A Deal with the Duke
Page 5
Alexander would have liked to proceed slowly. He would have liked to undress her fully, to linger over every tie and button, and to drink in the surely glorious sight of her nude body. He would have liked to touch her everywhere, using both mouth and fingers; he would map her curves and secret places; he would drag out the beginning of her pleasure until Savitri was whimpering and begging for his touch, desperate with need for her final climax.
These plans crossed his mind, but he put them aside for another time – many other times, because he had no intention of enjoying this beautiful woman only once. In the future he would allow himself to dawdle over their lovemaking; they would enjoy days and nights full of exquisitely slow pleasure, pleasure of every type, repeatedly endlessly.
But that was for the future. Tonight Alexander had no patience. He needed Savitri like air; every second their bodies were separated burned him. He couldn’t hold back even a second longer.
He plunged his head forward and ran his tongue over her slick folds. Her taste flooded his mouth, making his cock throb hard nearly painfully. Savitri’s back arched and she made a sharp, short sound – a scream bitten off, if he was any judge. He silently cursed the guests in the house that forced her to remain quiet and discreet, and licked at Savitri once again, flattening his tongue to cover as much of her as possible with each stroke. He wanted to hear all the sounds she could make, wanted to revel in every shade of her reactions, from the softest held breath to the loudest shriek and everything in between.
Savitri’s knees wobbled in response to the actions of his mouth and he steadied the arm he had around her ass, taking more of her weight upon himself. This had the delightful result of tipping her hips up, presenting more of her cunny to him, and he set himself to licking, tasting, kissing – ravaging every inch of her wet, open core. He felt as though he do this for hours, that her body called to his with a primal attraction he had never before recognized.
But as much as he wanted the moment to last, he wanted her to climax, ached to see and hear and most of all taste her orgasm. He transferred his attention from her sweet-tasting folds to the sensitive bud just above. He flicked it with his tongue, one brief tease before he fastened his lips around its withdrawn hood and sucked hard.
Savitri couldn’t withstand such a direct assault; she shuddered in his arms once, twice, and then she was coming, her thigh muscles clenching against his shoulders and a long, low moan spilling from her lips. He supported her through all of it, a sense of proud satisfaction quieting his urgency.
When she was done, he lowered her gently to the floor before him and clasped her in his arms, her head falling to the hollow of his shoulder as though they had been designed to fit together. The ache of his cock distracted him somewhat but Alexander ignored it, instead closing his eyes and lowering his head to breath deeply. Most of Savitri’s hair had fallen from her proper bun, and lay about her shoulders and cheeks in enticing disarray. A scent of vanilla and powder rose up from her, and it seemed to settle in some long-forgotten part of his soul, filling an emptiness that he hadn’t even known was there. Alexander gently lifted a hand to tuck back an errant strand of hair, and let himself linger on the soft skin of Savitri’s cheek, rose-tinted now with her exertions.
What was this he felt? Not love, surely – Alexander had never credited the tales of love at first sight. But there was no question that it was something more than lust. It was – right, that was the word. As simple and elegant as one puzzle piece clicking into another. Their coming together might have been rushed and would certainly have to be kept quiet, but the greater tragedy would have been to delay. Now that he had found this woman, there was no reason for them to be apart.
Savitri’s heartbeat was loud in her ears, and her breath was as quick and shallow as if she had just run a race. In contrast her muscles felt languid and relaxed and her thoughts were as drowsy as if she had just woken up. All in all, she had never known her body to behave so strangely.
She had never known it to feel so wonderfully either.
So this is what sex feels like, she thought. No wonder people in novels and poems are always so eager for more.
She stirred; the duke’s arms were the most comfortable place she’d ever been, but she wanted more. Besides, she might be a virgin – no more! she crowed in the back of her mind, smugly satisfied at her accomplishment and refusing to contemplate the potential negative consequences just yet – but she was fairly certain that what they’d done so far was only a tiny taste of all the things their bodies could do together.
Savitri put a hand to Alexander’s shoulder and pushed back enough to see his face. He was flushed along his cheekbones, his lips swollen and red with kisses, his hair mussed from where she had gripped it. But most erotic of all, his mouth and chin gleamed with what she recognized as her own wetness.
“Oh, God,” she said, reaching up to softly touch his jaw. “Look at you.” She knew that she should feel ashamed at this evidence of her body’s lust, but in truth, all she felt was another stir low in her belly. She had taken this handsome, well-dressed duke, and now he was dirtied and out of breath because of her. Not one of the beautiful ladies at the ball, not a princess or countess or rich heiress, but only Savitri Booth, Anglo-Indian governess.
She wanted to do it again.
She leaned up and kissed him hungrily, and he responded with equal fervor. His hands moved across her back, shifting from a comforting embrace to a hard, desperate clutch. She was pressed tightly to his chest, which was firm with muscles that she could feel even through the layers of his coat, waistcoat, and shirt. How strange that we are both still clothed, even now! I feel that anyone who saw me would instantly see how much I have changed since this morning.
