Again, Adam and Jen are presented with breathtaking holographic images. With a wave of their hands, the images rotate so they can observe them at different angles.
They were awestruck by what they were seeing. The images were so vibrant and real...
The Entities have developed a brain that consists of essentially four smaller brains; each of the four sections has a capacity and processing power of about one-thousand human brains working at full capacity. Looking at their brain one would see a highly advanced collection of closely packed neuron cells fused together by superconducting helium plasma and excited by a neutrino power source the size of an atom that will last... forever.
This powerful brain has the ability to perform tasks that would seem anything short of a miracle to other less advanced species. However, the Entities accepted this as a normal part of their existence. With the aid of a plasmatic Orbotic robot the Entities invented, they are capably of completing any task with efficiency; there are no limitations to their mental abilities.
Their four brains connect to a host brain or a memory repository by super conscious telepathy. A memory repository is a collection of over a billion brain energies which, among millions of other feats, allow the Entities to instantaneously travel anywhere in the universe.
Their craniums that house this magnificent brain-cluster are a marvel of technology. They don’t have eyes, ears, a mouth or a nose, they are no longer needed, their sensory information is gathered with telepathic connections to sensors built into the surface of their head. The surfaces of their faces look like a smooth, highly polished Mylar finish, which display images of thought and calculations.
The Entities’ home planet is 1½ times larger than Earth. It is the second rocky planet that orbits their Sun. Because their planet is larger, it has a stronger gravitational pull than Earth. They replaced their original skeletal structure eons ago with a new framework developed by genetically fusing titanium and calcium atoms. This hybrid skeletal structure is tall and slender. The Entities are three feet taller than the average human being. The main purpose for their hybrid skeletal structure is to survive hyperspace jumping, time travel and inter-dimensional penetration. The forces are so great that a weak physical body would never survive.
A manufactured biological membrane that acts like muscles and ligaments shrink-wrap their skeletal structure. They wear a skintight tan color jump suit that’s impervious to radiation, fire and cold and is puncture proof. The jump suit possesses a special property, this engineered jump suit can generate energy and nourishment from the Sun, a process known to humans as photosynthesis – this process converts Sunlight into organic compounds and nutrients. They survive the same way a plant survives; they only need to consume H2O in small amounts...
Curious as to how Jen was coping, Adam looked through the holographic images at her. She looked amazed and a little shocked, but he could tell she was completely absorbed by what she was watching.
Adam continued to focus on the images himself. Occasionally he thought of additional questions and he waved his hand to get a different perspective of these incredible images...
Their solar system has two Suns; the main Sun is about 1.5 times larger than Earth’s Sun, the second Sun is 2/3 smaller. Both their planet and second Sun orbit the main Sun. The second Sun orbits the main Sun at a distance equivalent to Saturn’s orbit in Earth’s solar system.
During certain orbital periods, their companion Sun aligns directly behind their planet, opposite their Sun, making the evening sky illuminate with sunlight. Although the smaller Sun gives off much less light and heat, it still makes their planet very warm. To keep cool from the heat and constant sunlight, the Entities built and migrated to underground dwellings.
When the companion Sun’s orbit is positioned on the far side of the main Sun the Entities enjoy the cool dark periods of night. Their planet is very common; there are many other binary solar systems with two Suns.
The fact is, Jupiter in Earth’s solar system was supposed to ignite and illuminate like a Sun, but it lacked enough mass to do so, otherwise Earth’s solar system would contain two Suns.
With two Suns the Entities planet and moons are constantly bombarded with solar winds rich in Helium-3, the perfect free source of high energy non-polluting fuel; the main element for powering their advanced technologies.
Weather on their planet is very arid with less than 01-glips of rainfall per solar cycle, or in human terms less than 10 inches of rain per year. Vegetation is sparse around the equator but denser closer to the poles. The poles have ice caps but they are always melting from the constant heat from two Suns, and since the planet does not have a tilt, the temperatures do not fluctuate.
Their planet had other life forms that roamed the surface, flew in its sky or swam in their shallow seas, however, lower life forms did not adapt well and these life forms have now become extinct. This does not concern the Entities, their advanced technology with genetic cloning has given them the ability to re-create any past life form that became extinct; in fact they are capable of re-creating every living creature, plant life, or any historical event from the beginning of their time. They accomplish this by manipulating atoms combined with scalar elementary particles to create matter; in essence creating matter from nothing.
Utilizing this same technology and linking to the memory repository the Entities have created a device so advanced that it is capable of reproducing and projecting images of anything you think of. It resembles a piece of glass and measures about 2 by 3 inches by ¼ inch thick and glows with a bluish tint, it activates when held in the hand. It is capable of reading your thoughts and creates holographic images projected right before you.
This device has a name that is not translatable into human words...
