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The Sweetest Kill: A Young Adult Paranormal

Page 8

by Amber Kalkes

  I look around us and realize how late it is. It has to be getting close to sunset but it’s hard to tell with the cloudy sky above. It’s painted with grays, whites and blacks, making it look a bit depressing. Still, it’s a beautiful sight compared to the nightmare I just escaped from. I register Tyler’s eyes on me and realize he’s waiting for an answer. Clearing my throat, I try to focus on him and not let my mind wander again.


  Tyler’s thick, brown brows furrow a little, “That guy, your boss, is he always like that with you?”

  “Oh,” I breathe, dropping my gaze to the snowy sidewalk, “Sometimes.”

  “That’s… fucked up.”

  I let out a huff of a laugh, “Yeah, it is. But I guess I don’t have to worry about it anymore, do I?”

  “No,” He admits with a slight smile, “I guess not.”

  “T-Thank you.” I tell him with as much appreciation as I can fit into those two words, “I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t helped me.”

  “You would have thought of something I’m sure, but either way, I’m glad to have been of assistance.” He says with a slight bow of the head, making me smile. “Take care of yourself, alright?”

  I give him a smile and a nod, as he starts walking backwards, away from me. Once he’s about three feet away, he turns around and disappears around a corner and finally out of sight. I look up at the sky and watch the falling snow come down on me, as I take a deep, cleansing breath. I don’t have a job anymore, but I also don’t have unwanted people touching me. It’s a bittersweet freedom to have.

  Pulling my red, winter hat from the pocket of my jacket, I put it on my head. I then push my hands back in my pockets to keep them warm. I forgot my mittens in my rush to get here. Taking one last look around, I feel a smile appear on my face as I make my way back home.

  Chapter Eight


  My apartment is quiet when I enter it. I take my time in getting home, enjoying the snow, and trying to think of some way to come up with this month’s rent. The results have been fruitless, but I still don’t regret my decision to quit. It was a good decision, just a bad timing.

  Stripping off my layers of clothes, I’m down to my bra and pants when I catch a hint of red out of the corner of my eye. I freeze, slowly turn towards the area by my desk, and squint into the darkness. I don’t see anything at first, but that’s quickly remedied when my lamp flicks on. I blink hard at the sudden brightness before realizing I have company.

  I watch him with the same amount of caution as last time, but he looks completely relaxed. His head tilts to the side as his eyes impassively look over my partially exposed torso, then narrow down to my arms. I suddenly feel very naked and exposed, knowing that he sees them in all their monstrous glory. Self-consciously, I wrap my arms around my stomach, while trying to ignore the stinging in my hand caused by an existing blister that accidentally bumps my elbow. I should really wrap that up.

  “W-What are you doing here?” I ask, squirming in my spot.

  His eyes move up to meet mine, and I see bemusement in them, “You have bruises on your arms.”

  I glance down at my arms and realize that it’s true. There are quarter sized bruises in front of both arms and probably more unseen ones on the back. Still, I feel like we’re ignoring the bigger issues concerning my arms. Most people would be disgusted or horrified by the scars, scabs, and bandages marring my arms. Surprisingly, this vampire only looks curious. Of course, I have to remember that he’s not exactly the same with most people. I’m not even sure if he can be classified as a person, considering what he is.

  “You still haven’t answered me.” I whisper, not sure where to go with this conversation.

  “I came to see how you were.”

  I narrow my eyes at him, “Yeah, about that. I thought we had a deal!”

  “Did we?” He asks sulkily, “I don’t remember shaking or signing anything.”

  I gape at him. Is he serious right now?


  He looks bored, “Why what?”

  “Why didn’t you kill me like I asked?”

  He shrugs, “I didn’t feel like it.”

  I feel like he just smacked me in the face. He didn’t feel like it? He didn’t feel like it? I drop my arms to my sides and clench my hands into fists. Where the hell does he get off, just backing out like that? We had a deal! Maybe not anything past a verbal agreement, but what the hell? It’s not like it would have been hard for him to kill me! He was right there, at the edge. All he had to do was push me off it.

