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by Parkin, Lance

  1930 (5th October) - Storm Warning [1464]

  The TARDIS landed on the doomed airship R-101 during its maiden voyage, and the eighth Doctor discovered Charley Pollard, a stowaway. Lord Tamworth, a government minister, ordered the ship to a higher altitude and it docked with an alien vessel. The British had arranged to return a crashed alien to its own people, the Triskele. A faction of the Triskele became aggressive when the Lawgiver that kept them in check died. The Doctor eased the situation, and Tamworth stayed with the Triskele as an advisor. The R-101 was damaged upon its return, and the Doctor and Charley escaped as it crashed in France. The Doctor realised that Charley was meant to have died in the crash.

  1930 (1st November) - Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks [1465]

  The tenth Doctor and Martha discovered that homeless people in New York had been going missing from a Hooverville, a community of victims of the Great Depression living in Central Park. The people had been abducted by the Cult of Skaro - the last four surviving Daleks, who had fled the Battle of Canary Wharf in 2007 via temporal shift. The Daleks required human subjects for their genetic experiments, and were turning them into pig slaves. The final experiment was undertaken by their leader, Dalek Sec, who converted himself into a “human Dalek”.

  The Daleks planned to draw energy from a solar flare down through the Empire State Building, and use it to create a new race of human Daleks. The Doctor sabotaged the attempt, and the resultant human Daleks rebelled. In the ensuing conflict, every Dalek and Dalek hybrid was destroyed save for Dalek Caan - who escaped via a temporal shift.

  Dalek Caan penetrated the time lock established around the Last Great Time War, and succeeded in rescuing Davros from it. [1466]

  Half-human creatures dubbed “Subterraneans” took to living in an underground cavern near the Constitution Hill tube station in London. [1467]

  (=) Their leader escaped to find a better life on the surface. He became the famed poet Randolf Crest, writing such works as The Darkness That Hides as Kind.

  Honoré Lechasseur and Emily Blandish changed history so that Crest never left his people.

  Advanced humans from the future sought to spur their own creation, and mentally influenced the founding of the British Hampdenshire Programme, an undertaking to create supermen. It produced genetically modified children of the species homo peculiar. [1468]

  1930 (31st December) - Seasons of Fear [1469]

  The immortal Sebastian Grayle found the eighth Doctor and Charley in Singapore, and boasted that he’d already killed the Doctor in the past. The Doctor set about investigating the matter, heading for Britain in 305 AD.

  The Doctor fought in the Spanish Civil War with the father of future bar owner Gustavo Riviera. Later, he brought Gustavo to refuge in Ibiza. [1470] The Doctor was a house guest of Dali. [1471]

  The island with the citadel of the Carnash Coi re-surfaced near Alaska. While three Carnash Coi continued sleeping, a fourth adopted human form and set out to reconnoitre Earth. The scout passed as Clarence Penrose Doveday, but his human aspect became so dominant, he forgot his supernatural origins. Doveday’s memories surfaced as dreams, and the stories he wrote based upon them appeared in such pulps as Shuddersome Tales and Weird Tales of Cosmic Horror. [1472]

  c 1931 - TimeH: The Sideways Door [1473]

  When Honoré Lechasseur was 11, two serial killers - the blood ritualists John and Wayne Carter, whom the papers dubbed the “Royal Street Vampires” - killed his mother. The adult Honoré witnessed the event with Emily Blandish, but let history run its course. Afterwards, the younger Honoré was raised by his Grandmother Delecrolix.

  In 1931, the Beacon Film Theatre was renamed the Electro. [1474]


  Diane Holmes incorrectly thought Amelia Earhart disappeared in 1932. [1475] Richard Lazarus was born around 1932. [1476] Mrs Wibbsey was a fan of the movie star Mimsy Loyne. [1477]

  The eleventh Doctor knew a military code that had been on record since 1932, and which instructed those receiving the code to stand aside for its bearer, “however harebrained [their] actions might seem”. [1478]

  1932 (summer) - Hornets’ Nest: The Dead Shoes [1479]

  The fourth Doctor arrived in Cromer and was drawn to the Cromer Palace of Curios, run by Mrs. Fenella Wibbsey. There he met the dancer Ernestina Stott, whose one-woman performance of The Nutcracker was running on the Pier. They found a display cabinet with a pair of old ballet shoes that still contained withered feet, but Ernestina stole the shoes.

