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by Parkin, Lance

  c 3400 - The Dark Path [1167]

  The Adjudicators had become the Arbiters, the judicial service of the Federation. The Federation Chair was located on Alpha Centauri. The Federation included the Veltrochni, Terileptils, Draconians and Xarax.

  The Federation ship Piri Reis reached the lost colony of Darkheart just as temporal distortion attracted both the second Doctor’s TARDIS and that of the renegade Time Lord Koschei (an old friend of the Doctor’s) and his companion Ailla. The Doctor and Koschei found the Darkheart device, which the colonists were using to make alien beings human.

  Koschei accidentally killed Ailla and became stricken with grief. He became increasingly intent on hoarding power, and eradicated the planet Terileptus as a necessary means of testing the Darkheart’s destructive capabilities. Ailla regenerated, and Koschei became even more isolated upon realising that she had spied on him for the High Council of the Time Lords. The Doctor stopped Koschei’s thirst for power by programming the Darkheart to turn the system’s star into a black hole. The colonists evacuated aboard the Piri Reis, but Koschei went missing when the black hole consumed his TARDIS.

  = These events happened in the Inferno universe, but in a different form that allowed Koschei and Ailla to continue their travels. [1168]

  ? 3410 - The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories: “The Entropy Composition” [1169]

  The fifth Doctor and Nyssa visited Concordium - a planet-sized repository containing music all the way back to the dawn of time - while en route to see the Terileptus event horizon. They visited 1968 upon examining the songs of Geoffrey Belvedere Cooper, and created a feedback loop between Concordium and Cooper’s studio. This prevented an Entropy Siren from destabilising the entire universe with the primal sonics of creation.

  Dojjin, the Director of Historical Research on Manussa, became convinced that the Mara would return. He abandoned his post, and joined the ranks of the snakedancers. [1170]

  ? 3417 - The Menagerie [1171]

  Over the centuries, the Knights of Kuabris had prevented scientific discovery on their planet, and discouraged historical research. They came to be led by Zaitabor, who was unaware that he was an android. Zaitabor hoped to purge his city of corruption and revived some Mecrim, who initiated a slaughter. The second Doctor - travelling with Jamie and Zoe - arranged to detonate the city’s reactor, which killed Zaitabor and the Mecrim. The Knights fell from power, and negotiations between the planet’s various races were arranged.

  & 3426 - Snakedance [1172]

  The Mara took control of Tegan’s mind a second time, and routed the TARDIS to its homeworld of Manussa. The public held a ceremony, as it did once every decade, to celebrate the Mara’s defeat - this was the 500th anniversary of its downfall. The Federator’s son, Lon, was mentally enthralled by the Mara and arranged that the Great Crystal would be returned to its ceremonial wall socket during the ceremony. This linked the Mara to the minds of those present, and it gained the mental energy required to partly manifest. The snakedancer Dojjin helped the fifth Doctor to resist the Mara by finding the still point within himself. The Doctor removed the Great Crystal from its socket, which caught the Mara in-between states of being and destroyed it.

  The Mara survived in Tegan’s mind, and would manifest a third time. [1173]

  On Trionikus, the brilliant scientist Tobal Reist built a weapon called the Eraser. He attempted to destroy a spittoon on his workbench, but underestimated the device’s power and blasted Trionikus into eighteen billion bits. He was the only survivor, and went mad as a result of his actions. [1174]

  Christopher Shaw was born on New Celeste, and became the youngest captain in Earth’s Space Corps at age 23. He received a distinguished service medal for his performance in the human-Bavali conflict of 3478. [1175]

  c 3480 - Paradise 5 [1176]

  Targos Delta, the fourth planet in the Targos system, had become the financial and industrial core of the Earth Alliance. Stock market fluctuations from a thousand worlds were recorded on indestructible plastic tickertape, which could be heated and pressurised to be used as building material.

