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The Sweetest Kill: A Young Adult Paranormal

Page 22

by Amber Kalkes

  “So…” Tyler begins with a mischievous smirk, “… how’s the lord of the manor treating you?”

  I look steadily at my plate. I will not look up, and I will not blush.

  Tyler lets out a chuckle, “Awe, you're cute when you blush.”

  Damn it. “Shut up.”

  “No way! Do you even understand how fun this is for me? Mr. Tobias Van Garrett,” Tyler says his name with a stuffy British accent making me smile before continuing, “Bright eyed and bushy tailed over a woman. Never thought I’d see the day.”

  I roll my eyes while taking a drink of cranberry juice. I lick my lips and notice the slight tartness on my tongue. It makes me wonder what I taste like to Tobias. He says I taste good, but I don’t think he’s ever said what I exactly taste like. Realizing Tyler is still waiting for a response, I sigh heavily.

  “He’s hardly that, believe me.”

  “He smiled at me yesterday.” He says dryly. “Smiled Shoshanna. Do you know how creepy that fucker is when he smiles?”

  I huff a laugh, “I’ll take your word for it.”

  A loud chiming noise echoing from the house, grabs both of our attention and I frown at Tyler. He’s wearing an equally confused expression as he slides off the kitchen bar stool and heads out of the kitchen. I follow after him, but freeze in my spot once I hear familiar voices. My heart is pounding in my chest as I walk into the entry and see my parents standing there.

  “There’s my girl.” Dad smiles as he bends down to offer me his cheek.

  In a daze, I go over and kiss his cheek before doing the same for my mom. When I pull back, I’m at a loss for words at first but eventually ask, “W-What are you doing here?”

  “Well, we…”

  “I invited them.”

  I spin around and see Tobias standing at the top of the staircases like some kind of master of the universe. I give him my dirtiest glare and he grins at me. I glance around the room and try to find a battle axe or a dueling saber, because I’m going to kill him.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  It’s surreal. The whole situation is just surreal. My parents are in a vampire’s house, sitting next to a werewolf, and eating a meal like it’s nothing. I don’t know what to make of it. In fact, all I can find myself doing is gape at my parents and think of ways to kill Tobias. I’m keeping my mental shield down too, just so he knows how much I want to cut his head off. He seems to find it very amusing though, since he keeps hiding smiles and fighting laughs.


  “I must tell you Toby, your house is simply enchanting.” Mom says conversationally.

  Mom is seated beside Tobias to his right, while I sit to his left at this strange seating arrangement. My dad is beside me and Tyler, who invited himself and is also next to my mom. She seems very taken with Tyler, not that I blame her. Tyler, objectively is a very handsome guy, just not my type. I didn’t know I had a type, but whatever it is seems to be seated to my right.

  Tyler gives me a look when she called Tobias ‘Toby’. I don’t have an explanation for it, so I just shrug at him. He asked her to call him by that name. It doesn’t suit him. I know it, Tyler knows it, and I think even Tobias knows it, but I also think he likes knowing it bothers me. It just seems too… familiar.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Belle.” Tobias says easily, “It’s a family home.”

  “Oh? Did you grow up here?”

  “No. Mostly in Europe. My family was very nomadic.”

  I blink at the information. I didn’t know that. Why didn’t I know that? I stare at Tobias, but he doesn’t meet my gaze, though I do see a small smirk on his face. He’s doing this on purpose. He’s giving me information without giving me the option of questioning him on it, or maybe it’s just to irritate me. I shift in my seat and scowl at the petite sirloin on my plate.

  “But we had a beautiful estate in Nice, where we went to for many summers.”

  “France?” Mom asks, obviously impressed. “Must have been a wonderful childhood.”

  Tobias give her a closed lipped smile, “I have many fond memories, yes.”

  He’s been very good at hiding his fangs, and his eyes are that golden brown color again. Still, a unique shade but not something that would have you screaming bloody murder, while running from the room. I shudder to think of my mom’s response to his crimson eyes.