  The Doctor saw Ernestina dance, which she did with supernatural brilliance - aided by the shoes. He also watched Ernestina flying, but got her to safety. Mrs Wibbsey was revealled to be possessed by the Hornets, and shrunk the Doctor and Ernestina, setting them down in a large Victorian dolls house. The Doctor again made contact with the Hornets, who said they met him in 1832 (something which had not yet happened from the Doctor’s perspective). The Doctor returned himself and Ernestina to their normal scale, but the Hornets released Mrs Wibbsey and took control of Ernestina, forcing her to dance. The Doctor removed the shoes, freeing her. Mrs Wibbsey had residual traces of the Hornet influence, so the Doctor brought her to the twenty-first century.


  Otto Kreiner moved from Germany to England, soon meeting and marrying Muriel Tarr. They would become the parents of the eighth Doctor’s companion Fitz. [1480] Jack Harkness saw the Pacific Ocean, and wouldn’t do so again until the twenty-first century. [1481]

  @ The eighth Doctor spent much of 1933 in the South Seas, and claimed to have gotten a tattoo there. He now had a criminal record in England. [1482] While in the South Seas, he saw magic performed. [1483] He served about the ship Sarah Gail, where he learned to play the violin [1484] and read a report of wasps attacking a train outside Arandale. [1485] At some point, he visited Australia and Hangchow. [1486]

  1933 (August) - Eater of Wasps [1487]

  An alien device from the future caused wasps to mutate into killers. The eighth Doctor, Fitz and Anji encountered a trio of Time Agents who were seeking the device. The Time Agents decided to sterilise the area with a nuclear explosion, but the Doctor disarmed their nuclear weapon, and also smashed the mutagenic device.

  By 1933, Germany had become aware that werewolves existed. Such nonhumans were ordered to register with the government, and werewolves loyal to the party were reportedly used to sense dissenters. Several werewolves were rounded up and incarcerated for a year in a camp equipped with silver wire. A man from the Schutzstaffel (the SS, the Nazi Party’s “praetorian guard”) pressed the desperate werewolves into the service of the state. [1488]

  In 1933, Cuevas discovered a part of the Great Temple of the Aztecs. [1489]


  1934 - The Eye of the Giant [1490]

  The Constitution III was beached upon an uncharted island of Salutua in the South Pacific. The third Doctor and Liz Shaw arrived at the island using a time bridge portal, and discovered a spacecraft in a volcanic crater. Animal and plant life on the island was subject to gigantism: giant crabs roamed the beach, bats the size of men flew at night, and the forest was hypertrophied. The Doctor discovered that drugs created by the Semquess, the most skilled bioengineers in the galaxy, were responsible for the mutations. The drugs had been brought to Earth fifty years before by Brokk of the Grold. The Semquess had tracked him, and now they apparently destroyed him. Brokk, though, used the properties of the Semquess drug to merge with Grover’s young wife Nancy and leave Earth.

  1934 - Lurkers at Sunlight’s Edge [1491]

  Emmerson Whytecrag III, a millionaire white supremacist, sought to ritualistically summon the power of the Carnash Coi. The beasts consumed Whytecrag, but the seventh Doctor, Ace and Hex succeeded in once again submerging the Carnash Coi’s island-citadel and putting the monstrosities within to sleep. C.P. Doveday failed to escape the citadel before this happened, and also entered hibernation.

  The Doctor pursued the Master across Berlin, and met Himmler and the futur
e “Butcher of Prague”, Reinhold Heydrich. [1492] On 30th June, 1934, the German-imprisoned werewolves were unleashed at a hotel housing men loyal to Ernst Roehm’s Sturmabetilung (“Storm Division”, a.k.a. stormtroopers). One of the werewolves, Emmeline Neuberger, bit a silver chain around a man’s neck and was rendered unconscious. She was subsequently overlooked, and escaped into the German woods. [1493]


  The seventh Doctor and Bernice failed to meet Virginia Woolf and went to the theatre instead. In the audience was twenty-fifth century explorer Gustaf Heinrich Urnst, who had been transported there by a Fortean Flicker. [1494] The Doctor was on Virginia Woolf’s bowling team. [1495] In 1935, Victor Podesta, an eyewitness to Jack Harkness’ torture and resurrection in Little Italy, 1928, wrote and published the short story “The Devil Within” based upon what he’d seen. [1496]

  1935 - The Abominable Snowmen [1497]

  The second Doctor, Jamie and Victoria arrived in the Himalayas. They found that the Yeti were menacing a local monastery and an expedition led by Professor Travers. The Yeti were robots built on behalf of the Intelligence - a powerful being of pure thought that attempted to manifest physically. The Doctor banished it from Earth.

