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by Parkin, Lance

  Shortly after Trueman’s defeat, Luke and Sarah designated “today” as Luke’s “birthday”. [1319] Sarah Jane met Peter Dalton in a shoe shop, and they started dating in secret. [1320]

  2009 (Friday, 13th November to 14th November) - SJA: The Mark of the Berserker [1321]

  At Park Vale School, student Jacob West used a mind-controlling talisman - a device made by the alien Berserkers to create soldiers - to hypnotise a teacher. Rani found Jacob’s pendant, and deposited it with Sarah Jane for safekeeping. Meanwhile, Clyde’s long-lost father, Paul, showed up. Clyde showed him Sarah Jane’s attic, and Paul pocketed the pendant. He revelled in the pendant’s mind-controlling ability, but the more he used its power, the more he was converted into a Berserker-soldier. Sarah Jane held up a mirror, shocking Paul into becoming himself again. She and her friends throw the pendant into the sea.

  (=) 2009 (Friday, 20th November to Saturday, 21st November) - SJA: The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith [1322]

  The Trickster opened a time fissure to 1951, and engineered a situation wherein Sarah Jane was tempted to travel there and visit her parents. She saved them from their historical deaths, an act that enabled the Trickster to come through a weak point in the web of time, and fully manifest from the limbo dimensions. This created an alternate history in which the Trickster sucked the life from the world - Clyde and Rani, protected from historical alterations by the Verron soothsayer’s box, witnessed the remnants of humanity working as slave gangs driven by Krislok the Graske. The timeline was restored when Sarah and her parents changed history back. Clyde gave Krislok the soothsayer’s box as payment for his help, freeing the Graske from the Trickster’s control.

  2009 (21st-22nd November) - SJA: Enemy of the Bane [1323]

  Mrs Wormwood asked Sarah Jane for help, claiming that the Bane were hunting her, and that she wished to gain revenge by stopping them from releasing the ancient, evil being named Horath. Wormwood didn’t know where Horath rested, and so Sarah Jane called on Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. He aided Sarah in acquiring an artifact stored in the UNIT Black Archive: the Tunguska Scroll, which could summon a portal to Horath’s dimension.

  Sarah and her friends discovered that Wormwood was in league with the Sontaran Kaagh, and that they wanted to rule the universe using Horath’s power. Wormwood and Kaagh opened the portal to Horath at a stone circle in Whitebarrow, but Wormwood then betrayed Kaagh. To regain his honour, Kaagh pushed himself and Wormwood into the portal. Sarah sealed the portal behind them, and destroyed the Scroll.

  UNIT now operated under a Homeworld Security Mandate. [1324]

  2009 - SJA: From Raxacoricofallapatorius With Love [1325]

  A Slitheen posing as “Ambassador Rahnius of the Galactic Alliance” teleported into Sarah Jane’s attic to lavish praise upon her group... and then immobilised them with energy-laced deeley boppers. The Slitheen hoped to capture K9 and use his systems to steal from galactic banks. Sarah overcame the Slitheen with her sonic lipstick, and Mr Smith teleported the Slitheen away.

  The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 3 (first half) [1326]

  2009 (a Sunday) - SJA: Prisoner of the Judoon

  The homeworld of the reptilian Veil had perished when its sun turned cold. The Veil named Androvax, thinking himself the only survivor, subsequently became a nihilist and was responsible for the destruction of twelve planets. The Judoon captured Androvax, but Tybo, a captain of the 1,005th Judoon Guard, crashed to Earth while escorting Androvax elsewhere. This was a violation of The Articles of the Shadow Proclamation, which deemed Earth as primitive and forbade the Judoon from setting foot there.

  Androvax used the technology at the nanotech company Genetec to construct a spacecraft, but Judoon reinforcements arrived and arrested him. For their interference, the Judoon cited Clyde and Rani with a ticket that banned them from leaving Earth. [1327]

  Androvax learned at his trial that before his homeworld’s destruction, one hundred of his people had escaped in a spaceship. [1328]

  2009 (a Saturday) - SJA: The Mad Woman in the Attic [1329]

  Rani was feeling left out when Sarah Jane and her other friends discussed Maria, who was now helping “the government” to hide aliens. One of Rani’s old friends from the seaside town of Danemouth, Samuel Lloyd, told her that a demon was at the local funfair. Rani investigated and met Eve, a red-skinned alien. Eve’s people could read the timelines and alter history, and had been all-but-wiped out in a war.