BANG! Without warning, Adam and Jen heard a loud noise that made both of them jump with fear, the noise didn’t emanate from the holographic images. This interruption disrupted their thought process causing the device to stop. Shocked and confused, Adam looked around wondering where the noise came from, then there was another loud BANG and suddenly the front door broke open. This unexpected interruption scared the hell out of both of them. Jen started screaming at the top of her lungs as she got up and ran to the back bedroom to hide. Adam sat there stunned trying to understand what was happening; he watched several men dressed in black clothes wearing ski masks rush into the house. Several of them grabbed Jen and put a hood over her head and then zip-tied her hands behind her back as she struggled to get free. All this happened so fast that Adam finally jumped up and ran to help her. “What the hell are you doing?” At the same time, he observed one the intruders inject Jen in her arm with a syringe, and then watched her body go limp, still trying to make sense of what was going on, someone slipped a hood over his head. He struggled to get away when someone grabbed his arms and zip-tied his hands behind his back so that he was unable to protect himself. As he struggled to get away, he kept asking, “What the hell is going-on?” then he felt the sting of a syringe prick his arm and within a split second, he blacked out....
The agent in charge of breaking into the house immediately called Reynolds, “The residence is now secured.”
“Affirmative!” he responded, then turned to Sullivan and said, “Let’s go!”
Sullivan stepped on the gas and raced down the street, then abruptly stopped in front of Adam’s and Jen’s home.
As all the agents climbed out of the SUV and started walking up to the house, Reynolds noticed both Adam and Jen being carried over the shoulders of two agents, and placed in the back of another vehicle. One of the agents in charge of the entry operation approached Reynolds and gave him status of the situation; “Both occupants were apprehended and rendered incapacitated each with an injection of M-19a; there are no other occupants within the premises sir!”
“Good work! Was there any struggle?” asked Reynolds.
The ag
ent responded, “The female started to scream but we silenced her quickly; the suspect also struggled but he was subdued immediately.”
M-19a is a quick acting sedative that immediately incapacitates its victims – the victims stay unconscious until they are given M-19b to wake them up.
“Where is the device?” asked Reynolds.
The agent responded, “It is lying on the floor in the living room where Adam dropped it when we broke in.”
“Ok let’s clean this up quickly,” commanded Reynolds. “The neighbors are going to start wondering what the hell is going on.”
All the agents in charge of the initial entry climbed into the SUV with the limp bodies of Adam and Jen and sped away.
Reynolds and his crew entered the premises to retrieve the device. Looking around they could not initially locate it, then Roger finally said; “I found it! It’s here under the couch.”
“Do not touch it!” Reynolds demanded. Carefully the agents moved the couch back to reveal the device. “There it is!” Reynolds said excitedly.
They all stood around staring at the small object. Finally, Jim said with disappointment, “That’s it? Doesn’t look like much.”
Reynolds looked at Jim and said; “This device is not from this world.” They all slowly turned and looked at it with more interest, and then Roger asked, “What world did it come from?” “Not sure, but I will definitely find out soon enough,” said Reynolds.
Before placing the device in a secured box, Reynolds kneeled to take a closer look at it.
With a video camera Roger recorded Reynolds as he described the device, “The device appears to be approximately 2 inches by 3 inches and about a ¼ inch thick – it is slightly transparent with a bluish glow – there are no sounds coming from it, and according to our sensors there’s no sign of radiation emanating from it either. The temperature is on the cool side – approximately 72 degrees. I have the lead-lined box open and ready to put the device in it, but first I am putting on protective gloves to handle the device.” After putting on the gloves, Reynolds reached for the device and gingerly picked it up. “The device hardly weighs anything but seems solid – I am placing the device in the box now and closing the lid – now the lid is locked.” Reynolds pulled off the gloves and placed them in a biohazard bag, he then said; “Let’s do a quick search of the premises and if you see anything that might be important, place it in this bag – I’m ready to get the hell out of here!”
Chapter – Ten
A t a secret government facility three floors underground, agent Reynolds entered one of several interrogation rooms. Sitting in a chair bolted to the floor with both his arms restrained sat Adam. He still had a hood over his head and was unconscious. The interrogation room measured approximately ten by fifteen feet. There was a small table in the center with chairs on either side. At one end of the room was a door with a small window and on the other ends a one-way mirror. In each of the upper corners of the room were cameras.
Reynolds sat in a chair on the other side of the table from Adam; he looked up at the other agent in the room and nodded, giving the okay to revive Adam from his slumber. He was still unconscious from the injection of M-19a. The agent gave Adam an injection in his upper right arm of M-19b, the antidote injection for M-19a that immediately reverses the effects. Slowly Adam started to move his head back and forth as he became conscious, but before they removed the hood from Adam’s head they waited until he seemed completely revived.
Suddenly awake, Adam started to struggle to get loose from his restraints. Dazed and confused, he finally spoke up, “Where am I? What the hell is going on?”
