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Page 148

by Parkin, Lance

  SSS agent Dryn Faber investigated the planet Antalin and discovered Daleks there. [1281] Earth was involved in a number of wars on the frontier of Earthspace. The Daleks massacred the colonists on a mining outpost. [1282] The Sycorax Tribe of Astrophia died out in the Valhalla Wars of the forty-first century. [1283]

  4009 - The Book of the Still [1284]

  About this time, TimeCorp offered its employees the plus of completing their workday, then temporally returning to the morning for family time. Participating TimeCorp workers aged a third faster than their families every day, but got to spend more time with their loved ones.

  The temporal expert Albrecht managed to retroactively wipe himself from existence, but his diaries survived in a reality pocket. His theories gave rise to the condition Albrecht’s Ennui, which affected temporally displaced people who went a few years without time travel.

  The affluent, distant planet Lebenswelt settled into a state of hedonism and decay, as nobody would voluntarily travel so far to perform menial tasks. The IntroInductions escort service on Lebenswelt used illegal fast-acting memory acids to make kidnapped humans fall in love with their clients. Lebenswelt also became home to the Museum of Locks (Das Museum der Verriegelungen), which almost incidentally guarded a copy of The Book of the Still.

  (=) In 4009, the Unnoticed desired to examine the Book because it mentioned their Tent City on the photosphere of Earth’s sun. The eighth Doctor, Fitz and Anji discovered that the Unnoticed were the product of a closed time loop. By touching the time sensitive Carmodi, the Doctor accidentally caused the time loop to unleash waves of “soft time”, which mutated IntroInductions founders Darlow, Gimcrack and Svadhisthana into a twisted gestalt creature that would give rise to the Unnoticed. When the newly created gestalt made contact with the Unnoticed, it both destroyed the Unnoticed and flung the gestalt back in time to become the Unnoticed.

  Shortly afterwards, Carmodi departed with the Book and retroactively planted a bomb aboard the Unnoticed’s spaceship, thus prematurely destroying them and averting the closed time loop altogether.

  Around 4015, a massive Dalek War split the Federation. Upon the war’s completion, the organisation was forced to re-evaluate itself. [1285]

  c 4015 - The Only Good Dalek [1286]

  The human soldier Tranter attained over ten years of frontline service, received the Mercury Medal with stars and moons, and was the hero of the fall of Pythagoran. He was reported killed at the siege of Logario, but was actually captured by the Daleks and conditioned to act as their sleeper agent. Tranter was allowed to escape, and subsequently became the commander of Station 7.

  Station 7 now contained a conglomeration of items related to the Daleks, including a section of petrified jungle (complete with live Slythers and Varga plants) recovered from the ruins of Skaro. The station also held captive Ogrons and Robomen, as well as ten Dalek prisoners who could only move on static electrified pathways. Human scientists aboard the station laboured to harness Dalek technology, but were frustrated because it only worked for Daleks. The station’s chief scientist, Weston, had worked for years to change the nature of the Daleks, hoping to make them less aggressive so they would operate Dalek technology on behalf of humans. The culmination of his efforts was The Only Good Dalek: a genetically engineered Dalek mutant thought to have respect for other life.

  Two months after Tranter took charge of Station 7, the eleventh Doctor and Amy arrived there as the Daleks, having learned about The Only Good Dalek and deeming it an abomination that had to be terminated, attacked Station 7 in spaceships disguised as asteroids. Commander Tranter, Weston and The Only Good Dalek sacrificed themselves to destroy the Daleks. The sole survivor, a human agent named Jay, returned with Weston’s data to Earth Central... where other Dalek agents were in positions of power, and arranged for Jay’s ship to be destroyed en route. The Doctor told Amy that the ingenuity, bravery, love and hope that had spurred the creation of Weston’s data would help Earth prevail.

  The Colonial Marines raided Dalek strongholds in the 4020s. [1287] Kinzhal, a future general of the Icelandic Alliance, earned medals in the forty-second century. [1288] The Sontaran Strax was born around 4025. [1289] The Doctor established an account with Trans-Universal Union, which held his mail in a stasis drawer until he collected it. [1290]

  & 4030 - The Bride of Peladon [1291]

  On Peladon, the people no longer believed in Aggedor worship, and Queen Elspera - the daughter of King Paladin and Beladonia - dissolved the church upon her ascent to the throne. Elspera was thought to have been thrown from her horse on a hunting expedition and died, whereupon her son Pelleas became king. In actuality, the imprisoned Sekhmet the Avenger had killed Elspera - as well as the Martian ambassador Alyxlyr - because the blood of four royal females was required to unlock Sekhmet’s bonds.