  (=) Rani inadvertently wished that Sarah Jane and the others would leave her alone. Eve erased them from the timeline, creating an alternate history where Rani would be lonely her whole life. Fifty years later, Eve recognised her mistake and sent her son Adam to write Sarah Jane and the others back into history.

  In the restored history, Eve departed after her spaceship drained energy from the black hole that K9 was containing, enabling K9 to return to Earth. Sam Lloyd accompanied Eve, and in future would father her child.

  2009 - SJA: Monster Hunt [1330]

  The Krulius, an enigmatic alien who exhaled toxic gas, placed a dozen different species in quasi-digital suspension to study their strengths and weaknesses. The spaceship transporting the Krulius was damaged, causing the Krulius to download its menagerie as biodata onto Earth’s World Wide Web. Clyde and Rani used Mr. Smith to find the various aliens on the Internet and teleport them home. Sarah Jane signalled the Shadow Proclamation, and a squadron of Judoon arrested the Krulius.

  2009 (December; a Saturday in December) - SJA: The White Wolf / SJA: The Shadow People [1331]

  Eddison Clough contacted Sarah Jane because photographs identified him as a friend and professional colleague of her aunt Lavinia, but he had no memory of it - or of anything at all from 1972 to 2004. Sarah and her friends looked into the town of Wolfenden, which was known as a refuge for people who believed they’d been abducted by aliens. Sarah had Mr. Smith contact a passing spaceship; ambassadors soon arrived, and removed the sleeping alien convicts and their technology.

  Sarah Jane drove Luke and Clyde out to a class geography trip in the heart of Snowdonia, Wales, as the boys had been delayed by an extra-terrestrial warlord disguised as a kitten. They came across a spaceship belonging to the Shaydargen, a race of space pioneers, that had crashed millennia ago. An empathic, artificial entity built to meet the spaceship crew’s needs had gone dormant, but now awakened and begged Sarah Jane and her friends to stay with it forever. Sarah persuaded the entity to let them go - and used her sonic lipstick to permanently shut down the spaceship’s systems.

  2009 (December) - SJA: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith [1332]

  Sarah accepted Peter Dalton’s marriage proposal, but her engagement ring mysteriously glowed, and seemed to influence her mind. The wedding rushed ahead with such speed that the Brigadier couldn’t attend, as he was back in Peru. Clarissa, Sarah’s former editor, was present. When the Registrar asked if anyone objected, the tenth Doctor burst into the room and demanded the wedding be stopped.

  His intervention came too late - this was a trap set by the Trickster, and the hotel where the wedding was taking place was moved to a mysterious white void. The Trickster offered Sarah a choice: marry Peter, and doom Earth to an alternate timeline in which she wasn’t present to save it, or remain trapped in the void forever with her friends. Peter revoked his deal with the Trickster, thwarting the scheme at the cost of his own life. The Doctor took Sarah Jane and her friends home in the TARDIS.

  c 2009 - The Slitheen Excursion [1333]

  The tenth Doctor met a classics student, June, at the Parthenon. June helped the Doctor to defeat some blobby aliens, and so he took her back to ancient Greece as a reward. They returned to this time and discovered that the “blobby aliens” were in fact space police - who dutifully arrested three Slitheen that had been in stasis since 1500 BC. When June missed her train, the Doctor offered her one last hop in the TARDIS back to Birmingham.

  c 2009 - “The Big, Blue Box” [1334]

  A yellow alien attacked Doug
las Henderson near his home. The tenth Doctor rescued him, and revealled that Douglas was actually an advanced doomsday weapon - one banned by the Shadow Proclamation - that was capable of destroying electronics on a planetary scale. Two rival planets had sent battle fleets to recover him. Douglas set himself off aboard one of the alien ships... and awoke on Earth to find that the Doctor had provided him with enough energy to live out a normal human lifespan.

  c 2009 - “Old Friend” [1335]

  The tenth Doctor and Emily Winter arrived at the Shady Grove rest home, where an old man named Barnaby was celebrating his birthday. They learned that when Barnaby was “barely 20”, he had become the companion of a future incarnation of the Doctor, and that they’d fought flying slugs, Sontarans and the Floor Menace together. Barnaby had been entrusted with the charred remains of Turlough’s diary, which he returned to the Doctor before dying of old age.

