look on Blake’s face that her fears were justified. When he reached her, he swung down from his horse and stopped in front of her. “I guess you figured out what that was about?”

  “Who is he?”

  “U.S. Marshal.”

  “Marshal who?”

  A sheepish blush crept to Blake’s sun-bronzed cheeks. “I didn’t even think to ask.”

  “I guess it doesn’t matter.” The last time Fannie had seen the marshal come through Hawkins, he didn’t look anything like that man. But then maybe they were far enough west that another marshal had jurisdiction.

  “Look, Fannie. You’re wanted for murder and stealing. Is there anything to either?”

  “Definitely not murder.”


  “I told you already. I took what I figure is my fair share and Kip’s and Katie’s for all the work we did after the two years Silas agreed to.”

  Blake scrubbed his hand over his stubble. “Oh, Fannie. Your sense of justice might not match a judge’s.”

  “Are you going to just let him take me?”

  “I don’t have any choice.”

  Fannie’s heart began to beat a rhythm of betrayal so loudly in her ears that she couldn’t hear what he was saying. She stared stupidly, wishing she could blame him. Wishing she wouldn’t do the very same thing. He had a full wagon train to worry about. She and Toni were two women who, by his own admission, had been nothing but trouble for him since he first laid eyes on them.

  “You know,” she said. “Hank killed Arnold.”

  He turned sharp eyes on her. “Hank Moore?”

  She nodded. “He was going to take us back to Hawkins. Hank showed up and told us to go on, and he would tie Arnold up and join us to say good-bye.”

  “So when you left the dead man he wasn’t dead?” Hope lit Blake’s eyes.

  “That’s right. And when Hank showed up, he had blood on his trousers.”

  “Then we need to find Hank.”

  Fannie’s heart sank. “I don’t think that’s going to do us any good.”

  “I’ll make him tell the truth,” he said fiercely. Fannie’s heart swelled at the emotional outburst.

  “I doubt we’re going to find him, anyway.”

  “Sam could track him.”

  “Maybe. But Sam’s not here.”

  They fell into silence as they walked the rest of the way back to the wagon train, Blake leading Dusty by the reins.

  Toni shook her head when she saw Fannie. “I take it the caller is here to escort you and me to a party.”

  “Don’t make jokes, Toni,” Fannie said wearily.

  “I’m sorry.” She turned her attention to Blake. “Is he taking us back to Hawkins?”

  “As far as I know.” Blake took hold of Fannie’s elbow. “You need to decide what to do about Katie and Kip.”

  Alarm sucked the strength from her legs, and she stumbled. Blake steadied her within the circle of his arm.

  “I can’t take them with me?”

  “Do you really want to take them back to Hawkins, Fannie?” Toni asked. “Think about where they’d end up.”



  Fannie looked down the line of wagons and spotted Katie’s strawberry blonde hair. She chattered happily with Mrs. Kane. The woman laughed at something the little girl said and reached out with a full embrace.

  In a flash, she’d made her decision. “Wait here.” Without staying for an answer, she walked down the line until she came face-to-face with the giggling pair.

  “I declare, Fannie,” Mrs. Kane said through smiling lips. “Your sister was telling me the funniest story about your pa getting stuck in the chimney.”

  Fannie gasped. “You remember that, Katie?”

  She nodded. “He was trying to pretend he was Santa. Remember?”

  “Of course I do.” If the child held a memory from when she was only six years old, she wouldn’t be likely to forget Fannie.

  “Katie, I need to talk to Mrs. Kane for a few minutes. Will you please run along and gather your things from the wagon?”

  “What for?”

  “I don’t have time to explain right now. Please do as I asked.”

  When she was out of earshot, Fannie gave Mrs. Kane a frank look and included her husband where he sat in the wagon. “Mr. and Mrs. Kane. I have a bit of a problem, and I need help.”

  By the time she finished her story of their past three years and her fears for Katie and Kip, Mr. and Mrs. Kane had agreed to keep both children.

  “If I ever prove I’m innocent, I’ll be back for them,” she warned.

  “We understand.”

  She gathered a shaky breath as she walked back to her wagon. Blake had had the foresight to summon Kip. “What’s wrong, Fannie?” the boy asked.

  “Do you see that man over on that hill?” She pointed toward the summit.

  The twins nodded.