In a single abrupt movement, Alexander scooped her into his arms and stood, supporting her in a strong hold which left her feet dangling in the air. One of her slippers slid off and to the floor, but Savitri felt herself to be utterly safe. She tossed her head back and laughed; perhaps it would have been wiser to be afraid at such a display of raw strength, but all she knew was a surge of delight, like a child tossed into the air who knows that she will be caught by loving hands.
Alexander made a sound that could only be described as a growl and strode quickly across the room toward the desk that stood in the corner. He shifted his hold on her to knock the scattered books and papers on its surface to the floor, then sat her onto the desktop.
“Oh!” Savitri said, half-protesting and half continuing to laugh. “Be careful! You’ll bend the covers – tear the pages – ”
“Damn the books,” Alexander snapped and surged forward to capture her mouth in another searing kiss. Savitri opened to him wholeheartedly, every fiber of her being singing in awe at these new wonders. She had not known that kisses could be like this: leaving her dizzy and short of breath and full of joy. It was not only her body that responded to Alexander’s touch; her soul too seemed to reach out for him, to find in him the perfect match for her every thought and need.
He stepped back, leaving her light-headed with a hungry pulse between her legs. He had so recently brought her to a peak and yet already she wanted more. Alexander took hold of her dress’s hem and yanked it up as high as he could, leaving her bare from the waist down.
He froze then and simply stared. Savitri shivered; she had never before known a man whose gaze felt so much like a touch. She could feel it when he moved his eyes across each inch of her flesh, from her ankles to her thighs and finally to the mound.
It would be proper to cover herself with her hands, to press her legs together, to make some protest at such indecorous behavior. But Savitri did not. She didn’t want to. She liked the sensation of Alexander’s gaze even on her most private spots. His eyes had darkened with desire, and it sent a thrill of power and pleasure through her to know that she was the cause.
She waited until Alexander’s eyes were once more on her own and then deliberately, provocatively, slid her leg
s wider apart. Alexander’s gaze once more dropped to her lower half, and she saw his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed hard. She couldn’t stop the grin that burst out on her face. “Do you like what you see, Your Grace?” she asked.
He glanced slowly up at her as though unable to tear his eyes from the view she had presented him with, and then his eyebrows shot up as he registered her expression. “Temptress,” he growled, amusement and desire mingled in his voice.
He moved forward, setting his hands to her upper thighs above where her stockings tied, allowing her to feel him on her bare skin. His hands were big, wide enough to span across nearly all of the width of her legs, and she could feel the rough spots of his callouses. He pressed gently, spreading her legs by yet another inch.
Goosebumps broke out on Savitri’s skin, and her mouth felt dry. She could feel the power in those hands, but it was tightly reined, unable to hurt her. She knew that she was soaking wet, and knew too that in this position Alexander could see it. Should she be embarrassed by her body’s lust?
No, Savitri thought. Let him see all of me. He wants the truth? Well, this is my truth.
And there was no question that Alexander did not look appalled or indifferent. He might still be dressed in his well-tailored suit like a proper gentleman, but his truth was obvious in his eyes, in the streaks of her wetness still upon his face, and in the erection that tented the front of his trousers.
“It seems unfair that I should be the only one on display,” she pointed out.
Alexander shrugged, the movement making his hands slide a short distance on her legs, which sparked delicious friction all the way down to her core. “Women make a better subject for the artistic gaze than men do.”
Savitri laughed. “Perhaps to you, but I suspect a great many women would disagree with that statement.”
“Is that so?” Alexander looked at her, his blue eyes creasing at the corners with a stifled smile. “I think that you may be unique among your sex in many ways. But – ” he held up a hand to forestall Savitri’s gasp of protest “– I will accede to your demand nonetheless.”
He lifted his hands from her thighs, and she felt so cold and isolated at the lack of his touch that she almost changed her mind. But she was rewarded with a new pleasure quickly enough; indeed, it was proving to be a night of new pleasures.
Alexander took off his coat and let it fall messily to the floor behind him. Waistcoat and cravat followed quickly, and then he drew his linen shirt from his breeches and over his head. His torso, when revealed, was flat and well-muscled, showing the evidence of a man who spent his days riding, hunting, and surveying his lands. A thin sprinkle of hair was scattered across the upper planes of his chest.
He unbuttoned the fall of his trousers and drew out his cock. It was erect and a single drop of pearly liquid gleamed on the tip. Savitri had been aware of the biological functions of human bodies – her mother had considered it appropriate to inform her of what went on between men and women, though many women would have left their daughters ignorant – but to actually see it was another thing entirely. It was bigger than she had expected, and far more attractive.
Savitri did not feel like a pursuer after knowledge now; facts had melted away in the fire of pure emotion. The place between her legs clenched, growing even wetter, and she felt empty in a way she never had before. She wanted to be filled. She wanted to be as close to Alexander as it was physically possible to be, for their two bodies to become one flesh. She wanted his cock inside of her, to wrap her inner walls around its thick length, to be stroked and touched within her very self.
Alexander’s trousers slid down, revealing his heavily muscled thighs, but Savitri barely noticed; all of her attention remained on his cock, on the way he stroked himself once from its head to the balls to spread that shining liquid across his own skin. He took hold of his erection at its base and stepped forward to kiss her again.