  2009 - Blue Forgotten Planet [1336]

  The time-travelling Viyrans had now eliminated 3,436,000 of the viruses released from Amethyst Station. In five instances, they had they opted to wipe out the carriers and commit genocide.

  (=) The Viyrans scanned Earth, found that a particle of the 001 variant of Amethyst icosahedral plasmic virus No. 9007/41 was present within every human, and calculated a one in 5.4 billion chance that a human would contract the virus within the next seven million years. The Viyrans attempted to eradicate the particles with their meson radiation disseminator, but this inadvertently made humanity develop a chemical imbalance that triggered forgetfulness, uncontrollable fear and rage. Wars broke out, more casualties happened as people lost the ability to work technology, and everyone forgot what year it was. Within a decade, Earth’s population was reduced by two billion.

  When the sixth Doctor and Mila (who was disguised as Charley Pollard) arrived, the Viyrans revived the genuine Charley. She had assisted them on various missions, always entering cryo-freeze afterwards. The Doctor found that chronon particles, which occur during time travel, could destroy virus No. 9007/41. He used the TARDIS and the Viyran disseminator to put the Earth into a time bubble, then rolled back time to when the Viyrans scanned Earth. This destroyed virus No. 9007/41, and stopped the Viyrans from accidentally ruining humanity.

  Mila died during these events. Afterward, Charley convinced the Doctor to let the Viyrans revise his memories to preserve the web of time. He forgot that he’d ever travelled with Charley, and believed that he’d parted ways from his long-standing companion, Mila - a “tiny” woman with jet-black hair and bright green eyes - on Gralista Social. Charley continued travelling with the Viyrans.

  Hornets’ Nest [1337]

  c 2009 - Hornets’ Nest: The Stuff of Nightmares

  The fourth Doctor was on a break at his cottage in Sussex when he read that a Cabinet minister had been trampled to death in his own bed by an Alpine Ibex. The following weekend, several influential figures belonging to a government think tank were trampled at a cocktail party by a charging stuffed elephant, which was brought down by the military. An elderly nuclear scientist was strangled in her bath by a stuffed python.

  The Doctor investigated the killings. Taxidermy was out of fashion, so many museums and stately homes were dumping their stuffed exhibits, and lorries owned by Percy Noggins were taking them away. The Doctor found that the animals were being reanimated at Noggins’ factory, but was followed back to his cottage by stuffed animals and attacked. After defeating them, the Doctor discovered the animals had paper brains inhabited by tiny hornets - creatures that could take possession of human minds, and were controlling Noggins. The Hornet Swarm made contact with the Doctor, and demonstrated that they were aliens with massive mental powers who had previously encountered him in Earth’s past, but his relative future.

  The Doctor gathered all the stuffed animals containing the Hornets at Nest Cottage, where he kept them trapped by use of hypnotic control and a semi-permeable force shield. A week later, the Doctor realised he could leave Nest Cottage in the TARDIS as long as he returned to the exact point in time he left. He found himself fighting the Hornets across space and time.

  Noggins, free of the Hornets’ influence, went home to look after his infirm grandmother, the ex-dancer Ernestina Stott. The Doctor followed a lead to 1932 and returned with Mrs Wibbsey, who became his housekeeper. [1338] The Doctor brought the shell of the body of the dwarf Antonio back to Nest Cottage, and put it in the garden. [1339] He also returned from 1039 with a dog which had been possessed by the Hornets, and named it Captain. [1340]

  2009 (22nd-23rd December) - Hornets’ Nest: The Stuff of Nightmares

  Mike Yates answered an advert placed in an issue of Country Time that was seemingly aimed at him, and arrived at a cottage in deepest Sussex called The Nest. He was welcomed by housekeeper Mrs Wibbsey, and reunited with the fourth Doctor. The next day, the Doctor related the first part of his story to Mike, and explained that he was running out of ideas of ways to fight the Hornets. The stuffed animals came to life again, forcing Mike and the Doctor to barricade themselves in the cellar...

