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Page 3

by Alyson Belle

  “I feel dizzy,” I murmured, sinking to my knees in the sand. Both Jeeves and Lana moved toward me, but I waved them away, breathing heavily. I needed a moment to think. Lana peered at me with concern, looking distinctly guilty, and a sudden suspicion dawned.

  “Lana…” I began. “Did it occur to you that I might get pregnant while we were having sex?”

  She blushed again but then nodded. “Of course. Women always think about that. You should probably start now… although, I guess it doesn’t matter since you’ll need to be pregnant most of the time anyway.”

  “What?” I demanded. “What if I don’t want to be pregnant all the time? You’re throwing a whole lot of expectation at me suddenly!”

  “Oh come on, James. It’s really not a big deal. Women did it for millennia, over and over again without fuss or complaint. You had no problem with the idea when it was me that was going to have babies, right?”

  “But, but…” I stammered. “That was you! You’re a woman. You had your whole life to prepare and you knew that you’d have to have children when you signed up for this.”

  Lana put his hands on his hips and glared at me. “Exactly. I signed up for this, just like you did. We both took an oath and swore ourselves into the service of the U.S. Human Preservation Service for the good of all humanity. We trained, prepared, took brain scans, said goodbye to our loved ones, and entered cryo-sleep, all for the good of the human race. All so our species wouldn’t die out. And now you want to abandon the mission just because of an inconvenient computer error with a swapped record that landed you in the female body? Sounds pretty selfish to me, James.”

  I sputtered in response to her tirade, totally at a loss for words. The worst part was that I knew she was right. The whole point of everything I’d trained for was to restart the human species if it was ever necessary. Now it was necessary.

  You’re Captain James Mitchell, damn it, I told myself. You left the rest of your West Point class in the dust and volunteered for the most self-sacrificing mission known to man. Are you going to let a little thing like being a girl stop you?

  I shook my head. No. No I wasn’t.

  “Okay,” I said.

  “Okay?” asked Lana, a look of surprise flashing over her face.

  “Okay.” I nodded, resting my hands on my hips and thrusting my ample chest out in front of me. I drew myself up to my full, womanly height. If this was how we had to restart the human race, then this is how it would get done. “Let’s get me pregnant.”

  Lana broke into an excited smile and rushed to embrace me.

  “Excellent,” said Jeeves. “We’ll start tomorrow. There are just a few things we can do to maximize your fertility…”

  Chapter 5

  I laid back, cradled in the strange, stretchy bands Jeeves had materialized that criss-crossed between a set of trees. The strands felt strange on my bare skin: warm, almost like they were alive, and delicate, though infinitely pliable.

  The last day had been strange, getting used to Lana’s body, but also fun. We’d played in the lagoon, ate more fruit together, swayed in hammocks; it really was a paradise. And even the strange things the aliens produced for us, like these bands I reclined in, were still warm and comforting. Nothing bad was here. Lana and I could live in paradise together: me as her woman, her as my man. It was bizarre, but not anyone’s fault. I guess life is just bizarre sometimes.

  “It looks like some kind of sex swing… or a sex web, maybe,” Lana noted, rubbing her chin with a curious and slightly eager expression.

  She was right. Jeeves had magicked these up out of thin air like we were in some kind of holodeck, and now he was showing me how he wanted me to position my arms and legs amid the bands by zipping around them. I wondered again how he managed to defy gravity, and then it occurred to me that he might be just another hologram like everything else in the room, piloted by a remote alien. The idea of being spied on by a distant, unknown observer actually made me a little wet, and I blushed. But then I saw that I didn’t have anything to be ashamed of: Lana was already rock hard, staring at me with lust in his eyes. It probably had something to do with the way my legs were splayed wide and my pelvis tilted up by the elastic strands of the sex net.

  I feel so exposed and vulnerable. The thought made the tingle I’d come to recognized as me being horny even stronger.

  “Like this?” I asked Jeeves, slipping my hands and ankles into position as he’d shown me.

