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The Sweetest Kill: A Young Adult Paranormal

Page 10

by Amber Kalkes

  Shit, he’s a vampire.

  Chapter Ten


  I shouldn’t be surprised that he’s a vampire. I shouldn’t be but for some reason I am. Knowing something and actually experiencing something, are two very different things. Tobias told me he’d be bringing me to meet more creatures like him, he even warned me about their depravity but actually seeing and meeting one is… different. And by different, I mean terrifying.

  “Did you bring me a gift, Tobias?” The man asks in an accent that I can’t quite place.

  I tense and Tobias’s red eyes dart to me for a moment before he answers in an indifferent tone, “Afraid this one belongs to me, old friend. Perhaps another time?”

  I can feel the man’s eyes on me, “Perhaps.”

  I look everywhere but at the guy in front of me. I know what he is. He probably knows that I know what he is and yet, here I am, just sitting here like some garden statue. My body doesn’t want to move and feels glued to the red leather couch I’m stationed on. If I move an inch, I may make a run for it.

  In fact, I’m almost afraid that if I even breathe too much, I’ll end up screaming and eaten alive by vampires. I frown at the idea. Why that bothers me so much is beyond me. I mean, I did agree to allow Tobias to do just the same in a mere two months’ time. So why does him doing it, bother me as much?

  “Tobias, I’m afraid I didn’t catch your flower’s name.” The man prompts after a bit, making my back jolt into a straight position.

  “How rude of me,” Tobias drawls from beside me, “Viktor this is Shoshanna. Shoshanna this is Viktor Naidoo.”

  I’m still looking everywhere else but at Viktor, and Tobias discreetly pinches my thigh, making me jump. I realize I’m supposed to speak and clear my throat, despite the fact my heart is currently occupying it.

  “P-Pleased to m-meet you.” I stutter out awkwardly.

  Viktor gives me a predatory smile, “The pleasure is all mine. I assure you.”

  I make the mistake of glancing into his eyes and that pulling sensation starts again. I feel almost compelled to leave Tobias’s side and join Viktor. Tobias pinches the side of my thigh again and I quickly look away. The pulling sensation is gone on my mind and I frown at the ground. I don’t understand it but I think it’s safer to do as Tobias said, and keep my eyes to myself.

  “Has the party already started without me?” A heavily French accented voice purrs, as the sound of clicking heels follow its wake.

  I peek up and held my breath. Apparently, being drop-dead gorgeous is an attribute of being a vampire these days, because that’s exactly what this woman is. Her long dark brown hair parted down the middle shows off her perfectly heart shaped face, and pouty red lips. That’s as much as I can make out in profile but when she turns to face Tobias, I eventually meet her eyes.

  Violet. Her eyes are a swirling violet color that seem to darken when she takes in the proximity, or lack thereof, between Tobias and I. Looking away from the obvious displeased look on her face, I take in the rest of her. Tall, slim, and dressed in a dark charcoal, chiffon dress.

  “I see you brought a snack.” She says haughtily as she sits beside Viktor, much to his chagrin. “How forward thinking of you, Tobias.”

  “What can I say? I have a gift of expecting the unexpected.” He answers blandly. “Where’s Henry?”

  The woman’s plump lips purse into a disgruntled line. Apparently, that pseudo compliment of hers didn’t go as planned. Sitting back on the red leather couch, she tosses back a clump of her thick brown hair over her shoulder.


  “Don’t be jealous, Josette.” Viktor calls out mischievously, “Tobias has such wonderful taste, but I share your disappointment since he refuses to share.”

  The woman, or Josette I guess, sucks her teeth, “Pity.”

  “Josette.” Tobias says warningly.

  Her eyes light up with surprise at his tone and her lips pull up in a seductive smile, “Tobias, I must say, you're looking as devastatingly handsome this evening.”

  His voice is dull as he replies. “I try.”

  “Though I don’t know why you’re still consorting with humans. They never last very long. I’ve always found it more pleasurable with someone more… sturdy.”