  I glare at him, only to notice his attention is on my arms again. I realize that I’ve exposed myself again, so I hastily cross my arms over my torso. He watches my action without much expression, before sighing and sitting more comfortably in the chair.

  “What do you want?” I mutter bitterly, just wanting to be left alone.

  “Why do you hurt yourself?” He counters.

  “That’s none of your business.” I hiss defensively.

  “Humor me. Tell me why, and maybe I’ll tell you why I really didn’t kill you.”

  I scoff, “Like I can trust you to tell me anything.”

  He smirks, “I guess that’s a chance you have to take, won’t you?”

  I sigh as I run a hand through my hair. Grimacing at the greasy feel of it, I drop it and crouch down to grab a shirt off the floor. It’s a shirt I found at Goodwill with a bald eagle, and two grizzly bears with an American flag waving in the background. It’s way too big for me and falls just above my knees, but at least, it gives me some modesty. It’s weird, to be half naked while having a serious conversation.

  “It helps me focus.” I begin, while sinking down to sit on the edge of my bed. While talking, I focus on a carpet stain, hoping it’ll help me stay calm as I speak. “My mind is always just a barrage of insecurity, paranoia, and panic. It’s really distracting. It makes me focus on the physical pain, instead of the chaos constantly going on in my head. It’s like meditation, I guess. Like a bloodier and more self-destructive, version of meditation.”

  My voice goes hoarse at the end of my explanation. In a long time and even to my therapist, I think that’s the most I’ve said on the matter. Even back at the hospital, they asked me why and I’d just shrug or give monosyllable answers. They were just going to tell me to stop doing it anyway. Do they really want to know the reasons? Does it matter?

  I feel his eyes on me. I look up only to find him studying me, before speaking, “I don’t like it.”

  I snort, feeling bold by my newfound anger with him, “Get in line.”

  He scowls, “You’re mouthier than I thought you’d be.”

  “I thought I’d be dead by now, so I’m not exactly in the most chipper of moods.”

  “Ah, yes, the matter of your prolonged life span. Shall we discuss that?”

  “You didn’t…”

  He laughs loudly, making me flinch back, “You think I turned you?”

  I scowl at him, “I was just asking.”

  “No, I didn’t turn you into something like me. Instead I have other plans for you.”

  I shift in my spot, “Like what?”

  “I have a question I want you to answer first.”

  I roll my eyes and huff, “Why doesn’t that surprise me? Fine. What is it?”

  “What’s your name?”

  “That’s your question?” I ask, a little miffed at the lack of creativity.

  “Yes, now answer it.”



  “My name.” I sigh, as exhaustion start to take hold, “My name is Shoshanna.”

  He smiles a little before it transforms into a mischievous smirk, “I think, I’ll call you Anna.”


  “Why not.”

  “Because I don’t like it.”

  “Fine, then what does your family call you? Surely not by your full name.”

Not Anna.” I snap, not wanting to explain why the nickname bothers me so much.

  He narrows his eyes, clearly disliking my tone, but he doesn’t press on the issue. We sit in silence for a few minutes, and I peek up to see his bright crimson eyes already watching me. My stomach jolts at eye contact, and I quickly avert my eyes. This is awkward and weird, and I have no idea where to go from here. Then, an obvious question comes to mind.

  “What about you?”

  “What about me?”

  I scowl at his obvious deflection, “What’s your name?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Does knowing my name matter?” I ask tightly.

  He chuckles, “Touché.”


  “Tobias.” He says almost reluctantly.

  I press my lips together to stop building laughter. Tobias? Well, I have to admit it’s a unique name. Though, I notice how his tongue twirls around his own name as he says it. It makes his untraceable accent seem more pronounced. I examine him while repeating the name over and over in my head. I guess it does suit him, in a way. Way better than Shoshanna suits me.