  The Elohim were angelic, multidimensional beings undergoing a civil war; many of their number desired contact with the lower races, but their leadership favoured leaving them alone. The holiday resort Paradise 5, a satellite station in orbit over the toxic Targos Beta, became a recruiting tool for the rebel Elohim. The Paradise Machine there enabled visitors’ minds to ascend and fight in the Elohim conflict, even as their bodies were recycled to become the servile Cherubs.

  The sixth Doctor and Peri found that the Doctor’s old friend Professor Albrecht Thompson, the galaxy’s leading expert on the application of string theory to financial derivatives, had become a Cherub. Thompson died as the Elohim’s rivals routed them.

  Nyssa post-TARDIS

  ? 3482 - Terminus [1177]

  Passenger liners travelled the universe and sometimes fell victim to raiders, often those combat-trained by Colonel Periera.

  Lazars’ Disease swept the universe, spreading fear and superstition even among those in the rich sectors. Sufferers were sent secretly to Terminus, a vast structure in the exact centre of the known universe. The station was run by Terminus Incorporated, who extracted massive profits from the operation. The facility was manned by slave workers, the Vanir, who were kept loyal by their need for the drug Hydromel. The Lazars were either killed or cured by a massive burst of radiation from Terminus’ engines.

  The fifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan and Turlough arrived on Terminus as part of the Black Guardian’s machinations. Nyssa left the TARDIS to create an improved version of Hydromel that would break the Vanir’s dependency on the company, and to help introduce proper diagnoses and controlled treatment to the Lazars.

  During her time on Terminus, Nyssa approached one of the Lazars. She’d been unable to synthesise a cure for the disease, but offered to save his life in a manner similar to the Dar Traders - whose abilities she’d partly acquired, owing to her one-time encounter with them. [1178] Nyssa was Timescooped into a pocket dimension of the Death Zone, then returned home. [1179]

  In 3487, Christopher Shaw was the only survivor of a Space Corps team sent to deal with some Zygons in Antella Orionsis. He was court-martialed for cowardice. [1180]

  3488 - Asylum [1181]

  Nyssa developed a vaccine for Lazar’s Disease and travelled the galaxy until it was eradicated. Full of optimism, she discovered there were many other pandemic problems such as war, famine and disease. She worked to relieve suffering, including periods spent as a nurse on Brallis and airlifting food into Exanos.

  When Exanos was destroyed in a nuclear war, Nyssa established herself in a peaceful system and became a university teacher specialising in technography, the study of writings about science. As part of this, she studied the works of Roger Bacon. The fourth Doctor met Nyssa while tracking an anomaly in space-time, and discovered discrepancies in her recollection of Bacon. This was evidence of alien interference with the timeline. When the Doctor departed for the thirteenth century, Nyssa stowed aboard. After restoring history, the Doctor brought Nyssa home.

  c 3490 - Circular Time: “Winter” [1182]

  Nyssa married a dream specialist named Lasarti, and they had a baby daughter named Neeka. Upon experiencing a recurring dream of her time with the Doctor, Nyssa decided to investigate using a device that Lasarti had developed to consciously explore dreams. Lasarti insisted on following her, and the two of them mentally arrived inside the dreamscape of the fifth Doctor - who was dying on Androzani Minor. With their help, the Doctor overcame a mind-trap set by the Master, and initiated his regeneration.

  Within five years of Nyssa developing a vaccine for Lazar’s Disease, the illness had been completely eradicated. [1183] Medical facilities were still in use on Terminus. [1184]

  & 3492 - Cobwebs [1185]

  The Company established a bioresearch station on Helhine, a toxic planet in the uncharted backwaters in the Eastern edge of the galaxy. H
elhine was home to the Cractids, the only organisms with a natural immunity to Richter’s Syndrome. The Company hoped to both find a cure for Richter’s and develop a new strain of the disease - one that could only be cured with a licensed product. Per Company policy, the research team’s memories had been siphoned off into a crystal databank, and would be restored if they succeeded with their mission.