  Mom is a highly superstitious woman. She refuses to rest after eating, always doing clean up directly after. It’s said that if you do, you’ll turn into a pig. She says the first dream of a new year will come true. She’s told me that one since I was a kid. Broken combs are a sign of misfortune. Stepping on the border of any rug will bring bad luck. Also, playing music at night will brings snakes, which I always thought was an odd one. Still, she outlawed any music playing at night, other than with earphones because it will lure the nefarious types. There are countless others but those are the ones that always stick in my mind.

  So, yeah, her seeing red eyes, would not be a good omen for any of us.

  “Large family is it?” Dad asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.

  “No, no. Just my parents and I. My mother had a hard time bearing children. They say it’s a miracle she was able to have me at all.”

  “You must have been very spoiled then.” Mom says with a hint of disapproval in her voice.

  Tobias smiles at her blandly, “My mother is known to dote, but surely most mothers will do anything to make their offspring happy.”

  “Your mom is still alive then?” I ask. Tobias is about to answer, but my mom speaks over him, like I never even spoke.

  “I never liked the idea of spoiling children but you’re right, one does try to make their children happy.” She says and grabs her wine glass in her hand, “I firmly believe that if I was a bit stricter with her, perhaps she wouldn’t have had her issues. Spoiling children can often lead to temperamental children.”

  I feel my hand tighten around my fork until my knuckles are white. I keep my head downcast though, not wanting to look at her until I’m calmed down. I really don’t want to create a scene. Not here. Not in front of him. Taking a deep breathe, I let go of my fork slowly and place it slowly to the side of my plate. I grab my glass of water in front of me and take a few sips. The cool water sliding down my throat is just what I needed.

  Dad clears his throat, “So, how did you meet Shoshanna?”

  “Happy coincidence.” Tobias says buoyantly. I can hear the insincerity in his voice and I look up in time to see him shoot my mother a less than friendly glance. “I was at a club downtown, on business and she caught my eye.”

  “Was this club you went to with your friend Melanie?” Mom asks.

  Melanie? I realize with a self-disgust that I’d forgotten all about her. I wonder if she’s wondering where I went. She seems so keen on being friends. I wonder if Lawrence’s body has been found yet. Tobias said he had someone take care of it but, who knows what that means. I shudder to think of what getting rid of a body would entail.

  Realizing I’m supposed to be providing an answer, I nod. Tobias isn’t really lying, which is the messed up part. He was at a club, doing private business and that’s where we met. Of course, they don’t need to know that it was me who was seeking him and for reasons they don’t want to hear. I don’t know which part they’d be more upset about though. Dining with a mythical murderer, or the fact that I was trying to kill myself again. It’s almost worth telling them the truth, just to find out.

  “How is Melanie?” Mom inquires before taking a sip of her white wine.

  “F-Fine. I mean I assume so. I haven’t spoken to her very much lately.”

  “How’s the café?” Dad asks as he cuts into his steak, “Getting more used to the foot traffic?”

  My stomach clenches and I hide my shaking hands under the table, to clasp in my lap. So many lies. I don’t want to lie to my parents, especially about something as stupid as this but I don’t see many other options. I open my mou
th to deliver another custom made lie when Tobias speaks up.

  “Shoshanna actually quit her job at the café.”

  “Is that so?” Mom asks tightly.

  I couldn’t look more panicked as my parents move their expectant gazes to me. Great, now they want an explanation. I’m about to give one, a fake one but hopefully a reasonably sounding one, when Tobias speaks on my behalf again.

  “She burned her hand on one of the machines, terrible mess. They gave her a week off and we were able to get to know each other better over her recovery. She was telling me about her rent problems over dinner one night and I suggested she move in here. She’s looking for a new job every day though, aren’t you sweetheart?”

  My mouth opens and closes a few times in my shock, but I do manage to nod. When I glance over at my parents they both seem suspicious. I don’t blame them. There is something about his eloquent delivery of the lie that makes it seem artificial. Again, I have to admit, it is yet another half-truth. Just taking out the incidents with Lawrence and that is basically what happened. Kind of.