  “Indeed,” he said, bobbing happily. “Just a moment…”

  A weird noise crackled through the air and the bands shifted under my wrists and ankles. The material sprang up to hold me firmly in position.

  “H-hey!” I shouted, struggling against the bindings. “Now wait just one minute here!” But it was no use. I couldn’t really move much at all, and the bands sprang right back into position as soon as I pulled against them. I quickly wore out the meager reserves of physical strength Lana’s body had and remained still, panting heavily.

  Lana stared at me with a dopey grin, amused at my dismay. I must have looked pretty silly: just another gorgeous bimbo, stuck in an obviously sexual position, waiting to take his cock. His cock that had noticeably swelled while I was struggling.

  “God, men really are pigs,” I muttered, annoyed at the reversal of fortunes.

  Lana shrugged. “Biology. What can ya do? You look really fucking hot when you struggle like that.”

  I felt a brief pang of frustration and sadness when I realized that if not for a computer glitch, I’d be the one getting to fuck a tied-up gorgeous creature like Lana — it sounded really amazing. But then I remembered how good it had felt to get pounded into an oblivious orgasm by my old body’s throbbing cock and got horny all over again wondering how it would feel to get fucked in these stretchy elastic bands.

  “Now, now,” Jeeves said. “There’s no need to… what do you humans say? Get your panties in a bunch, I think the phrase is. You have not yet been impregnated, and this is the optimal position for you to do so. Lana’s sperm must collect and settle at your cervix for maximal odds of conception, and these bands will ensure that you remain still during the crucial post-coital moments.”

  I blushed hard as Jeeves described how Lana’s seed was going to settle at my cervix, again momentarily weirded out and stunned by the reality of having this new female body, but there was nothing to do but go with it.

  “Go on,” Jeeves encouraged. “Impregnate her.”

  Lana stepped up to me sheepishly and rested a hand on my padded, curvy bottom. I sighed at his touch, wishing his fingers would creep over and stroke me a little. I might feel embarrassed and a little weird being stuck in this position, but fuck was I horny. I wasn’t still 100% thrilled at the idea of having to have babies and babies and then more babies, but I’d decided to focus on one thing at a time, and right now I was focused on Lana’s throbbing cock that stood firm and erect just a few inches from my pussy.

  “You okay with this, James?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” I said, my eyes on the prize. If I had to be pregnant, I was damn sure going to enjoy the process of getting there.

  “Mmmm… You’re so hot at this angle. God, I just want to rail you,” he muttered. He patted my bum a few times as he considered his approach, and I moaned a little at each tap, enjoying the sensation of a sudden warm hand against my ass each time.

  He smiled at my noises, mischief sparkling in his eyes.

  “Oh, you like that, huh?”

  I bit my lip and nodded.

  Lana stepped closer, teasing my pussy with the tip of his dick. He rubbed it up and down my soaking folds. I was dying for him to plunge in, wiggling and straining at my bonds. I wanted so badly to push down onto him, but I couldn’t move. I bit harder on my lip, whining desperately.

  My eyes widened in shock as his hand connected hard with my ass, spanking me twice in rapid succession. I gasped with pleasure, not anticipating how much I’d enjoy the stinging sensation. But you did enjo
y it!

  He slapped me again on the ass, harder, and I cried out at the sudden rush of moisture between my legs. God, that felt so good when he spanked me like that.

  His hand started wailing on my ass now, over and over, no doubt leaving burning crimson handprints all over my dainty asscheeks. I blushed furiously. He was treating me like a naughty child, spanking me so hard I was nearly crying, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. I couldn’t believe how much I loved it.

  “You want me to fuck you now, you dirty slut?”

  My eyes widened. No one had ever talked to me like that before. But I did. I wanted it bad.

  I whimpered and nodded.

  “Yeah you do,” he said with an unmistakable tone of authority. “You want to be my cute little slut and take my giant cock and have me fill you up with my sperm so you can have every one of my babies.”

  I was dripping wet, dying for him to fuck me, and I couldn’t take my eyes off his swelling, bouncing cock. I could tell he was getting off on it too, and I wondered what kind of fantasies Lana had had when he was still a woman.