  Earth sought to strengthen ties with Peladon, and arranged a marriage between Pelleas and the Earth princess Pandora. Sekhmet murdered Pandora, but failed to make the fifth Doctor’s companion Erimem her fourth victim. The new Martian ambassador, Prince Zixlyr, blew up Sekhmet - and himself - with a Xanathoid Volatiser.

  A female Aggedor had survived in secret for one hundred fifty years, and birthed new Aggedors after a century of pregnancy. Alpha Centauri assisted in the capture of the master Arcturan criminal Arktos - a.k.a. the Scourge of the Nine Worlds, the Silver Assassin and the Death Merchant.

  Erimem found Peladon very agreeable to her former way of life, and decided to leave the fifth Doctor and Peri and marry Pelleas.

  4037 - A Good Man Goes to War [1292]

  The eleventh Doctor called in a debt from Strax, a Sontaran Commander who had been demoted to battlefield nurse. As part of his atonement, Strax was helping humans during the Battle of Zaruthstra.

  4039 (January) - “Hotel Historia” [1293]

  The Graxnix invaded Earth, damaging London and Big Ben. The tenth Doctor was captured, but escaped down a time corridor to the Hotel Historia in 2008. The Graxnix followed and brought back a Chronexus 3000 device - which, as the Doctor intended, nullified the Graxnix from making any further change to history. They were left intangible and invisible.

  The Second Great and Bountiful Human Empire [1294]

  Mavic Chen’s descendants eventually ended democracy in the Federation. The Chen dynasty of Federation Emperors ruled for thousands of years. [1295] The Second Empire rose, with its origins on the human colony world of Dephys. The cruel, oppressive Elite ruled it. [1296]

  c 4106 - The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit [1297]

  Humans continued to use the Ood as a slave race. The Ood seemed willing to be treated as such, but the Friends of the Ood organisation campaigned for their freedom. The Neo-Classic Congregational denomination didn’t have a devil as such, but acknowledged that evil resided in the actions of men.

  The tenth Doctor and Rose arrived on an unnamed planet which was set in an impossible orbit around the black hole K37Gem5. [1298] The scriptures of the Veltong named the world as Krop Tor - “the bitter pill” - and claimed the black hole was a demon that had swallowed the planet and spit it out.

  Sanctuary Base 6, manned by people from the Torchwood Archive, monitored the anomaly. Beneath the planet was the Beast, a creature imprisoned before our universe was created. It influenced the Ood slaves to help engineer its release, but the Doctor prevented this. Krop Tor and the Beast’s body fell into the black hole, as did the Beast’s mind - which had taken root in the base’s head of archaeology, Toby Zed.

  & 4120 - Orbis [1299]

  The eighth Doctor had pleasantly spent six centuries in the company of the jellyfish-like Keltons who resided on Orbis, and had introduced to them the tradition of celebrating the dead with a funeral-feast, having noticed that the Keltons’ habit of eating and regurgitating their deceased wasn’t a very efficient way to compost the seabed. Orbis’ troposphere was progressively changing, owing to influence of a passing moon.

  The Molluscari, a race of aggressive space-oysters who
could change gender, thought the waters of Orbis would make an ideal breeding ground... and the Keltons would make an excellent source of protein. The Molluscari leader, Crassostrea, had previously massacred the Tetraploids.

  The Galactic Council had rejected a Molluscari claim to Orbis a few years ago, but now ruled in their favour, having determined that the Keltons’ ownership of the planet wasn’t tenable due to the recent climate changes. The Headhunter arrived in the TARDIS with Lucie from 2009, having struck a bargain with the Molluscari. In return for their retrieving the activator to Morbius’ stellar manipulator, she was to coerce the Doctor into leaving Orbis by threatening Lucie’s life.

