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It's Not Over

Page 2

by A. L. Zaun

  Bruce startled me out of my trip down memory lane.

  “Yeah, Madison. Whatever you need.” I could hear him moving around. “But do me a favor and cut the shit. What’s going on?”

  I cleared my throat. “As I said, I need you to cover for me. If that’s a problem, I’ll call Nicki. She’s always eager for the opportunity to showcase her skills. More importantly, she knows who calls the shots. So, what’s it going to be?”

  “Yes, Ms. Stuart, I’ll cover for you,” he replied sarcastically.

  “Watch your attitude. It’s a good thing I like you.” And I need a favor. I paused, licking my dry lips. “One more thing, if anyone comes around looking for me, I’m gone.”

  “Make my day, and tell me you’re talking about that annoying son of a bitch. If you are,” he said, laughing, “I’ll be more than happy to deliver the message.”

  I ignored his comment.

  The driver came around and opened the door. I slipped my arm through my purse strap and stepped on the curb.

  “I have to go. I’ll be back by Wednesday. In the meantime, if you need anything, just call. Thanks.”

  Before he could say another word, I hung up. As I looked at the time on the phone, my heart sank. Like clockwork, Rick would call me every Saturday morning at ten o’clock. At first, his calls had been an intrusion on my personal time, but as time had passed, I’d started foolishly looking forward to them. He would be excited over how my strategy had worked, and he’d tell me I was amazing. Then, he’d pick me up, and we’d have lunch while I continued his training. We hated each other for the most part. I’d never met anyone more egotistical and selfish than him. He’d challenged me at every stop and had exhausted me with his relentless inability to take no for an answer.

  I sighed. He wasn’t that horrible once I had gotten to know him. He was weird with his World War II obsession, but he was funny and sometimes a little sweet, and—

  Nothing. He’s an asshole.

  Pathetic, Madison. Really, you’re absolutely stupid for giving this jerk a second thought. Get this under control.

  I looked at my phone once more and shut it off. If he called, I wouldn’t want to talk to him. If he didn’t, I’d prefer not knowing. I’d deal with it when I had some distance. I sighed heavily, shaking my head at the realization of just how pitiful I’d become. I slipped my phone into my purse. I was determined to put all of this behind me. For God’s sake, I don’t obsess over men-—ever.

  I made my way through the airport. The rush of the crowd and marathon to the gate was just the antidotes required to combat my weak-minded thinking. This was perfect, exactly what I needed. I could feel the relief washing over me.

  As I reached my gate, my shoulders drooped, and my carry-on fell to the floor. “No!” I cried.

  Shit, My flight’s delayed.

  Dejected, I trudged through the mass of displaced passengers and sought refuge in the American Airlines Admirals Club. I found a seat near the back of the lounge. The service was impeccable. Regardless, there was no amount of luxury, first class service, or tea to reverse my frustration. Impatiently, I tapped my manicured fingers on the armrest of the plush leather chair as I stared out the window on this cloudy and drab January morning.

  The spoon, tea bag and empty cup were neatly set on the table in front of me.

  “Would you like some more tea?” asked Tiffany, the perky and friendly attendant.

  I looked up at her with a flat smile. “Yes, please.”

  She replaced the small kettle and provided a new selection of teas with a fresh cup.

  I really didn’t want tea. I needed a stiff drink. Fuck it, I have to get laid. That’s what I need.

  I closed my eyes and forced myself to relax, going to my happy place. I needed to feel the heat of a man’s body against mine. I longed for his hands to touch me, fondle me, and grope me. I wanted to feel his dick pressed up against me. The thought of what I would do to his hard cock—grabbing it, toying with it, then sliding down onto it before riding it—caused a soft tremor to flow through me. My pussy throbbed. I could feel a warm heat radiate off me, and I bit my curled lip. I let my head fall to the side as I pressed my legs together, my body relaxing. Yes, this is exactly what the doctor ordered.

  Feeling a warm breath brush against my neck, I was shaken from my fantasy. The sensation sent a shiver through my already aroused body.

  “I hope you’re thinking about what I’m going to do to you tonight.”