  “Oh, god,” I gasped, as he dragged his dick up my pussy lips again. “How long have you fantasized about this?”

  “You wouldn’t believe how long I’ve wanted to make you my dirty little slut, James,” he teased. “It’s so fucking hot to see you tied up and clueless like that… you’re really the perfect picture of a fuckable little bimbo.”

  Man, he’s really getting into this dirty talk. I could hardly take it anymore. I was wiggling and shaking and straining at my bonds, pussy juice running down my legs, nipples hard enough to cut steel, panting and wishing he would just shut the fuck up and jam his cock into me.

  He granted my wish with a grunt and a heavenly thrust that was better than anything I’d ever felt before. Now he was filling me up, stretching out my tight little pussy, pumping and grinding into me with eager, passionate motions. The warm elastic bands swayed with our movement and kept pulling me back onto his dick whenever I would slide away from his thrust. My boobs bounced back and forth as he fucked me like a yo-yo, both of us groaning with pleasure and too far lost in the moment to bother with dirty talk anymore. I felt like I was floating in midair, restrained and helpless, as Lana had his way with me. Pure. Ecstasy.

  I felt the orgasm coming this time, now that I knew what to look for, and I could feel the telltale heat waves building up in my pussy and abdomen. I arched my back, one thing the vines couldn’t stop me from doing, and ground my cunt hard into Lana’s thrusts. The waves moved through me, building like ocean surf being whipped into a frenzy, higher and higher. But this time, something different happened: I didn’t know if it was the angle, or the feeling of weightlessness, or the way my breasts were bobbling around as Lana bounce-fucked me, but a pulsating feeling began to shoot through my body. My vision started spinning as waves of erotic pleasure exploded in every nerve throughout my body, almost to the point of blacking out, and then…

  “OhhhhhHHHHHHH!” I shouted.

  Distantly, Lana was screaming too. “Fuck fuck fuck FUCK!” His semen shot into me like a volcano erupting, spilling white hot passion-pleasure magma into me that radiated delight up my torso and down my legs. I trembled like an earthquake was shaking me, screaming wordlessly.

  He slumped over me, finished, as I trembled with the aftershocks. My mind was clear. My body was bliss. Lana wrapped warm arms around me and nuzzled against my torso with her scratchy early beard growth. I giggled as it tickled me.

  Jeeves still hovered above us, and he now made a series of beeping noises before whirring slightly and announcing, “Congratulations, Miss Mitchell. There is 98.2% chance that your body has been successfully impregnated. You’ll soon be a mother.”

  It took me a moment to realize that I was Miss Mitchell. Holy mindfuck.

  Lana smiled at me, reaching down to gently pet my pussy lips, still wet with my juices and his cum. “I guess that means I’ll soon be a daddy, huh sexy?”

  I gulped. I suppose he’s right. Here we go. Man. He seems so happy with himself… it’s almost like he wanted this all along.

  Then something else occurred to me.

  “Lana…” I said. “The other day, when you were giving me your speech… you said that it was ‘an inconvenient computer error with a swapped record’ that landed us like this.” My tongue stuck in my mouth. I was almost too nervous to continue.

  “Mhmm,” he replied, nuzzling my stomach again. “A wonderful error. Doesn’t it feel good to be a woman? You’ll get used to it.”

  I nodded. It did feel good. But if we just could have kept our other bodies… Do you really want to ask him this? You’re in paradise. Don’t mess with a good thing you can’t change anyway. But I had to know.

  “Lana, how did you know that it was a swapped computer record that landed us in the wrong bodies? The only person with access to both of our records would have been the advanced archival specialist…”

  Lana froze. His eyes trailed up to meet mine, panic showing on his face. I saw what I was looking for there. We both knew that the advanced archival specialist for our mission… had been Lana.

  “Oh James,” he said, sighing. “I’m sorry… it was a prank. I never actually expected our bodies to decay in cryo-sleep, or anyone to actually have the technology to resurrect us from our computer scans. And then…” She toward Jeeves. “They did.”