  “He’s a U.S. Marshal. Apparently, they found Arnold dead and think Toni or I or both of us killed him.”

  “I won’t let him take us back!” Kip said.

  “Oh Kip,” Fannie said sadly. “I don’t have time to argue with you.”

  But Kip wasn’t done. He swung around and faced Blake with fury. “Why are you letting him take us?”

  Fannie grabbed his arm to get his attention. “Listen to me. I mean it. Blake doesn’t have a choice. What do you want him to do, shoot a marshal?”

  “But we didn’t kill anyone.”

  “I know. And hopefully the judge will believe us.” Fannie didn’t hold out a lot of hope for that particular miracle.

  “This is why you wanted me to gather my things?” asked Katie.

  “Yes, baby.”

  “Are they going to put us in jail?” the little girl whispered, her eyes filled with fear. Fannie reached out and embraced her, holding her tightly. “The marshal isn’t here for you and Kip, sweetheart.”

  “Good,” Kip said. “I’ll break you out of jail.”

  “You’re not coming with us,” Fannie said flatly. “The Kanes have agreed to keep the two of you until I get back.”

  The twins set up a howl of protest to put a pack of coyotes to shame. “That’s enough, you two. I can’t look after you if you come. Do you really want to go back to Hawkins and have some judge give you right back to Tom?”

  Katie shook her head.

  “Well, I don’t want that either.”

  “I ain’t staying.”

  “You are. And that’s the end of it, Kip. We only have about ten minutes left. Do you want to spend it arguing?”


  “All right. Get inside and gather your things and move them to the Kanes’ wagon.”

  For once the lad obeyed. Fannie turned to Blake. “I need to speak with you alone.”

  Toni placed an arm around Katie’s shoulders. “Come on, Katie. Let’s go make sure you have everything you’re going to need.”

  When they stood alone, Fannie sized him up, hating that she was in a position to trust someone. But she had no choice. “I want you to look after the twins’ money.”

  Blake frowned. “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Fannie.”

  “You’re the only one I trust. I don’t know the Kanes well enough to hand over a few hundred dollars. They might squander it on their own land or things that don’t matter. I want it put aside for the twins so that they have a future.”

  Fannie hated to beg, but the very fact that he hesitated proved he was the right man for the role of godfather for the twins. “Please, Blake. Don’t I have enough to worry about without adding this to the list?”

  His eyes softened. “A
ll right, Fannie. You have my word. But if you’re not back by the time we reach Oregon, I’ll head back over the mountains to find you.”

  At the fierce honesty of his vow, Fannie’s pulse quickened. “You will?”

  He nodded and moved closer, but stopped at the sound of Kip’s voice. “The marshal’s headed this way.”

  Fannie turned to the hills. She jumped into the wagon, found the money bag, and shoved it into Blake’s hands. “You promised.”

  He nodded. “I promised.”

  She turned to the twins. “Come here, Kip and Katie. Quickly.”

  Wrapping them both in her arms, she fought hard not to weep.

  As she held them, her gaze fell on Blake’s. There was no mistaking the passion in his eyes. The utter helplessness. “Look after them, Blake.”

  He stepped forward and put his arms around the three of them and held them tight. “You have my word.”


  Fannie kept her gaze straight ahead as the wagon rolled away from Kip and Katie. The marshal rode alongside the wagon with his rifle slung carelessly over the saddle, aimed straight at Fannie’s head.

  Her thoughts remained on Katie and Kip. She had some measure of relief knowing that they would be well cared for. But her heart ached at the thought of never seeing them again. She and Toni knew they were innocent, but without Hank’s confession, there was no way to prove it. How would they, two women of scorn, ever convince a judge to take up their cause?

  So she truly didn’t care that the sneering marshal seemed to delight in cocking and uncocking his rifle. Let the gun go off and send a bullet crashing through her skull. After the three years she’d just endured, only to escape and be recaptured, she welcomed a swift ending to a miserable existence.

  When they’d been on the eastward trail for close to three hours, the marshal ordered Fannie to veer off the road. “Why should I do that?” she asked.

  “Because I’m the one with the gun, and I’m tellin’ you to.”

  “You told Blake you were taking us back to Hawkins.”

  The marshal shoved the rifle against the side of Fannie’s head. “I’m not arguin’ with ya, girlie. Do as I say.”


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