  If I wasn’t scared and half out of my mind, I would be rolling my eyes. She’s terribly forward but secretly, I’m impressed. I wish I possessed as much confidence as she has, to go after someone like she does. Then again, I don’t think I’ll even possess enough confidence to order pizza over the phone without breaking an anxious sweat.

  Tobias’s smooth voice breaks through my reverie, “When someone sturdy isn’t as cold as the stone they’re made of, I may become interested.”

  Of course, I feel incredibly uncomfortable during all of this. It’s very clear to me these two have something going on. I don’t know what it is and I don’t want to know. All I do know is that if I wasn’t sure Tobias could catch me, I’d be bolting for the nearest exit. I’m reaching my limit of tolerance here. I can actually feel the hour glass running out on it as they speak.

  Viktor seems to sense my unease or I missed some part of conversation because he starts chuckling. I glance up at him and he sends me a wink, making my face go scarlet. Looking away quickly, I start to squirm in my seat. I need to get some air or something. I need to breathe.

  “I need to use the bathroom.” I announce quietly.

  Tobias’s eyes burn holes in the side of my face but I don’t meet his gaze. I’m afraid he’ll see my panic and out of spite will keep me where I am. I feel relieved when he mutters out a response.

  “Very well. Don’t be long.”

  Springing to my feet, I practically jog out of the back area. Bouncer number two doesn’t even glance at me as I pass. I have to say, it’s preferable because I’m shaking like a leaf. When the stale smell and spastic thumping of house music greet me, I let out an expected sigh of relief. I don’t know what I was thinking to opt for the VIP area. Anything is better than that mausoleum.

  I decide to skip the whole bathroom break entirely and head for the bar. The bartender kind of reminds me of Clark Kent with his soft blue eyes, black slicked back hair and muscular build. Also he’s very quick with the serving of alcohol, which is a relief. Taking my ordered screw driver, a drink I’ve only had once before, I down it as fast as I can and ignore the burning down my throat.

  I slam the glass onto the bar, panting, I ask the bartender for another. He’s wide eyed and I think a little concerned, but he still gives me what I ask. I drink the second one slowly and with more measure, because the first one is hitting me pretty fast. I clumsily perch on the end of one of the odd looking metal stools by the bar.

  God what was I thinking agreeing to this? I don’t belong here and this has to be one of the most stressful situations I’ve ever been in, in probably a year. Why did I ever seek him out in the first place when I could have just ended all this, weeks ago on my own? Because you know you could fail again, my brain remarks. Yeah, well, maybe failing again would be preferable than this bullshit, I think uncharitably.

  “Thirsty?” A purring French accent whispers in my ear, nearly making me choke. I look up wide eyed as Josette gives me a very assessing look, “I don’t see the appeal. But then again, I never really do.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  She grins, showing her fangs, “You should be.”


  Suddenly she’s very much in my face, “Tobias is no different than the rest of us, darling. He will lure you in, woo you, and then tear you to pieces. He will drain you dry and dump you like the trash you are. This is our world, our way of life, and you are no different than any other meal.”

  I stare at her wide-eyed before a disbelieving laugh escapes my mouth. It quickly dissolves into almost hysterical laughter and only gets worse when her perfectly manicured brow furrows in misunderstanding. I put a finger up and take a big gulp of my drink before letting
out a few more chuckles. Wiping my mouth on the back of my hand, I turn to face her with a lazy grin on my face.

  “Josette,” I begin with a sigh, “Can I call you Josette?” I don’t wait for her answer before continuing, “Listen, I think you’ve been led astray by that green monster up in your head we call jealousy. I don’t want your… whatever Tobias is to you. I don’t even want to be here but I made a deal and it’s the one plan I want to stick to. So tell me the sum of horrible things Tobias is going to do to me all you want, but it’s not going to stop me from being around him.”

  She continues to stare at me blankly and I let out an unexpected giggle. Yup, definitely drunk. Putting a hand up to shield my mouth, I continue my verbal vomiting.

  “Between us girls, all that ‘killing me’ stuff is actually why I’m with him.”

  “You want him to kill you?” She asks dryly.

  “I want a lot of things, but yes that is definitely up there on the list.”