  “Oh,” I said quietly. So this is all Lana’s fault. Lana’s fault and Lana’s fantasy. And here I am, stuck as the pregnant one.

  “Can you forgive me?” she asked. Her fingers gently teased at my pussy lips again and I shuddered at the pleasure.

  I nodded slowly, but it was going to be a long nine months. And then again after that. And again. I’d have to work on my complicated feelings about all of that.

  Lana patted my elevated backside and smiled at me brightly. “At least we have paradise together, mama.”

  Mama, he’d called me.

  What have I gotten myself into?

  Chapter 6

  When I was a cadet, early in my training at West Point, jostling with the other young men to be the bravest and the strongest of the soldiers that might qualify for the right to carry on the fate of the human race itself in the U.S. Human Preservation Service, I’d steeled myself in test after test of my endurance to prepare myself for any possible future, no matter how grim or dark or dismal, so that I’d be able to do my duty for my country and carry the seed of man on into the universe even after the light of our planet had faded. Despite all of that preparation, I never imagined that I, James T. Mitchell, would be dealing with the circumstances in which I now found myself.

  I reclined back in a chair of soft, spongy plant-matter, the delicate arms of my new body resting at my sides, and my smooth, hairless legs spread wide into a pair of stirrups that the floating robot sphere Jeeves had magicked up from the holographic paradise that had been home for me and my co-captain, Lana May King, ever since our alien benefactors had awakened us in our newly reconstituted bodies. Despite the warmth of the tropical breeze that coursed over my naked, feminine body, I shivered under the scrutinizing gaze of Jeeves’s red robot eye as he scanned the moist folds between my legs with a laser probe. Lana stood behind him, standing tall and proud in my old body, her impressive cock tucked away behind a pair of silver shorts.

  As his eyes lingered on my pussy and breasts, the bulge in his crotch stiffened slightly, and I felt my cheeks grow warm under all of the attention. Neither of us had quite gotten used to our new bodies yet, even if the aliens hadn’t super-charged our sex drives and fertility hormones to the point where our biology pushed both of us to fuck like teenagers, and being the sexual object of all of his attentions was a new and confusing experience for me. In some ways, being a woman was downright fun, even though it felt weird and embarrassing to admit it. I liked playing naked tag in our personal Garden of Eden, with Lana chasing me through fields of tall, soft grasses and verdant jungle green
ery without any of the bugs or dangers of Earth’s jungles. I even liked it when he caught me and tackled me into the soft dirt, squealing with peals of feminine giggles, as he slipped his massive cock inside of my tight, hot little pussy…

  “Please focus, Miss Mitchell,” Jeeves intoned in his soothing, robotic voice. “When you are sexually aroused, the scan is harder to do accurately.”

  I blushed harder, realizing that I was soaking wet between my legs. What am I thinking? Focus, James. You might have the hormones of a teenage girl, but you aren’t one. You’re a soldier, damn it.

  Lana chuckled and stepped over to stroke my pretty blonde hair soothingly. “Poor James. Thinking about cock again, aren’t you? It’s okay. Believe me, I can’t go two seconds without wanting to slip my massive girth inside of your tight little sex. It really is the best thing ever. We just had sex 20 minutes ago, and I’m already dying to have another go at you.” He leaned close and breathed into my ear, sending a thrill of pleasure rippling through my body. “And I know just how good it feels when someone manipulates that little pleasure nub between your legs, too, sexy.”

  “Stop it, Lana!” I cried, my girly voice rising into a squeal. “I’m going to be stuck in these stupid stirrups all afternoon if you keep getting me going like this.” My whole body had grown hot, and I was squirming with discomfort at the yawning, gaping need that had grown between my legs and the ache in my breasts as I’d grown more and more turned on. I finally knew what people meant when they talked about women being ‘in heat’, because every biological impulse I had was screaming for Lana to fuck my brains out.

  Lana just laughed again, enjoying himself. “Don’t worry, sweet thing. We have all the time in the world for you to get scanned and prodded and made ready to have my babies. And you can have all the cock you want.”


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