  The fifth Doctor, Tegan, Turlough and a much-older Nyssa had been thrown back in time, and arrived as Bragg, an agent for the Independent Bio-Development Group, became infected with the deadlier Richter’s variant. He entered cryo-freeze and escaped as the other research team members died, and the station went dormant. Nyssa opted to resume travelling with her friends, and worked to perfect a cure for Richter’s.

  The Adventures of Kroton

  ? 3500 - “Ship of Fools” (DWW) [1186]

  Kroton, the Cyberman with a soul, was picked up and revived by the passengers of a human spaceliner. He learned the ship had been renamed the Flying Dutchman II, as it was caught in a time warp. Kroton opened up the cockpit and reprogrammed the robot pilot to escape the rift. But once outside, the lost time caught up with the passengers - they aged by six hundred and twenty-eight years in an instant, and Kroton was left alone once more.

  The Technosmiths of Baroq VII upgraded Kroton’s armour to thank him for helping them. [1187]

  ? 3500 - “Unnatural Born Killers” [1188]

  Kroton surfaced on a peaceful world that was being attacked by the Sontarans. He destroyed the invasion force, but could not share in the elation of the natives.

  ? 3500 - “The Company of Thieves” [1189]

  The Qutrusian Cargo Freighter X-703 was captured by pirates led by Grast Horstrogg. Kroton the Cyberman offered resistance, and made the acquaintance of the eighth Doctor and Izzy, while the pirates headed for a new target in a nearby asteroid belt. The TARDIS was stolen by Tobel, the mad scientist who had destroyed his planet Trionikus (and thus formed the asteroid belt) fifty years previous. The pirates tried to steal Tobel’s super-weapon - the Eraser - but this merely destabilised the last habitable asteroid. The Doctor, Izzy and Kroton reached the TARDIS, and Kroton joined the TARDIS crew.

  The planet Lebenswelt sold its entire mineral wealth to Galactinational. Now immeasurably rich, the population dedicated themselves to decadence. [1190]

  The Daleks returned to Earth’s galaxy. Over the next five hundred years, they had gained control of more than seventy planets in the ninth galactic system and forty in the constellation of Miros. They were, once again, based on their home planet of Skaro. The Daleks were the only race known to have broken the time barrier, although Trantis had tried in the past without success. Dalek technology was the most advanced in the universe. [1191]

  On Earth, a giant clock was constructed that didn’t just measure time - it dictated time, bending space-time and facilitating the hyperspace avenues through Earth’s dominions. The Guardians of the Solar System - aided by trusted members of the Space Security Service - “guarded” the clock, as it was the secret of Earth’s power. The clock ran off the mathematical potential of the minds of old men who serviced its inner workings. Without the clock, Earth’s empire would have collapsed, leaving billions dead or starving, and making Earth vulnerable to its rivals. [1192]

  c 3502 - Zygons: Absolution [1193]

  Interplanetary Mining worked in concert with the human settlement of New Eden on Ganta 4, and shipped supplies of Amyrillum ore back to Earth. Christopher Shaw had become a religious leader dedicated to Neo-Christianity on Ganta 4. The New World translation of the Bible was still in circulation. Nine years after New Eden’s formation, the Zygons seized the colony’s spaceship - a means of evading Earth security and attacking humanity’s homeworld. Shaw sacrificed his life so his fellow colonists could blow up the spaceship, killing the Zygons.

  The Interplanetary Wars

  The robotic Mechanoids were dispatched in rockets to planets such as Mechanus, and set out preparing the way for colonists. The Mechanoids cleared landing sites and made everything ready for the immigrants, but a series of interplanetary wars started. The space lanes were disrupted, and colonies such as Mechanus were cut off from Earth. Left to their own devices, the Mechanoid robots built and maintained a vast city, awaiting the code that would identify the rightful human colonists. [1194]

  & 3520 - Sisters of the Flame / The Vengeance of Morbius [1195]

  Earth had embassies on different worlds. Space Traffic Control was in operation. Every spaceship had access to Galactinet: a supralight microwave information network transmitted across hyperspatial conduits. Members of many different species, including several humanoid ones and the Trell - an affable a race of giant centipedes - served as interplantary police marshals.