  Man, I feel good. Loose. Almost bordering on reckless. I kind of like this. I see the appeal.

  Suddenly a hand grabs onto my shoulder and spins me around. I almost fall over but the same hand steadies me. I look up through half-lidded eyes and come face-to-face with a pair of pissed off bright red ones. Oddly enough, I don’t feel any fear when I see them. Instead, I feel the nearly uncontrollable urge to giggle.

  “I thought I told you not to wander.” Tobias hisses as he starts dragging me away from the bar and Josette.

  “You don’t own me,” I slur at him, “I’m not some dog you can just order around. I don’t have a collar.”

  “Do you want one?” He growls.

  “Nope,” I exclaim before making a sweeping motion towards my body, “Wouldn’t go with my outfit.”

  He looks at me blankly for a few minutes before his pale lips tip up at the ends, “You’re drunk.”

  “And you get the gold star! Good for you.” I mumble before taking another swing from my drink.

  Tobias grabs the glass from my hand and I make a whining noise, as I follow it longingly with my hands. I wasn’t done with that yet! He catches one of my wrists in his hands and brings it up to his nose to do that weird sniffing thing again. I watch him with a grimace on my face, which transforms to surprise when he moves up my sleeve a little to kiss my wrist. It reverberates down the entire right side of my body. Okay, maybe, I’m too drunk.

  “Does that bother you?” He asks lowly.

  I don’t really have any words left in my murky brain, so I just shake my head.

  His lips turn up into a smirk, “Good. I think we should take advantage of this newfound bravery of yours and dance.”

  “D-Dance?” I question, feeling my stomach faintly clench at the idea.

  He doesn’t respond but instead takes a hold of my bandaged hand before leading me towards the overpopulated dance floor. I expect to be bumped by someone and try to mentally prepare myself, but it doesn’t happen. Tobias uses his hands to create something akin to a force field. No one touches me. No one even gets close and I feel myself soften towards him a bit more.

  It’s… sweet.

  Not exactly something one would expect from someone who’s going to kill them in a few months. I push the thought out of my head quickly. I can’t allow myself to be distracted. I have to focus on what’s happening now. Tobias seems to enjoy catching me off guard, much to my chagrin, so I need to keep my wits about me. In hindsight, maybe drinking was a bad idea.

  He suddenly pulls me to a stop and pulls my back against his chest. I stay perfectly still against him, not sure what to do. I try to remember how I did it at the club the other night, the night I saw Tobias for the first time. I was supposed to move my hips against him right? I’m taken out of my thoughts when Tobias’s hands slide around my sides to splay out against my stomach.

  My mouth suddenly feels very dry.

  His hands suddenly trail down from my stomach to my hips. With a small amount of force, he starts to move my hips in rhythm with the music. My heart is beating so fast, too fast, and my breathing also picks up in speed. My arms are still at my sides, clenched into fists as he starts to move against me. That lovely numb feeling is becoming replaced with a much darker and unsettling numbness, as his hands tighten on my hips.

  I feel trapped, extremely trapped, and I don’t know what to do about it. His nose is buried in my hair. I let out a whimper as I try to fight the sob building in my throat. My skin breaks out in a thin coat of sweat and the urge to vomit is becoming nearly overwhelming. When he lays a ‘barely there’ kiss on my neck, I start to tremble. I need air. I need room. I need to get away from him.

  “Stop,” I choke out and start pushing his hands off me, “Don’t.”

  “Shoshanna?” He asks, holding me tighter.

  It makes everything worse.

  “Stop!” I snap and push away from him.

  I stumble away from him, my breathing erratic and my heart nearly beating out of my chest. My eyes can’t focus on anything. I’m everywhere. My mind is everywhere. I need to focus. I need to calm down but I can’t. All I keep seeing and feeling are hands touching me. I need to breathe. I can’t breathe.

  “Shoshanna?” Tobias calls, coming over to cup my face as tears start trickling down my face. “What’s wrong with you?”