  “But that’s beside the point,” He says after a considerable amount of silence, “I believe you wanted to know why I didn’t kill you and the answer is very simple.”

  “Which is?” I prompt after a second.

  “I want to make a deal.”

  I arch a brow and my tone goes flat, “Another one?”


  I eye him dubiously, “What kind of deal?”

  The horrible thought of this turning sexual comes to mind, and I shrivel up a bit. I don’t think I can handle something like that, especially after the thing with Lawrence. Besides, sex with a vampire holds little appeal to me. I don’t have much experience with the opposite sex and the idea of doing anything like that is terrifying. They’d have to touch me and as I’ve mentioned before, I’m not a fan of touching.

  So, yes, at twenty-two, I am still technically a ‘virgin’, whatever that means. I’ve never had a boyfriend and my dating history never goes past a first date. Other than the seedy Lawrence, the guy at the café, and the guy at the club, very few men have taken much interest in me these days. To be honest, it’s been a relief.

  “What are you thinking so hard about?” Tobias asks me, breaking me out of my reverie.

  “Nothing.” I mumble before clearing my throat, “What kind of deal?”

  He smirks at my curiosity, “A simple one. As you can imagine, getting around during the day can be a hassle for someone with my… lifestyle. So my proposition is this, for two months, you will be assistive to me. In return for this and if you still feel the same at the end of that time, I will revert back to the original deal and kill you.”

  I let that sink in before asking, “Assistive how?”

  “Anything I require from you.” He answers easily.


  He sighs harshly, I think he’s annoyed, “This isn’t hard to understand, Shoshanna. I simply require you to do as you’re told for two months. In that time you will live with me and I shall pay for your living expenses. After your time is up, you may leave my company or this world in general. The choice is yours.”

  “Doesn’t seem like much of a choice.” I mutter.

  “Well, be that as it may, it’s the deal on the table. Take it or leave it.”

  “And if I leave it?”

  Tobias’s expression turns impassive again, “Then, enjoy living in your inescapable misery.”

  I wince at his words and chew on my lower lip. My gaze drops to my scarred pale arms, and I contemplate his proposal. He wants me to agree to an unspecified amount of chores for him. He’ll pay for my living expenses but he also wants me to live with him. I don’t know about the last part. I would want to take Florence with me and she doesn’t seem too fond of him.

  None of those are the real concern, though. The real concern is whether I can really wait that long. Two months seems like an eternity to someone like me. Can I allow myself to spend those eight weeks as some blood sucker’s plaything? Since I’m actually sitting here considering it, I think my decision is pretty clear. At least my last few months will be interesting and besides what’s the worst that could happen? He kills me? I should be so lucky.

  “Okay.” I agree quietly, “I’ll take it but I have a few conditions.”

  He smirks, “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”

  “I’m not living with you.”

  His eyes flash a dark red and his jaw clenches but he nods in acceptance, “Fine, but if your adding conditions, I will too.”

  I don’t respond but I do arch an eyebrow as I wait for him to continue.

  “I want to feed from you whenever and wherever I wish, without that pretty little mouth of yours giving me trouble.”

  Did he just call my mouth… pretty? I feel heat rise to my cheeks but try to keep eye contact as I nod. I don’t really have any other response to that.

  “And no more harming yourself.”

  My head snaps up, “No.”

  He raises both black eyebrows in surprise, “So you’re okay with me bleeding you at my discretion but when you’re not allowed to, you’re unhappy?”


  “Well, that won’t do.” Tobias mumbles thoughtfully as he rubs a finger along his chin. Suddenly, he stops and lifts the finger in the air, “Okay, new amendment to the deal then. Whenever you feel the urge to harm yourself, you are to call me.”

  “And what will that do?” I ask flatly.

  “Get me here so I can bite you,” He says easily folding his arms behind his head before giving me a roguish smile, “If I remember correctly, you enjoyed my bite last time. Didn’t you?”

