“Please tell me you’re recording this,” said Reynolds.
“Oh yes, I wouldn’t miss this for anything,” stated Roger.
Adam carefully continued to explain; “They provoked the star Betelgeuse to Supernova. The shock wave from this Supernova has propelled thousands of their spacecraft through space toward earth. Each ship has large solar sails that tow them through space. Betelgeuse is approximately 640 light years away, and the aliens’ spacecraft are capable of reaching 90% of light speed by catching this shock wave. It will take over 700 years to reach our solar system.”
“700 years? Are you serious, we’ll all be dead and gone by then?” Jen said, trying to find a loophole in his story.
“You don’t understand the aliens have already made Betelgeuse Supernova, they did it 700 years ago. It’s a matter of time before we see it from Earth, and when we do, these aliens will already be stationed just outside of Pluto’s orbit, waking up from a long hibernation. From this position, they will attack earth by shooting a weapon into our atmosphere. This weapon will explode and the gas from it will incapacitate everyone on earth. When that happens they will arrive in thousands of scout ships and start to plunder Earth’s resources. We won’t have the wherewithal to defend ourselves; it will be like taking candy from a baby.” Adam stopped to let Jen absorb this information.
From the SUV down the street - “Oh my God, this guy must be nuts!” said one of the technicians. “Where did this guy get such a vivid imagination?”
Reynolds didn’t know what to think. He just said; “Please, let’s be professional about this. Keep your comments to yourself.”
He was more concerned about the unusual energy surges than a wild story about dooms-day prophesies.
Rubbing her forehead with her hand Jen said; “So if I understand you, some evening we will look up in the night sky and see that the head star of Orion’s Belt, Betelgeuse, Supernova right? It’ll look like Orion blew his mind.”
Adam hadn’t thought of it that way, but that was a good way to put it; “Yes, it probably will look like that, remember the device showed us what happened to Betelgeuse?”
Reynolds sat straight up; “Did you hear what he said about a device?” Everyone in the SUV acknowledged. “What did he mean about using a device?”
“Yes, I remember,” Jen took a deep breath and said, “but how do I know it’s not some sort of trick the Entities are trying to pull on us? They might be making this whole story up for their own benefit?”
Reynolds began to wonder whom these Entities and aliens were that they kept referring too.
“All I know is when the shock-wave reaches our Sun it will cause a sunspot that will continue to grow until it completely covers its surface; it’s as if the shock-wave is trying to blow out a candle, but in this case the candle is our Sun. The whole event will be similar to a solar eclipse but this solar eclipse will last for years, either way this solar eclipse will be devastating to life on Earth. When the aliens finish plundering Earth they’ll cause our Sun to supernova and obliterate our whole Solar System, only to ride that shock-wave to another Solar System, to rob resources from another world with no regard for the unsuspecting inhabitants that could live there.”
“Yes, I know, but you can’t blame me for having a hard time accepting this,” Jen had a sad look in her eyes; “you are talking about the complete annihilation of everyone and everything on earth.”
Adam looked down and sadly responded, “Yes, everyone will die, but the Entities have created a new Earth in a parallel universe with replacement bodies; these bodies are manufactured and will last virtually forever. Only the ones chosen will receive new bodies, you and I will receive new bodies. The rest of the energies will be stored in a highly advanced memory repository and used for research and development – no one will be forgotten.” As Adam tried to reassure Jen, he said, “I know this sounds crazy, but we don’t have any choice.”
Looking concerned, Jen said, “What do you mean we don’t have a choice? We must have a choice!”
“There’s no stopping these aliens, they are on their way to destroy us. The Entities are going to save us; they created a new Earth for us... that is our choice...” Adam convincingly said.
“I am so glad no one is listening to this conversation, they’ll have us locked up in the crazy-house for sure.” Jen said cynically.
Adam wasn’t sure if Jen was trying to be funny, but their conversation did sound crazy.
Everyone in the SUV started to chuckle, even Reynolds.
“And tell me again why do the Entities want to help us?”
Adam leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath before answering; “There are two reasons why they want to help us; the main reason is to help preserve humans. They see a very innocent species that are barely beginning their evolution. Most other species have evolved to the point where they do not remember what it was like to see everything in the universe like a child. They do not want humans to perish and never experience what the universe has to offer. They also want to destroy the aliens by making our Sun supernova before they have completed stealing our resources – they want to destroy and rid the universe of them once, and for all. These aliens have wiped out thousands of species for only one purpose: to steal their resources. They are the parasites of the universe.”