  “You’ve created a very independent woman, Mr. and Mrs. Belle. You should be very proud.” He tells them mildly before giving me a not too subtle wink.

  I blush bright red and look away. Does he have to flirt with me in front of my parents? I notice Tyler grinning like an idiot, while trying not to laugh at the whole situation. More murderous thoughts enter my brain. But instead of decapitation, I’m thinking of rubbing mistletoe in some open wounds. I pause at the thought. Why am I feeling so violent these days?

  “You’re not. I am.”

  With wide eyes I turn my head to stare at Tobias, horrified. That was his voice. His voice in my head. How can he do that? How can he do that and not give me a warning that he can do that? He’s speaking telepathically into my head! Tobias smirks at me and tilts his wine glass towards me with a wink.

  Glancing towards my parents, I see them talking to Tyler. Asking how he met Tobias and as expected from any employee of Tobias, he lies without hesitation. With them distracted, I turn my pointed glare at Tobias and find him already waiting expectantly for some kind of response.

  “Explain.” I yell at him, in my head of course, but I swear I see him wince.

  “When you ingested my blood we created a bond.”

  I cut my steak and roll my eyes, “I’m aware.”

  “You didn’t stop to think it went both ways?” He asks and I stop mid-thought to lift a brow at him. He smiles a little and nods at something my mom said before continuing, “I can hear your thoughts but you can feel my emotions. My anger enhances your anger. Simple.”

  Simple. I snort out loud at that.

  “What’s so funny?” Dad asks from beside me.

  I shake my head and give him a little smile, “Just a ridiculous thought.”

  “Care to share?”

  I laugh a little, “Believe me, you don’t want to hear it.”

  “I have to ask where you got this bruise from.” He says with a pointed look at the yellowing bruise on my cheek. “Looks painful.”

  “Fell down the staircase.” I sigh and gesture behind me, “I’m surprised I haven’t broken my neck on the damn thing.”

  He frowns with disapproval, “Gotta be more careful with yourself, Annie. I have to say you look better, though. Glowing.”

  I blush a little making him smile, “Do I?”

  Dad nods, his eyes soft, “Does he make you happy?”

  “I’m not sure yet.” I admit quietly while gnawing on my lower lip, “He makes me feel something though and that’s different.”

  “That’s good.”

  “I like to think so.” I murmur before asking, “What do you think?”

  “Of Toby?”

  I hide my grimace and nod.

  Dad shrugs, “He seems intelligent enough to know not to hurt you and care about you enough not to try. That’s all I can really ask for you, Shoshanna. A relationship that makes you happy and won’t end with you hurt.”

  “Is it really a relationship without hurt?” I ask softly before a question comes to mind, “Dad?”

  “Yes, pumpkin?”

  I want to ask him when things changed between us. I want to ask why he never asks me silly questions anymore. I want to ask how he is and if he’ll be okay. A part me wants to know because a part of me still feels like I won’t be around to ask another time. A part of me still wants to die, a part still too large to ignore. Looking at my father’s patient expression though, I can’t get the questions past my lips. So instead, I just smile and shake my head.

  “Nothing. I’m just happy you’re here.”

  Dad’s smile is wide enough to make the edges of his eyes crinkle. In that way, I always thought made him look handsome, “I’m happy to know you’re happy. Your mother was practically chomping at the bit to get to know your young man better. She hasn’t stopped going on about it.”

  “She worries too much.” I mumble.

  “We all worry for you sweetheart, because we love you.”

  Love. Not a word used often in the house while I was growing up. The use of it now gives me a bittersweet feeling. How many times have I heard it in my life? A few dozen times from my father. My mother? Even less. Maybe a hand full of times come to mind. I know they love me, but knowing something and hearing it are two very different things. Never the less, I feel some kind of affection from my side needs to be given.