When they broke apart, Savitri reached down to tentatively brush her hand across his cock. She wanted to know what it felt like, what it would be like to hold something so stiff and red in her hand. The skin was hot, the flesh hard beneath a sheath of velvet. Just one touch and once again she was unable to think of anything at all, consumed by a wordless desire for more.
“I want you,” Alexander said. “I want you in every way I can have you, you beautiful, fascinating woman. Tell me that you want it too.”
“I do,” Savitri said, hardly paying attention to the words. Every moment Alexander spent with her he showed her yet another new possibility, each grander than the last. She felt as though she were flying, spiraling up and up to impossible ecstasies. “I want everything from you.”
He kissed her again, so fast and furious that she was barely able to finish her sentence. His hands moved over her body, rubbing her breasts through the corset. The faint pressure she could feel through the layers she still wore wasn’t enough; her nipples ached to feel his touch directly. And then none of that mattered – the head of Alexander’s cock brushed her upper thigh, and there was nothing left in the world except for the places where they touched. He adjusted himself and his cock slid along her wet folds, so close to the place where she could sense it belonged.
Alexander paused, his hands on her hips to hold her in place and his mouth next to her ear. Quieter than a whisper, nothing more than a breath of air, he said, “Savitri.” The passion and love in that one word shook her like a hurricane, and she grabbed hold of his shoulders, pulling him into her.
A voice murmured, “Yes, yes, now!” and it took Savitri a second to recognize it as her own. The blunt head of Alexander’s cock pressed questioningly at her entrance, and as she gasped in pleasure, he slid deep inside her.
There was a moment’s worth of painful stretching, but it paled before the utter newness of this feeling. Another person’s body was enclosed within her own – and not just anyone’s, but that of Alexander Ware, the Duke of Clermont, this man she had known so briefly and yet recognized in some bone-deep way as necessary to her happiness. It was strange, but she liked it. Her body seemed to welcome his, to take him in and hold him too tightly for escape.
Alexander held still after that first deep thrust, his cock like an unmoving steel rod within her. He kissed her cheek and her shoulder, his fingers gently combing through her hair. “Are you all right? Have I hurt you?”
“No.” Savitri considered the question, then laughed to herself. “No, I’m not hurt. I always heard – but it doesn’t hurt at all. It feels wonderful.” She shifted her hips experimentally and Alexander groaned.
“Do that again and you’ll finish me right now.”
Savitri grinned and immediately repeated the movement.
Alexander withdrew then rocked back into her, and this time the stretching sensation was accompanied by sparks of pleasure that shot along her nerves. She tightened her legs around his waist, pressing her heels into the small of his back, and wordlessly encouraged him to do it again. He did, faster this time then still faster the next, each thrust filling the empty places inside her and turning the solid flesh of her body to dazzling, sparkling air, to pure sensation.
She wanted to shout out her delight, but thankfully some tiny part of her mind remembered that the house was still full of guests. Instead she whispered, “Alexander”, repeating it over and over again, the feel of his name in her mouth giving her comfort and pleasure. And then she couldn’t speak anymore because he was kissing her and that was even better.
Savitri thought she couldn’t possibly feel any more pleasure than she already was, but then he put his hand to the place where their bodies joined and rubbed, and suddenly she was a thousand miles high, simultaneously breaking into pieces and being remade. Her inner walls clenched around his cock, and it was so wonderful to have him there, giving her the solid support she had always lacked before.
Just as she was coming back to herself, Alexander stiffened and trembled in her embrace and she felt the hot p
ulse of his seed inside her. He too had peaked, and the knowledge of their shared pleasure made her heart feel soft and tender beneath her breastbone. She held onto him tightly, not wanting to let even a breath of air between them. Alexander kissed all of her that he could reach without moving – soft, gentle kisses now, entirely unlike the earlier ones that had demanded a response from her, and yet they were just as welcome.
Finally she felt him slip free from within her, but before she could register the loss, he had shifted his weight, and then his arms came around her once more and lifted her from the desk. A satisfaction and tiredness had come over her, and Savitri simply nestled her head on his shoulder; she felt safe and loved in his arms, and she didn’t need to know where he was taking her. As long as they were together, everything else was unimportant. Alexander kissed her forehead one more time, and then Savitri knew nothing else as slipped off into sleep.
Savitri stirred, drowsily stretching before opening her eyes. As she moved her hand across the sheets of her bed, a strange sensation caught at her still slumbering mind. She had never been desperately poor, but she had never felt sheets like these before. As smooth as silk, as warm as flannel – they were fine enough to drape closely about her body but thick enough to be heavy.
This wasn’t her bed.
Savitri’s eyes snapped open even as the rest of her froze in place. The room was faintly lit, just enough for her to discern the shapes of furniture that was not hers. The walls too were not in the right place – much further away than in the small bedroom she’d been given. She made out a strange pole near her feet and traced it upwards to a hanging tapestry, then abruptly realized that she was lying in a four poster bed. It was huge, and in the dim light she could just make out the rich colors of red and gold on the canopy and the blanket that covered her.