  The passing moon proved to be Morbius’ stellar manipulator, which had been drawn to Orbis by the presence of the activator. The manipulator’s approach made the oceans on Orbis boil; Crassostrea spawned while the Molluscari went into a feeding frenzy and attacked the Keltons. The Doctor and Lucie escaped in the TARDIS just as the manipulator crashed into Orbis - obliterating it, the Molluscari and the surviving Keltons.

  The Headhunter pocketed the activator and returned to her warpship. She used the activator to slave the stellar manipulator to Lucie’s DNA - it would shadow the TARDIS through the Vortex, and emerge near Earth in 2015. [1300]

  4126 - Planet of the Ood [1301]

  A member of the Friends of the Ood infiltrated Ood Operations on the Ood-Sphere, and reduced the telepathic dampener around the Ood Brain. Many Ood on the planet became lethal - as indicated by their red eyes - and instigated a rebellion. Ood Sigma, the personal assistant to the head of Ood Operations - Klineman Halpen - had been lacing Halpen’s hair-restorer with Ood-graft for years, causing Halpen to fully transform into an Ood. The tenth Doctor and Donna helped to fully liberate the Ood Brain, and so the entire Ood species. A telepathic call summoned the enslaved Ood home. The Ood promised to honour the Doctor and Donna’s names in song forever.

  The unit of currency at this time was the credit; an Ood cost fifty credits. Earth was “a bit full”, but the Second Great and Bountiful Empire, “a great big empire built on slavery”, stretched over three galaxies (the “tri-Galactic”). There were vidphones.

  c 4142 - 42 [1302]

  The tenth Doctor and Martha answered a distress call originating from the Terrachi system, located half a universe away from Earth. The engines of the spaceship Pentallian had failed, and it was falling into the nearest sun. Crewmember Korwin succumbed to an alien influence, becoming a being of burning light who proceeded to kill other crewmembers. The Doctor realised the star was alive - it felt violated because the ship had illegally mined it for fuel. The living particles were ejected from the scoops, which restored the sun and saved the ship.

  The Daleks encountered a new threat: the Movellans, a race of humanoid androids from system 4X-Alpha-4. The Daleks were forced to abandon all operations elsewhere in the galaxy, including Skaro, and mobilise a huge battlefleet. The mighty Dalek and Movellan fleets faced each other in space, their battlecomputers calculating the moment of optimum advantage. This created an instant stalemate, and not a shot was fired for centuries. The vast Dalek Fleet was kept completely occupied, except for the occasional raiding mission on Outer Planets such as Kantria for slave workers, or on the starships of Earth’s Deep Spacefleet. [1303]

  Two thousand settlers from Earth established themselves on the planet Agelaos, and it became one of the most remote outposts of the Second Great and Bountiful Human Empire. Agelaos was located near a wormhole that granted the settlers with psionic abilities - but then mutated them into monsters. A beacon warned travellers to stay away from the planet. [1304]

  ? 4150 - The Last Voyage [1305]

  Inter-dimensional entities implanted the blueprints for a new type of interstellar engine into the mind of Joseph Sterns Cluxton, a 160-year-old billionaire, fostering the technology as a means of invading our reality. Within three years, Cluxton had used the designs to build the first Interstitial Transportation Vehicle (ITV).

  The ITV made its maiden voyage across the longest stretch of humanity’s empire - from Earth to the planet Eternity, home to eight billion humans - and its engines transported those aboard to the entities’ dimension. The tenth Doctor returned everyone home, and permanently wrecked the ITV’s engines.

  In this era, robots were used for food preparation and other menial tasks.

  c 4200 - Pest Control [1306]

  Giants living in the Pettingard system came under threat from the Serfians - a large beetle-like species that reproduced by implanting eggs in other races. The Sharback Corporation built 25-metre-tall robots to combat the infestation, but the robots indiscriminately wiped out the giants and Serfians alike.