  I look up at him, my eyes wild and blurry. His hands on my face feel like I’m on fire and I don’t like it. Turning away from his touch I look down at the ground and put my hands on my head. I feel dizzy. I need air. I need air. I see him about to move towards me again and I quickly retreat, bumping into another patron in the process.

  I push the person away from me, much to their anger, then I start my escape. I bob and weave through the crowd as my breathing starts to turn into wheezing gasps. I can’t bear to be here anymore. I need to be home, in my sanctuary. I need to be where I’m safe.

  “Have his fill of you already?” A haughty voice asks.

  I can’t deal with this shit right now. Pushing past Josette, I grab my coat from the second bouncer’s station. Pulling it on with shaky hands I notice his gaze on me but ignore it. I need to get out of here. I need to get out of here now!

  Keeping my head down and my pace quick, I escape through the throngs of people. I don’t know if anyone’s following and to be honest, I don’t really care. When I get out of the club, I start gasping sharply as cold air invades my lungs. My whole body is shaking and I think I’m going to vomit.

  I cup my mouth as bile rises in my throat and clumsily run to the curb side to vomit on the street. It burns on the way out and I spit out a few chunky pieces of the regurgitated ramen earlier, from my mouth. I can feel someone hovering beside me but they don’t touch me or speak. It’s a godsend, really.

  Closing my eyes, I feel tears stream freely from my face in embarrassment. I can hear the murmurs of the people still waiting outside of the club. Those same people who glared at me so openly are now laughing at my misery. I feel a light touch on my back, barely there but overwhelming as it attacks my already overwrought nerves.

  In my hurry to get away from the touch, I fall over onto my side and catch sight of twin ruby orbs glowing in the limited light. Shit, Tobias followed me out here. Pushing my hair behind my ears, I straighten up and struggle to get back on my feet. He tries to touch me again, but I flinch away hard enough for him to drop his hand.

  “D-Don’t.” I whisper haltingly, my crying now quieting into hiccups. I turn on my heel and start walking away. I’m not even going to the right direction of my home, but it’s somewhere that isn’t here. I can’t be here anymore. I need to go somewhere that I can be alone.

  He grabs my arm and pulls me to a stop, but I quickly put a space between us. Glaring at me, he points a hand behind him, “Where the hell do you think you’re going? We had an agreement.”

  “Fuck the agreement,” I hiss at him before taking off again.

  Tobias uses his superior and unsettling speed to block my way. Now standing i
n front of me, he reaches out to touch me again, but I retreat to the nearest wall. I feel trapped all over and his overwhelming presence has my stomach acting up. I cover my mouth as I gag again. Nothing comes out, but it causes my throat to burn.

  “What is wrong with you?” He demands as I continue to stand, hunched over.

  “Just stay away from me,” I croak, my ravaged throat aching in protest as I speak.

  He takes a step towards me again, clearly ignoring my command and I take action. I put my hand out in front of me so he doesn’t advance anymore. It doesn’t work though. He walks right up to me until my hand is touching the fabric of his black button up.

  “Is it this?” He asks in a deceptively quiet voice, “My proximity?”



  I shrug and reach up to wipe my cheeks drenched with tears, as I inhale more cold air into my body. My eyes are looking across the street, blurry, and unfocused. This is better than seeing his confused face. This situation is way out of my control. I don’t know why I agreed to this. It’s too much.

  “This was a mistake,” I say thickly, moving my gaze to his bewildered face, “I should never have agreed to this.”

  “You came to me, Shoshanna.” He says lowly, his eyes locking onto mine, “You made this deal knowing that being around me was part of it.”

  “It’s not about you,” I snap, feeling cornered, “It’s about… I just don’t like to be touched, alright? I have my reasons. Drop it.”

  “No I won’t drop it. You belong to me for two months and I need to know everything that stands in the way of you living up to your end of the deal.”

  I assess his expression. He’s serious about this. He wants to know why I am the way I am. I don’t like the slight thrill that goes through me when he says he wants me to be his. I’m not sure if it has to do with him wanting to be with me, or if it’s just someone wanting me in general that’s so intoxicating. Either way, I can’t continue with this arrangement. It was idiotic to agree with in the first place.


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