“Wow, okay! I have a question, then why do we all have to die in this process?” asked Jen with concern, “If these Entities are all that powerful then why can’t they just get rid of the aliens and leave us alone?”
Looking at Jen, Adam could tell she was struggling with what she had learned. After all, she did have a valid point, “For the Entities to blatantly destroy any living beings is against their nature as a peace loving species, but by prematurely invoking the Sun to explode, which was already going to Supernova from the shock blast from Betelgeuse, was acceptable,” said Adam.
Jen didn’t say anything more and just stared at Adam waiting for more of his explanation.
Adam continued, “The Entities explained that it is impossible for humans to travel to the parallel world with our physical bodies, the portal to this parallel world is extremely small. It is about the size of an atom. However, our energy, which contains no mass, is small enough to pass through the portal. When the time comes, they will open a space-time bridge to the parallel world and everyone’s energy will then cross over at the same time. The Entities will then close the space-time bridge forever. I am led to believe that this whole process will happen within seconds.” Adam looked at Jen after he finished.
With tears in her eyes Jen pleaded; “I don’t want to suffer, please tell me the Entities will not let us suffer through this process.”
Adam explained; “The Entities assured me that humans will not suffer through the process. It’ll be like closing your eyes and when you open them, we’ll be in our new home on our new Earth.”
Jen asked; “And when is this all supposed to happen?”
“The Entities said it will be in two weeks.”
Jen began to sob at the thought of knowing in two weeks everything they loved, will be destroyed.
“You and I are not the only ones selected for new bodies, there’ll be others, right?” asked Jen.
“They told me there were several million others selected.”
“And tell me again what happens to the others that are not selected?”
“Like I said, all their energies will be stored in a memory repository for future research and development for the expansion of humans and technology.”
Feeling as if time is running out, Jen said, “I’d like to see as many of my loved ones as possible before this happens.”
“Jen, under no circumstances can you talk to anyone about this, besides they would think you were going crazy if you did,” Adam looked concerned.
Visibly shaking, Jen said; “All this information has al
ready made me crazy; I wish you had never told me.” Jen started to sob.
Trying to comfort Jen, Adam responded; “I had no choice, once you saw the device the Entities gave me, I had to tell you everything.”
“Ok – I’d like to see and understand everything about these Entities.”
“Ok, let’s go to the living room and I’ll activate the device from there,” said Adam.
Reynolds sat straight up and adjusted in his seat, excited by this last statement. “Make sure you have your equipment on and ready to monitor their house.” He commanded.
Reynolds stared through his night-vision goggles at the suspect’s home and thought how he couldn’t wait to get his hands on the device; this was going to be huge....
Chapter – Eight
A dam and Jen got up from the kitchen table and walked into the living room. “You wait here; I’ll go get the device, I have it hidden in a safe place.”
As Adam left the living room, Jen sat down on a recliner. When Adam returned he carried with him a metal lock-box, carefully he placed it on the coffee table, and with a key, he unlocked it. Fearful he would drop the device and break it; he gingerly lifted the device from the box and placed it on the surface of the coffee table. Adam had the device wrapped in a hand towel for additional protection, he gingerly un-wrapped it as if it were a bomb and if he jarred it too hard it would explode. Finally revealing the device it had an eerie pale blue glow to it, similar to a watch face that glows in the dark. It resembled a small semi-transparent wafer measuring about 2 by 3 inches and about a ¼-inch thick.
Down the street in the black SUV Reynolds began fidgeting and then leaned back to look at Roger and Jim in the back seat “I don’t hear anyone talking, did we lose contact?” Roger quickly adjusted the audio sensitivity controls on his equipment and they faintly heard some movement in the house, but that was all.
Jim quickly responded; “The last thing I heard him say was for his wife to wait in the living room while he retrieved the device.”
Sullivan said; “I’m also curious about this device that he keeps talking about.”
Adam sat back on the couch and stared at the device on the coffee table; Jen spoke-up first and said, “I wonder what it’s made of?”
Mr. Reynolds started to get excited again when he heard Jen speak; “Shhh, they’re talking again.”
“I don’t know but it’s very powerful and when I hold it, it comes to life in the palm of my hand,” Adam said in awe. “Let’s turn the lights down for a better effect.”
Down the street in the black SUV Reynolds sternly said to Roger and Jim; “Be ready to monitor for any energy surges – I want to know immediately if your equipment senses anything.”
Roger and Jim exchanged a quick look at one another. They were starting to get a little annoyed with Reynolds and his constant demands.
