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Crowned: The Palace Nanny

Page 18

by Marion Lennox

  ‘Starting now,’ Stefanos said. He sighed and called out, ‘Okay, let her in, Josef. Let ’em all in. Bring on the world. The Prince and his affianced wife are ready to receive visitors.’

  But not quite. As Josef swung the doors wide they were too busy to receive anyone. For Mrs Elsa Murdoch alias Dr Elsa Langham had changed direction yet again.

  The future Princess Elsa of Khryseis was kissing her beloved prince as she intended kissing him for the rest of her life.

  ‘Oh, yuck,’ Zoe said in deep disapproval as she was finally admitted. She waited and waited and finally looked around for something to distract her. ‘And why is Stefanos’s stocking empty?’ she demanded of Josef. ‘Did Santa forget him?’

  ‘I believe His Highness has his Christmas gift,’ the butler told her, and smiled at the pair of them. ‘I believe His Royal Highness has his family.’

  The christening of Christos Mathew Romanos Antoniadis was an occasion of great joy for the island of Khryseis. The celebration was huge, made more so because it coincided with the opening of the Diamond Isles Medical Base, to be celebrated the next day.

  The world had come to see, to celebrate this wondrous occasion and to welcome these three islands into the twenty-first century.

  For the difference in these islands in the eighteen months since the old King had died and the new generation of royalty had taken power was nigh on unbelievable. Already the islanders were prospering, the glittering Diamond Isles finally succeeding in becoming the magical place to live that they’d always promised.

  This medical centre was the icing on the cake-a symbol of all they hoped to achieve. The staff it was attracting had caused its reputation to go before it, and already there were mainlanders waiting to use it. Already the islanders knew that the network of medical centres could cope with their every need. What was more, the medical centre was only the start of the new order. On every island there was employment, optimism and joy.

  And now, on this day, that joy was exemplified by the royal family of Khryseis, and this, the christening of their new little son.

  Father Antonio performed the ceremony, and the shaky old priest who’d loved the islanders for all his life blessed this baby with all the love in his heart.

  Afterwards Elsa stood on the magnificent lawns of the palace grounds, with her husband by her side, with her baby in her arms and she thought the joy she was feeling right now could never be surpassed.

  Only of course it could.

  Joy is to come…

  Stefanos was standing with his arm round her waist, greeting dignitary after dignitary, accepting their congratulations, smiling with a pride as deep as it was joyful.

  There it was again. That word…Joy.

  Zoe wasn’t with them. She and Pip had slipped away, up to the palace balcony to play with Buster and Spike. Elsa glanced up and saw them, two little girls with two cats, a Zoe who was so confident with her new family that clinging was a thing of the past.


  ‘Happy, my love?’ Stefanos asked as the line of dignitaries finally came to an end.

  ‘How can you doubt it?’

  ‘So…’ he smiled into her eyes ‘…where do we go from here?’

  She smiled back at her beloved husband, and she smiled again at her sleeping son. ‘Where, indeed?’

  ‘Another baby?’

  ‘Absolutely,’ she whispered, gazing down at the perfection of her little son.

  ‘More turtles?’

  ‘Oh, yes.’

  Another cat or two?’

  ‘Two’s enough. I’m thinking of a puppy.’

  ‘Is there room for a puppy with two cats?’ Stefanos asked, startled, and she grinned.

  ‘I think there’s room for anything in our family,’ she said. ‘This is the Diamond Isles. Place of miracles. Place of wonder. Home of our hearts, and room for all.’

  This season we bring you Christmas Treats

  For an early Christmas present Marion Lennox would like to share a little treat with you…Happy Christmas to My Readers, from Marion Lennox

  An Australian Christmas is often a lovely mixture of traditional and cool. Our extended family is large, we eat outside at our beach shack, we continue to serve the traditional turkey and pudding, but in deference to the heat we add a few things. Like lobster and prawns to start-and Amy’s Christmas Cake after pudding. The ‘Cake’ is huge-it goes back and forth from the freezer well after Christmas; a lovely, lingering treat for all.

  Make it and enjoy, whatever side of the equator you come from. It’s a tradition we’re willing to share.

  Amy’s Christmas Cake

  For each layer:

  500 g (or 1 lb) berries (any variety except strawberries) blended and sieved [1].

  4 eggs

  ¾ cup (6 oz or 175g) castor/superfine sugar

  1 cup (250 ml or ½ pint) whipped cream

  1. Cream yolks and sugar.

  2. Whisk whites until stiff.

  3. Fold in yolk and sugar mixture, and berry mixture.

  4. Pour into ice cream maker. Churn until frozen.

  5. Pour into large cake-shaped container to form one layer of the cake. Cover with plastic food wrap. Freeze.

  6. Two days later do another layer with different berries. Continue until you run out of bowl, berries or freezer space.

  To serve:

  Blend and sieve another 250g (½ lb) berries. Sweeten to taste to make a coulis. (I make this at room temperature and the sugar dissolves. If your room temperature is not Australian Christmas room temperature (ie warm), you might need to heat gently and then cool again before serving.)

  Turn cake out. Decorate with extra berries.

  Slice and serve, pouring a little of the coulis over the top of each slice. Enjoy.

  Marion Lennox

  Marion Lennox is a country girl, born on an Australian dairy farm. She moved on-mostly because the cows just weren’t interested in her stories! Married to a “very special doctor,” Marion writes for the Harlequin® Romance line. (She used a different name for a while-if you’re looking for her past Harlequin Romance novels, search for author Trisha David, as well.) She’s now had more than seventy-five romance novels accepted for publication.

  In her non-writing life Marion cares for kids, cats, dogs, chickens and goldfish. She travels, and she fights her rampant garden (she’s losing) and her house dust (she’s lost).

  Having spun in circles for the first part of her life, she’s now stepped back from her “other” career, which was teaching statistics at her local university. Finally she’s reprioritized her life, figured out what’s important and discovered the joys of deep baths, romance and chocolate. Preferably all at the same time!


  [1] Last Christmas I decided to make deeper layers, and overloaded an ancient food processor with deep crimson brambleberries. This resulted in a startling non-traditional décor for my kitchen that I advise you not to try at home.

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  Marion Lennox, Crowned: The Palace Nanny




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