  My eyes popped open. “Alex…”

  Chapter 2


  I stood by the fountain on Lincoln Road on this cold Saturday morning in January and watched Daniela and Lucas walk away. What a fucking morning! I’d come here with every good intention of putting an end to my quest to win Daniela back. I had no more games or bullshit. I’d given the straight-up truth as best as I could tell it.

  I rubbed my cheek, soothing the sting from Daniela’s slap.

  I accepted the title of asshole. Madison had reminded me of my Asshole Extraordinaire status on a regular basis. It had been all her fucking fault for that self-fulfilling prophecy shit. I’d lived up to my name. She’d been right, of course. She was always fucking right, and I hated that. Why didn’t she try to stop me sooner?

  Two years earlier, when I’d watched Daniela storm out of my life after I broke her heart, I really hadn’t cared. I’d done what needed to be done, and then I’d moved on—or so I’d thought. But now, I felt like a piece of shit. This time, I had fucked her up worse.

  I was a motherfucking son of a bitch. I had no idea where the Karate Kid bullshit Madison had tried to teach me factored in here. What the fuck am I supposed to wax on and wax off?

  I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, trying to make sense of the mess I’d created. When I saw Daniela walking into Breathe three months ago, I had thought I wanted her back. I had stopped at nothing to do what I thought would make things right between us. She’d been my ideal woman, and I’d begun my plan to win her back. Except one day, I’d realized things had changed.

  I ran my hands through my hair and cursed. I have to stop doing this. I loved my hair, and at this rate, I’d be bald in a matter of months.

  When I opened my eyes, I looked down the sidewalk, but I couldn’t see them anymore. They’ll be fine. Liam had been her hero and saved the day. He was the most pussy-whipped idiot I’d ever seen. Daniela deserved that. He’d also kill for her, and that was an added bonus chicks went nuts for. Liam had been ready to shred me to pieces, and if Chris hadn’t been here, I would have been on my way to the hospital in a helicopter. Madison had been right to be worried.

  I looked around Lincoln Road one last time before I started walking to my car. I shook my head as I thought about the only consolation I had in this entire fiasco—I’d done the best I could to make things right. I wasn’t sure if Madison would be proud of me for how I’d executed things, but I’d done the right thing for the first time in my life. I’d taken responsibility, and I had been as honest as I knew how to be.

  I wished I could have said I’d regretted spending these last few months with Daniela, but I didn’t. I had really wanted to become the man she had thought I was and have that kind of ideal life. One day, I hoped she would see beyond the lies and manipulations and know my intentions had been good, maybe even romantic. I’d loved her the only way I’d known how—I had to let her go. She wasn’t mine, and I’d finally realized I wasn’t hers either.

  I reached into my pocket and pulled out my keys. Clicking the keyless entry, I opened the door and sat in my car. I lowered the mirror to check out my cheek. Just as I’d suspected, it was red. I needed to stop at CVS and get some anti-bruising cream.

  I pulled out of the parking lot, turned onto Collins Avenue, and headed back to Miami. It wasn’t even ten o’clock in the morning, and it had easily been the most intense day of my life. I knew where I was headed though. I needed to see her.

  Fuck, I just need her.

I wanted to say I’d done the right thing because I owed it to Daniela, but that wasn’t the case. I hadn’t even done it for myself. I did it for her—my cheerleader and motherfucking pain in the royal ass. She was the only woman who put up with me and didn’t take my shit. I’d spent every day with her without fucking her once. Although…well, we had come close. When all was said and done, I’d done all of this today for the one and only Madison Stuart.

  I didn’t know when or what exactly had happened between us. She was the first woman I’d ever gotten to know. She had grown on me, mostly like a fungus—itchy, annoying, and uncomfortable—but I kept going back for more, even when I didn’t have to anymore. She was my go-to person. No matter what, I turned to her.

  She always asked me the same stupid question when she saw me walk through the door. “Rick, what are you doing here?” And she acted as if it were a surprise even though she saw me every fucking day.