Wondering aloud, Jen said; “So you pick the device up in your left hand and it comes to life and all we need to do is think of a question or something and it will create visual images and answer our questions instantly – right?”
Still staring at the device Adam said; “Yes!”
“Okay! Let’s find out more about these Entities, and who they really are. If they’re going to destroy our solar system, I want to know what kind of creatures we’re dealing with!” Jen was always more skeptical of what people told her than Adam. She hoped knowing exactly who and what these Entities truly were would give her a little peace of mind.
Adam picked up the device with his right hand, held out his left, and placed it in his palm. It immediately melted, covering his skin and formed into the shape of his left hand like a glove. In the center of the device, a small half dome of energy appeared and grew in size until it covered both Jen and himself. Immediately they heard a strange sound emanating deep in their ear, the sound was a low hiss. The sound you hear between radio stations on a stereo.
Down the street, Roger sitting in the back seat, jumped straight up; “I think we got something here!” The sensors on his equipment was lighting up like a Christmas tree!”
Watching Adam’s house through the night vision goggles, Reynolds noticed a strange glow coming from the windows; an excited feeling raced through him as he watched with great anticipation.
Scared Jen when the device came to life, the last time it gave her nightmares. Adam seemed a little more at ease with the device, but she could tell he was still nervous when it came to life.
He looked at Jen to see if she was ready, but what he saw was fear on her face. He thought, “Maybe I should wait until she became more comfortable with the energy dome,” but decided to proceed anyway.
Saying nothing else, Adam and Jen looked at each other. Their thoughts about wanting to know whom the Entities were, merged. Suddenly the transparent bubble that encased both of them like an igloo began to project holographic images. Jen thought it was an amazing device!
Roger screamed out, “WE GOT IT!” Jim had a satisfied look on his face as he said, “This is the place, the source of the energy surges!” Reynolds smiled with triumph as he watched the house. He squirmed in his seat and with a greedy look on his face, thought; “I want that device.”
In their living room, holographic images magically appeared before their eyes. They were so real and life-like that it was as if they physically merged with them and became part of the images. If it were a cold place, they would feel cold. If it were a sunny place, they would feel warm. They would feel a breeze and smell the air of the scenes they witnessed.
The device started from the beginning, showing them who the Entities were and how they evolved. The room was completely silent, what they heard was all in their minds and narrated in English, so they could understand. The images they viewed were breathtaking.
Reynolds contacted headquarters informing them the energy source had been located.
Adam and Jen continued to watch the magnificent images and listen to the narration from the device....
Chapter – Nine
T he device presented holographic images of an early primordial world the Entities evolved from, showing the different stages of evolution. Through this experience, Adam and Jen began to understand where the Entities came from and how they evolved into peace loving beings – as soon as either one of them thought of additional questions, the answers came immediately. As they watched in awe, the beautiful holographic images and narration continued....
The Entities began their existence as most biological entities begin life – as primordial sludge percolating up from ancient hot springs. These simple life forms coalesced into more advanced life forms.
After millions of years of evolution and numerous diebacks of living species on their planet, the Entities became the stronger and more advanced species. They had an unexpected jump in evolution from another dying race more advanced than their own. The advanced species also helped the Entities develop technologies and taught them about the mysteries of the Universe. This jump in knowledge occurred 1.8 million years ago and since that time the Entities have become the most powerful and advanced beings in the Universe.
In the beginning, their species consisted of several social cultures, each with completely opposing ideologies. They hated one another and there were devastating wars throughout the years. They eventually found that war was not the answer and began to work together for the betterment of their species. Eventually there was peace, and war became only a painful memory.
As they evolved, their social structure simply consisted of a leader and several sub-leaders responsible for different geographical areas on their planet. Each section was responsible for providing specific types of resources to all other sections. Each section had a population of approximately 300 million and their planet had 6 sections, a population of approximately 1.8 billion Entities, a rather small population compared to other races on other planets, however, their brilliance
and advanced technologies made up for their small population, in fact all other known races on other planets in the Galaxy paled in comparison.
There are about 20 other known inhabited planets within 600 light years of the Entities planet, each at different levels of advancement. The Entities maintain a peaceful relationship with all other advanced life forms and they are reluctant to provide advanced technology to other species. In the past, their gifts of advanced technology eventually destroyed those who were unable to handle it in a positive manner.
Adam paused the device and looked at Jen; “Are you doing okay?” She looked at him with an un-believing look in her eyes and nodded her head up and down. He activated the device again and started the holographic portrait of the Entities.
At the same time, Reynolds was in communication with his superiors. They were plotting a devious scheme to get the device from Adam.
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