  I think I surprise him when I reach over and put my hand on top of his. The hair on the back of his hand tickles my palm and I flex my fingers. Wrapping my fingers around his large ones, I squeeze them. I look into his eyes and I see a hint of tears building along the rims. How long has it been since I showed my dad physical affection beyond a kiss on the cheek? Years, I think. No wonder he’s so surprised.

  “I love you too Dad.”

  I take my hand off of his and I feel his hand jerk up, trying to stop me, but I move away too fast. I know he’s looking at me, but I don’t want to create a scene, so instead of meeting his gaze, I pick at my food. I do however peek over at Tobias and see him smiling at me softly. Just to be a brat, I stick my tongue out at him and he fights to hide a grin.

  “Speaking of doctors,” Mom says as she turns away from Tobias to look at me pointedly, “Dr. Reynolds’ office called again. Said you haven’t been in for two weeks now.”

  What the hell were they talking about to get her on this subject? I glance at Tobias but he’s not giving anything away. Instead, he’s watching me closely. Sitting up a bit straighter, I try to appear aloof about the subject. I have a feeling about where she’s going with this anyway.

  “Has it been that long?”

  She scowls at me, “Are we really going to start this all up again?”

  “Are you really going to bring this up now?” I ask tersely.

  “When else am I supposed to ask? You don’t call.”

  “I’ve been busy.”


  I sigh heavily and meet her hard dark eyes with my own, “Mother, this isn’t the time to discuss it. We’re having a lovely dinner. One I don’t want to be ruined with another fight about the same subject. Now, please, just drop it.”


  “Haruko, leave her alone.” Dad tells her sternly.

  Mom sits back in her chair after grabbing her wine glass, “Fine. I’ll let it go. I just want to make sure my daughter is getting better and not worse. She does that, Toby. It’s part of her illness. She gets better, at least that’s what she says and then suddenly it’s back into the pit of unhappiness.”

  “Mother.” I snap.

  She looks unrepentant, “He should be aware of your warning signs, Shoshanna.”

  “I’m not a child. I don’t need you to interfere.”

  “Then stop acting like a child and I wouldn’t need to.”

  I flinch in my seat, as though she slapped me, “How am I acting like a child?”

  “Perhaps we should leave.
” Dad announces from beside me.

  “No,” I tell him while keeping my eyes on Mom, “Mom has something to say and I want to hear it.”

  “We have given you every advantage you could ask for, Shoshanna.” She says and I refrain from rolling my eyes. I’ve heard this so many times before. “We sat by and watched you destroy yourself and act selfishly, but did you ever think about us? Did you think about the grief we had? The pain? No. You thought only of yourself and your needs.”

  “And that makes me a child?”

  “Your unwillingness to be anything but selfish, makes you a child.”

  I’ve heard enough. Getting out of my chair I walk out of the dining room but she follows after me. I hear my dad calling her name, but she ignores him. I’m about to climb the staircase but she catches my arm before I can. I try to wrestle my arm from her, but she tightens her hold on me. I feel the familiar panic grip my heart at her touch.

  “Let me go,” I plead.

  Shh… just be quiet.

  I start pulling harder against her as the sickening voice whispers in my mind. No, no, no! Don’t touch me! Let me go!

  “No,” She hisses, “You want to be treated like an adult you’ll act like one and listen to me. I have put up with this for long enough. I have listened to doctors defend your behavior and damn me for it. I have paid for treatments that only made you worse, and listened to your unending tears of self-pity. It is time for you to grow up and face reality.”

  I pull on my wrist, again but she doesn’t let go. I feel tears wetting my cheeks and a wave of nausea hit me. She has to let me go. Please, I plead to her in my head, just let me go. I pull again but this time she pushes me against a wall, really trapping me as she continues to berate me.

  “I lost a child already. I will not lose another one, Shoshanna.”

  “Let me go!”


  I feel myself tremble and I try to say something else, anything really but my mouth is so dry. Not to mention that I can’t seem to get my thoughts straight. All I can hear is my mind yelling at me to run, but I can’t because I’m trapped. God, why can’t she just let me go?


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