  Once I’d gotten past her frigid, man-eating, rod-up-her-ass attitude, she was really cool. I noticed things about her when she wasn’t paying attention, like the way she would run her pen across her lower lip when she was studying a report. I had to admit the idea of her having an oral fixation was a major turn-on. I would love it if my dick were that pen. Then, there had been the time when she went Christmas shopping with me, and her eyes had sparkled when she noticed a bracelet. She’d tilted her head to the side, and her face brightened with the sweetest smile I’d ever seen on her. For a second, she’d almost looked angelic. She almost seemed happy.

  It was that damn look—which lasted about two seconds before it was replaced by her she-devil personality—that got me every single fucking time. Granted, those tender moments were few and far between. Most of the time, I wanted to strangle her. I was convinced she’d cast some voodoo spell on me because I couldn’t for the life of me understand the allure of this sadomasochistic relationship.

  I hate her so goddamn much.

  I didn’t know if I’d passed or failed the Madison Stuart School of Castrating Rick, and I didn’t give a shit either way. Right now, the only thing that mattered to me was seeing her, so we could figure out what the fuck this was between us because I sure as hell didn’t know.

  I pulled into Madison’s building and parked my car. I hadn’t bothered calling or texting her. That alone would put me in Madison Jail, but I didn’t care, not today. I hadn’t done it to piss her off even though that would be an added bonus. In fact, I could use a little bit of her badass put-me-in-my-place attitude right about now. She’s so fucking hot when she gets like that. Tomorrow, I would do her manners-and-patience crap…maybe.

  I was running a risk with my unannounced visit. Some son of a bitch might have gotten past my pussy-protection plan, and if that had happened, I was ready to kick some major ass. I wasn’t in the mood for that shit.

  After I walked in through the glass doors, I nodded and greeted Walter as I did every single morning, “Good morning, Walter.”

  Normally, I had to wait downstairs for Maddy, so during that time, I had gotten to know Walter. He was actually a very interesting man with a fascinating history. This morning, however, I was focused on my new mission—talking to Maddy—so I bypassed our pleasantries and kept walking.

  “I’m going up. I don’t care. Tell her I’m coming if you want to or don’t. I’m not in the mood for her bullshit today.”

  “Good morning, Mr. Marin.” Walter quickly stood up. “I’m sorry, but Ms. Stuart isn’t here.”

  Stopping dead in my tracks, I pulled out my phone and texted her.

  Me: I need to talk you.

  “Did she tell you where she was going?” I backtracked to Walter’s desk and placed my phone on the counter.

  “She left.” Walter’s eyes darted from side to side.

  Me: Maddy, where are you? I need to see you.

  “She’s not answering me. Did she say something?” I put my phone into my pocket.

  “Mr. Marin, she left.” He pulled me to the side, nervously rubbing his hands on his black slacks. “Listen, I could lose my job, but I like you. One of those car services picked her up this morning. She had her suitcases with her.”

  My eyes narrowed, and every muscle in my body tightened. I was fuming. “What the fuck? I just saw her last night. She didn’t tell me shit.” I leaned against the counter to keep my composure as my imagination went wild. “Who was in the car with her?” I asked with a clenched jaw, glaring at Walter.

  This was typical Maddy drama. God, she drives me fucking insane.

  “There was no one else in the car.” Walter shrugged his shoulders. “I’m sorry, Mr. Marin. I can call you if she comes back.”

  “Did she put you up to this shit? Is she pissed off at me for God only knows what I did to deserve this fucking shit today of all days?” I rubbed my face, avoiding my hair. Fuck. My cheek was tender.

  Walter shook his head, shifting his eyes. “She’s not here. If she were and she was telling me to lie to you, I promise I’d let you know. I swear—she’s not here. I’ll call you as soon as she walks through those doors.”

  I pressed my lips together in an attempt to smile at him. He was a good man. Maddy, on the other hand, was in deep shit. I walked out the door, clenching my fists and trying to do that goddamn yoga breathing to calm down. I reclined against my car and pulled out my phone before dialing her number—again. The call went straight to voice mail.

  “Maddy, where are you? I need to talk to you. Call me.”