  A Cynrog spacecraft crashed in Wales. The pilot died after implanting segments of his memories in eight local children. [1498] The Agatha Christie novel Death in the Clouds was first published in 1935. [1499]


  The seventh Doctor and Mel met German racing driver Emil Hartung in Cairo. The Doctor accidentally inspired Hartung to develop aircraft that could avoid radar detection. Hartung won the Cairo 500 thanks to the modifications the Doctor made to his car. [1500]

  Fitz Kreiner, a companion of the eighth Doctor, was born in Hampstead on 7th March, 1936. [1501] Sir Henry Rugglesthorpe and his family become playthings of the Toymaker. [1502]

  Ian Chesterton, a companion of the first Doctor, was born. [1503] In October of that year, the Doctor joined Mao Tse-Tung on the Long March. [1504] The first Doctor visited the court of Edward VIII. [1505]

  1936 (Sunday) - The Glamour Chase [1506]

  The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory stopped some Tahnn from destroying the Weave stranded in the English town of Shalford Heights. Some of the Weave (including 6011, the Doctor’s former acquaintance) had perished, and three locals - including the archaeologist Enola Porter - agreed to crew the ship and take it away from Earth. Owain, having guarded the Weave for six thousand years, finally died.

  @ 1936 (November) - Wolfsbane [1507]

  The eighth Doctor had returned to England, and been rejected several times after submitting short stories to Astounding Stories magazine. Harry Sullivan disembarked to explore when the fourth Doctor’s TARDIS stopped on Earth, but the Ship inexplicably dematerialised. Stranded, Harry met the eighth Doctor. Lady Hester Stanton, believing herself the reincarnation of Morgan le Fay, performed magic rituals to wake the land and bind it to her. She hoped to rule England from behind-the-scenes, with her son George taking Edward VIII’s place. Stanton magically compelled the werewolf Emmeline Neuberger to assist her.

  Stanton’s spells began to awaken the land, and a wood dryad expelled the slumbering swordsman Godric. He possessed the Holy Grail, which Harry used to make the Earth swallow Stanton - and the Grail also. Emmeline, instinctively desiring a mate, bit Harry.

  The fourth Doctor and Sarah returned for Harry, and took Godric back to his native time. Some reports suggest Harry turned into a werewolf and killed Sarah, then was killed by the Doctor; some suggest Harry returned home and secretly became a werewolf during the full moon; and some say the Doctor cured Harry’s condition.

  The eighth Doctor believed Harry, Stanton and Godric had all died, and made gravesites to stop anyone getting curious about them or the Grail. He introduced Emmeline to his friends in the British Ministry, but they experimented on her in the hope of creating lupine soldiers.

  1936 (December) - Wolfsbane [1508]

  The TARDIS rematerialised after leaving Harry behind two weeks in the past, and the fourth Doctor and Sarah found his “tombstone”. They pieced together what had occurred during the previous fortnight. The Doctor rescued Emmeline from the Ministry, and drew enough blood from her to ritualistically send the land back to sleep. She departed back to Germany; the Doctor and Sarah went back to find Harry.

  @ The Doctor made a visit to Highgate. [1509]

  1936 (December) - Players [1510]

  King Edward VIII sought to dissolve the British government, hoping to vest more power with Nazi sympathizers. The sixth Doctor aided Winston Churchill in coercing the King to abdicate the throne, threatening to charge him with treason. This thwarted the schemes of the Players, who were engaged in a game of historical alterations.

  The Doctor and Peri stopped at Cholmondeley’s bank, where the Doctor’s account had amassed one hundred twenty years of compound interest.

  1936 (December) - Pier Pressure [1511]

  In Brighton, a string of murders gave rise to stories of “the Phantom Bloodsucker of Preston Park”, a killer who preyed upon the blood of fresh young maidens. The sixth Doctor and Evelyn encountered the famous music hall comedian Max Miller, and found the reportedly dead Professor Talbot as an agent of the Indo aliens. The Doctor feared the aliens would gain much power by feeding off the emotional trauma of the impending World War II, and short-circuited their energy with a piece of Gallifreyan zinc. This allowed Talbot to finally die, dissipated the aliens’ mass and embedded their essence within Brighton’s West Pier.