  People of mixed human/alien heritage currently existed in the outer worlds of Earth’s solar system. Human soldiers in the Pioneer Corps, a military arm of the Second Great and Bountiful Human Empire, invaded the planet Rescension. War broke out with the centaurs who lived there, the Akwabi, but a further infestation of Serfian eggs threatened to transform both sides into Serfian drones. The tenth Doctor and Donna intervened, and the Serfian queens were killed. It was expected that the surviving drones would be no threat without their leadership, and that the humans and Akwabi would rebuild the planet.

  c 4211 - “Body Snatched” [1307]

  Dr Rubin, a scientist on the planet hospital Bedlam, developed Transmigratory Memory Mapping: a means by which minds could be transplanted into disused Biogrower bodies, according another fifty years of life. The Horse Lord of Khan wanted to go further and put his mind into a Time Lord body - to that end, he summoned his old friend, the Doctor. The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory found that Rubin had been testing his mind swap on different races, including a Re’nar, a Ju’wes, a Saturnynian, a Slitheen, a Sycorax and a Gizhou. Confusion followed... the Doctor and Amy accidentally swapped consciousnesses, and the Biogrowers were induced with schizophrenia, triggering a riot. The time travellers incapacitated the Horse Lord, ended the riot and returned to their own bodies - moments before Rory, thinking his wife was still in the Doctor’s form, gave “her” a passionate kiss.

  4226 - The End of Time (TV) [1308]

  The tenth Doctor answered a summons to Ood-Sphere, and was shocked to see how developed the planet had become in the hundred years since his last visit. The mind of the Ood was troubled, and they showed him their dreams of the Master. Time was bleeding, and events on Earth in 2009 were affecting everything...

  ? 4300 - The Death Collectors [1309]

  The volcanic planet Antikon was quarantined after it became the source of Antikon’s Decay - a lethal virus that decimated a solar system. Professor Mors Alexandryn, the foremost authority on the Decay, headed a research team in a sky station over Antikon. They encountered a spacefaring race called Dar Traders, a.k.a. the Death Collectors, who typically scavenged corpses after battles. The Dar Traders were technically dead, and used metal frames to move their husks around. They could preserve the last few moments of life in other species by introducing their own flesh to the dead.

  The seventh Doctor found that the Decay was an alien intelligence that existed as a virus and trying to communicate through “a death state” - not comprehending that this was inimical to other species. The mass of Decay on Antikon increased exponentially upon contact with the Dar Traders, but Alexandryn gave his life to the Decay, peacefully dragging them both into death.

  In 4302, Elliot Sardick was born on a human colony world near the Horsehead Nebula. His family had given their name to the main settlement, Sardicktown; the first settlers there referred to mid-winter as the Crystal Feast. As an adult, he would gain even more power than his ancestors and have a son, Kazran. The currency on Sardicktown was the gideon. [1310]

  The Thals were driven off Skaro by the Daleks. [1311]

  In 4338, Turlough was the guest of Wilhelm, König of the Wine Lords of Chardon. [1312] The railway network was reestablished in Europe. [1313]

  c 4340-& 4347/(=) c 4340-& 4347 (Christmas E
ve) - A Christmas Carol [1314]

  Kazran Sardick was physically abused by his father, Elliott, and would grow up to become someone who didn’t care if people lived or died. To teach Kazran Sardick the error of his ways, the eleventh Doctor travelled back to Christmas Eve when Kazran was 12. Kazran had been trying to make a video project about the sky fish that flew around Sardicktown, and the Doctor helped to disprove Kazran’s belief that he was alone in a cruel world. The Doctor tried to attract the sky fish, but instead attracted a sky shark.

  To transport the shark back to its natural habitat, Kazran suggested they borrow a hibernation unit from the vaults where his father kept people in suspended animation as debt-collateral. They opened the cryo-pod of Abigail Pettigrew, and her singing calmed the shark. She was returned to suspended animation, but Kazran was now smitten.

  (=) The Doctor returned for Kazran and Abigail each of the next seven Christmas Eves. They went for a sleigh ride with the flying shark, to the Egyptian pyramids, Uluru, the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty, to visit Abigail’s family and a pool party in 1952 Hollywood. Abigail, though, was terminally ill, and had one more day to live. Kazran remained convinced the world was unfair.

  The Doctor’s efforts to rehabilitate Kazran failed, and so he took his 12-year-old self forward in time to see the miser he had become...

  Elliot Sardick’s machine to control the cloud bank over Sardicktown was finally completed. It had isomorphic controls that only responded to Elliot or his son Kazran. Elliot Sardick died in 4378. [1315]

  = The sixth Doctor visited the planet Schyllus in 4387. [1316]


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