  (=) Kristof Zarodnix became the richest man in the galaxy - possibly the universe - by buying and selling planets. The Sisterhood of Karn left their world after Zarodnix bought it out from under them. Karn became home to Zarodnix Corporation’s central office. Zarodnix purchased many Trell worlds, and used mechanical devices to enslave the Trell.

  Zarodnix was secretly the leader of the Cult of Morbius, and acquired a fragment of Morbius’ brain from the deep chasm that Morbius fell into on Karn. Using a genetotron, Zarodnix combined Morbius’ DNA into a captured Time Lord, Straxus. Morbius was reborn as a fusion of the two. He exacted vengeance on the High Council by using a stellar manipulator that he’d built to drain energy from the Eye of Harmony. Zarodnix’s warfleet of converted Trell cordoned off Gallifrey. Ten years passed as Morbius raised a formidable army and conquered a thousand worlds, including Earth.

  The eighth Doctor deactivated Morbius’ stellar manipulator, restoring power to Gallifrey.

  The Doctor and Morbius, both grappling for the remote activator to the stellar manipulator, fell into a chasm on Karn. The restored Time Lords reverted time back to before Zarodnix purchased Karn. Lucie Miller thought the Doctor was dead, and the Time Lords took her home.

  The Sisterhood teleported the Doctor away from the chasm - either to aid an ally, or possibly because they didn’t want the activator he clutched to be lost. The Doctor materialised in “tweenspace” - a layer of cosmic sediment - on the planet Orbis. The activator sank to the bottom of Great Ocean of Orbis, and the Doctor came to reside on the planet for six hundred years. The Headhunter acquired the Doctor’s TARDIS from the Sisterhood, and went back to the twenty-first century to abduct Lucie. [1196]

  Bragg was revived from cryo-stasis on Gondel Prime, and the enhanced version of Richter’s Syndrome that he carried spread to other worlds in a matter of months. [1197]

  & 3532 - Cobwebs [1198]

  Nyssa was still married to Lasarti. They had a daughter named Tegan, and a younger son named Adric. [1199]

  Six billion people were now infected with Richter’s Syndrome. Nyssa travelled to the disused tech station on Helhine to find a cure, and happened across the fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough there. The station’s AI initiated a self-destruct, and the resultant explosion threw them, and the TARDIS, back in time forty years.

  (=) 3562 - The Sirens of Time [1200]

  The Knights of Velyshaa fought Earth, but their First Empire fell. Thanks to the seventh Doctor, though, their leader Sancroff escaped to establish the Second Empire. Capturing a Temperon, the Knights built time machines and successfully attacked the Time Lords, although the Knights’ bodies had become withered and parasitic. They used Time Lord flesh to maintain themselves.

  The fifth, sixth and seventh Doctors joined forces to defeat the Knights. History was restored and Sancroff was executed.

  Steven Taylor [1201]

  Steven Taylor, a companion of the first Doctor, grew up during a war. Earth during this time had flying cars and motorbikes. Clean-up rigs worked all hours to clear orbital fragments, as even a small accident could halt suborbital traffic for days. Steven met representatives of the Cahlian race at various trading posts. [1202] Steven’s era had particle conversion, which elimi
nated the need for recycling centres. [1203] It used “gravity force” as a source of energy. [1204]

  Humanity had the ability to establish entire bases on planets, moons and asteroids using prefabricated blocks - an entire city was built on Sedna in slightly less than two weeks. Steven had a menial job ferrying such construction units between the outer planets of Earth’s solar system. He found the job joyful at first, but tedium soon set in, and he went to war in part to escape the monotony. [1205]

  Steven joined up to fight in the interplanetary wars after visiting New York, at least a portion of which had not recovered since the Dalek invasion in the twenty-second century. He became the helmsman of a battleship, living on spaceships and space stations. He ruined his promotion prospects by complaining about a soldier abusing a civilian on Roylus Prime, and was relegated to solo non-combat missions. His ship was built from modified Dalek designs. [1206]


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