  The Doctor estimated that the essence of the Indo aliens from 1936 would corrode the West Pier, and probably consume its metal entirely in sixty or seventy years. [1512]


  @ The amnesiac Doctor was in London at this time. [1513]

  1937 - Benny: Secret Origins [1514]

  As part of his crusade against the Deindum, Irving Braxiatel endowed Frost, a Nazi officer, with an extended lifespan and tasked him with destroying Buenos Aires. Frost wouldn’t accomplish this mission until the late twenty-sixth century.

  (=) Alternate versions of Honoré Lechasseur and Emily Blandish prevented the Hindenburg disaster, enabling continued use of dirigibles. [1515]

  1937 - History 101 [1516]

  Sabbath sent an agent to Barcelona to track down the Absolute, a being from the future that had acquired information about his activities. This disrupted history, which in turn corrupted the Absolute’s perceptions. The eighth Doctor, Anji and Fitz arrived and discovered that the Picasso painting Guernica had been altered. The Doctor sent Fitz to Guernica itself to check events. The Doctor restored reality and the Absolute returned home. These events inspired Eric Blair, also known as the writer George Orwell.

  Aviatrix Amelia Earhart disappeared, possibly because she flew into one of the Dragon Paths, lines of magnetic force. [1517] The Doctor had Amelia Earhart’s flying jacket. [1518]

  1937 (August) - The Shadow of Weng-Chiang [1519]

  The fourth Doctor, Romana and K9 were drawn to Shanghai while searching for the Key to Time. They stumbled across the Tong of the Black Scorpion’s plan to recover their “god” Weng-Chiang (Magnus Greel) from the zygma beam experiment. The Doctor followed the Tong’s leader, H’sien-Ko - the daughter of the stage magician Li H’sien Chang - to the holy mountain of T’ai Shan. There, the Doctor found the Tong had constructed the world’s first nuclear reactor to achieve the power needed to retrieve Greel. The Doctor narrowly prevented a temporal paradox by time-ramming Greel’s Time Cabinet, hurling it back to 1872.

  In 1937, the eighth Doctor and Fey Truscott-Sade fought psychic weasels in Russell Square. Soon after, the Threshold implanted a perceptual relay unit in Truscott-Sade’s brain, enabling them to monitor what she saw. [1520]


  Ghosts were sighted on the Queen Mary in 1938. [1521] In 1938, the entire Podesta family - which had ties to the Three Families - changed their names and disappeared from the public record. [1522] Swan Lake was first performed at
the New Regency some time after the death of the theatre’s legendary impresario, Henry Gordon Jago. It was a huge success. [1523]

  1938 - “The Curse of the Scarab” [1524]

  The fifth Doctor and Peri landed in what they thought was an Egyptian tomb, but which was actually a Hollywood film set. The movie The Curse of the Scarab was beset with problems, including Raschid Karnak, the uncommunicative lead, who played the Mummy. Director Seth Rakoff was under a great deal of pressure from the studio boss, Monroe Stahr. Peri led Karnak to his dressing room, where he choked and scarab beetles started emerging from his mouth. A robot Mummy killed Stahr. The Doctor discovered more deactivated Mummies in a control centre inside a prop pyramid. Karnak was there, and told them he was cursed by the beetle god Kephri. He used the Grimoire of Anubis to resurrect Kephri. A plague of locusts was released as Kephri manifested. The Doctor held it in place with an ankh, and had a robot Mummy destroy it. The film set was destroyed in a fire.

  At one point during this encounter, Peri was abducted by Threshold.

  1938 - Let’s Kill Hitler [1525]

  The Teselecta - a robot vehicle crewed by four hundred and twenty-one miniaturized justice agents, whose mission was to pull the greatest villains in history from the end of their lives and punish/torture them - travelled through time to capture Adolf Hitler, but arrived too early in his timestream. The Teselecta shifted to pose as a Nazi officer and approached Hitler just as the TARDIS, with the eleventh Doctor, Amy, Rory and Mels aboard, crashed through the window of Hitler’s office. Rory locked Hitler in a cupboard, but Mels was hit by a stray bullet... which triggered her regeneration into the body of the person the Doctor’s group knew as River Song.


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