  2009 (23rd December) - Hornets’ Nest: The Dead Shoes

  While in the cellar, the fourth Doctor related to Mike events pertaining to the Hornets in Cromer, 1932.

  2009 (24th December) - Hornets’ Nest: The Circus of Doom / A Sting in the Tale

  In the middle of the night, the fourth Doctor told Mike of events in Blandford in 1832. As dawn broke, the Doctor related his encounter with the Hornets in 1039.

  The stuffed animals became dormant again. The Doctor and Mike realised that Mrs Wibbsey had placed the personal advertisement that summoned Mike, as she was still under the Hornets’ influence. They emerged from the cellar to discover the animals were still very much active and hostile...

  2009 (24th-25th December) - Hornets’ Nest: Hive of Horror [1341]

  ... but the Doctor subdued them with hypnosis. The Queen of the Hornets inhabited the paper brain of a stuffed zebra, and the Doctor cobbled together a machine that shrunk him, Mike and Mrs Wibbsey so they could confront her. They made their way through the black and white landscape of the zebra’s head, through its ear and into the brain. The Doctor miniaturised the Queen until she ended up in the microuniverse and became just another insect. The other Hornets were now mindless, and so the Doctor sealed the Hive, vowing to take the Hornets to a distant galaxy.

  The Doctor, Mike and Wibbsey enjoyed a Christmas dinner. The Doctor gave his dog, Captain, to Mike and installed Wibbsey permanently as his housekeeper.

  On Boxing Day, the fourth Doctor installed a special cordless answering machine in Nest Cottage. [1342]

  2009 (24th-26th December) - The End of Time (TV) [1343]

  Everyone on Earth had terrible dreams of impending destruction, but only Wilf Noble remembered them. The acolytes of Harold Saxon sacrificed themselves as part of a ritual to resurrect the Master, but Lucy Saxon sabotaged the attempt, mortally wounding the Master’s new body and making it insatiably hungry. He gained fantastical abilities and seemed akin to an avatar of death. Broadfell Prison was destroyed, apparently killing Lucy.

  Meanwhile, the world awaited a grand announcement from President Obama, who was to outline an instant and radical means of ending the current global recession. Donna was now engaged to Shaun Temple. They had very little money, and could only afford a tiny flat.

  The restored Master briefly confronted the tenth Doctor, but was then kidnapped by Joshua Naismith, a businessman and author of Fighting the Future. Naismith wanted the Master to help him repair the Immortality Gate that had been recovered from Torchwood, as Naismith believed that the Gate could give his daughter Abigail the gift of immortality. The Gate was of Vinvocci origin, and could be used to heal whole planets by transmitting a biological template through an entire population. The Master used the device to transmit his own biological template across the globe, turning 6,727,949,338 people on Earth (all save Donna Noble and Wilf Mott) into copies of himself. With such an army, he made plans to “tur
n Earth into a warship”.

  Rassilon and the High Council of Time Lords, still trapped inside the timelock on the final day of The Last Great Time War, saw a way to escape. They planted the sound of drums - the heartbeat of a Time Lord - into the Master’s mind when he was still a child, then sent a white-point star crystal to Earth at this time. The Master retrieved the star, amplified the drum-sound now echoing through billions of people, and traced it back to its source. The disruption to the timelines allowed the entire planet of Gallifrey to emerge in space near Earth. The Master then sought to copy his biological template through every Time Lord.

  Rassilon thwarted the Master by restoring humanity to normal, and the Doctor destroyed the Gate. The Master attacked Rassilon in revenge for the High Council driving him mad with the Sound of Drums, and the two of them - and all the Time Lords - vanished as Gallifrey was consigned back to the Time War.

  The Doctor sacrificed his life to save Wilf, who had become trapped in a chamber that was filling with radiation. With what time he had remaining, the Doctor visited his former companions - he saved Mickey and Martha, who had become freelance alien hunters, from a Sontaran; saved Luke Smith from a car accident; attended a book signing of Verity Newman, the great-granddaughter of Joan Redfern, whose book The Journal of Impossible Things was based on her ancestor’s diary; and travelled forward a few months to attend Donna Noble’s wedding.


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