“Adam, I am special agent Reynolds, before I remove the hood from your head, I’d like you to calm down, can you promise me that?”
Adam was tense and breathing very rapidly but after a couple of seconds, he calmed down a bit and took a deep breath; “Ok, I promise to calm down, please take this hood off my head.” Without saying anything, Reynolds looked at the agent in the room and nodded. The agent carefully removed the hood.
Caught off guard by the sudden brightness he quickly put his head down and closed his eyes. As his vision slowly acclimated to the light, he tried to focus on the person talking to him. However, everything was still blurry. After a couple of seconds, he was finally able to focus and sitting in front of him was a man he had never seen before in his life. Slowly Adam looked around and saw another man standing nearby.
“Where’s my wife?” Adam demanded.
“Your wife is fine, she is resting down the hall; we’ll let you see her soon.” Then Reynolds asked, “Are you thirsty, can we get you some water?” Adam’s mouth was dry and he could hardly swallow, “Yes, I’d like some.”
Reynolds looked at the agent, and nodded. The agent left the room but quickly returned with a bottle of water. Reynolds knew that an injection of M-19a could make a person very dehydrated.
“Adam we are going to remove one of your restraints so you can drink your water.” Reynolds looked at the agent and nodded; the agent removed one of the restraints and Adam picked up the bottle of water and gulped it down. Finally, regaining his senses, Adam asked; “Where’s my device? That belongs to me and I want it back.”
Reynolds smiled; “Yes, that is something I’d like to talk to you about, that device, where did you get it?” Carefully thinking of what to say, Adam repeated: “That device is mine and I want it back!”
Reynolds stopped smiling, “I have all the time in the world Adam. I’d like for you to tell me where did you get that device?”
“If I tell you will you please let me see Jen?” begged Adam.
Reynolds quickly said, “Absolutely Adam!”
Still not convinced telling the truth would help, Adam replied, “I bought it at a flea market from a guy who said he was from New Jersey.” Reynolds stared at Adam, not amused by his answer. He stood up made a fist and slammed it on the table, this made Adam jump; and then he said in a low threatening tone; “I have all the time in the world for this, it’s your call.” Then Reynolds and the agent left the room leaving Adam alone.
Adam thought about that statement, “...all the time in the world...” and shook his head. Sorry Mr. Reynolds, whoever you are, he thought, no one has all the time in the world, not you, not me, no one. He carefully looked around, seeing where he was, and thought, “Maybe there’s a way to slip out of here,” but it was obvious there wasn’t. He sneered at the one-way mirror hoping Reynolds was watching him.
Adam thought about how Reynolds and his agents broke into his house, kidnapped him and Jen and took the device. He thought, “I wish the Entities would show up and help me out of this situation.” If he had his device maybe he could use it to get Jen and himself out of this mess. He wondered how Reynolds found out about the device because he knew Jen wouldn’t have told anyone. So maybe the device emitted a lot of energy and they detected it? He would probably never know.
A long time passed and Adam started to get restless, he began yelling out; “Hey Reynolds, I need to use the restroom. Can you hear me?” The door suddenly opened and an agent came in without saying anything. He removed the only restraint that was holding Adam to the chair and then escorted him through the door where immediately to the left there was a bathroom. When Adam finished the agent returned him and restrained his wrist to the chair, then left the room.
Before the Entities destroy the solar system, Adam was planning to spend his remaining time with Jen, close friends and family. However, Reynolds interfered with that plan. If he told Reynolds everything, maybe, he would let them go. He could have the device, it just wouldn’t activate for him. However, Adam knew better. Reynolds would want to activate it too. He wondered what the government would do with the device; maybe it didn’t matter since the world was going to end in a cataclysmic explosion.
After what seemed to be several hours, Adam began to grow tired of th
is waiting game and yelled out again, “Hey Reynolds, I’m ready to talk; I’ll tell you everything you want to know!”
Adam wondered what was taking this guy so long to come back. He wanted to take Jen home and forget all about this place. Abruptly the door opened and Reynolds with his military goon walked in. Adam immediately said, “Ok, I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”
Without saying anything, Reynolds sat down and opened a folder with what looked like some formal documents and what appeared to be Adam’s picture attached to one of them. There were also notes written on a note pad and he seemed to be reviewing them. After several minutes, he stopped and closed the folder then looked up and said; “Ok, so you’re ready to tell me everything?” Curious as to what he was reading Adam asked; “So what do you have written about me in your notes?”
“While I was away I had the opportunity to interrogate your wife Jen. She told me a very interesting story.” Reynolds had a smirk on his face as if he was laughing inside. “Actually Adam, I am not interested in your dooms-day prophesies and what you think is going to happen to Earth, I am more interested in that device.” Reynolds was smiling, “Jen told me some aliens appeared in your dreams and gave it to you, but whether it was in your dreams or not, I really don’t care.”
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