  I walked back inside.

  Walter stood immediately. “I promise you, she hasn’t returned in the last two minutes.”

  “Walter, I’m having a really shitty day. Cut the crap. I know she hasn’t come back.” I rubbed my temples with both hands, avoiding my hair at all costs. “I have a job for you. I need you to call every single car service. Find out who the hell picked her up and where they took her. Name your price.”

  Walter leaned toward me with a gleam in his eye and a smile on his face. “Okay, I’ll do it, but you don’t have to pay me. I like you and Ms. Stuart. You’re good for her.”

  “Just help me find her. Thanks, man.” I patted him on the shoulder and then walked out toward my car, clicking the keyless entry with one hand and staring at my phone in the other.

  I let out a deep breath as I sat in my seat and fought the urge to run my hand through my hair. Fuck, Maddy. As I pulled out onto the street, I called and got her voicemail again. I decided to follow her fucking rules. With a nicer, albeit fake, tone, I said, “Babe, hon, where are you? I need to see you. Please call me back as soon as you get this message.”

  Why the fuck isn’t she answering the phone when I call her?

  If anyone knew where she was, it would be that cocksucking motherfucker, Bruce, the bartender from hell. I had no idea what his problem was with me or why Madison hadn’t fired his ass. But right now, he was my only viable lead, so, I made a U-turn and headed straight for Martini Bar.

  I was a man on a mission. I pulled out my phone again and tried calling her.

  Why the fuck is her phone turned off? She always has it on.

  I tossed my phone onto the passenger seat as I pulled up to the street where Martini Bar was located. Fuck—no valet.

  I drove around, searching for a spot, until I finally found one down the block. This better not be one of Madison’s fucking cat-and-mouse games. I ran my credit card in the meter, and then I made sure the volume on my phone was on high. There’s no fucking way I’m going to miss her damn call. Moments like these made me wonder what the fuck I was doing, giving a shit about her. Goddamn you, Madison.

  As I jogged up the steps leading to the bar, my phone rang. I stopped mid-step and looked at the screen. My mother. I put my phone back into my pocket. I wasn’t up for any of her shit right now. Standing outside the doors, I looked into the bar. Lo and behold, there he was, drying goddamn glasses. I hated him, but if I could fool Daniela for months, I could put on an act with my archenemy for five minutes. />
  Pulling open the door, I walked inside and put on my game face.

  “Hey, Bruce,” I said casually. “Is Madison here?”

  The cocksucker snickered and poured me a drink. It was Black Label and not a glass of tap water.

  This is fucking bad.

  “Dude, she’s done with your shit. Have your drink and get the hell out of here.”

  I could feel my shoulders tighten as my heart pounded. I bit down on my lip to try to keep up the nice-guy act. The asshole had no clue that today was not the day to push me.

  I slid the drink back to him. “Thanks, but it’s a little early for that. I just want to know where she is.”

  I’d come a long way. I could’ve tossed back that drink in a heartbeat, but I needed a clear head.

  “Maybe you need your hearing checked,” Bruce chided, leaning his arms against the bar. “I told you, she is done with your sorry ass. Now, get the fuck out of here.”

  “I’ll get the fuck out of here when you tell me where she is.”

  The motherfucker laughed, and I saw red. Reaching over the bar, I grabbed his shirt and yanked him toward me. He was a couple of inches from my face.

  He smirked. “Fuck you, asshole.”

  Big. Fucking. Mistake.

  With one hand on his shirt, I reached back with the other, closed my fist, and swung across his jaw. It hurt my knuckles like hell, but he deserved it. His head flew to the side. As I let go of his shirt, he stumbled back.

  “No. Fuck you!” I shouted as I stepped back.

  I stormed out the door to my car. My cheek was tender, and now my knuckles were pulsating.

  Shit. I hope I didn’t break something.

  What the hell happened today?

  I was trying to do the right thing, but instead, everything was falling apart.

  While my hand throbbed, I started the ignition and called Madison from my car’s Bluetooth. There’s no way I can tap the numbers on my phone. Once again, I got her fucking voice mail.


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