  I feel my cheeks heat up at the reminder. I vaguely remember even letting out an ill-advised moan at some point. Looking away from Tobias, I focus on Florence, who is across the apartment guarding her food. I watch the black fur on her back tense and relax as she inches closer towards me. If he’s going to feed from me again, I really need to keep my emotions in check. Another slip up like that moan, will only give him more idea to think I enjoyed it.

  Which I didn’t. Mostly.

  “Fine.” I grit out, “But in return, you have to stop breaking into my apartment.”

  He smiles widely, showing his fangs, “Deal. Shall we shake on it?”

  He gets off the chair abruptly and I scurry a few feet back on my bed. He stops moving and watches me with a frown. He says nothing as he approaches me. I appreciate as I do notice his movements are slower now and more calculated. My nerves are already frayed enough as it is.

  As Tobias reach the end of the bed, he unfurls a large, pale ivory hand towards me while I stare at his shoes. He’s actually wearing boots. I move my gaze up his dark denim clad legs, and follow the edges of his black, expensive looking jacket, before landing on his face. He seems amused by my blatant staring. I scowl at him then get to my feet.

  As I walk over to him, I try to keep my back straight and gaze at him. I want him to know he doesn’t intimidate me, even if it is a lie. He honestly scares the shit out of me, but I don’t know what I can do about that right now. Reaching towards him, I hesitate to touch. But he just keeps his hand there, waiting patiently. Taking a deep breath, I force my uninjured but shaky hand into his. He grasps it and we shake on the deal. I’m positive I’ll regret making it.

  He surprises me by suddenly pulling me forward and lifting our still clasped hands towards his lips. I think he’s going to kiss the back of my hand, but he ignores that to lift it to his nose. Turning my arm wrist side up, he glances up at me before inhaling deeply. I frown in complete confusion at this. What the hell is he doing?

  I let out a sharp gasp when he rips off one of my bandages on my arms, and with it, some of the scabbing. He licks his lower lip quickly before he pulls me close to him. He latches his mouth around the now re-opened cut and start to suck at the blood. I watch him wide eyed and honestly h
orrified by what he’s doing, but it was short lived.

  That warm feeling starts to worm its way through my veins, his mouth is no longer connected to my arm. I cry out sharply when his teeth bury themselves in my forearm. He lets out a low groan against my skin and I feel it vibrate up the length of my arm, making me shiver. I close my eyes tightly as the warm, almost drugged up feeling starts to envelope me again. It’s stronger this time and my legs start to turn to jelly below me.

  Without warning, he retracts his fangs from my arm and runs his tongue along the shape of my newest wound. Okay… now, that’s a weird sensation. Pulling his head back a little, I have a perfect view of my arm and my jaw drops. I watch as the bite mark heals in front of me. Not only the bite mark, but also the cut. All bleeding has stopped. Now, all there is left of the experience, is two dainty looking scars. They almost look out of place among my other poorly healed scars.

  “See?” He asks thickly, “It’s as easy as that. That wasn’t so bad was it?”

  I shake my head. My mouth feels too dry and my mind is too stupefied to do much else.

  He smirks again, and as he does so, a shallow dimple appears on his cheek.

  “It’s a pleasure doing business with you, Shoshanna.”

  I clear my throat and try to think of something to say but only come up with the ever lame, “Uh, yeah, you too.”

  “Speaking of which, I’m under the impression you are recently unemployed.”


  “I have my ways. Now, are you certain about not staying with me?” He asks while failing to hide his disgust at his surroundings, “I have much better accommodations.”

  I narrow my eyes and snatch my arm back from his hold, “I’m fine where I am, thank you.”

  “Very well.” He says blandly before taking a few steps back from me, “Tomorrow night, I will be collecting you at eight in the evening.”


  “I need you to accompany me downtown. I have a meeting I have to go to and I’d like to see how you fair in my world for the evening.”

  “Is this a test?” I ask as anxiety grips my stomach.

  “Somewhat.” He answers vaguely before running his eyes up and down my form, “Don’t worry about wardrobe. I’ll take care of it.”


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